Yunanistan Deniz Kuvvetleri savaş gemileri listesi

"Μέγα το της θαλάσσης κράτος"
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Yunanistan Deniz Kuvvetleri 'nde hizmet etmiş veya hizmet etmekte olan gemiler ve tekneler:
Hizmet etmekte olanlar

- 8 × Kortenaer sınıfı (Standard sınıfı)
- HS Adrias (F 459) Φ/Γ Αδρίας. eski Hollanda Deniz Kuvvetleri HNLMS Callenburgh, F-808
- HS Aigaion (F 460) Φ/Γ Αιγαίον. eski Hollanda Deniz Kuvvetleri HNLMS Banckert, F-810
- HS Navarinon (F 461) Φ/Γ Ναυαρίνον. eski Hollanda Deniz Kuvvetleri HNLMS Van Kinsbergen, F-809
- HS Kountouriotis (F 462) Φ/Γ Κουντουριώτης. eski Hollanda Deniz Kuvvetleri HNLMS Kortenaer, F-807
- HS Bouboulina (F 463) Φ/Γ Μπουμπουλίνα. eski Hollanda Deniz Kuvvetleri HNLMS Pieter Florisz, eski HNLMS Willem van der Zaan, F-826
- HS Kanaris (F 464) Φ/Γ Κανάρης. eski Hollanda Deniz Kuvvetleri Jan van Brakel, F-825
- HS Themistokles (F 465) Φ/Γ Θεμιστοκλής. eski Hollanda Deniz Kuvvetleri Philips van Almonde, F-823
- HS Nikiforos Fokas (F 466) Φ/Γ Νικηφόρος Φωκάς. eski Hollanda Deniz Kuvvetleri Bloys van Treslong, F-824
- Şu an 6 Standard sınıfı fırkateyn Hellenic Shipyards'da modernize edilmektedir.
- 2 x Elli sınıfı (Standard sınıfı)[1]
- Elli (F 450) Φ/Γ 'Ελλη
- Limnos (F 451) Φ/Γ Λήμνος
- 4 × Hydra sınıfı (MEKO-200 HN)
- HS Hydra (F 452) Φ/Γ Ύδρα
- HS Spetsai (F 453) Φ/Γ Σπέτσαι
- HS Psara (F 454) Φ/Γ Ψαρά
- HS Salamis (F 455) Φ/Γ Σαλαμίς
- 6 × La Combattante IIA. eski German Navy Class 148.
- Botsis (P 72) ΤΠΚ Βότσης.
- Pezopoulos (P 73) ΤΠΚ Πεζόπουλος.
- Blachavas (P 74) ΤΠΚ Βλαχάβας. eski Marder, P-6144
- Maridakis (P 75) ΤΠΚ Μαριδάκης. eski Haher, P-6151
- Tournas (P 76) ΤΠΚ Τουρνάς. eski Leopart, P-6145
- Sakipis (P 77) ΤΠΚ Σακίπης. eski Jaguar, P-6147
- 5 × La Combattante IIIb
- Kavaloudis (P 24) ΤΠΚ Καβαλούδης
- Degiannis (P 26) ΤΠΚ Ντεγιάννης
- Xenos (P 27) ΤΠΚ Ξένος
- Simitzopoulos (P 28) ΤΠΚ Σιμιτζόπουλος
- Starakis (P 29) ΤΠΚ Σταράκης
- 4 × La Combattante III
- Laskos (P 20) ΤΠΚ Λάσκος
- Blessas (P 21) ΤΠΚ Μπλέσσας
- Mykonios (P 22) ΤΠΚ Μυκόνιος
- Troupakis (P 23) ΤΠΚ Τρουπάκης
- 5 × Roussen (Super-Vita) sınıfı
- Roussen (P67) ΤΠΚ Ρουσσέν
- Daniolos (P68) ΤΠΚ Δανιόλος
- Krystallides (P69) ΤΠΚ Κρυσταλλίδης
- Gregoropoulos (P70) ΤΠΚ Γρηγορόπουλος (delivery 11/2009)
- Ritsos (P71) ΤΠΚ Ριτσος (delivery 02/2010)
- 4 × Glafkos sınıfı (Tip 209 (1100) - Neptune I güncelleşme)
- Glafkos (S-110) Υ/Β Γλαύκος
- Nirefs (S-111) Υ/Β Νηρεύς
- Triton (S-112) Υ/Β Τρίτων
- Protefs (S-113) Υ/Β Πρωτεύς
- 4 × Poseidon sınıfı (Tip 209 (1200) - Neptune II güncelleşme)
- Poseidon (S-116) Υ/Β Ποσειδών
- Amphitriti (S-117) Υ/Β Αμφιτρίτη
- Okeanos (S-118) Υ/Β Ωκεανός
- Pontos (S-119) Υ/Β Πόντος
- 1 × Papanikolis sınıfı (Tip 214)
- Papanikolis (S-120) Υ/Β Παπανικολής
- 3 denizaltı Hellenic Shipyards'da inşa edilmektedir. (süresiz erteleme)
- Pipinos (S-121) Υ/Β Πιπίνος
- Matrozos (S-122) Υ/Β Ματρώζος
- Katsonis (S-123) Υ/Β Κατσώνης
- Papanikolis (S-120) Υ/Β Παπανικολής
Çıkarma gemileri
- 5 × Jason sınıfı
- Chios (L 173) Α/Γ Χίος
- Samos (L 174) Α/Γ Σάμος
- Ikaria (L 175) Α/Γ Ικαρία
- Lesbos (L 176) Α/Γ Λέσβος
- Rodos (L 177) Α/Γ Ρόδος
- 4 × Barbe sınıfı (LCU 250 sınıfı)
- LSH Ios (L-167) Α/Β 'Ιος
- LSH Paros (L-179) Α/Β Πάρος
- LSH Sikinos (L-168) Α/Β Σίκινος
- LSH Pholegandros (L-170) Α/Β Φολέγανδρος
- 4 × LCAC Zubr/Pomornik (LCAC)
- Kephallinia (L180) ΠΤΜ Κεφαλληνία
- Ithaki (L181) ΠΤΜ Ιθάκη
- Kerkyra (L182) ΠΤΜ Κέρκυρα
- Zakynthos (L183) ΠΤΜ Ζάκυνθος

- 3 × Thertis sınıfı. Alman 420 sınıfı denizaltı avcı gemileri. (U-Jagdboote).
- FS/PG Νiki (P 62) Κ/Φ Νίκη. eski Thetis, P-6052.
- FS/PG Doxa (P 63) Κ/Φ Δόξα. eski Najade, P-6054.
- FS/PG Eleftheria (P 64) Κ/Φ Ελευθερία. eski Triton, P-6055.
- 2 × Osprey 55 sınıfı
- PG Armatolos (P 18) Κ/Φ Αρματωλός
- PG Navmachos (P 19) Κ/Φ Ναυμαχός
- 2 x Osprey HSY-55 sınıfı
- PG Kasos (P 57) Κ/Φ Κάσος
- PG Polemistis (P 61) Κ/Φ Πολεμιστής
- 4 × Osprey HSY-56A sınıfı
- PG Machitis (P 266) Κ/Φ Μαχητής
- PG Nikiphoros (P 267) Κ/Φ Νικηφόρος
- PG Aittitos (P 268) Κ/Φ Αήττητος
- PG Krataios (P 269) Κ/Φ Κραταιός
- 2 × Asheville sınıfı
- PC/PG Tolmi (P 229) Κ/Φ Τόλμη
- PC/PG Ormi (P 230) Κ/Φ Ορμή
Mayın harp gemileri
- 6 × MSC-294 sınıfı)
- MSC Alkyon (M 211) Ν/Α Αλκυών. eski USN USS MSC-319
- MSC Avra (M 214) Ν/Α Αύρα. eski USN USS MSC-318
- MSC Aidon (M 240) Ν/Α Αηδών. eski USN
- MSC Kichli (M 241) Ν/Α Κίχλη. eski USN
- MSC Kissa (M 242) Ν/Α Κίσσα. eski USN
- MSC Pleias (M 248) Ν/Α Πλειάς. eski USN USS MSC-314
- 2 × Hunt sınıfı mine countermeasure vessels
- MCMV Evropi (M 62) Ν/ΘΗ Ευρώπη. eski RN HMS Bicester, M 36
- MCMV Kallisto (M 63) Ν/ΘΗ Καλλιστώ. eski RN HMS Berkeley, M 40
- 2 × Osprey sınıfı
- MSC Evniki (M 61) Ν/Α Ευνίκη. eski USN USS Pelican, MHC-53
- MSC Calypso (M 64) Ν/Α Καλυψώ. eski USN USS Heron, MHC-52.
Sahil karakol tekneleri
- 4 × Nasty sınıfı sahil karakol teknesi (eski Torpido botu)
- CP Andromeda (P-196, eski P-21) ΠΠ Ανδρομέδα
- CP Kyknos (P-198, eski P-24) ΠΠ Κύκνος
- CP Pegasus (P-199, eski P-25) ΠΠ Πήγασος
- CP Toxotis (P-228, eski P-26) ΠΠ Τοξότης
- 2 x Esterel sınıfı sahil karakol teknesi
- CP Diopos Antoniou (Ρ-286) ΠΠ Κ/Β Δίοπος Αντωνίου
- CP Kelefstis Stamou (Ρ-287) ΠΠ Κ/Β Κελευστής Στάμου
Akaryakıt tankerleri ve filo ikmal gemileri

- 1 × Etna sınıfı
- Promithefs (A 374) ΠΓΥ Προμηθεύς
- 2 × Luneburg (Alman 701C sınıfı), Multirole ikmal gemisi
- Axios (A 464) Π/Φ Αξιός
- Aliakmon (A 470) Π/Φ Αλιάκμων
- 4 × Petrol tankeri
- Zefs (A 375) Π/Φ Ζεύς
- Ouranos (A 416) Π/Φ Ουρανός
- OT Hyperion (A 417) Π/Φ Υπερίων
- OT Orion (A 376) Π/Φ Ωρίων
- 1 × Mühimmat ulaşım gemisi
- Evros (A 415) ΜΠ Έβρος. eski Alman Scwarzwald, originally a french-built freighter.
Personel ulaşım gemileri

- 2 × Personel ulaşım gemisi
- Pandora (A-419) ΠΜΠ Πανδώρα
- Pandrosos (A-420) ΠΜΠ Πάνδροσος
- 2 x eski LCU
- Naxos (L-178) ΠΜΠ Νάξος
- Seriphos (L-195) ΠΜΠ Σέριφος
Hidrografik araştırma gemileri
- MRV Naftilos (A-478) Υ/Γ-Ω/Κ Ναυτίλος
- OCV Pytheas (A-474) Υ/Γ-Ω/Κ Πυθέας
- OCV Strabon (A-476) Υ/Γ-Ω/Κ Στράβων
- OCV Akatos 14 (AΚ-14) Υ/Γ-Ω/Κ Άκατος 14

The Hellenic Navy operates a mixed fleet of tugboats based at the two major naval docks of Salamis and Souda Bay. The list includes both open sea and harbour tugboats.
- T/B Aias (A-412) Ρ/Κ Αίας
- T/B Gigas (A-432) Ρ/Κ Γίγας
- T/B Danaos (A-427) Ρ/Κ Δαναός
- T/B Iason (A-424) Ρ/Κ Ιάσων
- T/B Minos (A-436) Ρ/Κ Μίνως
- T/B Nestor (A-421) Ρ/Κ Νέστωρ
- T/B Pelias (A-437) Ρ/Κ Πελίας
- T/B Persefs (A-429) Ρ/Κ Περσεύς
- T/B Adamastos (A-411) Ρ/Κ Αδάμαστος
- T/B Aigefs (A-438) Ρ/Κ Αιγεύς
- T/B Atrefs (A-439) Ρ/Κ Ατρεύς
- T/B Atromitos (A-410) Ρ/Κ Ατρόμητος
- T/B Achillefs (A-409) Ρ/Κ Αχιλλεύς
- T/B Diomidis (A-440) Ρ/Κ Διομήδης
- T/B Iraklis (A-423) Ρ/Κ Ηρακλής
- T/B Odyssefs (A-425) Ρ/Κ Οδυσσεύς
- T/B Pilefs (A-413) Ρ/Κ Πηλεύς
- T/B Romaleos (A-442) Ρ/Κ Ρωμαλέος
- T/B Thisefs (A-441) Ρ/Κ Θησεύς
Eğitim gemileri
- MSC Aigli (M-246) Ν/Α Αίγλη. eski USN USS MSC-299. A former minesweeper, it is used since 1995 as a training ship by HN Naval Training Command.[2]
Diğer yardımcı gemileri
- 1 x Thetis (AN 103) sınıfı, ağ gemisi
- MRV Thetis (A 307) ΦΘ Θέτις
- 2 × Lighthouse ana gemisi
- LTV Karavogiannos (A-479) ΠΦΑ Καραβόγιαννος
- LTV Lykoudis (A-481) ΠΦΑ Λυκούδης
- 6 × Su tankeri
- WT Kalliroi (A 468) Υ/Φ Καλλιρόη
- WT Trichonis (A 466) Υ/Φ Τριχωνίς
- WT Doirani (A 476) Υ/Φ Δοϊράνη
- WT Kerkini (A 433) Υ/Φ Κερκίνη
- WT Prespa (A 434) Υ/Φ Πρέσπα
- WT Stymphalia (A 469) Υ/Φ Στυμφαλία
- 3 x Torpido avlama gemisi (eski Alman 430/430A sınıfı)
- Arachthos (A-461) ΠΑΤ Αραχθός
- Evrotas (A-460) ΠΑΤ Ευρώτας
- Nestos (A-463) ΠΑΤ Νέστος
Hizmet etmiş olanlar

Yelkenli zırhlı
- Emmanuil 64 (1824, eski Rusya İmparatorluğu Emmanuil, purchased 1830) - BU 1832-33
Erken buharlı zırhlı
- Vasilefs Georgios (1867)
- Vasilissa Olga (1869)
Hydra sınıf zırhlı
- Hydra (1889-1929)
- Psara (1889-1929)
- Spetsai (1890-1929)
Pre-dreadnought zırhlısı
Mississippi sınıfı
- Limnos (1914-1932) - eski USS Idaho (BB-24). In Greek service named after the Naval Battle of Lemnos, hulk sunk by German aircraft in 1941.[3]
- Kilkis (1914-1931) - eski USS Mississippi (BB-23). In Greek service named after the Battle of Kilkis-Lahanas, hulk sunk by German aircraft in 1941.[4]
Dreadnought zırhlısı (teslim edilmedi)
- Vasilefs Konstantinos (Fransız Bretagne sınıfı) - BU 1914
- Salamis (1914) (1914'te Alman İmparatorluğu tarafından alındı; tamamlanmadı) - BU 1923
Yelkenli kruvazör
- Navarhos Miaoulis (1879 - 1931)
Zırhlı kruvazör

- Georgios Averof (1909 - today) - A Pisa class cruiser, she served as the flagship of the Hellenic Royal Navy during the Balkan Wars, World War I and World War II, now a floating museum at Palaio Faliro. The ship, although currently a hulk, is still commissioned, has a skeleton naval crew and flies the ensign, jack and commission standard.
Hafif kruvazör
- Elli (1914 - 1940) - Built as the Fei Hung for China, taken over by Greece in 1914, sunk during peacetime by an Italian submarine.
- Elli II (1951 - 1965) - The ex-RM Eugenio di Savoia, given as war reparation for the original Elli to Greece after the Second World War.
Thyella sınıfı
- Thyella (1907 - 1941)
- Nafkratousa (1906 - 1921)
- Lonchi (1907 - 1926)
- Sfendoni (1907 - 1945)
Niki sınıfı
- Niki (1906 - 1945)
- Aspis (1907 - 1945)
- Doxa (1906 - 1917)
- Velos (1907 - 1926)
Wild Beast sınıfı
- Aetos (1912-1945)
- Ierax (1912-1946)
- Leon (1912-1941)
- Panthir (1912-1946)
V sınıfı (Almanya yapımı)
- Keravnos (1912-1919)
- Nea Genea (1912-1919)
Dardo sınıfı
- Hydra (1933 - 1941)
- Spetsai (1933 - 1946)
- Psara (1933 - 1941)
- Kountouriotis (1933 - 1946)
Değiştirilmiş G sınıfı
- Vasilefs Georgios (1938 - 1943)
- Vasilissa Olga (1938 - 1943)
- Vasilefs Konstantinos (Scheduled, not constructed due to outbreak of World War II)
- Vasilissa Sofia (Scheduled, not constructed due to outbreak of World War II)
Hunt sınıfı
- Adrias (L67) (1942 - 1945) - the ex-HMS Border.
- Kriti (L84) (1943 - 1959) - The ex-HMS Hursley.
- Pindos (L65) - The ex-HMS Bolebroke.
- Kanaris (L53) - The ex-HMS Hatherleigh.
- Miaoulis (L91) - The ex-HMS Modbury.
- Adrias II (L69) (1946 - 1960s) - The ex-HMS Tanatside, acquired as a replacement of the original Adrias.
- Themistoklis (L51) (1942 - 1959) - The ex-HMS Bramham.
- Astings (L81) (1946 - ? ) - The ex-HMS Catterick.
Gleeves sınıfı
- Doxa II (D-20) (1950-1971). Ex USN USS Ludlow (DD-438).
- Niki II (D-63) (1950-1972). Ex USN USS Eberle (DD-430).
Wild Beasts II (Cannon) sınıfı refakat muhribi
- Leon II (D-54) (1951-1992) - The ex-USS Eldridge, involved in the alleged "Philadelphia Experiment".
- Aetos II (D-01) (1951-1991) - The ex-USS Slater, used extensively as a training ship. She is preserved as Museum ship USS Slater at Hudson River, Albany, NY.
- Ierax II (D-31) (1951-1991) - The ex-USS Ebert.
- Panthir II (D-67) (1951-1992) - The ex-USS Garfield Thomas.
Fletcher sınıfı
- Sfendoni II (D-85) (1959-1992) - The ex-USS Aulick
- Velos II (D-16) (1959-1991) - The ex-USS Charette. She is preserved at Faliron Bay (Marina Floisvou) as HS Velos - museum of struggle against dictatorship (1967-1974).
- Aspis II (D-06) (1959-1991) - The ex-USS Conner
- Lonchi II (D-56) (1960-1990) - The ex-USS Hall
- Thyella II (D-28) (1962-1981) - The ex-USS Bradford
- Navarinon II (D-63) (1962-1981) - The ex-USS Brown
FRAM II type
- Themistoklis II (D-210) (1970 - 1992), named after Themistocles - The ex-USS Frank Knox, DD-742, class Gearing FRAM II.
- Miaoulis II (D-211) (1971 - 1992) - Named after Admiral Andreas Miaoulis. The ex USN USS Ingraham, DD-694, class Allen Sumner FRAM II.
FRAM I type
- Kanaris II (D-212) (1972 - 1993) - The ex-USS Stickell, named after Admiral and multiple Prime Minister Constantine Kanaris.
- Kountouriotis II (D-213) (1973 - 1994) - The ex-USS Rupertus, named after the Admiral and later President of Greece, Pavlos Kountouriotis.
- Sachtouris (D-214) (1974 - 1992) - The ex-USS Arnold J. Isbell.
- Tombazis (D-215) (1976 - 1997) - The ex-USS Gurke, named after Iakovos Tombazis, an Admiral of Hydra during the Greek Revolution.
- Apostolis (D-216) (1980 - 1992) - The ex-USS Charles P. Cecil, named after the admiral of Psara during the Greek Revolution.
- Kriezis (D-217) - (1980 - 1993) - The ex-USS Myles C. Fox, named after the Admiral and Prime Minister of Greece (1849–1854), Antonios Kriezis.
Rhein sınıfı muhrip ana gemisi
- Aigaion (D-03) (1976-1991) - The ex-German tender Weser (A62).
Charles F. Adams sınıfı
- Nearchos (D-219) (1992-2003) - The ex-USS Waddell (DDG-24), named after Nearchus.
- Formion (D-220) (1992-2002) - The ex-USS Joseph Strauss (DDG-16), named after Phormio.
- Themistoklis III (D-221) (1992-2002) - The ex-USS Berkeley (DDG-15), named after Themistocles.
- Kimon (D-218) (1991-2004) - The ex-USS Semmes (DDG-18), named after Kimon.
Yelkenli fırkateyn
- Hellas purchased by Philhellenes during the Revolution from the United States (1826–1831)
Knox sınıfı
Körfez Savaşı sonrasında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Deniz Kuvvetleri tarafından Yunanistan'a bırakıldı.
- Makedonia (F-458) (1992-1998) - The ex-USS Vreeland. In Greek service named after the region of Macedonia.[5]
- Thraki (F-457) (1992-2001) - The ex-USS Trippe. In Greek service named after the region of Thrace.[6]
- Ipiros (F-456) (1992-2002) - The ex-USS Connole. In Greek service named after the region of Epirus.[7]

Yelkenli korvet
- Psara (1830-1833) renamed Prinkips Maximilianos (1833- ) after Prince Maximilian of Bavaria.
- Hydra (1830-1831), burned along with the frigate Hellas and the corvette Spetsai
- Spetsai (1830-1831) the ex-Agamemnon, owned by Lascarina Bouboulina, and donated to the Hellenic Navy.
Flower class corvettes
- Apostolis (K-84, F-10) (1943-1952). The ex HMS Hyacinth (K-84). Saw action during World War II in the Mediterranean.
- Kriezis (K-32, F-49) (1944-1952) The ex HMS Coreopsis (K-32). During World War II participated in convoy operations and in Normandy Landings (June 1944).
- Sachtouris (K-40, F-80) (1942-1952). The ex HMS Peony (K-40). Saw action during World War II in the Mediterranean.
- Tombazis (F-89) (1944-1952) The ex HMS Tamarisk (K-216). During World War II participated in Atlantic Ocean convoy operations, in the Normandy Landings (June 1944) and in Southern France Landings (August 1944).
Torpido botu
Alkyoni class torpedo boats
- Alkyoni
- Aigli
- Arethousa
- Doris
Kydonia class torpedo boats
These ships were transferred to Greece from Austria-Hungary as war reparations for World War I
- Kydonia (1920-1941)
- Kios (1920-1941)
- Kyzikos (1920-1941)
- Pergamos (1919-1941)
- Panormos (1919-1928)
- Proussa (1919-1941)
Esperos class torpedo boats
- Esperos P-50 (1977-2004)
- Lelaps P-54 (1977-2004)
Landing Ships
Dock landing ship (LSD)
- Nafkratousa L-153 (1971-2000), ex USS Fort Mandan (LSD-21).
Tank Carriers (LST)

- 6 x Royal Navy LST(III) class
- Acheloos (1947-1964) ex RN HMS LST-3503
- Aliakmon (1947-1964) ex RN HMS LST-3002
- Pineios (1947-1964) ex RN HMS LST-3506
- Strymon (1947-1962) ex RN HMS LST-3502
- Alfeios (1947-1962) ex RN HMS LST-3020
- Axios (1947-1962) ex RN HMS LST-3007
- 8 x US Navy LST (2) class
- Syros L-144 (1964-1999). Formerly USS LST-325 of the United States Navy (USN). Currently preserved in Evansville, Indiana as the USS LST Ship Memorial.[8]
- Ikaria L-154 (1960-1998) Ex USN LST-1086 USS Page County
- Rodos L-157 (1960-1990) Ex USN LST-391 USS Bowman County
- Limnos L-158 (1943-1977) Ex USN USS LST-36
- Kriti L-171 (1971-1999) Ex USN LST-1076 USS Potter County.
- Lesvos L-172 (1960-1990) Ex USN LST-389 USS Boone County. HS Lesvos was involved in combat action in Cyprus on July 20, 1974 (CO Lt Cdr E. Handrinos, HN). She was in the Paphos area on a scheduled mission, carrying replacement personnel to ELDYK. There she attacked the Turkish Cypriot garrison of Paphos with her 40 mm gun and forced them to surrender.[9]
- Samos L-179 (1943-1977) Ex USN USS LST-33
- Chios L-195 (1943-1977) Ex USN USS LST-35
- 2 x US Navy Terrebone Parish class
- Oinoussai L-104 (1977-2003). Ex USN LST-1157.
- Kos L-116 (1977-2001). ex USN LST-1169. Used as a target and sank during Thyella III/2004 naval exercise.[10]
Vehicle Carriers (LSM-1)
- Ypoploiarchos Grigoropoulos L-161 (1958-1993)
- Ypoploiarchos Tournas (L-162) (1958-1990)
- Ypoploiarchos Daniolos (L-163) (1958-1993)
- Ypoploiarchos Roussen (L-164) (1958-2001) ex USN USS LSM-399.
- Ypoploiarchos Krystallidis (L-165) (1958-2000) ex USN USS LSM 541.
- Ypoploiarchos Merlin (L-166) (1958-1972). Ex USN USS LSM-557. On November 15, 1972 she sunk 3 nm off Piraeus harbour after a collision with VLCC tanker World Hero (IMO 7033915), with the loss of 44 crew members.[11]
Fast Guided Missile Boat type Combattante II
- Ypoploiarchos Anninos (P-14) (1972-2002). Ex HS Nafsithoi, P-56.
- Ypoploiarchos Arliotis (P-15) (1972-2002). Ex HS Evniki, P-55.
- Ypoploiarchos Konidis (P-16) (1972-2003). Ex HS Kymothoi, P-53.
- Ypoploiarchos Batsis (P-17) (1972-2004). Ex HS Kalypso, P-54. The ship was transfered to the Georgian Navy and renamed The Dioskuria. It was severely damaged in the 2008 South Ossetia war and afterwards scuttled by the Russians.[12]
Fast Guided Missile Boat type Combattante IIIb
- Anthypoploiarchos Kostakos (P-25) (1980-1996). Sunk on November 4, 1996 at Avlakia, off Samos Island (
37°49′K 26°50′D / 37.817°K 26.833°D), after being rammed by F/B Samaina, with loss of 4 crew members. She was salvaged on May 15, 1997 but was never repaired and recommissioned.[13]
Thetis class gunboats
Formerly German Navy Class 420 or Thetis submarine hunters (U-Jagdboote)
- Karteria (P-65) (1992-2004). Ex FGS Hermes, P-6053
- Agon (P-66) (1993-2004). Ex FGS Theseus, P-6056. Used as target and sunk with 2 Penguin missiles by PCFG Kavaloudis in Cretan Sea on October 21, 2008.[14]
Elektronik önleme gemisi
- Hermes (Α-373) (1988-2002). Ex German Navy (class 422) fleet service vessel Oker (A-53) (1961-1988). The former 1500 tn trawler Hoheweg, converted to an electronic surveillance ship by the German Navy in 1961 and sold to Greece in 1988.
Sahil karakol teknesi
- 2 x Panagopoulos class
- Panagopoulos ΙΙ (P-70) (1975-2003)
- Panagopoulos III (P-96) (1975-2003)
- 3 x Delos class (Abeking) air rescue patrol boats
- Delos (P-267) ΑΝΣ Δήλος (1978-1999). Transfered to the Georgian Navy.
- Knosos (P-268) ΑΝΣ Κνωσσός (1978-2000). Transfered to the Republic of Cyprus.
- Lindos ({P-269) ΑΝΣ Λίνδος (1978-1998). Transfered to the Georgian Navy.
Mine dökücü gemisi
- Aktion Ν-04 (1953-2000). Ex USN USS LSM 301
- Amvrakia Ν-05 (1953-2002). Ex USN USS LSM 303
Mayın tarama gemisi
- Thalia Μ-210 (1969-2004). Ex USN USS MSC-170, ex Belgian Navy Blankeberge (M-923)
- Dafni Μ-247 (1964-2004). Ex USN USS MSC-307
- Cleo M-213 (1968-2006). Ex USN USS MSC-317, ex HS Argo (M-213)
Minehunters (Castagno class)
- Euniki Μ-61 (1995-2005). Ex IS Gelso, M-5509
- Erato M-60 (1995-2006). Ex IS Castagno, M-5504. Used as target and sunk in Cretan Sea on October 22, 2008.[14]
Petrol tankeri
2 x Patapsco class tankers.
- Arethousa A-377 (1959-2004). Ex US Navy USS Natchaug (AOG-54). After decommissioning she was used as a target and sunk off Crete Island in 2005.
- Ariadne A-414 (1959-2003). Ex US Navy USS Tombigbee (AOG-11).
Pre-World War I submarines
- Nordenfelt I - The first submarine designed by Thorsten Nordenfelt. It was a 56 tonne, 19.5 m long vessel similar to Garret's ill-fated Resurgam (1879), with a range of 240 km and armed with a single torpedo and a 25.4 mm machine gun. It was manufactured by Bolinders in Stockholm in 1884-1885. It operated on the surface using a 100 HP steam engine with a maximum speed of 9 kn, then it shut down its engine to dive. She was purchased by the Greek Government and was delivered to Salamis Naval Base in 1886. Following the acceptance tests, she was never used again by the Hellenic Navy and was scrapped in 1901.[15]
- Delfin - The first submarine in the world to launch a torpedo attack, during the First Balkan War.
- Xifias
Katsonis class
Built in France in 1925-27.
- Katsonis (Υ-1) (1928-1943) Named after Lambros Katsonis.[16]
- Papanikolis (Υ-2) (1927-1945)[17] Her sail is preserved at the Maritime Museum in Piraeus.
Protefs class
Built in France in 1927-30.
- Protefs (Υ-3) (1929-1940) Named after the marine god Proteus.[18]
- Nirefs (Υ-4) (1930-1947) Named after the marine god Nereus.[19]
- Triton (Υ-5) (1930-1942) Named after the marine god Triton.[20]
- Glafkos (Υ-6) (1930-1942) Named after the marine god Glaucus.[21]
Perla class
- Matrozos (Υ-7) (1942-1945). The ex-Italian Perla, captured by the Royal Navy and transferred to Greece. Named after the naval hero of the Greek Revolution, Georgios Matrozos.[22]
V class
Under lease from Britain.
- Pipinos (Υ-8) (1943-1959) Named after the naval hero of the Greek Revolution, Andreas Pipinos.[23]
- Delfin II (Υ-9) (1945-1957)
- Triaina (Υ-14) (1946-1958)
- Argonaftis (Υ-15) (1946-1958)
U class
Under lease from Britain.
- Xifias II (Υ-10) (1945-1952) - The ex-HMS Untiring (P59)
- Amfitriti (Υ-11) (1945-1952) - The ex-HMS Upstart (P65)
Gato class

- Amfitriti II (S-17) (1958-1967) - The ex-USS Jack (SS-259)
- Poseidon (S-78) (1957-1976) - The ex-USS Lapon (SS-260)
Balao class
- Triaina II (S-65) (1965-1980) - The ex-USS Scabbardfish (SS-397)
- Papanikolis II (S-114) (1972-1992) The ex-USS Hardhead (SS-365), GUPPY IIA type.
Tench class
- Katsonis II (S-115) (1973-1993) - The ex-USS Remora (SS-487), GUPPY III type.
- Mount Othrys, named after Mount Othrys
- Tilemachos, named after Telemachus
- Aris (A-74) (1979 - 2004). Former training ship, mainly used by the Hellenic Naval Academy and capable to be used as a hospital ship in time of war.[24] After decommissioning (2004) moored at Naval Dock Crete, Souda Bay and used by NATO Maritime Interdiction Operations Training Center (NMIOTC) as a training facility.[25]
- ↑ The fist batch of Standard Class (S-Class) frigates of the HN are listed separately, as they have heavier armament than the ex-Dutch ones.
- ↑ Training ship EGLI - Review
- ↑ HN webpage on Limnos
- ↑ HN webpage on Kilkis
- ↑ HN webpage on Makedonia (F-458)
- ↑ HN webpage on Thraki (F-457)
- ↑ HN webpage on Ipiros (F-456)
- ↑ The USS LST ship Memorial
- ↑ Lesvos L-172 (1960-1990)
- ↑
- ↑ "Vehicle Carrier Merlin, Lieutenant L-166 (1958-1972)". Hellenic Navy. 2008. 14 Haziran 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
- ↑ Picture of MFAC Dioskuria in Poti with damage behind the bridge
- ↑ "Fast Guided Missile Boat type Combattante IIIb Kostakos, Lieutenant P-17(1980-1996)". Hellenic Navy. 2008. 14 Haziran 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
- 1 2
- ↑ Vice Admiral C. Paizis-Paradellis, HN (2002). Hellenic Warships 1829-2001 (3rd Edition). Athens, Greece: The Society for the study of Greek History. s. 133. ISBN 960-8172-14-4.
- ↑ HN webpage on Katsonis (Y-1)
- ↑ HN webpage on Papanikolis (Y-2)
- ↑ HN webpage on Protefs (Y-3)
- ↑ HN webpage on Nirefs (Y-4)
- ↑ HN webpage on Triton (Y-5)
- ↑ HN webpage on Glafkos (Y-6)
- ↑ HN webpage on Matrozos (Y-7)
- ↑ HN webpage on Pipinos (Υ-8)
- ↑ "Training Ship Aris Α-74(1979 - 2004)". Hellenic Navy. 2008. 14 Haziran 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 2008-07-21.
- ↑ "NMIOTC Interim Solution". NATO NMIOTC. Erişim tarihi: 2008-07-21.
İleri okuma
- Vice Admiral C. Paizis-Paradellis, HN (2002). Hellenic Warships 1829-2001 (3rd Edition). Athens, Greece: The Society for the study of Greek History. ISBN 960-8172-14-4.