
PWI Yılın En Sevilmeyen Güreşçisi

Bu madde veya bölüm Pro Wrestling Illustrated ödülleri listesi maddesine çok benzemektedir ve bu iki maddenin tek başlık altında birleştirilmesi önerilmektedir. Birleştirme işlemi yapıldıktan sonra sayfaya {{Geçmiş birleştir}} şablonunu ekleyiniz.

PWI Most Hated Wrestler of the Year Award, 1972 yılından beri profesyonel güreş dergisi Pro Wrestling Illustrated tarafından verilmektedir.

Ödülü kazananlar ve kazanmaya yaklaşanlar

Yıl Kazanan İkinci Üçüncü Dördüncü
1972 The Sheik
1973 "Superstar" Billy Graham
1974 The Great Mephisto
1975 Greg Valentine
1976 Stan Hansen Ox Baker Terry Funk The Spoiler
1977 Ken Patera Ric Flair Superstar Billy Graham Nick Bockwinkel
1978 Ric Flair Ken Patera Victor Rivera Bob Orton, Jr.
1979 Greg Valentine Terry Funk Ken Patera Ivan Koloff
1980 Larry Zbyszko Greg Valentine Ernie Ladd Hulk Hogan
1981 Ken Patera Don Muraco Nick Bockwinkel Roddy Piper
1982 Ted DiBiase Blackjack Mulligan Superstar Billy Graham Buzz Sawyer
1983 Greg Valentine Masked Superstar Kevin Sullivan Michael Hayes
1984 Roddy Piper Kevin Sullivan Tully Blanchard The Iron Sheik
1985 Roddy Piper Chris Adams Ted DiBiase Big John Studd
1986 Paul Orndorff Ric Flair Col. DeBeers Rick Rude
1987 Ric Flair André the Giant The Honky Tonk Man Lex Luger
1988 André the Giant Barry Windham Eddie Gilbert Ted DiBiase
1989 Randy Savage Terry Funk Rick Rude Lex Luger
1990 Earthquake Ric Flair Rick Rude Eddie Gilbert
1991 Sgt. Slaughter The Undertaker Lex Luger Jake Roberts
1992 Rick Rude Ric Flair Jake Roberts The Moondogs
1993 Jerry Lawler Big Van Vader Yokozuna Shawn Michaels
1994 Bob Backlund Owen Hart Big Van Vader Jerry Lawler
1995 Jerry Lawler Kevin Sullivan The Gangstas Davey Boy Smith
1996 Hollywood Hogan Goldust Jerry Lawler The Giant
1997 Bret Hart Hollywood Hogan Owen Hart Curt Hennig
1998 Hollywood Hogan Vince McMahon Eric Bischoff Bret Hart
1999 Diamond Dallas Page Triple H The Undertaker The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley)
2000 Kurt Angle Triple H Steven Richards Jeff Jarrett
2001 Steve Austin Booker T Kurt Angle Shane McMahon
2002 Chris Jericho The Un-Americans (Christian, Lance Storm, and Test) Kurt Angle Triple H
2003 Triple H Kane Vince McMahon Test
2004 Triple H John "Bradshaw" Layfield Kurt Angle Jeff Jarrett
2005 Triple H Edge Jeff Jarrett Muhammad Hassan
2006 Edge Jeff Jarrett Randy Orton King Booker
2007 Randy Orton Kurt Angle The Great Khali Robert Roode
2008 Chris Jericho Edge Randy Orton Kurt Angle
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