Amerikan istisnacılığı

Amerikan istisnacılığı birbiri ile ilintili üç düşünceden biridir. Birincisi Amerika Birleşik Devletleri tarihi doğal olarak diğer milletlerinkinden farklıdır.[2] Bu bakış açısında, Amerikan istisnacılığı Amerikan Devriminden köken almaktadır, bu şekilde siyasal bilimci Seymour Martin Lipset'in "ilk yeni millet"[3] olarak adlandırdığı oluşuma yol açmış ve özgürlük, siyasal ve sosyal eşitlik, bireycilik, cumhuriyetçilik, demokrasi ve serbest girişimcilik değerleri üzerinde Amerikanizm adıyla, özgün bir Amerikan ideolojisi gelişmiştir.[4] İkinci düşünce ABD'nin dünyayı dönüştürmek için benzersiz bir misyonu olduğudur. Abraham Lincoln'un Gettysburg konuşmasında(1863) ifade ettiği gibi, Amerikalılar "Tanrı'nın şahitliğindeki bu ülkenin yeni bir özgürlük doğuşu yaşamasını sağlayalım ve halkın, halk tarafından halk için yönetimi olduğu bu devlet yeryüzünden silinmesin." ifadesini gerçekleştirmekle görevlendirilmişlerdir. Üçüncü düşünceye göre tarihi ve misyonu Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ne diğer uluslara göre bir üstünlük sunmaktadır.
- ↑ Winfried Fluck; Donald E. Pease; John Carlos Rowe (2011). Re-framing the Transnational Turn in American Studies. University Press of New England. s. 207.
- ↑ American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword. Seymour Martin Lipset. New York, N.Y.: W.W. Norton & Co., Inc. 1996. p. 18. .
- ↑ Seymour Martin Lipset, The first new nation (1963).
- ↑ Lipset, American Exceptionalism, pp. 1, 17–19, 165–74, 197
- Bacevich, Andrew (2008). The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism. Metropolitan Books. ISBN 0-8050-8815-6.
- Bender, Thomas (2006). A Nation Among Nations: America's Place in World History. Hill & Wang. ISBN 0-8090-9527-0.
- Cheney, Dick and Liz Cheney (2015). Exceptional: Why the World Needs a Powerful America. Threshold Editions. ISBN 978-1-5011-1541-7.
- Dollinger, Marc. "American Jewish Liberalism Revisited: Two Perspectives Exceptionalism and Jewish Liberalism". American Jewish History (2002) 90#2 pp 161+. online at Questia
- Dworkin, Ronald W. (1996). The Rise of the Imperial Self. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. ISBN 0-8476-8219-6.
- Hilfrich, Fabian (2012). Debating American Exceptionalism: Empire and Democracy in the Wake of the Spanish-American War. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-39289-2.
- Hodgson, Godfrey (2009). The Myth of American Exceptionalism. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-12570-2.
- Hughes, David. "Unmaking an exception: A critical genealogy of US exceptionalism." Review of International Studies (2015) 41#3 pp 527–551
- Madsen, Deborah L. (1998). American Exceptionalism. University Press of Mississippi. ISBN 1-57806-108-3.
- Glickstein, Jonathan A. American Exceptionalism, American Anxiety: Wages, Competition, and Degraded Labor In The Antebellum United States (2002)
- Ferrie, Joseph P. The End of American Exceptionalism: Mobility in the US Since 1850, Journal of Economic Perspectives (Summer, 2005)
- Hellerman, Steven L. and Andrei S. Markovits (2001). Offside: Soccer and American Exceptionalism. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-07447-X. online version
- Ignatieff, Michael ed. (2005). American Exceptionalism and Human Rights. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-11647-4.
- Kagan, Robert (2003). Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order. Knopf. ISBN 1-4000-4093-0.
- Kammen, Michael. "The problem of American exceptionalism: A reconsideration." American Quarterly (1993) 45#1 pp. 1–43. online
- Koh, Harold Hongju. "On American Exceptionalism" 55 Stan. L. Rev. 1479 (2003) online
- Krugman, Paul (2007). The Conscience of a Liberal. W. W. Norton. ISBN 0-393-06069-1.
- LeBlanc, Paul and Tim Davenport (eds.), The "American Exceptionalism" of Jay Lovestone and His Comrades, 1929–1940: Dissident Marxism in the United States, Volume 1. Leiden, NL: Brill, 2015.
- Lipset, Seymour Martin (1997). American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 0-393-31614-9.
- Lipset, Seymour Martin. The First New Nation. Basic Books, 1955.
- Lipset, Seymour Martin. "Still the Exceptional Nation?" The Wilson Quarterly. 24#1 (2000) pp. 31+ online version
- Lloyd, Brian. Left Out: Pragmatism, Exceptionalism, and the Poverty of American Marxism, 1890–1922. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
- Noble, David (2002). Death of a Nation: American Culture and the End of Exceptionalism. University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 978-0-8166-4080-5.
- Restad, Hilde Eliassen, "Old Paradigms in History Die Hard in Political Science: U.S. Foreign Policy and American Exceptionalism", American Political Thought (Notre Dame), (Spring 2012), 1#1 pp53–76.
- Ross, Dorothy. Origins of American Social Science. Cambridge University Press, 1991.
- Ross, Dorothy. "American Exceptionalism" in A Companion to American Thought. Richard W. Fox and James T. Kloppenberg, eds. London: Blackwell Publishers Inc., 1995: 22–23.
- Schuck, Peter H., Wilson, James Q., Eds. Understanding America: The Anatomy of an Exceptional Nation, 704 pp, 2008, ISBN 978-1-58648-561-0
- Shafer, Byron E., ed. Is America Different?: A New Look at American Exceptionalism (1991) endorses exceptionalism
- Soderlind, Sylvia, and James Taylor Carson, eds. American Exceptionalisms: From Winthrop to Winfrey (State University of New York Press; 2012) 268 pages; essays on the rhetoric of exceptionalism in American history, from John Winthrop's "city upon a hill" to the "war on terror".
- Swirski, Peter. American Utopia and Social Engineering in Literature, Social Thought, and Political History. New York, Routledge (2011)
- Tilman, Rick. "Thorstein Veblen's Views on American 'Exceptionalism': An Interpretation". Journal of Economic Issues. 39#1 2005. pp. 177+. online version
- Tomes, Robert. "American Exceptionalism in the Twenty-First Century". "Survival." 56#1. pp. 26–50.
- Turner, Frederick Jackson Richard W. Etulain ed. (1999). The Significance of the Frontier in American History, in Does The Frontier Experience Make America Exceptional?.
- Tyrrell, Ian. "American Exceptionalism in an Age of International History", American Historical Review Vol. 96, No. 4 (Oct., 1991), pp. 1031–55 in JSTOR
- Voss, Kim. The Making of American Exceptionalism: The Knights of Labor and Class Formation in the Nineteenth Century (1993) online version
- Wilentz, Sean. Against Exceptionalism: Class Consciousness and the American Labor Movement, 1790–1820, 26 Int'l Lab. & Working Class History 1 (1984)
- Wrobel, David M. (1996). The End Of American Exceptionalism: Frontier Anxiety From The Old West To The New Deal. University Press of Kansas. ISBN 0-7006-0561-4.
Temel kaynaklar
- Roberts, Timothy, and Lindsay DiCuirci. (Eds). American Exceptionalism. Volumes 1-4. London: Pickering & Chatto Publishers, 2012, 1552 p. A compilation of the primary sources on the subject of American exceptionalism, including pamphlets, sermons, newspaper and magazine articles from colonial period to 1900.
Dış bağlantılar
- How the World Sees America—Washington Post Feature
- "The American Creed: Does It Matter? Should It Change?"
- Obama and American exceptionalism – Glenn Greenwald,
- Obama and the Burden of Exceptionalism – Shelby Steele,
- The right to be different Debate between Grover Norquist and Will Hutton
- Booknotes interview with Seymour Martin Lipset on American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword, June 23, 1996.
- American Exceptionalism, American Freedom, by Eric Foner (The Montreal Review, January, 2013)
- American Exceptionalism