Star Wars: Klon Savaşları bölümleri listesi

Star Wars: Klon Savaşları logosu

Star Wars: Klon Savaşları; Lucasfilm Animation, Lucasfilm Animation Singapore ve CGCG Inc tarafından yapılan ABD CGI 3B çizgi dizi. 15 Ağustos 2008'de Star Wars: Klon Savaşları filmi sinemalarda yayınlandı ve böylece dizinin resmi tanıtım bölümü yayınlanmış oldu. Dizi ilk olarak Cartoon Network'ün ABD sürümünde 3 Ekim 2008'de yayına başladı.[1] Türkiye'de ise 14 Şubat 2009'da gösterime girdi. Konusu kurgusal Yıldız Savaşları galaksisinde, önceki 2003 yapımı Star Wars: Klon Savaşları dizisiyle aynı zaman diliminde geçmektedir. Dizi Yıldız Savaşları: Bölüm II - Klonların Saldırısı ile Yıldız Savaşları: Bölüm III - Sith'in İntikamı arasındaki üç yıllık boşlukta yer almaktadır. Her bölüm yarım saatlik zaman aralığını dolduracak şekilde 22 dakika sürmektedir. Yıldız Savaşları'nın yaratıcısı George Lucas yaklaşık 5 sezonluk "en az 100 bölümün üretileceğini",[2] söylemiştir.

Series overview

Sezon Bölüm Orijinal yayın tarihi Blu-ray ve DVD yayın tarihi
Sezon galası Sezon finali 1. Bölge 2. Bölge 3. Bölge 4. Bölge
1 22 3 Ekim 2008 20 Mart 2009 (2009-03-20) 3 Kasım 2009[3] 16 Kasım 2009[4] 11 Şubat 2010 16 Kasım 2009[5]
2 22 2 Ekim 2009 30 Nisan 2010 (2010-04-30) 26 Ekim 2010[3] 25 Ekim 2010[4] Bilinmiyor 10 Kasım 2010[6]
3 22 17 Eylül 2010 1 Nisan 2011 (2011-04-01) 18 Ekim 2011[7] Bilinmiyor Bilinmiyor 19 Ekim 2011[8]
4 22 16 Eylül 2011 16 Mart 2012 (16 Mart 2012) Bilinmiyor Bilinmiyor Bilinmiyor Bilinmiyor
5 20 28 Eylül 2012 1 Mart 2013 Bilinmiyor Bilinmiyor Bilinmiyor Bilinmiyor

Bölüm listesi

1. sezon: Klon Savaşları (2008–2009)

The hour-long premiere episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars aired on Ekim 3, 2008, and set a new record with Cartoon Network as their most-watched series premiere, attracting 3.958 million total viewers.[9][10] The season finale, "Hostage Crisis", was broadcast on Mart 20, 2009, and the original broadcast received 3.297 million viewers.[11]

# Başlık Yönetmen Senarist ABD izleyicisi
Orijinal yayın tarihi Ürün
11"Ambush" / "Tuzak" Dave BullockSteven Melching3 Ekim 2008 (2008-10-03)1.08
Cumhuriyet'le yapılacak bir antlaşma için görüşmeye giden Jedi Ustası Yoda ve bir avuç klon askeri Ayrılıkçılar'ın ordusu tarafından pusuya düşürülür. Ayrılıkçılar gezegen liderine kendilerine katılmayı önerir. Bunun için bir antlaşma yaparlar: Eğer Yoda ve askerler akşama kadar sağ kalamaz ve görüşmeye gelemezlerse lider Cumhuriyet yerine Ayrılıkçılar'la antlaşacaktır. Fakat Yoda'nın öldürülmesi için Ayrılıkçıların gönderdiği bin kişilik ordu Yoda'nın ustalığı ve klonların becerileri sayesinde bozguna uğrar. Bu sırada yanındaki Kont Dooku'nun çırağı Ventress'in droid askerleri ile görüşmesi sırasında durumu öğrenen lider, Jedi'ların daha üstün olduğunu görür ve antlaşmayı Cumhuriyet'le yapacağını açıklar. Bunun üzerine Dooku çırağına lideri öldürmesini söyler. Fakat Yoda ve klonlar tam Ventress'in lideri öldüreceği sırada görüşme yerine varırlar ve lideri kurtarırlar. Fakat Ventress bir yolunu bulup kaçar ve sonunda lider Yoda'ya görüşmeye gerek olmadığını ve gezegeninde bir Cumhuriyet üssünün bulunmasından gurur duyacağını söyler. 
22"Rising Malevolence" / "Kötü Niyetin Yükselişi" Dave FiloniSteven Melching3 Ekim 2008 (2008-10-03)1.07
Ayrılıkçılar'ın yeni yıkıcı silahıyla yaptıkları saldırının ardından Jedi Ustası Plo Koon ve klon askerleri hayatta kalmak için mücadele eder. Son anda Anakin ve Ahsoka onları bulup kurtarır. 
33"Shadow of Malevolence" / "Kötü Niyetin Gölgesi" Brian Kalin O'ConnellSteven Melching10 Ekim 2008 (2008-10-10)1.09
Jedi Ustası Plo Koon ve Padawan'ı Ahsoka'nın yardımıyla, Anakin General Grievous'ın savaş gemisi Malevolence ve onun gizli silahına karşı yeni uzun menzilli Y kanatlı bombardıman gemilerini yiğitçe bir saldırı için kullanır. 
44"Destroy Malevolence" / "Kötü Niyeti Yoket" Brian Kalin O'ConnellTim Burns17 Ekim 2008 (2008-10-17)1.11
Padme Amidala ve C-3PO bir şekilde General Grievous tarafından esir alınır. Bunun sonucunda Cumhuriyet gemilerinin Malevolence'a saldırısı sona ermek zorunda kalır. Anakin ve Obi-Wan onları kurtarmak için Anakin'in yaptığı plan dahilinde Malevolence'ın gizlice içine girerler. Fakat kısa sürede Grievous onları fark eder. Padme'yle iletişime geçen ikili onu bulur; fakat bir şekilde Obi-Wan'la C-3PO, Anakin'le de Padme olacak şekilde ikiye ayrılırlar. Obi-Wan Malevolonce'ın tamir edilen hiperuzay iticilerini tekrardan bozmaya gittiğinde orada Grievous ve droidleriyle karşılaşır. Onlarla mücadele ederken bu sırada Anakin ve Padme kontrol odasına gider ve geminin rotasını yakınlarındaki bir uyduya kilitler. Yaptıkları bu değişikliği fark ettirmeden hepsi gemiden kaçmayı başarırlar. Fakat Grievous da kovalamak için onlarla birlikte gemiden dışarı çıkar. Bu sırada gemisini hiperuzay motorlarını çalıştırması emrini verir ve gemi uyduya çarpmaktan kurtalamaz ve yok olur. Ekip kendi gemilerine sağ salim dönerken, Grievous ise kurtulmayı başarır. 
55"Rookies - "Çaylaklar"" Justin RidgeSteven Melching24 Ekim 2008 (2008-10-24)1.14
Cumhuriyet merkezlerinden biri droidler tarafından ele geçirilir. Ancak domino takımı droidleri durdurur ve Jedi'lara Grievous'un geldiğini bildirir. 
66"Downfall of a Droid" Rob ColemanGeorge Krstic7 Kasım 2008 (2008-11-07)1.02
R2-D2 kaybolur, Anakin ve Ahsoka R2-D2'nin hafızasındaki taktiksel bilgi Ayrılıkçılar tarafından ele geçirilmeden önce onu bulmalıdır. 
77"Duel of the Droids-Droidlerin Karşılaşması" Rob ColemanKevin Campbell & Henry Gilroy14 Kasım 2008 (2008-11-14)1.06
Anakin ve Ahsoka, R2-D2'yi düşman dinleme merkezinde kovalar ve kurtarır. 
88"Bombad Jedi" Jesse YehKevin Rubio & Steven Melching & Henry Gilroy21 Kasım 2008 (2008-11-21)1.05
Padme Onaconda Farr ile görüşmek için Rodia'ya gider, ama Ayrılıkçılar çoktan gelmiştir. Jar Jar Binks sakarlığıyla durumu kurtarır. 
99"Cloak of Darkness-"Karanlığın Pelerini"" Dave FiloniPaul Dini5 Aralık 2008 (2008-12-05)1.10
Nute Gunray yakalandığı zaman droid ordusu ve Asajj Ventress onu kurtarmak için gemiyi basmıştır. James Marsters konuk yıldız 
1010"Lair of Grievous-"Grievous'un Yeri"" Atsushi TakeuchiHenry Gilroy12 Aralık 2008 (2008-12-12)1.12
Kit Fisto ve Nahdar Vebb Nute Gunray'i bulmaya çalışırken General Grievous'un tuzağına yem olurlar. (En acıklı bölüm.) 
1111"Dooku Captured-"Dooku Yakalandı"" Jesse YehJulie Siege2 Ocak 2009 (2009-01-02)1.16
Kont Dooku korsanlar tarafından yakalanır. Cumhuriyet Anakin ve Obi-wann'ı Dooku'nun takasını görüşmeye gönderir. 
1212"The Gungan General" Justin RidgeJulie Siege9 Ocak 2009 (2009-01-09)1.20
Anakin ve Obi-wann korsanlar tarafından ihanete uğrayıp yakalanır. Jar Jar Binks onları kurtarmak için klon takımına haber yollar. 
1313"Jedi Crash-"Jedi Çarpışması"" Rob ColemanKatie Lucas16 Ocak 2009 (2009-01-16)1.22
Aayla Secura, Ahsoka, Rex ve Anakin uzak bir gezegene çakılır. Anakin ciddi anlamda yaralanır. Aayla ve Ahsoka gezegen sakinlerinin yardımını elde etmeye çalışır. 
1414"Defenders of Peace-"Barışın Koruyucuları"" Steward LeeBill Canterbury23 Ocak 2009 (2009-01-23)1.24
Bir droid ordusu en yeni silahlarını denemek için bu gezegene iniş yapar. Jedi'lar gezegen sakinlerini korumaya çalışır-isteseler de istemeseler de. 
1515"Trespass-"Günah"" Brian Kalin O'ConnellSteven Melching30 Ocak 2009 (2009-01-30)1.25
Anakin, Obi-Wan ve Rex Orto Plutonia'daki bazı kayıp klonları bulmak ve önceki bilinmeyen gezegen sahiplerini keşfetmek için gönderilir. 
1616"The Hidden Enemy-"Gizli Düşman"" Steward LeeDrew Z. Greenberg6 Şubat 2009 (2009-02-06)2.01
Cumhuriyet Christophsis'i korumaya çalışırken, Rex ve Cody bir klon askerinin Ventress'a çalıştığını öğrenir. Ama hangisi? 
1717"Blue Shadow Virus-"Mavi Gölge Virüsü"" Giancarlo VolpeCraig Titley13 Şubat 2009 (2009-02-13)1.26
Çılgın Doktor Nuvo Mindi Ayrılıkçılarla ittifaktadır ve Naboo'da ölümcül bir virüs yaratır. Jedi'lar yerli Gunganlılarla takım kurarak Cumhuriyeti zehirlemeden önce durdurmaya çalışır. 
1818"Mystery of a Thousand Moons-"Bin Uydunun Gizemi"" Jesse YehBrian Larsen20 Şubat 2009 (2009-02-20)2.02
Mavi Gölge virüsü Rex Padme ve Ahsoka'yı zehirlediği zaman, Anakin ve Obi-Wan panzehir bulmak için Iego'ya gider. Her nasılsa, Iego'dan ayrılmak başlı başına bir bulmacadır. 
1919"Storm over Ryloth-"Ryloth'u Saran Fırtına"" Brian Kalin O'ConnellGeorge Krstic & Scott Murphy & Henry Gilroy27 Şubat 2009 (2009-02-27)1.15
Ryloth Ayrılıkçılar tarafından kuşatma altındadır. Anakin ablukayı kırmak zorundadır. 
2020"Innocents of Ryloth-"Ryloth'un Masumları"" Justin RidgeRandy Stradley & Henry Gilroy6 Mart 2009 (2009-03-06)1.17
Ablukanın kırılmasıyla, Obi-Wan Kenobi Twi'lek şehrini Ayrılıkçılardan özgür bırakmak zorunda. 
2121"Liberty on Ryloth-"Ryloth'da Karmaşa"" Rob ColemanHenry Gilroy13 Mart 2009 (2009-03-13)1.19
Cumhuriyet ordusu sonunda Ryloth'a varmıştır. Mace Windu Radikal Twi'lek liderinin altında bölgesel direnişçilerle takım olur. Amacı Ayrılıkçı lideri Wat Tambor'u yakalayıp Ryloth'u özgür bırakmaktır. 
2222"Hostage Crisis-"Rehin Krizi"" Giancarlo VolpeEoghan Mahony20 Mart 2009 (2009-03-20)2.04
Ödül Avcıları, Cad Bane liderliğiyle Ziro the Hutt'u kurtarmak için Senatörleri rehin alırlar. 

2. sezon: Rise of the Bounty Hunters (2009–2010)

The season two premiere, "Holocron Heist", was broadcast on Ekim 2, 2009, and attracted 2.581 million viewers.[12] NOTE: Episode 15 was first released in Canada. Episodes 16-21 were released in UK before airing in US.

# Title Directed by Written by U.S. viewers
Original air date Production
231"Holocron Heist" Justin RidgePaul Dini & Scott Murphy & Henry Gilroy2 Ekim 2009 (2009-10-02)1.23
Obi-Wan and Anakin try to stop bounty hunter Cad Bane from stealing a holocron from the Jedi temple. 
242"Cargo of Doom" Rob ColemanGeorge Krstic2 Ekim 2009 (2009-10-02)1.13
Cad Bane moves to sell the stolen holocron to the Separatists while Anakin and Ahsoka try to retrieve it. 
253"Children of the Force" Brian Kalin O'ConnellHenry Gilroy & Wendy Meracle9 Ekim 2009 (2009-10-09)2.03
Cad Bane uses the holocron to find and kidnap Force-sensitive younglings. Anakin and Ahsoka try to find them and take them home while Mace Windu and Obi-Wan track down the holocron. 
264"Senate Spy" Steward LeeMelinda Hsu16 Ekim 2009 (2009-10-16)2.05
The Jedi suspect that Senator Rush Clovis is working for the Separatists, so they recruit Padme to spy on him. Anakin is upset to discover that Padme and Clovis have a romantic history. 
275"Landing at Point Rain" Brian Kalin O'ConnellBrian Larsen6 Kasım 2009 (2009-11-06)2.07
Using the information stolen by from Senator Clovis, the badly outnumbered Jedi assault a massive droid factory. 
286"Weapons Factory" Giancarlo VolpeBrian Larsen13 Kasım 2009 (2009-11-13)2.08
Barriss Offee and Ahsoka sneak into the droid factory to destroy it while their masters, Luminara Unduli and Anakin, face new indestructible "Super Tanks". 
297"Legacy of Terror" Steward LeeEoghan Mahony20 Kasım 2009 (2009-11-20)2.09
Luminara is captured while looking for Separatist leader Poggle the Lesser, and it's up to Anakin, Obi-Wan and Commander Cody to enter a colony of Geonosian zombies to find her. 
308"Brain Invaders" Steward LeeAndrew Kreisberg4 Aralık 2009 (2009-12-04)2.12
Ahsoka and Barriss are to transport critical supplies to a medical station, but their clone troops are infected with mind-controlling Geonosian worms which try to kill the Jedi. Barriss is also infected by this mind-controlling worm. 
319"Grievous Intrigue" Giancarlo VolpeBen Edlund1 Ocak 2010 (2010-01-01)2.14
Jedi Master Eeth Koth is captured by General Grievous, and Anakin tries to rescue him while Obi-Wan plays bait. 
3210"The Deserter" Robert DalvaCarl Ellsworth1 Ocak 2010 (2010-01-01)2.06
After escaping to the planet Saleucami, Grievous searches for a ship to get offworld. Meanwhile, Rex is wounded by a commando droid sniper and meets a deserter at the farm where he takes shelter. 
3311"Lightsaber Lost" Giancarlo VolpeDrew Z. Greenberg22 Ocak 2010 (2010-01-22)2.11
When Ahsoka's lightsaber is stolen by a pickpocket, she gets help from the seemingly feeble elder Jedi Tera Sinube as she tracks down the thief. 
3412"The Mandalore Plot" Kyle DunlevyMelinda Hsu29 Ocak 2010 (2010-01-29)2.13
Obi-Wan is assigned to protect Duchess Satine of Mandalore from a terrorist organization called Death Watch. 
3513"Voyage of Temptation" Brian Kalin O' ConnellPaul Dini & Scott Murphy & Henry Gilroy5 Şubat 2010 (2010-02-05)1.21
As Satine heads to Coruscant, the clones find assassin droids in the cargo and Obi-Wan tries to identify the traitor. 
3614"Duchess of Mandalore" Brian Kalin O' ConnellDrew Z. Greenberg12 Şubat 2010 (2010-02-12)2.16
On Coruscant, Satine disguises herself as a civilian to avoid assassins as she plead for the Senate to leave her planet in peace. 
3715"Senate Murders" Brian Kalin O' ConnellDrew Z. Greenberg12 Mart 2010 (2010-03-12) (Canada)
19 Mart 2010 (2010-03-19) (ABD)
Senator Onacconda Farr is poisoned, and Padme teams up with Bail Organa to unmask the culprit. 
3816"Cat and Mouse" Kyle DunlevyBrian Larsen20 Mart 2010 (2010-03-20) (BK)
26 Mart 2010 (2010-03-26) (ABD)
A highly seasoned Separatist strategist stands between the Republic fleet and beleaguered Republic forces on Christophisis. Anakin finds himself in command of an advanced prototype stealth ship with orders to ferry supplies to the weary troops on the planet below. Will he obey orders, or use the stealth ship to launch a sneak attack on the Separatist blockade? 
3917"Bounty Hunters" Steward LeeCarl Ellsworth27 Mart 2010 (2010-03-27) (BK)
2 Nisan 2010 (2010-04-02) (ABD)
When Anakin, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan crash on Felucia, they decide to help a pack of bounty hunters protect local farmers from pirates intent on stealing their valuable crop. 
4018"The Zillo Beast" Giancarlo VolpeCraig Titley3 Nisan 2010 (2010-04-03) (BK)
9 Nisan 2010 (2010-04-09) (ABD)
The Republic's newest droid-disrupting weapon awakens a monstrous, near-invincible Zillo Beast from its underground hibernation. The Jedi face a dilemma: save the beast as the last specimen of its kind, or help the Dugs kill it and secure a treaty for critical fuel supplies? 
4119"The Zillo Beast Strikes Back" Steward LeeSteven Melching10 Nisan 2010 (2010-04-10) (BK)
16 Nisan 2010 (2010-04-16) (ABD)
When the Zillo Beast is brought back to Coruscant in hopes of learning the secret of its impenetrable armor, it instead breaks loose and rampages across the city-planet. As the clones prepare to kill it with poison gas, the Jedi are again trapped in a moral conflict between the value of its life and that of the planet's civilian populace. 
4220"Death Trap" Steward LeeDoug Petrie17 Nisan 2010 (2010-04-17) (BK)
23 Nisan 2010 (2010-04-23) (ABD)
Boba Fett infiltrates a group of young clones with the intention of assassinating Mace Windu for killing his father Jango Fett. 
4321"R2 Come Home" Giancarlo VolpeEoghan Mahony24 Nisan 2010 (2010-04-24) (BK)
30 Nisan 2010 (2010-04-30) (ABD)
Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu are trapped in the crumbling ruins of a crashed ship while searching for survivors, and only R2-D2 can get out a message to save them – if he can elude vicious gundarks and, worse yet, a crew of determined bounty hunters led by Boba Fett and Aurra Sing. 
4422"Lethal Trackdown" Dave FiloniDave Filoni & Drew Z. Greenberg30 Nisan 2010 (2010-04-30)2.20
While Anakin and Mace Windu recover from their injuries, Plo Kloon and Ahsoka chase Boba Fett from the underworld of Coruscant to the planet Florrum. Boba's revenge scheme finally leads to a climactic battle, and the life of a Republic admiral hangs in the balance. 

3. sezon: Secrets Revealed (2010–2011)

Üçüncü sezonun galası "Clone Cadets" ve "Arc Troopers"ın birleşimi olarak 17 Eylül 2010'da yayınlandı ve 2,42 milyon kişi taradından izlendi.

# Başlık Yönetmen Senarist ABD izleyicisi
Orijinal yayın tarihi Ürün
451"Clone Cadets" Dave FiloniCameron Litvack17 Eylül 2010 (2010-09-17)3.01
On Kamino, 5 clone cadets of Domino Squad are at risk of washing out unless they pull their team together while trainers Bric, El-Les, and Jedi Master Shaak Ti debate their fate. 
462"ARC Troopers" Kyle DunlevyCameron Litvack17 Eylül 2010 (2010-09-17)3.02
Grievous's and Ventress's Separatists forces launch a major attack on the Republic cloning facilities on Kamino with Anakin, Obi-Wan, and the 501st defending it. 
473"Supply Lines" Brian Kalin O'ConnellSteven Melching & Eoghan Mahony24 Eylül 2010 (2010-09-24)2.24
With Ryloth under siege, a trapped Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di and his clone forces rally the local forces of Cham Syndulla. Elsewhere, the Jedi council sends Bail Organa and Jar Jar Binks to go to Toydaria, to ask King Katuunko for aid to Ryloth. 
484"Sphere of Influence" Kyle DunlevyKatie Lucas & Steven Melching1 Ekim 2010 (2010-10-01)2.25
Chairman Papanodia's family is kidnapped and held for ransom. Ahsoka must team up with the Senator from Pantora, Riyo Chuchi, to aid the new chairman in recovering his family before the Trade Federation can unduly influence the future of his planet. 
495"Corruption" Giancarlo VolpeCameron Litvack8 Ekim 2010 (2010-10-08)3.04
Padmé, on a diplomatic mission to Mandalore, guarantees the pacifist planet the Republic's full protection, but she and Duchess Satine soon find something sinister lurking beneath the planet's serene facade. Moogan smugglers have been sneaking in supplies, including bottled tea destined for the Mandalorian schools. To increase their profits, they have been diluting the tea with a hazardous chemical. 
506"The Academy" Giancarlo VolpeKatie Lucas & Steven Melching15 Ekim 2010 (2010-10-15)2.26
Ahsoka is assigned to teach a class at the cadet academy on Mandalore. Soon after she arrives, Duchess Satine's zealous nephew and his classmates uncover a nefarious plot. 
517"Assassin" Kyle DunlevyKatie Lucas22 Ekim 2010 (2010-10-22)2.21
Volunteered to protect Senator Padmé Amidala during a political mission to Alderaan, Padawan Ahsoka Tano is plagued by recurring visions of the bounty hunter Aurra Sing in assasinating the senator. 
528"Evil Plans" Brian Kalin O'ConnellSteve Mitchell & Craig Van Sickle5 Kasım 2010 (2010-11-05)3.03
While on an important shopping trip on Coruscant, C-3PO is kidnapped by the sinister bounty hunter Cad Bane in a dastardly plot to free Ziro The Hutt. 
539"Hunt for Ziro" Steward LeeSteve Mitchell & Craig Van Sickle12 Kasım 2010 (2010-11-12)3.05
The Hutt Council is searching for Ziro the Hutt after escaping from them, but they are not the only ones. Jedi Masters Obi-Wan and Quinlan Vos both search for Ziro too. 
5410"Heroes on Both Sides" Kyle DunlevyDaniel Arkin19 Kasım 2010 (2010-11-19)3.06
When the Senate begins debate on a bill that would eliminate government oversight of the Banking Clan's activities, Padmé and Ahsoka travel in secret to the capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, in an attempt to forge a peace agreement with the Separatists. 
5511"Pursuit of Peace" Duwayne DunhamDaniel Arkin3 Aralık 2010 (2010-12-03)3.07
Senators Padmé Amidala, Bail Organa and Onaconda Farr push against a new bill in the Senate to buy new clones for the Republic. But someone does not like their opposition and tries to persuade them out of it. 
5612"Nightsisters" Giancarlo VolpeKatie Lucas7 Ocak 2011 (2011-01-07)3.08
Darth Sidious, troubled by Ventress's growing prowess with the dark side of the Force, commands Count Dooku to eliminate her. When Ventress survives Dooku's assassination attempt, the jilted former apprentice vows to take revenge, enlisting her kinswomen – the Nightsisters of Dathomir – in her scheme. 
5713"Monster" Kyle DunlevyKatie Lucas14 Ocak 2011 (2011-01-14)3.10
With the results of Ventress's attack on Dooku as a failure, Mother Talzin gives Dooku a new apprentice named Savage Oppress, who is the clan brother of Darth Maul and secretly controlled by the Nightsisters. 
5814"Witches of the Mist" Giancarlo VolpeKatie Lucas21 Ocak 2011 (2011-01-21)3.12
With Savage Oppress connected to the Force he sets out to capture King Katuunko, only to strangle him with the Force. Talzin tells Ventress to attack Dooku after the events. But the attack fails and Savage believes Ventress betrayed him. 
5915"Overlords" Steward LeeChristian Taylor28 Ocak 2011 (2011-01-28)3.09

Obi-Wan, Anakin and Ahsoka become stranded on a mysterious planet where the Force is very strong. Three powerful entities called the Father, Son and Daughter live there. The Father tries to convince Anakin to stay and remain as Anakin will be the only one able to control the Son and Daughter since he is the Chosen One.

Note: Liam Neeson reprises his role as Qui Gon Jinn. 
6016"Altar of Mortis" Brian Kalin O'ConnellChristian Taylor4 Şubat 2011 (2011-02-04)3.11
Before the Jedi can leave Mortis, the Son takes Ahsoka captive in an attempt to entice Anakin into joining him to use their combined strength to overpower his Father and Sister. To this end, the Son casts Ahsoka under the spell of the dark side and she battles Anakin, when he comes to rescue her, and is later battled with Obi-wan. After a battle between the Son and the Daughter stopped by the Father, Ahsoka steals the dagger that controls the Son. The Son is about to kill the Father, but the Daughter sacrifices herself to save the Father and returns Ahsoka to normal as well by the Daughter transferring her life to Ahsoka. 
6117"Ghosts of Mortis" Steward LeeChristian Taylor11 Şubat 2011 (2011-02-11)3.13
The Jedi remain stranded on Mortis, and the Son aligned with the Dark Side of the Force renews his efforts to convert Anakin as the Jedi prepare for a decisive confrontation. To turn Anakin to the Dark Side, the Son shows Anakin future images of himself causing so much pain and death as the Sith Lord Darth Vader. This works, and Anakin joins the Son out of fear that what he saw would actually happen. Ahsoka disables the ship upon hearing that Anakin joined the Son, and leaves to help Obi-Wan find the Father. The Father later confronts Anakin and erases his memory of the terrible vision the Son had shown him. When the Son tries to kill the Father, the Father steals the sword and uses it to kill himself, taking away his Son's power, allowing Anakin to kill the Son and restore the balance. 
6218"The Citadel" Kyle DunlevyMatt Michnovetz18 Şubat 2011 (2011-02-18)3.14
An elite team of Jedi attempts to free Master Even Piell from an impenetrable prison, encountering reprogrammed battle droids, carbonite chambers and a younger Captain Tarkin along the way. 
6319"Counterattack" Brian Kalin O'ConnellMatt Michnovetz4 Mart 2011 (2011-03-04)3.15
With freed prisoners in their possession and brutal warden Osi Sobeck attempting desperately to thwart them, Obi-Wan and Anakin search for a way out of the Citadel and back to Coruscant. The prison, however, has more traps, perils and pitfalls in store for them than they had imagined and they must work past their differences if they are to escape. 
6420"Citadel Rescue" Steward LeeMatt Michnovetz11 Mart 2011 (2011-03-11)3.17
While finding their way out of the Citadel prison which is under the command of the Separatist Osi Sobeck, the elite team's ship was destroyed, forcing them to wait for the rescue by Republic fleet. Along the way to rendezvous point they encounter waves of droid squads, which they have to fight in order to evacuate freed prisoners and save the information they hold. The Jedi attempt to escape, but are cornered by a pack of anoobas who kill Even Piell. But before he dies, he gives his half of the information to Ahsoka, telling her not to reveal it to anyone but the Jedi Council. But as the Jedi are about to escape, they are cornered by Sobeck who tries to kill Tarkin, but is stabbed and killed by Ahsoka. Plo Koon then arrives and rescues the Jedi, taking them back to Coruscant. 
6521"Padawan Lost" Dave FiloniBonnie Mark19 Mart 2011 (2011-03-19) (BK)
1 Nisan 2011 (2011-04-01) (ABD)
Ahsoka gets captured by Trandoshans during a battle on the planet Felucia. They drop her off on a planet where they intend to hunt her and others for sport. Ahsoka encounters three Jedi younglings named Kalifa, Jinx and O-mer, who she teams up with to survive. The next day they set out to escape the Trandoshans but are found and hunted. The lead Trandoshan's son accidentally gets killed, and in revenge his father shoots and kills Kalifa. Ahsoka promises to take care of the other two younglings as Kalifa dies. 
6622"Wookiee Hunt" Dave FiloniBonnie Mark26 Mart 2011 (2011-03-26) (BK)
1 Nisan 2011 (2011-04-01) (ABD)
As Ahsoka and her allies struggle to evade the Trandoshan hunters, their efforts receive an unexpected boost when a new captive arrives: Chewbacca the Wookiee. Together, the Padawans and Chewie attack the Trandoshan fortress, and with the help of other Wookiee warriors, are able to kill a large number of Trandoshans. Ahsoka herself kills the Trandoshan leader Garnac with a powerful Force push. 

4. sezon: Battle Lines (2011–2012)

Dördüncü sezonun galası "Water War" ve "Gungan Attack" bölümlerinin birleşimi olarak, 16 Eylül 2011'de yayınlandı ve tüm sezon galalarının en düşük izlenme oranını yaparak 1,93 milyon kişi tarafından izlendi.

# Başlık Yönetmen Senarist ABD izleyicisi
Orijinal yayın tarihi Ürün
671"Water War" / "Su Savaşı" Duwayne DunhamJose Molina16 Eylül 2011 (2011-09-16)3.22
Bu kez Jedi kendilerini, Mon Calamari gezegeninde başlayacak iç savaşta barışı korumaya çalışırken bulur. Fakat Ayrılıkçıların başka bir planı vardır. Jedi ve Mon Calamari yerlileri güçlerini birleştirip istilâcıları geri püskürt ebilecek mi, yoksa bir başka gezegen de Ayrılıkçıların eline mi düşecek? 
682"Gungan Attack" / "Gungan Saldırısı" Brian Kalin O'ConnellJose Molina16 Eylül 2011 (2011-09-16)3.23
Ayrılıkçıların Mon Calamari'deki Cumhuriyet güçlerinin çoğunu bozguna uğratmasından sonra Jedi, Büyük Gungan Ordusu'ndan yardım istemek zorunda kalır. Fakat çarpışma sonrasında Cumhuriyet güçleri bir şekilde esir alınır. Bu sırada diğerlerinden ayrı olan Ahsoka ve Prens Lee-Char yeni bir tatik planlarlar. 
693"Prisoners" / "Tutsaklar" Danny KellerJose Molina23 Eylül 2011 (2011-09-23)3,24
Anakin, Padme, Kit Fisto ve Jar Jar Binks'in Riff Tamson tarafından ele geçirilmesinin ardından, Ahsoka ve Prens Lee-Char arkadaşlarını Ayrılıkçıların pençesinden kurtarmak için bir çözüm yolu bulmak zorundadır. Gezegenini kötü niyetli Tamson'dan kurtarmak için, Lee-Char Quarren'la yeniden birleşmeye karar verir. 
704"Shadow Warrior" / "Gölge Savaşçısı" Brian Kalin O'ConnellDaniel Arkin30 Eylül 2011 (2011-09-30)3.19
Anakin, Padme and Jar Jar uncover a plot on Naboo for the Gungans to aid the Separatists. However, as the subterfuge unravels, can the Jedi and the Gungans delay General Grievous as he prepares to launch his massive attack on Naboo? 
715"Mercy Mission" / "Merhamet Görevi" Danny KellerBonnie Mark7 Ekim 2011 (2011-10-07)3.20
Plo Koon's clone legion "The Wolfpack", R2-D2 and C-3PO are set to help the planet of Aleen in its time of need, but the droids discover some importance to the planet's situation. 
726"Nomad Droids" Steward LeeSteve Mitchell & Craig Van Sickle14 Ekim 2011 (2011-10-14)3.21
After an attack from General Grievous, R2-D2 and C-3PO find themselves on a series of adventures to get back to Coruscant. 
737"Darkness on Umbara" / "Umbara'daki Karanlık" Steward LeeMatt Michnovetz28 Ekim 2011 (2011-10-28)3.25
When Anakin is forced to temporarily turn over command of his clone troopers to a new commander, the Jedi Pong Krell, tensions begin to run high as the clones are assigned with a very deadly mission to take the capital of Umbara. 
748"The General" / "General" Walter MurchMatt Michnovetz4 Kasım 2011 (2011-11-04)3.26
General Krell orders Captain Rex and the clone troopers of the 501st Legion to conquer a heavily fortified Umbaran airbase, and will not accept anything less than victory. It is an almost certain suicide mission, unless the clones can use their ingenuity to defeat their new enemy. 
759"Plan of Dissent" Kyle DunlevyMatt Michnovetz11 Kasım 2011 (2011-11-11)4.01
After the Republic conquers an Umbaran airbase, General Krell orders Rex and his men on towards the heavily fortified capital. Realizing there's a better plan, several clone troopers disobey orders to carry out a rogue, covert operation. 
7610"Carnage of Krell" / "Krell'in Katliamı" Kyle DunlevyMatt Michnovetz18 Kasım 2011 (2011-11-18)4.02
With two of his men facing execution for disobeying orders, Captain Rex is forced to confront his overly aggressive commander, General Krell, in the conclusion to the action-packed battle for Umbara. Risking charges of mutiny, Rex must make a dark choice as the true face of the enemy emerges, General Krell. 
7711"Kidnapped" Kyle DunlevyHenry Gilroy & Steven Melching25 Kasım 2011 (2011-11-25)[13]4.03
Ahsoka goes on a mission with Anakin conserning millions of missing Togruta, and the experience proves tough on her, as well as her master. 
7812"Slaves of the Republic" Brian Kalin O'ConnellHenry Gilroy & Steven Melching2 Aralık 2011 (2011-12-02)[13]4.04
Anakin, Obi-Wan, Rex, and Ahsoka go undercover to infiltrate the slavers on Zygerria to find the missing Colonists. Obi-Wan, Rex, and Anakin as slavers and Ahsoka as the slave (impersonating an heiress). Later on Obi-Wan is captured for trying to help a colonist escape, the Zygerrian Queen then hosts an execution where Anakin, Rex and Ahsoka intercepts it but then the slavers captures then all. Anakin struggles with his emotions as a wily Zygerrian queen forces him to take questionable actions in order to carry out his mission. 
7913"Escape from Kadavo" Danny KellerHenry Gilroy & Steven Melching4.05
Anakin tries to convince the Zygerrian Queen that she too is a slave and pawn in an evil Separatist plot. Meanwhile Obi-Wan and Rex being captured and taken to the Planet of Kadovo toils in the slave camps, a grim situation that grows increasingly bleak 
8014"A Friend in Need" Dave FiloniChristian Taylor4.06
A peace conference between Separatists and Republic delegates is interrupted by Lux Bonteri, the son of the late Separatist Senator, Mina Bonteri (Ep. 54, Ssn3, #10). Soon after, he involves Ahsoka in his dangerous search to find justice for his mother's death. 
8115"Deception" Kyle DunlevyBrent Friedman4.07
Obi-Wan fakes his own death and goes undercover (as Rako Hardeen) in a Republic prison, in order to gather information on a plot to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine from a convict named Moralo Eval. While there, he learns that another prisoner, notorious bounty hunter Cad Bane, is also involved. Meanwhile, Anakin seeks vengeance over the death of his former master. 
8216"Friends and Enemies" Bosco NgBrent Friedman4.08
Having escaped from prison, Obi-Wan, Cad Bane and Moralo Eval flee across the galaxy, pursued by Anakin and Ahsoka. Obi-Wan must devise a way to warn his fellow Jedi to halt their chase without blowing his cover. 
8317"The Box" Kyle DunlevyBrent Friedman4.09
Count Dooku invites some of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy, including Cad Bane and a still-disguised Obi-Wan, to compete in an obstacle course known as "The Box", with involvement in the plot to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine as the reward for survival. After facing many challenges in The Box, Obi-Wan survives, along with Cad Bane and 4 other bounty hunters. Cad Bane is appointed by Dooku to lead the kidnap operation against Palpatine on Naboo. 
8418"Crisis on Naboo" Danny KellerBrent Friedman4.10
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine goes to Naboo guarded by Jedi Knights. Meanwhile, Cad Bane, a still-disguised Obi-Wan and a pack of bounty hunters put their plan into action, but fails when Obi-Wan alerts the Jedi. With the Bounty Hunters in Republic Custody Obi-Wan wants to change back to his original self. What Obi-Wan didn't realize was that Dooku was listening when he alerted Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker. Dooku tries again later to kidnap Palpatine when he is alone with Anakin. Obi-Wan realizes what is going on, and Anakin and Obi-Wan fight Dooku,and save the Chancellor. Dooku escapes from Naboo, leaving Anakin and Obi-Wan with Palpatine. 
8519"Massacre" Steward LeeKatie Lucas4.11
After failing to kill Dooku or control Savage Opress, Asajj Ventress is advised by Mother Talzin to reject the ways of the Sith and rejoin the Nightsisters. However, an angered and fearful Count Dooku is determined to see the end of Ventress and Mother Talzin. Via Dooku's command, General Grievous launches a droid assault, only to find an army of undead Dathomirian Nightsisters 'awakened' by Daka, the eldest of the Sister's clan. Talzin creates a voodoo doll to finish off Dooku, whilst Ventress and Grievous square-off in saber combat. Ventress downs Greivous, but he knows not honor. Now a wounded Ventress is helpless but to watch as the last of the Nightsisters on Dathomir are massacred. The episode closes with the green misty 'spirit' of Mother Talzin bidding farewell and good luck to Ventress, whom is now left to grieve for her sisters and lament her lost future 
8620"Bounty" Kyle DunlevyKatie Lucas4.12
An aimless Asajj Ventress joins a team of bounty hunters (including Bossk & Dengar) under the leadership of a pre-teen Boba Fett. On an alien world, they undertake a precariously, profitable, subterranean delivery mission that tests the limits of their skills, and the strength of Asajj's character. Realizing that familial love is a ubiquitous virtue thru-out the galaxies and that her powers are needed by many, Ventress finds a sense of closure and hope for her future after all. 
8721"Brothers" Bosco NgKatie Lucas4.13
With a magical amulet from Mother Talzin, Savage Opress lands on a junk planet in the Outer Rim, and searches for his lost brother. With the help of the snake Morley, Savage finds his brother, discovering that it is the Sith Lord Darth Maul, who has been driven to insanity from his near-death experience. 
8822"Revenge" Brian Kalin O'ConnellKatie Lucas4.14
Fueled by hatred, Darth Maul, and his brother Savage Opress, set out to take revenge on the Jedi who had sliced him in half on Naboo over ten years earlier. Maul sends a message to Obi-Wan Kenobi to confront him alone, by murdering the inhabitants of a village on a distant planet. Upon arrival, Kenobi is double-teamed by Maul and Opress and they leave the planet with Kenobi as their prisoner. Tortured and almost beaten, Obi-Wan receives aid from an unlikely ally, Asajj Ventress, now a bounty hunter after the one million credit bounty on Opress. Outmatched, Obi-Wan and Ventress flee Maul and Savage in the ship's cockpit, leaving the two Dathomirian brothers to patiently plot their next move. 


  1. Cartoon Network'ün resmî sayfası
  2. "IESB Video Portal". Mart 24, 2007 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: Mart 14, 2010.
  3. 1 2 "The Clone Wars (2008)". 10 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: Temmuz 30, 2010.
  4. 1 2 Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 1 2 Retrieved Temmuz 30, 2010.
  5. "Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - The Complete Season 1 (4 Disc Box Set)". 15 Nisan 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 30 Temmuz 2010.
  6. "Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - The Complete Season 2 (4 Disc Box Set)". 15 Nisan 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: Ağustos 22, 2010.
  7. "The Clone Wars Season 3 on Blu-Ray and DVD This Ekim". Lucasfilm Ltd.. Haziran 20, 2011. 12 Eylül 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: Haziran 20, 2011.
  8. "Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - The Complete 3rd Season (5 Disc Set)". EzyDVD. Erişim tarihi: Ağustos 18, 2011.
  9. Eggerton, John (Ekim 6, 2008). "Clone Wars Debut Makes Cartoon History". Broadcasting & Cable. Erişim tarihi: Temmuz 30, 2010.
  10. Mitovich, Matt (Ekim 6, 2008). "Cartoon Network's Most-Watched Debut, Clone Wars Is". TV Guide. Erişim tarihi: Temmuz 30, 2010.
  11. Seidman, Robert (Mart 24, 2009). "WWE RAW, Hannah Montana and Northern Lights lead cable show rankings". TV by the Numbers. Erişim tarihi: 2010-07-30.
  12. Seidman, Robert (Ekim 6, 2009). "Star Wars: The Clone Wars premieres with 2.581 million". TV by the Numbers. Erişim tarihi: Temmuz 30, 2010.
  13. 1 2 "Shows A-Z - star wars: the clone wars on toon". The Futon Critic. Erişim tarihi: Ekim 31, 2011.

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