Microsoft Flight Simulator X
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X | |
Flight Simulator X Kutu Görüntüsü | |
Yayımcı(lar) | Microsoft Oyun Stüdyoları |
Dağıtıcı(lar) | ESRB: E OFLC: G PEGI: 3+ |
Yapımcı(lar) | Microsoft Oyun Stüdyoları |
Seri | Microsoft Flight Simulator |
Sürüm | Hizmet Paketi 2 |
Platform(lar) | Kişisel bilgisayar |
Çıkış tarih(ler)i | 2006 |
Tür(ler)i | Amatör uçuş simülasyonu |
Biçim(ler) | Tek oyunculu, Çok oyunculu |
Sistem gereksinimleri
1.0 GHz İşlemci | |
Giriş | Klavye ve fare Joystick (tavsiye edilir) |
Microsoft Flight Simulator X, FSX olarak da bilinir, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004'den sonra çıkan Microsoft Flight Simulator'ün onuncu sürümüdür. Grafik motoru güncellemesi ve Windows Vista desteği içermektedir, serinin teknolojik açıdan en donanımlı sürümü olarak tarafından pazarlanmıştır. Serinin DVD-ROM olarak piyasaya sürülen ilk sürümüdür. Ayrıca serideki ilk elektronik dağıtım önleme yöntemi kullanan oyundur, bu yöntemle kullanıcının oyunu oynayabilmesi için bilgisayara oyun diskini koyma zorunluluğunu ortadan kaldırmıştır.
Genel bakış
Flight Simulator X yaygın uçuş simülatörü serisinin onuncu sürümüdür. Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde resmi olarak 17 Ekim 2006 günüde piyasaya sürülmüştür. Microsoft'un oyun için hazırlanmış sitesindeki bilgilere göre oyunun standart sürümü Radyo ile Yerbulmadan Küresel Konumlama Sistemi ve havayollarını içermektedir. Ayrıca standart sürüm 18 uçak, 28 ayrıntılı işlenmiş şehir, ve 24.000'den fazla havaalanı içermektedir. Oyunun bir üst sürümü olan Deluxe Sürüm'de ise 24 uçak ve 38 ayrıntılı işlenmiş şehir bulunmaktadır.
Flight Simulator X resmi olarak 2006 yılında Uluslararası Tüketici Elektroniği Şovunda (CES) Microsoft Windows Vista oyun şovunda tanıtıldı oyun Windows 7 ve 8 ile de uyumludur. Microsoft, ekran yanı sıra Microsoft Flight Simulator Insider basın açıklamasında , ve çok sayıda uçuş simülatörü topluluklar gibi sık sorulan soruların bir listesini yayınladı. misyon özel uçağı ile bu da dahil görev tabanlı oyun yanı sıra artan detay yeteneğine yükseltilmiş render motoru . Mayıs 2006'da Electronic Entertainment Expo ( E3) aşağıdaki Microsoft yeni ekran görüntüleri, videolar ve resmi fragmanı yayınlandı . toplum tarafından genel olarak tepki oldukça olumlu oldu , ve simülatörün grafik kalitesi büyük ölçüde artmıştır.
Yeni sürümü
22 Ocak 2009 günü, ürünün arkasındaki geliştirici ekibin Microsoft bünyesinde yapılan işten çıkarmalardan önemli bir şekilde etkilendiği ve bütün Flight Simulator serisinin üretim ve desteğinin sonlandırıldığı haberleri yayılmıştır. Bu haberleri daha sonra Microsoft yetkilileri Flight Simulator serisinin devam oyunlarının çıkarılacağını umduklarını açıklayarak doğrulamışlar ancak belirli bir tarih ve ürün adı vermemişlerdir. 17 Ağustos 2010 günü, Microsoft daha gelişmiş grafik motoru ve simülasyon özelliklerine sahip Microsoft Flightı duyurdu.
Standart ve Deluxe Sürüm arasındaki farklar
Flight Simulator X üç sürüm olarak piyasaya sürülmüştür: Standart, Deluxe, ve daha sonra Gold. Deluxe Sürüm ek özellikler içermektedir, bunlar disk içinde bulunan yazılım geliştirme kiti (YGK), Garmin G1000 uçuş güvertesiyle uçan üç uçak, ve kullanıcının diğer çevrimiçi oyuncularla radar ekranı olan bir hava kontrolörü olarak oynayabilmesidir.
Deluxe Sürüm, Standart Sürümden farklı olarak 18 yerine 24 uçak içermektedir; 40 yerine 45 çok detaylı havaalanı içermektedir; 28 yerine 38 çok detaylı şehir içermektedir; ve 30 yerine 51 yapılandırılmış görev içermektedir.
Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Gold Sürüm combines the Deluxe Sürüm ve Acceleration ek paketini tek pakette sunmaktadır.
Yeni Özellikler
Flight Simulator X'in içerdiği yeni özellikler:
- Improved graphics including enhanced texture resolution, new Earth model facilitating polar flights, true road data, region-specific textures, minimal 3D animals, star constellations, etc. Also, the scenery textures now line up with the automatically generated (Autogen) buildings. Maximum rendering-engine-supported scenery resolution of 7 cm/pixel (not available with default scenery).
- Airports now have jetways that move to the aircraft by the key combination Ctrl + J. (happens for AI aircraft automatically) Airport vehicles also drive around the airport to the player's aircraft and AI aircraft. (Baggage cars, pushtrucks, fuel trucks, etc.)
- The built-in GPS support has been upgraded to include Garmin G1000 integrated glass cockpit, (select aircraft in the Deluxe version only).
- Improved ATC featuring certain non-FAA procedures where appropriate (for example, altimeter/QNH scale in metric units) and numerous minor updates such as an improved progressive-taxi feature.
- Improved and new default aircraft including, for example, an Airbus A321. Default aircraft systems modeling is rather extensively improved, featuring, for example, APU, fire protection, passenger advisory sign switches etc.
- Improved weather system, including better visibility modeling.
- Revamped multiplayer functionality featuring Shared Skies, a feature allowing multiple users to share the same cockpit.
- Tower Controller, a feature in the Deluxe version allowing users to simulate local control at many airports worldwide during multiplayer gaming.
- 5.1 surround sound desteğine sahip, yenilenmiş ses sistemi.
- Flight Simulator X includes more than 50 different missions in the deluxe edition along with several other misiions that can be installed with the Acceleration Pack.[2]
- Proprietary SimConnectAPI to allow FSUIPC-like access to Flight Simulator functions and variables.[3]
- Mission engine allowing creation of dynamic missions with developer control of many simulation variables, sound file playback, AI aircraft traffic etc. in relation to what the user is doing — essentially an evolution over the APL and ABL adventure programming languages featured in previous versions of the software. Dozens of missions ship with the product.
- Most of the vintage aircraft that were a key theme in the previous version have been dropped, with the exception of the DC-3 and Piper J-3. Both aircraft are featured in the default missions that ship with the product.
- The maximum altitude in the game has been increased to 100,000,000 ft. Therefore, FSX maximum altitude is approximately 2.39 times the diameter of the Earth at the equator.
- Camera shake in the virtual cockpit as the aircraft banks, accelerates, brakes, flies through turbulence etc.
- Realistic flexible wings in some commercial airplanes: the wings flex while going through turbulence, increasing rate of ascent or descending, undergoing major plane movements, flaps being fully extended, general vibrations to the plane, etc. An example of an aircraft with this wing movement is the Boeing 747-400.
- New water effect which has 3D waves with curled up object refraction according to the wave movements and with sunshine reflection.
- Ability to easily take a screenshot while in the game. Pressing the "V" key takes a picture of the game and saves it as a .bmp image in the "My Pictures" folder.
- Aircraft can cast shadows on themselves.
- Aircraft interiors and exteriors use different files. This allows an advanced user to take one exterior model and merge it with an interior made by someone else.
- Red Bull Air Race World Championship racing in the acceleration pack only although the standard and deluxe versions include a mission in which the player can qualify for the team.
Bazı görevlerde, ek yapay zeka tarafından kontrol edilen ancak özgür uçuşta kullanıcı tarafından kullanılamayan uçaklar bulunnmaktadır. Bu uçaklar arasında:
- TBM Avenger Flight 19'un hayalet uçakları - from Lost in the Triangle although it is tough to know that they are there
- Boeing 787-9 - Paris Havaşovu Gösteri Uçuşunda, Loopy Larry & Jet Kamyon Drag Yarışında
- Caspian Sea Monster - Aleutian Kargo Yarışı & Tokyo Yetkili Taşımacılığında
- Airbus A380-800 - Paris Havaşovu Gösteri Uçuşunda, Loopy Larry & Jet Kamyon Drag Yarışında
- Boeing 747-8 - Loopy Larry & Jet Kamyon Drag Yarışında
- Antonov AN-225 - Paris Havaşovu Gösteri Uçuşunda, Loopy Larry & Jet Kamyon Drag Yarışında
- Aerospatiale-BAC Concorde - Loopy Larry & Jet Kamyon Drag Yarışında (in British Airways livery)
- İki tür UFO - a flying saucer is seen while flying and nearly crashes into you and two black triangular UFOs; one is seen landing at Area 51 just before the player lands and launches again while the player is taxiing, and a larger, similar one parked on skids - all from Secret Shuttle
- İki tür UFO - küçük UFO ve çok daha büyük bir UFO, Yüksek irtifa alıkoyma görevinde arkada görülebiliyor (Ek Paket Acceleration'da)
- Askeri Jet ve Helikopterleri çeşitli türleri (F22 Raptor, Boeing B-52 Stratofortress vb.)- çeşitli tür Öğreti 1'de: İlk Kalkış, Öğreti 1'de: Helikopter Manevra 1, Flour Power, Loopy Larry, Jet Kamyon Drag Yarışı, Civil Air Patrol Search, Africa Relief and Catalina Day Spa
- Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird - Öğretici 1'de: İlk kalkış ve gizli mekik.
- Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II - Parked next to the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird in Secret Shuttle
- Boeing B-52H Stratofortress - Öğreti 1'de: İlk kalkış ve Yetkili Uçuş ve Loopy Larry
- V-22 Osprey Öğreti 1'de: İlk kalkış ve Yetkili Uçuş (Ek Paket Acceleration'da)
- F-117 Nighthawk Öğreti 1'de: İlk kalkış ve Yetkili Uçuş
- F-22 Raptor Paris Havaşovu Gösteri Uçuşunda, Öğreti 1'de: İlk Kalkış ve Gizli Mekik
- Su-37 Flanker Paris Havaşovu Gösteri Uçuşunda. Bir F-22 yanında 2 adet uçuş pisti.
- "Delta V" adındaki bir NASA roketi (that visually appears to be an Atlas V 500 series rocket) in Rocket Launch Air Cover.
- Hughes XF-11 Haberalma uçağı
- Douglas XB-19 Ağır Bombardıman
- Antonov An-32 Taşımacı/Bombardıman
- British Aerospace Jetstream 41 Bölgesel Havayolu/Feederliner
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 Avcı
- Focke Wulf Fw 190 Avcı
- Antonov An-12 Askeri Taşıma Uçağı
- Messerschmitt Me 410 Çokyönlü avcı-bobardıman/haberalma Uçağı
- Convair B-58 Hustler Askeri jet avcı Arama ve Kurtarma Bölümünde (Ek Paket Acceleration'da)
FSX ships with several, fictional airlines. The only real airline is Kenmore Air. The airlines are as follows.
Airline | Player Aircraft in Airlines Livery | AI Aircraft in Airlines Livery |
Airwave | None - Callsign only. | De Havilland Canada DHC-8 and McDonnell Douglas MD-83 |
American Pacific | None - Callsign only. | De Havilland Canada DHC-8 |
Emerald Harbour Air | Douglas DC-3 | None |
Gaia | None - Callsign only. | None |
Global Freightways | Boeing 747-400F and Cessna 208-B Grand Caravan | Boeing 747-400F and Cessna 208-B Grand Caravan |
Kenmore Air | Cessna 208-B Grand Caravan and de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver - Callsign is not available. | Cessna 208-B Grand Caravan and de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver |
Landmark | None - Callsign only. | None |
Orbit | Airbus A321, Boeing 737-800, Boeing 747-400 and Bombardier CRJ-700 | Airbus A321, Boeing 737-800, Boeing 747-400, Bombardier CRJ-700 and De Havilland Canada DHC-8 |
Pacifica | Airbus A321, Boeing 737-800, Boeing 747-400 and Bombardier CRJ-700 | Airbus A321, Boeing 737-800, Boeing 747-400, Bombardier CRJ-700 and McDonnell Douglas MD-83 |
Soar | None - Callsign only. | McDonnell Douglas MD-83 |
World Travel | Airbus A321, Boeing 737-800 (in alternative, cheatline livery), Boeing 747-400 and Douglas DC-3 (in heritage livery) | Airbus A321, Boeing 737-800 (in alternative, cheatline livery) and Boeing 747-400 |
Any player aircraft may be used with the callsign of any of these airlines.
Görevler ve ödüller
The inclusion of Missions adds a new facet to the simulation, adding task oriented goals, and encouraging users to fly worldwide, rather than just from their home field. Although a similar concept was available in previous versions, the new implementation of multipath & event oriented situations substantially extends the potential for user interaction.
Pilots earn Rewards for completing various missions, and reaching specific accomplishments throughout the game, (in 'Free Flight'). Some of the rewards exist as hidden "easter eggs" to be discovered by pilots.[4] Some missions have multiple and hidden rewards, receipt being dependent on performing additional actions.
Some hidden rewards include:
- Earning a postcard for spotting an item of interest.
- Earning a badge for landing at a special airport, e.g., highest, most remote, lowest.
- Earning a reward for completing a challenge not associated with a mission.
- Earning a trophy for landing a number of times or the number of airports landed at.
The player also receives certificates for successfully completing checkrides (in the learning center).
In each mission description, a map is included with it. It notes that they are for entertainment purposes. The maps and charts are supplied by Jeppesen.
Görev çizelgesi
Flight Simulator X'in bütün görevlerinin listesi aşağıdadır (Standart, Deluxe Edition ve Acceleration görevleri dahildir).
Flight Simulator X Görev Çizelgesi | ||||
# | Görev | Konum | Hava Aracı | Açıklama |
1. | Öğreti 1: İlk Kalkış | Edwards Air Force Base, California, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri | Air Creation 582-SL Trike Ultralight | 15 numaralı pistten kalkış -dünyanın en uzun kalkış pistlerinden biri- ve 3 tane kapıdan geçtikten sonra iniş. |
2. | Öğreti 2: Uçuşun temelleri | Hong Kong Uluslararası Havalimanı, Hong Kong | Air Creation 582-SL Trike Ultralight | 5 tane kapıdan geçiş. |
3. | Öğreti 3: Yolunu bulmak | Vals-Lanas Airport, Aubenas, France | Air Creation 582-SL Trike Ultralight | Kalkış, 3 tane sıcak hava balonuna yakın uçuş ve iniş. |
4. | Öğreti 4: Kara Görevleri | Eagle Creek Airport, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States | Air Creation 582-SL Trike Ultralight, Piper J-3C-65 Cub & Douglas DC-3 | Taxi in the AirCreation Trike ultralight, Piper Cub, and then take-off in the DC-3. |
5. | Öğreti 5: Havaalanına Yaklaşmak | Eagle Creek Airport, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States | Piper J-3C-65 Cub | 3 numaralı piste 1 kt.lik rüzgar varken yaklaşmak. |
6. | Tutorial 6: Dağ Uçuşuna Giriş | South-western Idaho, United States | Cessna C-172-SP Skyhawk | Bernard USFS Havaalanı'ndan kalkış, vadi boyunca uçuş ve Lower Loon Creek Havaalanı'na iniş yapmadan önce bir kanyon dönüşü denemesi. |
7. | Tutorial 7: Tırmanmaya Giriş | Minden-Tahoe Airport, Minden, Nevada, United States | DG-808-S Competition Sailplane | Bir planörde uçmak ve planörle uçmak hakkında ip uçları. |
8. | Tutorial 8: Jetlere Geçiş | Scotland | Bombardier CRJ-700 | Edinburgh Havaalanı'ndan, bir jet ile kalkış ve Glasgow Uluslararası Havaalanı'na iniş. |
9. | Tutorial 9: Helikopterin Temel Özellikleri | Līhu'e, Hawaii | Robinson R-22 Beta II | Kaua'i Adası'nın üstünde helikopterle uçuş. |
10. | Tutorial 10: Helikopter Kalkışı ve İnişi | Līhu'e, Hawaii | Robinson R-22 Beta II | Kalkış, 5 tane kapıdan geçiş ve helikopter pistine iniş. |
11. | Sitka yaklaşımı | Sitka Rocky Gutierrez Airport, Sitka, Alaska, United States | Cessna C-172-SP Skyhawk | Sitka'daki havaalanına yaklaşmak. |
12. | Midwest Fly-in | Eagle Creek Airport, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States | Piper J-3C-65 Cub | Take-off from a farm runway and land at the fly-in at Eagle Creek Airport. You do not receive any rewards for competing the mission but you will receive rewards for barnstorming, dropping flour bombs, and also a spot landing at Eagle Creek Airport. |
13. | Hawaiian Checkout | Hawaii | Mooney M-20-M Bravo G1000 | Look at the scenery as you fly from Molokai Airport to Maui's Hana Airport. |
14. | San Juan Island Run | North-western Washington, United States | de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver floatplane | Take passengers on a trip from Lake Union to Friday Harbour in the San Juan Islands. |
15. | Flour Power | Princess Juliana International Airport, Sint Maarten, former Netherlands Antilles | Air Creation 582-SL Trike Ultralight, Bombardier Learjet LJ-45, Robinson R-22 Beta II & Beechcraft Baron 58 | Hit targets with flour bombs. |
16. | Telluride Landing | Telluride Regional Airport, Telluride, Colorado, United States | Bombardier Learjet LJ-45 | Land at Telluride without slamming into the mountainous terrain. |
17. | Rome-Naples Airline Run | Italy | Airbus A321 | Take passengers from Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport to Capodichino International Airport. |
18. | Swedish Championship Soaring Course | Södermanland, Sweden | DG-808-S Competition Sailplane | Glide through a representative course of the 2006 World Gliding Championships then land at Eskilstuna Ekeby Airport. |
19. | Secret Shuttle | Southern Nevada, United States | Boeing 737-800 | Fly from Las Vegas McCarran International Airport to a secret base called "Area 51". |
20. | Game Park Patrol | Guvalala, Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe | Air Creation 582-SL Trike Ultralight | Search the local park for a missing baby elephant that has strayed from its herd. |
21. | Tutorial 11: Helicopter Maneuvers 1 | Līhu'e, Hawaii | Robinson R-22 Beta II | Fly through a course of gates before landing on a moving aircraft carrier. |
22. | Down Under | Sydney, Australia | Bombardier Learjet LJ-45 | Fly through as many gates as you can over Sydney's stunning scenery in 3 minutes before landing at Sydney Airport. |
23. | Austrian Alpine Soaring Course (deluxe version only) | Kitzbüheler Alps, central Austria | DG-808-S Competition Sailplane | Fly a course through the valleys and over the mountains of Austria before returning to Zell am See Airport. |
24. | Caribbean Landing | Princess Juliana International Airport, Sint Maarten, former Netherlands Antilles | Bombardier CRJ-700 | Approach and land at Sint Maarten. |
25. | Paris Airshow Demonstration Flight | Le Bourget Airport, Paris, France | Airbus A380 | Show-off an A380 at the Paris Air Show by doing fly-bys over the runway. |
26. | Flying Blind Across the Channel | English Channel, between England and France | Cessna C-172-SP Skyhawk G1000 | Take-off from Manston Airport, Manston, England and fly an IFR plan through fog to Paris-Plage Airport at Le Touquet, France. |
27. | Swiss Outing | Central Switzerland | Cessna C-172-SP Skyhawk | Suffer an engine failure while flying to Interlaken and try to glide safely to an airport. |
28. | Innsbruck Approach | Innsbruck Airport, Innsbruck, Austria | Beechcraft Baron 58 G1000 | Fly the most challenging localizer into Innsbruck in heavy snow. |
29. | Aleutian Cargo Run (deluxe version only) | Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, United States | Grumman G-21-A Goose | Fly from Umnak Island to Chernofski Harbour and then to Dutch Harbour in stormy weather. |
30. | Loopy Larry | Wittman Regional Airport, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States | Piper J-3C-65 Cub | Land on top of a moving school bus. |
31. | Amazon Trek (deluxe version only) | Inambari River, south-eastern Peru | Grumman G-21-A Goose | Fly from Quince Mil to a camp, load up with arcaeological items and transport them to a remote village and choose whether to go looking for a mysterious treasure before returning to the airport. |
32. | Tokyo Executive Transport | Tokyo, Japan | Bell 206B JetRanger | Take-off from Haneda and pick up passengers on a rooftop helipad at Shidome before flying them to Narita International Airport and discovering your co-pilot's secret. |
33. | Jet City(deluxe version only) | Boeing Field, Seattle, Washington, United States | Bombardier Learjet LJ-45 | Fly through all required targets before the timer runs out until landing at Boeing Field. |
34. | Denali Base Camp Charter (deluxe version only) | Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska, United States | Maule Orion on skis | Fly supplies to a base camp at the foot of Mount McKinley. |
35. | Tutorial 12: Helicopter Maneuvers 2 | Līhu'e, Hawaii | Robinson R-22 Beta II | Fly a vertical course and then land on the helipad of a moving yacht. |
36. | Lost in the Triangle | Off Miami, Florida, United States | Bombardier Learjet LJ-45 | Search for a missing ship in the famed Bermuda Triangle where many ships and planes have disappeared. |
37. | Jet Truck Drag Race (deluxe version only) | Wittman Regional Airport, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States | Extra EA-300-S | You and another stunt plane verse a truck with three afterburning engines (Shockley's Jet Truck) to see who can reach the finish line first. |
38. | Civil Air Patrol Search (deluxe version only) | Salmon River Mountains, Idaho, United States | Maule Orion | From the CAP Base at Krassel, search the valleys for a crashed plane before it gets too dark. |
39. | Amsterdam-London Airline Run (deluxe version only) | Western Netherlands | Boeing 737-800 | Experience a flight to London's Heathrow Airport but a passenger gets ill (Heart Attack) on the way and you must divert to Rotterdam. |
40. | Africa Relief | Great Rift Valley, far-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo | Douglas DC-3 | Fly supplies to African villages (Katale & Rutshuru) while Mount Nyiragongo erupts and damages your plane on your approach to Lubero. |
41. | Quito Approach | Mariscal Sucre International Airport, Quito, Ecuador | Boeing 747-400 | Complete a challenging high-altitude approach to Quito's airport sitting at over 9,000 feet. |
42. | Foul Weather Water Rescue | Auckland, New Zealand | Bell 206B JetRanger | Search for a wrecked yacht for survivors in rain and high winds. |
43. | Catalina Day Spa | San Pedro Channel, off Los Angeles, California, United States | Cessna C-208-B Grand Caravan | Fly a celebrity from Santa Catalina Island to Santa Monica and land safely on carrier when your engine fails. |
44. | Limited Options (deluxe version only) | Near Faadhippolhu Atoll, the Maldives | Boeing 737-800 | When the plane suffers a fuel leak causing the engines to fail at 35,000 feet, you must decide whether to glide to Malé or Hanimadhoo Island to save 150 passengers from drowning in the Indian Ocean. |
45. | Monsoon Approach | Changi International Airport, Singapore | Boeing 747-400 | Descend into monsoon conditions to land on runway 02C at Changi International Airport. |
46. | 747 Test Flight (deluxe version only) | Between Mojave Air and Space Port and Edwards Air Force Base, California, United States | Boeing 747-400 | Run tests on a Boeing 747-400 when suddenly your engines fail one-by-one. |
47. | Dutch Harbour Approach | Dutch Harbour Airport, Dutch Harbour, Alaska, United States | Beechcraft King Air 350 | Land at Dutch Harbour despite pounding weather. |
48. | Yakutat Mail Run (deluxe version only) | St. Elias Mountains, Canada/Alaska, United States | Beechcraft King Air 350 | Take-off from Burwash Airport, Burwash Landing, Canada and cross the mountains in a rush to land at Yakutat, Alaska before a terrible snowstorm shuts down the airport. |
49. | Oil Rig Transport | North Sea, off Oostvoorne, Netherlands | Bell B-206-B JetRanger | Fly a safety inspector to oil rig T-25 to find explosions, flying debris, fire, and 3 workers in a life-or-death situation. You either risk rescuing them or fly off and hope the life guard boat will come in time. |
50. | Red Bull Time Trial | Salzburg Airport, Salzburg, Austria | Extra EA-300-S | Fly through 10 gates and see if you can join the team. |
51. | Red Bull Time Trial (without arrows) | Salzburg Airport, Salzburg, Austria | Extra EA-300-S | Fly through 10 gates and see if you can join the team. This more realistic version has no arrows or gate numbers to help. |
Öğrenme Merkezi
The Learning Center gives the user information about the various features and parameters of FSX. This feature also contains aircraft information files that were, in earlier simulators, stored in an Adobe Acrobat file. This feature includes different levels of flying lessons (improved from previous versions) by real life pilot and instructor Rod Machado. The user can fly a checkride at the end of the learning process. Completion of these various checkrides certify the user with pilot ratings (e.g. Private Pilot, Commercial Pilot, Airline Transport Pilot etc.).
Yapay zeka
Yapay Zeka (YZ) uçakları kullanıcı tarafından uçurulamayan sadece görüntü ve ortam için yapılmış uçaklardır. Bazı görevlere ana rollerde bulunmaktadırlar. Three aircraft, the McDonnell Douglas MD-83, Piper Cherokee ve DeHavilland Dash 8 uçakları Microsoft tarafından sadece yapay zeka olarak sunulmaktadır, ancak çeşitli uçuş simülatörü siteleri bu uçakların simülatör içinde uçurulabilmesine olanak sağlayan eklentiler sunmaktadır.
Deneme sürümleri
Flight Simulator X Microsoft'un Uçuş Simülatörü serisindeki demosu olan ilk oyundur. Demosu oyunun ana sürümünün sınırlı özelliklerini kullanıma sunmaktadır (uçuş süresi sınırıda buna dahildir) ve kurulum için Windows XP SHizmet Paketi 2 veya Windows Vista gerektirmektedir.
The first limited demo of Flight Simulator X was released to the public on August 9, 2006, and put up for download on the website. Even though playable, the August demo represented a beta release of the product, and had a number of bugs, some of which were recognized in the official installation's README file. On October 2, 2006, the demo was superseded by a newer release, which, while having fewer bugs, is almost identical to the first demo. The DHC-2 Beaver was removed in favor of a Learjet 45. Both the demos feature St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles and the surrounding area only, as opposed to the entire world. The main airport featured is Princess Juliana International Airport. Şu anki demo uçaklar:
- Beechcraft Baron 58
- Bombardier Learjet 45
- Bombardier CRJ700
- Air Creation üç tekerli Ultrahafif
- Robinson R-22
Yamalar ve eklentiler
Hizmet Paketi 1
Microsoft, 15 Mayıs 2007'de aşağıdaki sorunları telafi etmek için ilk service pack'ini (SP1) piyasaya sundu:
- Aktivasyon ve kurulum sorunları
- Performans geliştirme, including multithreading of texture synthesis and autogen to provide modest performance improvements on multi-core computers
- 3. şahıs eklenti sorunları
- İçerik sorunları
Hizmet Paketi 2
Microsoft released another service pack for Flight Simulator X about the same time as its expansion pack (below). The update is primarily for Vista users that have DirectX 10 (DX10) compatible graphics adapters. The DX10 version takes advantage of DX10's improved shader model and more pixel pipelines and increased performance for Vista, approaching overall FSX performance on XP. It also adds the capability for players who do not have the expansion pack to participate in multiplayer activities with users of the expansion pack, along with support for multi-core processors. FSX-SP2 also fixes some more bugs over the original release of Flight Simulator X. SP1 is not compatible with SP2 or Acceleration in Multiplayer. People with SP1 cannot enter a session with players who have SP2 or Acceleration in Multiplayer. According to the documentation users are required to install service pack 1 before installing service pack 2.
Flight Simulator X: Acceleration
Flight Simulator X: Acceleration | |
Flight Simulator X Kutu Görüntüsü | |
Yayımcı(lar) | Microsoft |
Dağıtıcı(lar) | ESRB: E OFLC: G PEGI: 3+ |
Yapımcı(lar) | ACES Studios |
Seri | Microsoft Flight Simulator |
Sürüm | 10.1 |
Platform(lar) | Kişisel bilgisayar |
Çıkış tarih(ler)i | 2 Kasım 2007 (Avrupa) |
Tür(ler)i | Amatör uçuş simülasyonu |
Biçim(ler) | Tek oyunculu, Çok oyunculu |
Sistem gereksinimleri
2.0 GHz İşlemci | |
Giriş | Klavye ve fare Joystick (tavsiye edilir) |
Microsoft released their first expansion pack for Flight Simulator in years, called Flight Simulator X: Acceleration, to the US market on October 23, 2007 rated E - E10+ for mild violence, and released to the Australian market on November 1, 2007 rated G. Acceleration introduces new features, including multiplayer air racing, new missions, and three all-new aircraft, the F/A-18A Hornet, EH-101 helicopter and the P-51D Mustang. In many product reviews, users complained of multiple bugs in the initial release of the pack. One of the bugs, that occurs only in the Standard Edition, is the Maule Air Orion aircraft used in the mission has missing gauges and other problems, as it is a Deluxe Version-only aircraft.
The new scenery enhancements cover Berlin, Istanbul, Cape Canaveral and the Edwards Air Force Base, providing high accuracy both in the underlying photo texture (60 cm/pix) and in the detail given to the 3D objects.
Flight Simulator X: Acceleration can take advantage of Windows Vista, Windows 7, and DirectX 10 as well.
The expansion pack includes code from both service packs, thus installing them is unnecessary.
Donanım uyumluluğu
FSX hakkındaki yaygın bir eleştiri nedeni de oyunun çok yüksek performanslı donanım istemesidir, ve oyun genel olarak yüksek işlemci güçlü bir bilgisayara bel bağlamakta, ve çok çekirdekli işlemcileri desteklememektedir. Ayrıca oyunda Windows 7 ile uyumsuzluk yaratan ve 'ölümcül hata' (fatal error) veren bir sorun bulunmaktadır, Microsoft bu sorunla ilgili halen bir yama yayımlamamıştır.
Ayrıca bakınız
- Microsoft Flight
- ↑ "Teknik Sorular". Microsoft. 2007. 28 Aralık 2008 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 2009-02-21.
- ↑ "Microsoft Flight Simulator X". Fly Away Simulation. 2006-02-23. 9 Şubat 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 2011-04-24.
- ↑ "Aeroclub Simuvuelo's Coverage of FSX". Simuvuelo. July 24, 2006.
- ↑ "Easter Eggs in FSX?". P-12C Pilot. October 18, 2006. 14 Mart 2009 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
Dış bağlantılar
- Flight Simulator X – Resmi Site
- Flight Simulator X –
- Flight Simulator X – Deneme Sürümü İndirme Bağlantısı
- Açık Dizin Projesi'nde Microsoft Flight Simulator X kategorisi