
Kürt devletleri ve hanedanlıkları listesi

Bu listede tarihte Kürtler tarafından kurulmuş devlet, hanedanlık ve otonomiler bulunmaktadir.

Eski Hanedanlık

Baban ve Erdelan bölgeleri

Ana madde: Kürt tarihi

Eski devletleri

Kürdistan Kralliği

Güncel - (Günümüz)

Kürdistan Bölgesel Yönetimi Haritası


  1. Shaddadids, C.E. Bosworth, The Encyclopedia of Islam, Cilt 9, sayfa 170
  2. Seref Han Bitlisi, Serefname, Revvadi Kürtleri
  3. https://books.google.fr/books?id=DoNSXwb8D9EC&pg=PA117&hl=tr#v=onepage&q&f=false
  4. Muhammed bin İbrahim bin Muhammed bin Ebil-Fevâris Abdülazîz El-Ensârî El-Hazrecî, Târihu Devletil-Ekrâd, Miilet Genel (Hekimoğlu Ali Paşa) Kütüphanesi, No:695)
  5. Hakan Özoglu, Kurdish Notables and the Ottoman State: Evolving Identities, Competing Loyalties, and Shifting Boundaries, SUNY Press, 2004, ISBN 0791485560, s. 46.
  6. A fourth pretender was Karim Khan, son of Aymak of the Zand, a section of Lak tribe, Sir Percy Molesworth Sykes, A History of Persi, Macmillan and co., limited, 1930, p. 277.
  7. One of the contenders for power was Karim Khan Zand, a member of the Lak tribe near Shiraz, William Marsden, Stephen Album, Marsden's Numismata orientalia illustrata, Attic Books, 1977, ISBN 978-0-915018-16-1, p. 158.
  8. Karim Khan, the founder of the Zand dynasty of Persia that succeeded the Afsharids, was himself born to a family of these Lak deportees (of the Zand tribe), Mehrdad R. Izady, The Kurds: A Concise Handbook, Taylor & Francis, 1992, ISBN 978-0-8448-1727-9, p. 12.
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