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Bu, ateist yahut agnostik görüşteki tanınmış nonteist kimselerin bir listesidir.




























  1. Celebrity Atheist
  2. Howard Pollack (1999). Aaron Copland:: The Life and Work of an Uncommon Man. University of Illinois Press. p. 28. ISBN 9780252069000. Arnold Dobrin similarly reported, "Aaron Copland has not followed the religion of his parents. He is an agnostic but one who is deeply aware of the grandeur and mystery of the universe."
  3. Aaron Copland - Freedom from Religion Foundation
  4. Dina Kraft (Mar.14, 2013). "'Repairing the world' was Aaron Swartz’s calling". Haaretz. 23 Mart 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20130323014707/http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/jewish-world-news/repairing-the-world-was-aaron-swartz-s-calling.premium-1.509494. Erişim tarihi: 23 March 2013. "And although the young technologist and activist grew up to call himself an atheist, the values he grew up with appeared foundational."
  5. Abdul Rashid Dostum
  6. "'He brings a humanness to (science) that's very refreshing'". Rediff On The News. 22 Ekim 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20121022153133/http://www.rediff.com/news/1999/may/15us5.htm. Erişim tarihi: 31 October 2014. "Although he is an atheist, Dr Ashtekar says, his attitude toward work is from the Hindu religious text, the Bhagavad Gita."
  7. Celebrity Apprentice: why atheist Adam Carolla picked a Catholic charity
  8. {{|watch?v=1JUfWlf2xNY|title=AVTM shares Catholic-Atheist liberty hug with Tom Woods|publisher=Youtube|date=July 1, 2012|accessdate=May 26, 2013}}
  9. Food for The Eagle By Adam Savage
  10. Adrianne Curry - Celebrity Atheist List
  11. Atheist Alain de Botton challenges Hitchens’ assertion that ‘religion poisons everything’
  12. Alan Cumming - Celebrity Atheist List
  13. "The question of the origin of the matter in the universe is no longer thought to be beyond the range of science — everything can be created from nothing...it is fair to say that the universe is the ultimate free lunch." Alan Guth, The Inflationary Universe: The Quest for a New Theory of Cosmic Origins (1998). q:Atheism
  14. "Biblical scholar Jacques Berlinerblau points out, in an interesting recent book, The Secular Bible: Why Nonbelievers Must Take Religion Seriously (2005), that most contemporary atheists and agnostics — myself included, I must confess — are astoundingly ignorant of the details of the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament and the Qur'an. (not to mention the Bhagavad Gita and the Tripitaka, one could add)...When all is said and done, I see no reason to amend my judgment that the existence of the Jewish, Christian, Islamic or Hindu gods is about as plausible, given the currently available evidence, as the existence of Zeus or Thor." - Alan Sokal, Beyond the Hoax: Science, Philosophy and Culture (2008).
  15. Celebrity Atheist: Alan Turing
  16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Şablon:Citar web
  17. Naukowe, Łódzkie (2003). Bulletin de la Société des sciences et des lettres de Łódź: Série, Recherches sur les déformations, Volumes 39–42. Société des sciences et des lettres de Łódź. p. 162. "Michelson's biographers stress, that our hero was not conspicuous by religiousness. His father was a free-thinker and Michelson grew up in non-religious family and have no opportunity to acknowledge the believe of his forebears. He was agnostic through his whole life and only for the short period he was a member of the 21st lodge in Washington."
  18. John D. Barrow (2002). The Book of Nothing: Vacuums, Voids, and the Latest Ideas About the Origins of the Universe. Random House Digital, Inc. p. 136. ISBN 978-0-375-72609-5. "Morley was deeply religious. His original training had been in theology and he only turned to chemistry, a self-taught hobby, when he was unable to enter the ministry. Michelson, by contrast, was a religious agnostic."
  19. 1984; Dorothy Michelson Livingston; One Pass Productions; Cinema Guild. The Master of Light: A Biography of Albert A. Michelson. University of Chicago Press. p. 106. "On the religious question, Michelson disagreed with both these men. He had renounced any belief that moral issues were at stake in..."
  20. Camus, Albert [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
  21. "The atheist existentialists, such as (...) Camus (...)" David Layton (2012). The Humanism of Doctor Who: A Critical Study in Science Fiction and Philosophy. McFarland, pg. 333
  22. "Foi, é claro, uma mentira o que você leu sobre minhas convicções religiosas, uma mentira que está sendo sistematicamente repetida. Eu não acredito em um deus pessoal e nunca neguei isso; ao contrário, expressei claramente. Se existe algo em mim que pode ser chamado de religioso, esse algo é a minha admiração ilimitada pela estrutura do mundo até onde a ciência nos pode revelá-lo". Carta a um ateu (24 de Março de 1954), em Albert Einstein, The Human Side: New Glimpses From His Archives (1979), de Helen Dukas e Banesh Hoffmann, página 43.
  23. "Disse repetidamente que, em minha opinião, a idéia de um deus pessoal é infantil. Você pode me chamar de agnóstico (...)". Carta a Guy H. Raner Jr. (28 de Setembro de 1949), de um artigo de Michael R. Gilmore na revista Skeptic, vol. 5. nº 2 (1997).
  24. "Minha posição a respeito de Deus é a de um agnóstico. Estou convencido de que uma consciência vívida da importância primária de princípios morais para a melhoria e o enobrecimento da vida não precisa da idéia de um legislador, especialmente um legislador que trabalha na base da recompensa e da punição". Carta a M. Berkowitz, 25 de Outubro de 1950, disponível no Einstein Archive 59–215. Citada em The New Quotable Einstein (2000), de Alice Calaprice. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, p. 216.
  25. Albert Einstein - Celebrity Atheist List
  26. Albert Ellis - Celebrity Atheist List
  27. Nielsen, Stevan Lars & Ellis, Albert. (1994). "A discussion with Albert Ellis: Reason, emotion and religion", Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 13(4), Win 1994. pp. 327-341
  28. Harold Bloom, ed. (2003). Aldous Huxley. Infobase Publishing. p. 27. ISBN 978-0-7910-7040-6. As late as 1962 he wrote to Reid Gardner, “I remain an agnostic who aspires to be a gnostic” (Letters 935).
  29. Alejandro Amenábar - Celebrity Atheist List
  30. "However, while Buñuel’s attacks on religion are primarily confined to Catholicism, Jodorowsky not only violates but de-centres Western religious traditions by creating a hybrid amalgamation of Western, non-Western and occult beliefs. A self-described “atheist mystic”, he has claimed to hate religion (for it “is killing the planet”), but he loves mysticism and occult practices like alchemy." David Church, Senses of Cinema, February 13, 2007.
  31. Atheist Attacks Godless Constitution
  32. facts about Alexander Lukashenko - True Knowledge
  33. Theories of the Origin and Early Evolution of Life
  35. Neil Schlager; Josh Lauer (2000). Science and its times: understanding the social significance of scientific discovery (illustrated bas.). Gale Group. s. 112. ISBN 978-0-7876-3939-6. "Alexander Oparin (1894-1980), an atheist, suggested that natural chemical reactions produced biological molecules that came together to form the first living thing."
  36. In his introduction to the Sunshine screenplay (Faber and Faber 2007), Garland writes: "Aside from being a love letter to its antecedents, I wrote Sunshine as a film about atheism. A crew is en route to a God-like entity: the Sun. The Sun is larger and more powerful than we can imagine. The Sun gave us life, and can take it away. It is nurturing, in that it provides the means of our survival, but also terrifying and hostile [...] Ultimately, even the most rational crew member is overwhelmed by his sense of wonder and, as he falls into the star, he believes he is touching the face of God. But he isn't. The Sun is God-like, but not God. Not a conscious being. Not a divine architect. And the crew member is only doing what man has always done: making an awestruck category error when confronted with our small place within the vast and neutral scheme of things. The director, Danny Boyle, who is not atheistic in the way that I am, felt differently. He believed that the crew actually were meeting God. I didn't see this as a major problem, because the difference in our approach wasn't in conflict with the way in which the story would be told."
  37. David Burns (2013). The Life and Death of the Radical Historical Jesus. Oxford University Press. p. 97. ISBN 9780199929504. "Alexander Berkman was a self-declared atheist attempting to lift the stultifying fog of the gods from the mind of humankind."
  38. "Impelling Forces". Sasha and Emma: The Anarchist Odyssey of Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman. Harvard University Press. 2012. ISBN 9780674067677. "Berkman, an atheist, refused to be sworn in."
  39. "Although Hurley's ecumenical links stopped short of the Communist Party, Alec Erwin, today's South African Minister of Trade and Industry, recalled their friendship in anti-apartheid days, though Erwin was an atheist and "he knew of my support for the Communist cause"." Randolph Vigne, 'Obituary: Archbishop Denis Hurley, Progressive South African Prelate', The Independent (London), February 25, 2004, Pg. 34.
  40. "He had remained steadfast in agnosticism and therefore, as Mabel took comfort in remarking, "he never denied God." Neither did he affirm God. He and Mabel occasionally attended Presbyterian services and sometimes Episcopalian, at which Mabel could follow the prayer book. Since otherwise she depended on Bell's interpreting, their church goings were rare; but their children attended Presbyterian services regularly. In 1901 Bell came across a Unitarian pamphlet and found its theology congenially undogmatic. "I have always considered myself as an Agnostic," he wrote Mabel, "but I have now discovered that I am a Unitarian Agnostic."" Bruce, Robert V (1973). Bell: Alexander Graham Bell and the Conquest of Solitude. Cornell University Press, pg. 490
  41. "Alec, a skeptical Scot whose family never attended church, gently informed her that he believed "[m]en should be judged not by their religious beliefs but by their lives." He respected Mabel's beliefs, but he himself couldn't accept the notion of life after death: "Concerning Death and Immortality, Salvation, Faith and all the other points of theoretical religion, I know absolutely nothing and can frame no beliefs whatsoever." Mabel quietly accepted Alec's agnosticism, although she firmly informed him, "It is so glorious and comforting to know there is something after this—that everything does not end with this world."" Gray, Charlotte (2006). Reluctant Genius: The Passionate Life and Inventive Mind of Alexander Graham Bell. Harper Collins Publishers Ltd., pg. 151
  42. Alex Kapranos - Celebrity Atheist List
  43. Alexander McQueen - Celebrity Atheist List
  44. Worse than Wilders. But No Death Threats
  45. 20th Century - Investigating Atheism
  46. An analysis of the atheists near-death experiences
  47. Alfred Kinsey - Celebrity Atheist List
  48. "Kinsey was also shown to be an atheist who loathed religion and its constraints on sex." 'Kinsey' critics ready, Cheryl Wetzstein, The Washington Times. Retrieved February 2, 2007.
  49. Michael Evlanoff; Marjorie Fluor (1969). Alfred Nobel, the loneliest millionaire. W. Ritchie Press. p. 88. "He declared himself an agnostic in his youth, an atheist later, but at the same time, bestowed generous sums to the church..."
  50. Alfred Russel Wallace. My Life. A record of events and opinions. Elibron.com. p. 358. ISBN 9781402184291. "I soon became intimate with him, and we were for some years joint investigators of spiritualistic phenomena. He was, like myself at that time, an agnostic, well educated, and of a more positive character than myself."
  51. "Most of the Socialist Party members were also in favor of assimilation, and Tarski's political allegiance was socialist at the time. So, along with its being a practical move, becoming more Polish than Jewish was an ideological statement and was approved by many, though not all, of his colleagues. As to why Tarski, a professed atheist, converted, that just came with the territory and was part of the package: if you were going to be Polish then you had to say you were Catholic." Anita Burdman Feferman, Solomon Feferman, Alfred Tarski: Life and Logic (2004), page 39.
  52. Protagonista de nova série da Globo, Alinne Moraes fala sobre ateísmo.
  53. Álvares de Azevedo: O Homem do Desejo, por José Emílio Major Neto. Apresentação ao livro Lira dos vinte anos e poesias diversas. Atelie Editorial, 1999. Página 28.
  54. Amber Heard will be heard
  55. André Breton - Celebrity Atheist List
  56. Şablon:Citar web
  57. Şablon:Citar web
  58. "Of course, Markov, an atheist and eventual excommunicate of the Church quarreled endlessly with his equally outspoken counterpart Nekrasov. The disputes between Markov and Nekrasov were not limited to mathematics and religion, they quarreled over political and philosophical issues as well." Gely P. Basharin, Amy N. Langville, Valeriy A. Naumov, The Life and Work of A. A. Markov, page 6.
  59. Loren R. Graham, Jean-Michel Kantor (2009). Naming Infinity: A True Story of Religious Mysticism and Mathematical Creativity. Harvard University Press. s. 69. ISBN 978-0-674-03293-4. "Markov (1856–1922), on the other hand, was an atheist and a strong critic of the Orthodox Church and the tsarist government (Nekrasov exaggeratedly called him a Marxist)."
  60. Gennady Gorelik, Antonina W. Bouis (2005). The World of Andrei Sakharov: A Russian Physicist's Path to Freedom. Oxford University Press. s. 356. ISBN 9780195156201. "Apparently Sakharov did not need to delve any deeper into it for a long time, remaining a totally nonmilitant atheist with an open heart."
  61. Gennadiĭ Efimovich Gorelik, Antonina W. Bouis (2005). The World of Andrei Sakharov: A Russian Physicist's Path to Freedom. Oxford University Press. s. 158. ISBN 9780195156201. "Sakharov was not invited to this seminar. Like most of the physicists of his generation, he was an atheist."
  62. Todd K. Shackelford, Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford, ed. (2012). The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Violence, Homicide, and War. Oxford University Press. s. 465. ISBN 9780199738403. "The Soviet dissident most responsible for defeating communism, Andrei Sakharov, was an atheist."
  63. "Obituary: Andrew Huxley". The Economist. June 16, 2012. Retrieved 14 May 2013. He did not even mind the master's duty of officiating in chapel, since he was, he explained, not atheist but agnostic (a word usefully invented by his grandfather), and was “very conscious that there is no scientific explanation for the fact that we are conscious.”
  64. Andy Partridge - Celebrity Atheist List
  65. On his website's FAQ section Andy said: "I guess because of my look in the November 2006 YouTube videos, many people came to assume that I am Muslim. Well, I am not Muslim. I am actually an atheist. As a side note, I believe in anyone's right to believe in what they want and kindly ask the same. So please don't message me trying to convert me to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or anything else"
  66. Andy Richter - Celebrity Atheist List
  67. Andy Rooney - Celebrity Atheist List
  68. Andy Serkis on Being an Atheist Parent
  69. Arch Enemy's Angela Gossow Talks Atheism, Veganism, And More In Interview With Maximum Rock
  70. http://br.eonline.com/2013/famosos-que-se-declararam-ateus/
  71. Ani DiFranco - Celebrity Atheist List
  72. http://www.amazon.com/My-Path-Atheism-Annie-Besant/dp/1406878367
  73. Philip S. Taylor (2007). Anton Rubinstein: A Life in Music. Indiana University Press. p. 280. ISBN 9780253116758. "In the ecclesiastical and religious sense I am an atheist, but I am convinced that it would be a misfortune if people had no religion, no church, no God."
  74. Celebrity Atheist: Anton Chekhov
  75. "Artaud’s theories are phrased in a strongly poetical language that betrays an acute awareness of modernity’s disenchanted life-world, but, at the same time, is obsessed with reviving the supernatural. His profoundly atheist religiosity (if we may call it so) obviously presents great problems to scholarship." Thomas Crombez: Dismemberment in Drama/Dismemberment of Drama - Chapter Two - The Dismembered Body in Antonin Artaud’s Surrealist Plays. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  76. Antonio Abujamra grava CD astrológico
  77. "A vida é sua, estrague-a como quiser", aconselhava Abujamra ao filho
  78. Antonio Banderas - Celebrity Atheist List
  79. Şablon:Citar web
  80. The Atheist Conservative: » Antonio Gramsci
  81. Hamalian, Leo (1980). As others see us: the Armenian image in literature. New York: Ararat Press. p. 46. ISBN 978-0933706170. "Aram Khachaturian ... Besides his being an atheist, his Armenian descent..."
  82. Volkov, Solomon. "Они сократили целых 4 такта моей музыки!!!". Novoye Vremya (in Russian) (Yerevan). Archived from the original on 22 August 2014. По поводу поездки в Рим композитор отметил: "Я — атеист, но являюсь сыном народа, первым в истории официально принявшим христианство, и потому посещение Ватикана было моим долгом".
  83. Şablon:Citar web
  84. Celebrity Atheist: Aristophanes
  85. Arnaldo Jabor, ateu famoso
  86. Eu não gostava do papa João Paulo II, por Arnaldo Jabor. Transcrito do jornal O Globo. Acesso em 21/08/2015.
  87. "Denjoy was an atheist, but tolerant of others' religious views; he was very interested in philosophical, psychological, and social issues." "Denjoy, Arnaud", Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol. 17, p.219. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008.
  88. Arthur C. Clarke - Celebrity Atheist List
  89. Golgotha Pres (2011). The Life and Times of Arthur Conan Doyle. BookCaps Study Guides. ISBN 9781621070276. In time, he would reject the Catholic religion and become an agnostic.
  90. NNDB: Arthur Conan Doyle
  92. "They became correspondents and, surprisingly since Tansley was an avowed atheist, friends." - Peter G. Ayres, Shaping Ecology: The Life of Arthur Tansley, page 139.
  93. Arthur Miller - Celebrity Atheist List
  94. Arthur Schopenhauer - Celebrity Atheist List
  95. "Although Schopenhauer was an atheist, he realized that his philosophy of denial had been part of several great religions; for example, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism." B. R. Hergenhahn (2009). An Introduction to the History of Psychology (6ª ed.). Cengage Learning, pg. 216
  96. "A more accurate statement might be that for a German – rather than a French or British writer of that time – Schopenhauer was an honest and open atheist." David A. Leeming, Kathryn Madden, Stanton Marlan, ed. (2009). Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion, Volume 2. Springer. p. 824
  97. "For Kant, the mathematical sublime, as seen for example in the starry heavens, suggests to imagination the infinite, which in turn leads by subtle turns of contemplation to the concept of God. Schopenhauer's atheism will have none of this, and he rightly observes that despite adopting Kant's distinction between the dynamical and mathematical sublime, his theory of the sublime, making reference to the struggles and sufferings of struggles and sufferings of Will, is unlike Kant's." Dale Jacquette, ed. (2007). Schopenhauer, Philosophy and the Arts. Cambridge University Press. p. 22
  98. Arundhati Roy - Celebrity Atheist List
  99. Asia Carrera - Celebrity Atheist List
  100. Russell, Colin (2003). Edward Frankland: Chemistry, Controversy and Conspiracy in Victorian England. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-54581-5. "It may be noticed in passing that the connection once made between Kolbe's cautious attitude to molecular structure and his alleged agnosticism in religion now seems thoroughly misplaced. Kolbe, son of a Lutheran pastor and apparently sharing his faith, is in sharp contrast to his rivals who were 'younger upper-middle class urban liberals and agnostics, such as Kekule'."
  101. NNDB: Friedrich August Kekulé
  102. "(...) the only thing we have in common with those so designated is that we do not believe in God." John Stuart Mill, Auguste Comte. [The Correspondence of John Stuart Mill and Auguste Comte https://books.google.com.br/books?id=4JE5pl6it7gC&pg=PA320&lpg=PA320&dq=auguste+comte+atheist&source=bl&ots=1Szuvd22gb&sig=2eUBeMcme0YlWA4TuMTZdoLMZDo&hl=pt-BR&sa=X&ved=0CFsQ6AEwCGoVChMIuPL-sJ7yxgIVAhaQCh3gVQyx#v=onepage&q=auguste%20comte%20atheist&f=false], Transaction Publishers, p. 320.
  103. "Despite his atheism, Comte was concerned with moral regeneration and the establishment of a spiritual power." Mary Pickering, 'Auguste Comte and the Saint-Simonians', French Historical Studies Vol. 18, No. 1 (Spring 1993), pp. 211-236.
  104. "But tragically, Comte's "remarkable clearness and extent of vision as to natural things" was coupled with a "total blindness in regard to all that pertains to man's spiritual nature and relations." His "astonishing philosophic power" served only to increase the "plausibility" of a dangerous infidelity. Comte was, once unmasked, a "blank, avowed, unblushing Atheist." [...] Some of the Reformed writers were careful enough to note that technically Comte was not an atheist since he never denied the existence of God, merely his comprehensibility. Practically, however, this made little difference. It only pointed to the skepticism and nescience at the core of his positivism. The epistemological issues dominated the criticism of Comte. Quickly, his atheism was traced to his sensual psychology (or "sensualistic psychology", as Robert Dabney preferred to say)." Charles D. Cashdollar, 'Auguste Comte and the American Reformed Theologians', Journal of the History of Ideas Vol. 39, No. 1 (January–March 1978), pp. 61-79.
  105. Auguste Comte - University of Hawaii
  106. O OTIMISMO NA POESIA DE AUGUSTO DOS ANJOS (periodicos.urca.br/ojs/index.php/MigREN/article/download/556/54), Verucci Domingos de Almeida (UEPB), p. 117. "Para Torres (1994, p 54), “Augusto dos Anjos, que, segundo parece não cria em Deus”, e isso pode ser notado através do eu-lírico dos seus versos. Comungando com o pensamento de Torres, também para Houaiss (1976, p. 163) Augusto dos Anjos é “ostensivamente um ateu – pelo menos em sua poesia."
  107. As Razões da Angústia de Augusto dos Anjos
  108. Ayaan Hirsi Ali | 2012 Global Atheist Convention
  109. Celebrity Atheist: Ayn Rand
  110. Vídeo "Ayn Rand - Faith vs Reason", disponível no YouTube.
  111. Obama, Barack. "My Spiritual Journey". TIME. http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,1546579,00.html. Erişim tarihi: 2008-09-26.
  112. http://books.google.com/books?id=3IFGBYwJbIsC&pg=PA25&dq=spinoza+atheism&hl=en&sa=X&ei=oD4BUsb8CcOCyQGjsYCACA&ved=0CDgQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=spinoza%20atheism&f=false
  113. Ehrman, Bart D. Misquoting Jesus, HarperSanFrancisco. 2005. ISBN 0-06-073817-0
  114. Celebrity Atheist: Béla Bartók
  115. BBC 'scared' of Islam jokes, says Elton
  116. Brothers divided for the most extreme reasons
  117. "His life partner, Peter Pears, would describe Britten as “an agnostic with a great love for Jesus Christ." Benjamin Britten (1913 – 1976).
  118. Andrew Ford (2011). Illegal Harmonies: Music in the Modern Age (3 ed.). Black Inc. p. 77. ISBN 9781921870217. In place of the Frenchman's unquestioning faith, for example, there was Britten's agnosticism; and in contrast to the uxorious Messiaen, Britten was a homosexual: this, at a time when homosexual practices were still illegal in the United Kingdom.
  119. Jeremy Begbie, Steven R. Guthrie, ed. (2011). Resonant witness: conversations between music and theology. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. pp. 192–193. ISBN 9780802862778. I have already cited British composers whom one might describe as “mystical agnostics,”yet it is striking that these (with the arguable exceptions of Vaughan Williams and Benjamin Britten), are scarcely to be counted among the major innovators in twentieth-century music.
  120. Mervyn Cooke (1996). Britten: War Requiem. Cambridge University Press. p. 16. ISBN 9780521446334. From the Tribunal's subsequent report we learn (intriguingly) that Britten also declared 'I do not believe in the Divinity of Christ, but I think his teaching is sound and his example should be followed.'
  121. Bertolt Brecht's Communist Writings: The Poetry and Politics of Disillusion Acesso em 13 de agosto de 2015.
  122. Russell said: "As a philosopher, if I were speaking to a purely philosophic audience I should say that I ought to describe myself as an Agnostic, because I do not think that there is a conclusive argument by which one prove that there is not a God. On the other hand, if I am to convey the right impression to the ordinary man in the street I think I ought to say that I am an Atheist... None of us would seriously consider the possibility that all the gods of Homer really exist, and yet if you were to set to work to give a logical demonstration that Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, and the rest of them did not exist you would find it an awful job. You could not get such proof. Therefore, in regard to the Olympic gods, speaking to a purely philosophical audience, I would say that I am an Agnostic. But speaking popularly, I think that all of us would say in regard to those gods that we were Atheists. In regard to the Christian God, I should, I think, take exactly the same line." Am I an Agnostic or an Atheist?, from Last Philosophical Testament 1943–1968, (1997) Routledge ISBN 0-415-09409-7. Russell was chosen by LOOK magazine to speak for agnostics in their well-known series explaining the religions of the U.S., and authored the essay "What Is An Agnostic?" which appeared 3 November 1953 in that magazine
  123. Bertrand Russell Society Archives: Was Bertrand Russell An Atheist or Was He Really an Agnostic?
  124. Celebrity Atheist: Bertrand Russell
  125. Şablon:Citar web
  126. PIERS MORGAN TONIGHT Transcripts
  127. Bill Maher explains his 'apatheism,' apathetic atheism
  128. "Connolly has tackled drama before, notably in the film Mrs Brown, with Dame Judi Dench, but he's never portrayed anyone like Father Joe, who is psychic and possibly deranged. "I was brought up as a Catholic," Connolly says. "Aye, I have a cousin who is a nun and another cousin who is a missionary priest in Pakistan." He pauses and smiles. "And I am an atheist." " Elaine Lipworth interviewing Connolly, 'No laughing matter', Independent (Dublin), 1 August 2008 (accessed 1 August 2008).
  129. Vídeo "Bill Maher and Billy Crystal Talking About Religion", disponível no YouTube.
  130. Celebrity Atheist
  131. Vídeo "ABBA Björn on Atheism and Religion", disponível no YouTube.
  132. Celebrity Atheist
  133. Freedom from Religion Foundation
  134. Celebrity Atheist
  135. Celebrity Atheist
  136. No documentário "Oh My God", de 2009, Geldof é perguntado sobre Deus e revela seu ateísmo.
  137. Celebrity Atheists: Bob Hoskins
  138. 1 2 Doug Renselle. "A Review of Amy Wallace's The Prodigy". Quantonics, Inc.. 2 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160402182347/http://www.quantonics.com/The_Prodigy_Review.html. Erişim tarihi: 20 June 2012. "Rabid atheist by age six. (His father, Boris, was too, but intensely studied great religious works.)"
  139. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Şablon:Citar web
  140. '"We're dealing with religious zealots. I mean, they're so far behind the equal as it is and it's not like they...no one's ever coming up to us, as individuals, and asking about our individual viewpoints, because in our band, believe it or not, though I am a staunch atheist, there are variation on that theme that go through our band" Bad Religion Talk 'True North' and Religious Views (Part 1 of 2)]
  141. Kendall, Paul (March 14, 2010). "Professor Brian Cox: bringing the solar system to your living room". The Daily Telegraph (London). http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/7435109/Professor-Brian-Cox-bringing-the-solar-system-to-your-living-room.html.
  142. "Dr. Brian Cox (science consultant) - Sunshine - Interview". Sci-fi-online.com. 2007-08-27. 3 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160303190917/http://www.sci-fi-online.com/2006_Interviews/07-08-27_brian-cox.htm. Erişim tarihi: 2012-06-03.
  143. Celebrity Atheist
  144. Celebrity Atheist: Brian Greene
  145. "It [her non-fiction book Black Ship to Hell (1962)] endeavoured to formulate a morality based on reason rather than religion—Brophy described herself as 'a natural, logical and happy atheist' (King of a Rainy Country, afterword, 276)." Peter Parker: 'Brophy, Brigid Antonia [married name Brigid Antonia Levey, Lady Levey] (1929–1995)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, September 2004; online edition, May 2006 (accessed April 29, 2008).
  146. Vídeo "Bruce Lee - American Freethinker!", disponível no YouTube.
  147. Şablon:Citar web
  148. "Within a year I had gone to Miss Graves to tell her that I no longer believed in God. 'I know,' she said, 'I have been through that myself.' But her strategy misfired: I never went through it." B.F. Skinner, pp. 387-413, E.G. Boring and G. Lindzey's A History of Psychology in Autobiography (Vol. 5), New York: Appleton Century-Crofts, 1967.
  149. "A self-described atheist, Lancaster had turned down the role in the remake of Ben-Hur (1959) played by Charlton Heston, but followed in Heston's footsteps when he played the title role in Moses the Lawgiver [...]. When a reporter asked him if he was following in Heston's sandal-clad steps, Lancaster replied, "If Charlton was trapped in Biblical films, it was his own fault - he accepted the limitation." Though Lancaster claimed he was an atheist, some of his friends doubted him." Biography for Burt Lancaster, The Internet Movie Database (accessed June 9, 2008).
  150. Vídeo "Caetano se declara ateu no Domingão do Faustão, 31-07-2011", disponível no YouTube.
  151. Não existem ateus na Bahia
  152. 1 2 Şablon:Citar web
  153. Caetano Veloso, ateu famoso
  154. 1 2 Sem fé nem Deus
  155. Museu Casa de Portinari reabre com novidades e programação especial
  156. Frases da semana
  157. Camila Pitanga, ateia famosa
  158. Vídeo "Camila Pitanga fala como e ser Atéia", disponível no YouTube.
  159. Richard Benefield, ed. (2003). Motets for One Voice: The Organ-accompanied Solo Motet in Nineteenth-century France, Volume 36. A-R Editions, Inc. p. xx. ISBN 9780895795274. "An avowed atheist, Saint-Saëns's uncompromisingly rigid standards and austere musical tastes, as well as his outspoken views on church music, often placed him at odds with the clergy."
  160. Brian Rees (1999). Camille Saint-Saëns: a life. Chatto & Windus. p. 73. ISBN 9781856197731. "Baumann constantly emphasises the spiritual content of Saint-Saëns's music despite the composer's emphatic atheist views of later years."
  161. Classic Cat: Biography of Camille Saint-Saëns. Acesso em 26/08/15.
  162. "...he always remained true to his own concepts and ideals and did not dissimulate. His open designation of himself as "atheist" in "Who's Who in America" and his opposition to the invasion of the Soviet Union by the Allies..." H J Muller, 'Dr. Calvin B. Bridges', Nature 143, 191-192 (04 Feb 1939).
  163. Celebrity Atheist: Carl Sagan
  164. "Famed scientist Carl Sagan was also a renowned sceptic and agnostic who during his life refused to believe in anything unless there was physical evidence to support it." "Unbeliever's Quest" by Jerry Adler, in Newsweek, 31 March 1997.
  165. Vídeo "O Deus de Carlos Drummond de Andrade", disponível no YouTube.
  166. Vídeo "O ateismo de Drummond", disponível no YouTube.
  167. Şablon:Citar web
  168. Şablon:Citar web
  169. Şablon:Citar web
  170. Biógrafo rejeita tese de traição a Marighella
  171. ‘Marighella’ resgata protagonista da luta armada esquecido pela história oficial
  172. Só para provocar - Entrevista com Cássia Eller
  173. Cássia Eller, ateia famosa
  174. Şablon:Citar web
  175. Bir televizyon programında bizzat kendi beyanı (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zALMPfp0C6I)
  176. Canal Ciência: Biografia de Cesar Lattes
  177. Andrea Rondini. (2001). Cosa da pazzi: Cesare Lombroso e la letteratura. Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali. p. 33.
  178. Cesare Lombroso - Freethought Almanac
  179. Cesare Lombroso and his Influence on Criminology
  180. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry Cesare Lombroso (1835–1907), p. 145.
  181. "Bodies that Tell": Physiognomy, Criminology, Race and Gender in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-century Italian Literature and Opera, ProQuest, 2009, p. 5.
  182. Bradlaugh, Charles (2004). Encyclopedia of World Biography. http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3404700843.html. Erişim tarihi: March 28, 2015.
  183. "For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command or faith a dictum. I am my own God. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state and our education system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us."--Charles Bukowski, Life (magazine), December 1988, quoted from James A. Haught, ed, 2000 Years of Disbelief.
  184. Celeb Atheist: Charlie Chaplin
  185. "(...) um agnóstico seria a descrição mais correta de meu estado de espírito." - Em uma carta a John Fordyce, 1879.
  186. "Não posso fingir saber sobre esses problemas abstrusos. O mistério do começo de todas as coisas é insolúvel por nós; e eu, pessoalmente, contento-me em permanecer um agnóstico." - The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, volume I, capítulo VIII: "Religião", página 313
  187. "I am so sorry to hear of Asher's passing. I will miss his scientific insight and advice, but even more his humor and stuborn integrity. I remember when one of his colleagues complained about Asher's always rejecting his manuscript when they were sent to him to referee. Asher said in effect, "You should thank me. I am only trying to protect your reputation." He often pretended to consult me, a fellow atheist, on matters of religious protocol. As we waited in line to eat the hors d'oeuvres at a conference in Evanston, he said, "There is a prayer Jews traditionally say when they do something new that they have never done before. I am about to eat a new kind of non-Kosher food. Do you think I should say the prayer?" My wife and grown children, who are visiting us this new year, and remember Asher from when we all lived in Cambridge 20 years ago, join me in sending you our condolences for this sudden loss of an irrepressible and irreplaceable person. Please convey our feelings especially to your mother at this difficult time. " Charles H. Bennett's letter written to the family of Israeli physicist, Asher Peres, A selection of the many letters of condolence sent to the Peres family during January 2005 .
  188. "Chico Anysio se declara ateu e é ofendido por crentes."
  189. "Deus ? Que Deus ?"
  190. Chico Buarque declara voto para presidência e diz que não acredita em Deus
  191. Chico Buarque, na Brazuca: "Podendo, vou até os 95". "Eu não tenho crença. Eu fui criado na Igreja Católica, fui educado em colégio de padre. Eu simplesmente perdi a fé. Mas não faço disso uma bandeira. Eu sou ateu como o meu tipo sanguíneo é esse."
  192. Atlantseglaren från Bromma vill tänja gränsen mot rymden, Dagens Nyheter, December 10, 2006.
  193. Tom Siegfried (June 28, 2013). "When the atom went quantum - Bohr's revolutionary atomic theory turns 100". Society for Science & the Public 2000. 27 Ağustos 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20130827065746/http://www.sciencenews.org/view/feature/id/351277/description/When_the_atom_went_quantum. Erişim tarihi: 1 July 2013. "As for standard religion, though, Bohr was unsympathetic. His mother was a nonpracticing Jew, his father an atheist Lutheran."
  194. Celebrity Atheist: Christopher Hitchens
  195. 1 2 3 Preview: The Four Horsemen of New Atheism reunited
  196. That Old Time Religion: Was 16th-Century Writer Christopher Marlowe an Atheist — and Was He Murdered For It?
  197. Christopher Marlowe and the Golden Age of England. Michael J. Kelly. The Marlowe Society Research Journal - Volume 05 - 2008.
  198. Atheism in “Doctor Faustus” by Christopher Marlowe. Nicole Smith, 2011.
  199. NNDB: Christopher Marlowe
  200. "Considero a religião como um brinquedo infantil, e acho que o único pecado é a ignorância". Trecho de sua peça O Judeu de Malta, de 1589 ou 1590.
  201. Celebrity Atheists: Christopher Reeve
  202. Celebrity Atheist: Zhuangzi
  203. Clarice Falcão se apresenta em SP e comenta a polêmica envolvendo vídeo sobre Jesus: “sou ateia”
  204. Clarice Falcão, ateia famosa
  205. "In college, after reading material from American Atheists, he became, in his words, 'a pretty hard core atheist.'" Clark Adams: 1969–2007, American Humanist Association News Flash, May 24, 2007 (Accessed April 14, 2008)
  206. John G. Simmons (2002). Doctors and Discoveries: Lives That Created Today's Medicine. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. p. 17. ISBN 978-0-618-15276-6. "Upon his death on February 10, 1878, Bernard received a state funeral - the first French scientist to be so honored. The procession ended at Pere Lachaise cemetery, and Gustave Flaubert described it later with a touch of irony as 'religious and very beautiful'. Bernard was an agnostic."
  207. 1 2 3 "Napoleon replies: "How comes it, then, that Laplace was an atheist? At the Institute neither he nor Monge, nor Berthollet, nor Lagrange believed in God. But they did not like to say so." Baron Gaspard Gourgaud, Talks of Napoleon at St. Helena with General Baron Gourgaud (1904), página 274.
  208. ""Personally, I've never been confronted with the question of God," says one such politely indifferent atheist, Dr. Claude Lévi-Strauss, professor of social anthropology at the Collège de France." Theology: Toward a Hidden God, Time.com.
  209. "Much closer to Monet's own atheism and pessimism is Schopenhauer, already introduced to the impressionist circle in the criticism of Theodore Duret in the 1870s and whose influence in France was at its peak in 1886, the year of The World as Will and Idea." Steven Z. Levine, Claude Monet, Monet, Narcissus, and self-reflection: the modernist myth of the self (1994), página 66.
  210. "Then Monet took the end of his brush and drew some long straight strokes in the wet pigment across her chest. It's not clear, and probably not consciously intended by the atheist Claude Monet, but somehow the suggestion of a Cross lies there on her body." Ruth Butler, Hidden in the shadow of the master: the model-wives of Cézanne, Monet, and Rodin (2008), página 202.
  211. "Shannon described himself as an atheist and was outwardly apolitical." William Poundstone, Fortune's Formula, Hill and Wang: New York (2005), page 18.
  212. Wolfram Eberhard (1986). A Dictionary of Chinese Symbols: Hidden Symbols in Chinese Life and Thought. Psychology Press. p. 82. ISBN 9780415002288. "Confucius was an agnostic, but he did not deny the existence of supernatural beings."
  213. John Hersey (1986). The call. Penguin Books. p. 208. ISBN 9780140086959. "The second, Confucius, was a humanist, an agnostic, and a supreme realist."
  214. Lee Dian Rainey (2010). Confucius & Confucianism: The Essentials. John Wiley & Sons. p. 62. ISBN 9781405188418. "Others have read what Confucius said about ritual and the supernatural and concluded that Confucius was an agnostic and not at all interested in the religious side of life."
  215. Religious Studies and Comparative Methodology: The Case for Reciprocal Illumination, Arvind Sharma, SUNY Press, 2012, p. 122.
  216. Steve Kroft asked Venter on CBS' Sixty Minutes, 21 November 2010: "Do you believe in God?" Venter replied, "No. The universe is far more wonderful."
  217. Critias and Atheism
  218. Citação (em inglês) de Sexto Empírico, disponível originalmente em George H Smith, Why Atheism? (2000) p. 175-6.
  219. Minister Turned Atheist
  220. Celebrity Atheist: Daniel Dennett
  221. Celebrity Atheists: Daniel Radcliffe
  222. Şablon:Citar web
  223. Hermenêutica da sexta lança: Darcy Ribeiro e a identidade religiosa dos brasileiros, Moisés Abdon Coppe, 2014, p. 77, 78 e 79.
  224. Vídeo "Paulo Freire fala de Socialismo e Teologia da Libertação", disponível no YouTube.
  225. Um fórum para debater com Deus
  226. Dario Fo, Il paese dei mezaràt, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2004.
  227. Celebrity Atheist: David Attenborough
  228. Celebrity Atheist: David Cross
  229. "Atheism and Religion"
  230. "First of all, I do not believe in the supernatural, so I take it for granted that consciousness has a material explanation. I also do not believe in insoluble problems, therefore I believe that this explanation is accessible in principle to reason, and that one day we will understand consciousness just as we today understand what life is, whereas once this was a deep mystery." David Deutsch in an interview with Philosophy Now magazine, Philosophy Now, December/January 2001 issue.
  231. Celebrity Atheist
  232. Constance Reid (1996). Hilbert (2 ed.). Springer. p. 92. ISBN 9780387946740. Perhaps the guests would be discussing Galileo's trial and someone would blame Galileo for failing to stand up for his convictions. "But he was not an idiot," Hilbert would object. "Only an idiot could believe that scientific truth needs martyrdom — that may be necessary in religion, but scientific results prove themselves in time."
  233. "Mathematics is a presuppositionless science. To found it I do not need God, as does Kronecker, or the assumption of a special faculty of our understanding attuned to the principle of mathematical induction, as does Poincaré, or the primal intuition of Brouwer, or, finally, as do Russell and Whitehead, axioms of infinity, reducibility, or completeness, which in fact are actual, contentual assumptions that cannot be compensated for by consistency proofs." David Hilbert, Die Grundlagen der Mathematik, Hilbert's program, 22C:096, University of Iowa.
  234. "Also, when someone blamed Galileo for not standing up for his convictions Hilbert became quite irate and said, “But he was not an idiot. Only an idiot could believe that scientific truth needs martyrdom; that may be necessary in religion, but scientific results prove themselves in due time." Anton Z. Capri, Quips, quotes, and quanta: an anecdotal history of physics (2007), page 135.
  235. NNDB: David Hilbert
  236. "Hume did not believe in the God of standard theism ... but he did not rule out all concepts of deity". O'Connor, David (2013). Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Hume on Religion. Routledge Philosophy GuideBooks. Routledge, p. 11. ISBN 9781134634095.
  237. Suzuki, David (1987). Metamorphosis: States in a Life. Stoddart. ISBN 978-0-7737-2139-5. "As a life-long atheist, I have dreaded, not the process of dying, but the terrible consequence of not being forever after."
  238. Encontrados manuscritos inéditos de Décio Pignatari
  239. 1 2 3 Ancient Atheists, BBC.co.uk.
  240. Nietzsche and the Philology of the Future, James I. Porter, Stanford University Press, 2000, p. 321.
  241. Denis Diderot - British Humanist Association
  242. Denis Diderot - Freedom from Religion Foundation
  243. 1 2 "The Secular Outlook: In Defense of Moral and Political Secularism, Paul Cliteur, página 21". 12 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160412101148/https://books.google.com.au/books?id=SeBa-9NUKmEC&pg=PA21&dq=Baron+d'Holbach+atheism&hl=en&sa=X&ei=NAQfUrntC8OekwXe3IC4Aw. Erişim tarihi: 10/10/2015.
  244. Şablon:Citar web
  245. "...my father [Derek] was a British Atheist... from a rather well known Sephardic Jewish family..." de Solla Price, Mark (2007-12-09). "Are you Jewish?". 2008-04-30 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20080430221804/http://www.markandvinny.com/Mark.html. Erişim tarihi: 2008-08-01.
  246. "[Religion] is not an easy subject to deal with, but as zoologists we must do our best to observe what actually happens rather than listen to what is supposed to be happening. If we do this, we are forced to the conclusion that, in a behavioural sense, religious activities consist of the coming together of large groups of people to perform repeated and prolonged submissive displays to appease a dominant individual. The dominant individual takes many forms in different cultures, but always has the common factor of immense power. [...] If these submissive actions are successful, the dominant individual is appeased. [...] The dominant individual is usually, but not always, referred to as a god. Since none of these gods exist in a tangible form, why have they been invented? To find the answer to this we have to go right back to our ancestral origins." Desmond Morris, The Naked Ape, p.178-179, Jonathan Cape, 1967.
  247. "Man's evolution as a neotenous ape has put him in a similar position to the dog's. He becomes sexually mature and yet he still needs a parent — a super-parent, one as impressive to him as a man must be to a dog. The answer was to invent a god — either a female super-parent in the shape of a Mother Goddess, or a male god in the shape of God the Father, or perhaps even a whole family of gods. Like real parents they would both protect, punish and be obeyed. [...] These — the houses of the gods — the temples, the churches and the cathedrals — are buildings apparently made for giants, and a space visitor would be surprised to find on closer examination that these giants are never at home. Their followers repeatedly visit them and bow down before them, but they themselves are invisible. Only their bell-like cries can be heard across the land. Man is indeed an imaginative species." Desmond Morris, The Pocket Guide to Manwatching, p.234-236 Triad Paperbacks, 1982.
  248. 1 2 3 4 Famous atheists
  249. 1 2 3 Atheism in France, 1650-1729: Volume I: The Orthodox Sources of Disbelief, Volume 1, Alan Charles Kors, Princeton University Press, 2014, p. 191.
  250. Entrevista no Roda-Vida
  251. Mayra Dias Gomes homenageia pai, Dias Gomes
  252. Viúva de Dias Gomes fará participação em Saramandaia
  253. Philip Stein, Siqueiros: His Life and Works (International Publishers Co, 1994), ISBN 0-7178-0706-1, p. 176. "I am an atheist and I consider religions to be a form of collective neurosis. I am not an enemy of the Catholics, as I am not an enemy of the tuberculars, the myopic or the paralytics; you cannot be an enemy of the sick, only their good friend in order to help them cure themselves."
  254. 'Restart faz Fresno parecer Dostoievski', diz Dinho Ouro Preto
  255. Diogo Mainardi, ateu famoso
  256. Vídeo "Diogo Mainardi ex-colunista da Veja fala que é Ateu mas acredita na Igreja. É um trouxa!", disponível no YouTube.
  257. 'Sade, Marquis de.' Encyclopædia Britannica, 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online (acesso em 1 de Agosto de 2008).
  258. Smithsonian: Who Was the Marquis de Sade?
  259. "I am a radical Atheist..." Adams in an interview by American Atheists .
  260. Intolerância religiosa
  261. 1 2 3 4 5 Şablon:Citar web
  262. Celebrity Atheist: Dmitri Shostakovich
  263. Celebrity Atheist: Eddie Izzard
  264. Celebrity Atheist
  265. Caio Prado Júnior: o sentido da revolução, Lincoln Secco, Boitempo Editorial, p. 59. "(...) na ocasião da morte do velho militante anarquista Edgard Leuenroth, foi Caio Prado Júnior quem impediu que o esquife fosse levado à capela do cemitério de Campo Grande (...) Afinal, o falecido era ateu."
  266. Celebrity Atheist. Acesso em 26/08/15.
  267. "It can hardly have been due to any reluctance on Newton's part to becoming too closely involved with Halley, the well-known atheist." Derek Gjertsen, The Newton Handbook (1986), page 250.
  268. Altruistic Behavior: An Inquiry Into Motivation, Paul S. Penner. Rodopi, 1995, p. 5.
  269. Creative Brainstorms: The Relationship Between Madness and Genius, Russell R. Monroe. Ardent Media, 1992, p. 85.
  270. Edvard Munch, Arne Eggum (1978). Edvard Munch: symbols & images, Volume 1978, Part 2. National Gallery of Art. p. 237. "But Munch was not completely averse to every form of religion; one might rather say that throughout his life he remained a thoughtful agnostic."
  271. The Religious Affiliation of Painter Edvard Munch
  272. "In religious matters he was an atheist." A.G. MacGregor: "Bailey, Edward Battersby", Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol. 1 p. 393. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008.
  273. Gale E. Christianson (1996). Edwin Hubble: Mariner of the Nebulae. University of Chicago Press. p. 183. ISBN 9780226105215. One morning, while driving north with Grace after the failed eclipse expedition of 1923, he broached Whitehead's idea of a God who might have chosen from a great many possibilities to make a different universe, but He made this one. By contemplating the universe, one might approximate some idea of its Creator. As time passed, however, he seemed even less certain: "We do not know why we are born into the world, but we can try to find out what sort of a world it is — at least in its physical aspects." His life was dedicated to science and the objective world of phenomena. The world of pure values is one which science cannot enter, and science is unconcerned with the transcendent, however compelling a private revelation or individual moment of ecstasy. He pulled no punches when a deeply depressed friend asked him about his belief: "The whole thing is so much bigger than I am, and I can't understand it, so I just trust myself to it; and forget about it."
  274. Tom Bezzi (2000). Hubble Time. iUniverse. p. 93. ISBN 9780595142477. John terribly depressed, and asked Edwin about his belief. Edwin said, "The whole thing is so much bigger than I am, and I can't understand it, so I just trust myself to it, and forget about it." It was not his nature to speculate. Theories, in his opinion, were appropriate cocktail conversation. He was essentially an observer, and as he said in The Realm (J the Nebulae: “Not until the empirical resources are exhausted, need we pass on to the dreamy realms of speculation.” Edwin never exhausted those empirical resources. "I am an observer, not a theoretical man," he attested, and a lightly spoken word in a lecture or in a letter showed that observation was his choice.
  275. Ellen Page on Freeheld and Why She Came Out: ‘I Was Just Depressed’
  276. Şablon:Citar web
  277. Antinatalism & Gnosticism in Cioran
  278. Emil Cioran: pessimismo, contradições e apatia
  279. Michel Meulders (2010). "5: Helmholtz and the Understanding of Nature". Laurence Garey. Helmholtz: From Enlightenment to Neuroscience. MIT Press. s. 74. ISBN 9780262014489. "Du Bois-Reymond was a self-proclaimed atheist but more through intimate conviction than logical necessity."
  280. "Shortly after his traditional Jewish confirmation at the age of thirteen, Durkheim, under the influence of a Catholic woman teacher, had a shortlived mystical experience that led to an interest in Catholicism. But soon afterwards he turned away from all religious involvement, though emphatically not from interest in religious phenomena, and became an agnostic." Masters of Sociological Thought: Ideas in Historical and Social Context, 2nd Ed., Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1977: 143-144
  281. Emile Durkheim: Critical Assessments of Leading Sociologists, Volume 4. W. S. F. Pickering, Taylor & Francis, 2001, p. 5.
  282. EMILE DURKHEIM (1858-1917), John Rex, JASHM.
  283. Emile Durkheim: An Introduction to Four Major Works. Robert Alun Jones, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 1986. Pp. 82-114.
  284. Evenhuis, Anthony (1998). Messiah Or Antichrist?: A Study of the Messianic Myth in the Work of Zola. University of Delaware Press. ISBN 978-0-87413-634-0. "Given Émile Zola's reputation as an agnostic and a radical thinker, he has often been avoided by scholars with a religious background."
  285. August and Marie Krogh: Lives in Science, Bodil Schmidt-Nielsen. Springer, 2013, p. 38.
  286. Emile Zola - Freedom from Religion Foundation
  287. David Klinghoffer. "'Darwin Would Put God Out of Business'". Beliefnet, Inc.. 3 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160303200028/http://www.beliefnet.com/News/Science-Religion/2006/08/Darwin-Would-Put-God-Out-Of-Business.aspx?p=2. Erişim tarihi: 21 May 2013. "The author is Emile Zuckerkandl of Stanford University. Prof. Zuckerkandl ferociously attacks ID and any belief in a designer, God, or other "superghost"."
  288. Emma Goldman (February 1916). "The Philosophy of Atheism".
  289. Warren Allen Smith (2000). Who's who in hell: a handbook and international directory for humanists, freethinkers, naturalists, rationalists, and non-theists. Barricade Books. p. 339. ISBN 9781569801581. He explicitly denied anthropomorphic deity: "None of the gods has formed the world, nor has any man; it has always been."
  290. Orlando Jay Smith (1902). Eternalism: a theory of infinite justice. Houghton, Mifflin and company. Empedocles: None of the gods has formed the world, nor has any man; it has always been.
  291. E.J. Brill's First Encyclopaedia of Islam 1913-1936, BRILL, 1987, p. 93.
  292. "Enrico Fermi's attitude to the church eventually became one of indifference, and he remained an agnostic all his adult life." Emilio Segre, Enrico Fermi: Physicist (1995), page 5.
  293. 1 2 "Both Enrico and Leo were agnostics." Nina Byers, Fermi and Szilard
  294. "Epicurus taught that the soul is also made of material objects, and so when the body dies the soul dies with it. There is no afterlife. Epicurus thought that gods might exist, but if they did, they did not have anything to do with human beings." Ancient Atheists, BBC.co.uk.
  295. Revista Trip - Erasmo Carlos
  296. "Once, filming in Italy with the American director John Huston and a US army crew, Ambler and his colleagues were shelled so fiercely that his unconscious 'played a nasty trick on him' (Ambler, Here Lies, 208). A confirmed atheist, he heard himself saying, 'Into thy hands I commend my spirit.' " Michael Barber: 'Ambler, Eric Clifford (1909–1998)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, September 2004; online edition, January 2007 (accessed April 29, 2008).
  297. Celebrity Atheists: Eric Idle
  298. Liberdade e compromisso : “O Tempo e o Vento” de Erico Verissimo, EDIPUCRS, p. 97.
  299. "About the same time he stopped observing Jewish religious rituals and rejected a cause he had once embraced, Zionism. He "just didn't want to participate in any division of the human race, whether religious or political," he explained decades later (Wershba, p. 12), by which time he was a confirmed atheist." Keay Davidson: "Fromm, Erich Pinchas", American National Biography Online, Feb. 2000 (accessed April 28, 2008) .
  300. Celebrity Atheist: Ernest Hemingway
  301. Hollowverse: The religion and political views of Ernest Hemingway
  302. "Ernesto "Che" Guevara, an atheist, has been reborn a saint in the desolate Bolivian village where he was captured and executed nearly 37 years ago."
  303. A Ditadura Derrotada, Elio Gaspari, p. 361 e 362. "Luterano por hábito familiar, o general era um agnóstico discreto e anticlerical assumido. Acreditava quando muito na existência de uma força criadora do universo, a qual, no entanto, seria um ente da física, não uma divindade. Nunca se dirigira ao sobrenatural. Entendia as religiões como sacrários de princípios. Lembrava-se dos padres de Bento Gonçalves ameaçando com o inferno quem entrasse em templo protestante, da professora primária ensinando que a Santa Madre era a Igreja “única e verdadeira”. Em condições normais, Geisel era anticlerical por agnóstico. Com uma Igreja na oposição, à sua esquerda, por convicção."
  304. R. S. Cohen; Raymond J. Seeger (1975). Ernst Mach, Physicist and Philosopher. Springer. s. 158. ISBN 978-90-277-0016-2. "And Mach, in personal conviction, was a socialist and an atheist."
  305. Gregory Scott Charak (2007). Between Soul and Precision: Ernst Mach's Biological Empiricism and the Social Democratic Philosophy of Science. ProQuest. s. 94. ISBN 9780549129738. "Both make explicit claims against the pseudo-problems generated by materialism, and although Mach the atheist would have no gripe with “irreligion” per se, as a pacifist and a socialist he was indeed an ardent proponent of “peace."
  306. Helge Kragh (2004). Matter And Spirit In The Universe: Scientific And Religious Preludes To Modern Cosmology. OECD Publishing. s. 55. ISBN 9781860944697. "The Austrian positivist physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach was nominally a Catholic, but in reality he was an atheist and strongly opposed to Christian doctrines."
  307. "An appreciation of biologist Ernst Mayr (1904-2005)". Wsws.org. 2005-05-03. 27 Nisan 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20120427085118/https://www.wsws.org/articles/2005/may2005/mayr-m03.shtml. Erişim tarihi: 2012-06-03.
  308. Walter J. Moore (1994). A Life of Erwin Schrödinger. Cambridge University Press. s. 289–290. ISBN 9780521469340. "In one respect, however, he is not a romantic: he does not idealize the person of the beloved, his highest praise is to consider her his equal. "When you feel your own equal in the body of a beautiful woman, just as ready to forget the world for you as you for her - oh my good Lord - who can describe what happiness then. You can live it, now and again - you cannot speak of it." Of course, he does speak of it, and almost always with religious imagery. Yet at this time he also wrote, "By the way, I never realized that to be nonbelieving, to be an atheist, was a thing to be proud of. It went without saying as it were." And in another place at about this same time: "Our creed is indeed a queer creed. You others, Christians (and similar people), consider our ethics much inferior, indeed abominable. There is that little difference. We adhere to ours in practice, you don't." Whatever problems they may have had in their love affair, the pangs of conscience were not among them. Sheila was as much an unbeliever as Erwin, but in a less complex, more realistic way. She was never entirely convinced by his vedantic theology."
  309. Andrea Diem-Lane. Spooky Physics. MSAC Philosophy Group. s. 42. ISBN 9781565430808. "In terms of religion, Schrodinger fits in the atheist camp. He even lost a marriage proposal to his love, Felicie Krauss, not only due to his social status but his lack of religious affiliation. He was known as a freethinker who did not believe in god. But interestingly Schrodinger had a deep connection to Hinduism, Buddhism, and Eastern philosophy in general. Erwin studied numerous books on Eastern thought as well as the Hindu scriptures. He was enthralled with Vedanta thought and connected ideas of oneness and unity of mind with his research on quantum physics, specifically wave mechanics."
  310. Moore, Walter (1994). A Life of Erwin Schrödinger. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-46934-0. "Schopenhauer often called himself an atheist, as did Schrodinger, and if Buddhism and Vedanta can be truly described as atheistic religions, both the philosopher and his scientific disciple were indeed atheists. They both rejected the idea of a "personal God," and Schopenhauer thought that "pantheism is only a euphemism for atheism.""
  311. Moore, Walter (1989). Schrödinger: Life and Thought. ISBN 0-521-43767-9. "He rejected traditional religious beliefs (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic) not on the basis of any reasoned argument, nor even with an expression of emotional antipathy, for he loved to use religious expressions and metaphors, but simply by saying that they are naive."
  312. Walter J. Moore (1992). Schrödinger: Life and Thought. Cambridge University Press. s. 4. ISBN 9780521437677. "He claimed to be an atheist, but he always used religious symbolism and believed his scientific work was an approach to the godhead."
  313. "Erwin Schrodinger". 3 Mayıs 2014 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20140503165910/http://www.norskfysikk.no/nfs/old/epsbiografer/SCHROD~1.PDF. Erişim tarihi: 22 June 2012. "He claimed to be an atheist, but he used religious symbolism and believed that his scientific work was 'an approach to God'."
  314. Publishing, Rh (1995). Eugène Delacroix. Gramercy Books. p. 28. ISBN 978-0-517-12403-1. "Although he was an essentially atheist painter, Delacroix managed to endow the sacred subjects with a profound sense of religion that sprung from his sincere love for all aspects of life, even the most elusive and mysterious."
  315. "O'Neill, an agnostic and an anarchist, maintained little hope in religion or politics and saw institutions not serving to preserve liberty but standing in the way of the birth of true freedom." John P. Diggins, Eugene O'Neill's America: desire under democracy (2007), page 130.
  316. Eugene O'Neill
  317. Eugene Paul Wigner, Andrew Szanton (1992). Andrew Szanton. ed. The Recollections of Eugene P. Wigner As Told to Andrew Szanton. Basic Books. s. 60–61. ISBN 9780306443268. "Neither did I want to be a clergyman. I liked a good sermon. But religion tells people how to behave and that I could never do. Clergymen also had to assume and advocate the presence of God, and proofs of God's existence seemed to me quite unsatisfactory. People claimed that He had made our earth. Well, how had He made it? With an earth-making machine? Someone once asked Saint Augustine, "What did the Lord do before he created the world?" And Saint Augustine is said to have answered, "He created Hell for people who ask such questions." A retort perhaps made in jest, but I knew of none better. I saw that I could not know anything of God directly, that His presence was a matter of belief, I did not have that belief, and preaching without belief is repulsive. So I could not be a clergyman, however many people might gain salvation. And my parents never pressed the point."
  318. Celebrity Atheist: Euhemerus
  319. 'No Brasil não há bons roteiristas', diz Fábio Porchat
  320. Humor de Porchat detona o dogmatismo de religiões cristãs
  321. "Sou agnóstico com tendência fortemente ateísta. Apenas não digo categoricamente que "Deus não existe", pois não há como provar"
  322. Alonso: “No tengo ninguna relación con Dios”
  323. Obra Poética e em Prosa, vol. 3, org. António Quadros e Dalila Pereira da Costa, Porto: Lello & Irmão, 1986, p. 1428.
  324. Mensagem: poemas esotéricos: edição crítica, Fernando Pessoa, Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica, 1996, p. 494.
  325. "Haja ou não deuses, deles somos servos."
  326. O campo é onde não estamos.
  328. Ferreira Gullar, ateu famoso
  329. Francis Crick, What Mad Pursuit: a Personal View of Scientific Discovery, Basic Books reprint edition, 1990, ISBN 0-465-09138-5, p. 145.
  330. "How I Got Inclined Towards Atheism". Positiveatheism.org. 23 Şubat 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160223213351/http://www.positiveatheism.org/india/s1990a01.htm. Erişim tarihi: 2012-06-03.
  331. Mark Steyn identify Crick as an atheist. See:The Twentieth-Century Darwin by Mark Steyn, published in The Atlantic Monthly, October 2004.
  332. "Francis Crick was an evangelical atheist."Francis Crick's Legacy for Neuroscience: Between the α and the Ω
  333. "Instead, it is interlaced with descriptions of Crick’s vacations, parties and assertions of atheism — occasionally colorful stuff that drains the intellectual drama from the codebreaking."Genome Human
  334. "There is Crick the mentor, Crick the atheist, Crick the free-thinker, and Crick the playful."Entertaining Dr Crick
  335. Crick, 86, said: "The god hypothesis is rather discredited." Do our genes reveal the hand of God?
  336. "The publication of Darwin’s ‘‘Origin of Species’’ totally transformed his intellectual life, giving him a sense of evolutionary process without which much of his later work would have been unimaginable. Galton became a ‘‘religious agnostic’’, recognising the social value of religion but not its transcendental basis." Robert Peel, Sir Francis Galton FRS (1822-1911) - The Legacy of His Ideas -.
  337. The Darwin Effect: It's influence on Nazism, Eugenics, Racism, Communism, Capitalism & Sexism, Jerry Bergman. New Leaf Publishing Group, 2014, p. 127.
  338. 1 2 Victorian Britain (Routledge Revivals): An Encyclopedia, Sally Mitchell. Routledge, 2012, p. 10.
  339. 1 2 Voices of Victorian England: Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life, John A. Wagner. ABC-CLIO, 2014, p. 78.
  340. "After retirement, he remained politically active, defending Andrei Sakharov, and was President of the French Atheists' Union." D S Bell, 'Obituary: Francis Perrin', The Independent (London), July 18, 1992, Pg. 44.
  341. "The same Arago who spent his time criticizing unfounded myths now peddled them. Arago the atheist now spoke of souls." Theresa Levitt, The shadow of enlightenment: optical and political transparency in France, 1789-1848, page 105.
  342. Thomas Steven Molnar (1980). Theists and Atheists: A Typology of Non-belief. Walter de Gruyter. s. 59. ISBN 9789027977885. "The biologist Francois Jacob (who shared the Nobel Prize with Jacques Monod) admits that he is an atheist, but he finds, parallel to the material nature of the universe, another aspect — in man — which is not reductible to the first."
  343. Eric Michael Mazur (2011). Encyclopedia of Religion and Film. ABC-CLIO. p. 438. ISBN 9780313330728. "Yet Truffaut, an atheist, was not stumping for God with these conservative attacks."
  344. David Sterritt (1999). The Films of Jean-Luc Godard: Seeing the Invisible. Cambridge University Press. p. 17. ISBN 9780521589710. "One way of understanding Godard's approach is to contrast it with that of François Truffaut, one of his most respected New Wave colleagues. As a self-described atheist, Truffaut took special pleasure in the materiality of cinema, noting that no photographic image can be obtained without real, physical light making direct contact with a real, physical object in the immediate presence of the camera."
  345. When describing a total solar eclipse, Close wrote: "It was simultaneously ghastly, beautiful, supernatural. Even for a 21st century atheist, the vision was such that I thought, "If there is a heaven, this is what its entrance is like." The heavenly vision demanded music by Mozart; instead we had the crickets." Frank Close, 'Dark side of the moon', The Guardian, August 9, 2001, Guardian Online Pages, Pg. 8.
  346. K. C. Cole (2012). Something Incredibly Wonderful Happens: Frank Oppenheimer and His Astonishing Exploratorium. University of Chicago Press. s. 104–105. ISBN 9780226113470. "For the locals, it was as if aliens had landed. "The normal folks were wearing tight jeans and cowboy hats, and here was a rancher who didn't wear a hat," said Pete Richards, who lived on one of the neighboring ranches at the time. “He was skinnier than a rail, he was really hyper. Both he and Jackie swore like sailors. And they were atheists!”."
  347. "His tolerance and good humour enabled him to disagree strongly without giving or taking offence, for example with his brother Michael Ramsey whose ordination (he went on to become archbishop of Canterbury) Ramsey, as a militant atheist, naturally regretted." D. H. Mellor, 'Ramsey, Frank Plumpton (1903–1930)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edition, October 2005 (accessed May 2, 2008).
  348. Celebrity Atheist
  349. John Golley (2010). Jet: Frank Whittle and the Invention of the Jet Engine. Eloy Gutierrez. s. 34. ISBN 9781907472008. "Although he had occasionally cut Church Parade, he had once held very strong religious beliefs, but these had eroded to such an extent that he had come to regard himself as an atheist. "By degrees", he said "I was forced to the conclusion that my beliefs were inconsistent with scientific teaching. Once the seeds of doubt were sown the whole structure of my former religious beliefs rapidly collapsed, and I swung to the other extreme"."
  350. Celebrity Atheist
  351. Celebrity Atheist: Franz Kafka
  352. Elizabeth Norman McKay (1996). Franz Schubert: a biography. Clarendon Press. p. 308. ISBN 978-0-19-816523-1. "...quite what he expected: no doubt on account of both his agnosticism and his lack of money or sure prospects..."
  353. Jane Gregory (2005). "Fighting for space". Fred Hoyle's Universe. Oxford University Press. s. 143. ISBN 9780191578465. "According to Hoyle: "I am an atheist, but as far as blowing up the world in a nuclear war goes, I tell them not to worry.""
  354. "Irène Joliot-Curie". Making the Modern World. 1956-03-17. 5 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160305015431/http://www.makingthemodernworld.org.uk/people/BG.0087/. Erişim tarihi: 2012-06-03.
  355. "Raised in a completely nonreligious family, Joliot never attended any church and was a thoroughgoing atheist all his life." Perrin, Francis: "Joliot, Frédéric", Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol. 7 p. 151. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008.
  356. "In the Mass of Life (1904–05) Delius testified to his atheism. With Cassirer's assistance, he selected the words from Nietzsche's prose-poem Also sprach Zarathustra [...] In music that touches extreme poles of physical energy and rapt contemplation, Delius celebrates the human 'Will' and the 'Individual', and the 'Eternal Recurrence of Nature'." Diana McVeagh, 'Delius, Frederick Theodor Albert (1862–1934)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 (accessed 2 May 2008).
  357. Celebrity Atheist: Frida Kahlo
  358. Friedrich Engels - Freedom from Religion Foundation
  359. FRIEDRICH ENGELS - The European Graduate School
  360. Frederick Engels: life of a revolutionary
  361. "Though Hayek was a self-professed agnostic, we show that his treatment of individual liberty was more consistent with a Judeo-Christian worldview than with that of his naturalist peers and postmodernist successors." Kenneth G. Elzinga, Matthew R. Givens, Christianity and Hayek (2009), page 53.
  362. Alan O. Ebenstein (2003). Hayek's journey: the mind of Friedrich Hayek. Palgrave Macmillan Limited. p. 224. ISBN 9781403960382. He apparently composed the conclusion of the work on page 140, Hayek's "final word." Emphasis on Hayek's agnostic religious views was not as prominent in Hayek's own versions of "The Fatal Conceit".
  363. A Gaia Ciência, aforismos 108, 125 e 343
  364. "The atheist existentialists, such as Nietzsche (...)" David Layton (2012). The Humanism of Doctor Who: A Critical Study in Science Fiction and Philosophy. McFarland, pg. 333
  365. Tom Gunning, British Film Institute (2000). The films of Fritz Lang: allegories of vision and modernity. British Film Institute. p. 7. ISBN 9780851707426. Lang, however, immediately cautions Prokosh, 'Jerry, don't forget, the gods have not created men, man has created the gods.' This is more than a simple statement of Feuerbach-like humanism or atheism.
  366. Patrick Mcgilligan (1998). Fritz Lang: The Nature of the Beast. St. Martin's Press. p. 477. ISBN 9780312194543. In the final years of his life, Lang had written, in German, a 20- to 30-page short story called "The Wandering Jew." It was "a kind of fable about a Wandering Jew," according to Pierre Rissient. After Lang's death, Rissient asked Latte [Fritz Lang's third wife] if he might arrange for its publication. "No," she replied, "because Fritz would want to be known as an atheist."
  367. Mark Kermode (2013). Hatchet Job: Love Movies, Hate Critics. Pan Macmillan. pp. 25–26. ISBN 9781447230526. The Austrian-born film-maker Fritz Lang once commented that, although he was an atheist, he supported religious education because 'if you do not teach religion, how can you teach ethics?'
  368. "[Müller] was an atheist..." Review of Müller's biography, by James Mallet, Quarterly Review of Biology 79:196 (2004). Retrieved July 2, 2007.
  369. Oliver Knill (14 July 1998). "Supernovae, an alpine climb and space travel.". 14 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160414005735/http://www.dynamical-systems.org/zwicky/Zwicky-e.html. Erişim tarihi: 21 June 2013. "Zwicky has dealt critically with religion during his whole life. (Source: "Everybody a genius"). In a diary entry of 1971, he writes "To base the unexplainabilty and the immense wonder of nature onto an other miracle God is unnecessary and not acceptable for any serious thinker"."
  370. Swiss-American Historical Society (2006). Newsletter, Volumes 42-43. The Society. s. 17. http://books.google.ca/books?id=2IAOAQAAMAAJ&q=%22miracle+(God)+is+unnecessary+and+not+acceptable+for+any+serious+thinker.%22&dq=%22miracle+(God)+is+unnecessary+and+not+acceptable+for+any+serious+thinker.%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=qCyNU7y5H4aq8AHh0oCABA&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAA. "Zwicky has dealt critically with religion during his whole life. A 1971 diary entry states: "To base the inexplainabilty and the immense wonder of nature upon another miracle, God, is unnecessary and not acceptable for any serious thinker." According to one story, Zwicky once discussed the beginning of the universe with a priest. The priest, quoting Scriptures, stated that the universe had started with "and there is light." Zwicky replied that he would buy this, if instead God had said "and there is electronmagnetism"."
  371. William C. Lubenow (1998). The Cambridge Apostles, 1820-1914: Liberalism, Imagination, and Friendship in British Intellectual and Professional Life. Cambridge University Press. p. 405. ISBN 978-0-521-57213-2. "G.E. Moore was another agnostic Apostle. After an intense religious phase as a boy, Moore came to call himself an infidel..."
  372. Émile Vuillermoz, Steven Smolian (1969). Gabriel Fauré. Chilton Book Co. p. 74. "We have just said that Faure was not a religious man. He was incapable of intolerance or sectarianism, but his agnosticism was complete."
  373. Richard L. Smith, Caroline Potter, ed. (2006). French music since Berlioz. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. p. 174. ISBN 9780754602828. "The resolutely agnostic Gabriel Fauré (1845–1924) was certainly one of its greatest alumni."
  374. Celebrity Atheists
  375. "Yet, sailing to Egypt, he had lain on deck, asking his scientists whether the planets were inhabited, how old the Earth was, and whether it would perish by fire or by flood. Many, like his friend Gaspard Monge, the first man to liquefy a gas, were atheists." Vincent Cronin, The View from Planet Earth: Man looks at the Cosmos, page 164.
  376. Laure Junot Abrantès (1881). Memoirs of Napoleon, His Court and Family, Volume 2. D. Appleton. s. 276.
  377. Celebrity Atheist
  378. "Well, I'm a Jewish-Buddhist-Atheist, I guess." Pogrebin, Abigail (2005). Stars of David: Prominent Jews Talk About Being Jewish. New York: Broadway. pp. 91–99. ISBN 978-0-7679-1612-7.
  379. Archibald Henderson. George Bernard Shaw: His Life And Works, a Critical Biography. Kessinger Publishing, 2004. p. 135. ISBN 9781417961771. "It was at the Shelley Society's first large meeting that Shaw startled London by announcing himself as, " like Shelley, a Socialist, an atheist, and a vegetarian."
  380. Dayananda Pathak. George Bernard Shaw, His Religion & Values. Mittal Publications, 1985. p. 19. "Shaw explains what atheism really meant in his time. Belief in God in his time meant belief in the old tribal idol "I preferred to call myself an atheist", writes Shaw, "because belief in God then meant belief in the old tribal idol called Jehovah, and I would not, by calling myself an agnostic, pretend that I did not know whether it existed or not." He also adds: "I still, when I am dealing with old fashioned Fundamentalists, tell them that as I do not believe in this idol of theirs they may as well write me off as, for their purpose, I am an atheist."
  381. G. K. Chesterton. George Bernard Shaw. Echo Library, 2008. p. 21. ISBN 9781406890204. "I was," he writes, "wholly unmoved by their eloquence; and felt bound to inform the public that I was, on the whole, an atheist."
  382. George Carlin (2001). Napalm & Silly Putty. Hyperion. p. 254. ISBN 9780521842709. And there is no God. None, not one, never was. No God. Sorry.
  383. "That's because there is no Humpty-Dumpty, and there is no God. None, not one, never was. No God." George Carlin Show (1999). George Carlin: You Are All Diseased (DVD). MPI Home Video.
  384. "No. No, there's no God, but there might be some sort of an organizing intelligence, and I think to understand it is way beyond our ability. It's certainly not a judgmental entity. It's certainly not paternalistic and all these qualities that have been attributed to God." Thompson, Thompson (Sep 6, 2000). "Is There a God?". The A.V. Club. 31 de Maio de 2013.
  385. ANDERSON: "What, uh, one thing I’m fascinated with is, of course, George Gamow left the university in ’59 [1956], and Edward Teller had left in 1946 [1945] and went to the University of Chicago. But do you have any recollections of maybe some of the, anything between Dr. Marvin and Dr. Gamow, as far as, just before he left and went to Colorado?" NAESER: "Ah, no, I don’t know of any. I know Gamow made no, never did hide the fact that he was an atheist, but whether that came into the picture, I don’t know. But the story around the university was that Gamow and Mrs. Gamow were divorced, but they were in the same social circles some of the time, he thought it was better to get out of Washington. That’s why he went to Ohio State." The George Washington University and Foggy Bottom Historical Encyclopedia, Gamow, George and Edward Teller, October 23, 1996.
  386. Grote Reber. "The Big Bang Is Bunk". 21st Century Science Associates.. ss. 44. 8 Mayıs 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160508183941/http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles_2011/BigBang_Bunk.pdf. Erişim tarihi: 28 May 2012. "After the initial mathematical work on relativity the ory had been done, the Big Bang theory itself was invented by a Belgian priest, Georges lemaitre, im proved upon by an avowed atheist, George Gamow, and is now all but universally accepted by those who hold advanced degrees in astronomy and the physical sciences, despite its obvious absurdity."
  387. Simon Singh (2010). Big Bang. HarperCollins UK. ISBN 9780007375509. "Surprisingly, the atheist George Gamow enjoyed the Papal attention given to his field of research."
  388. Jane Gregory (2005). "Fighting for space". Fred Hoyle's Universe. Oxford University Press. s. 71. ISBN 9780191578465. "Gamow was, like Hoyle, an atheist, but he was familiar with organized religion: his grandfather was the Metropolitan, the senior bishop, of Odessa Cathedral."
    • Life and letters of George Jacob Holyoake by Joseph McCabe, pp 201, 221* A history of atheism in Britain: from Hobbes to Russell, by David Berman, pp 212-213
  389. Holyoake was the last person in England to be imprisoned (in 1842) for being an atheist.Meek, James (2000-02-02). "Free fall". Religion in the UK: special report (The Guardian). http://www.guardian.co.uk/religion/Story/0,2763,190660,00.html. Erişim tarihi: 2007-04-20.
  390. He coined the term "secularism" in 1846.Feldman, Noah (2005). Divided by God. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, pg. 113
  391. Celebrity Atheist: George Orwell
  392. Celebrity Atheist: George Santayana
  393. Şablon:Citar web
  394. Şablon:Citar web
  395. "The Pearl Fishers - Georges Bizet". Virginia Opera. 23 Nisan 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20120423072914/http://www.vaopera.org:80/html/currentoperas/opera1.cfm. Erişim tarihi: 19 April 2012. "At the end of the first year he was asked to submit a religious work as his required composition. As a self-described atheist, Bizet felt uneasy and hypocritical writing a religious piece. Instead, he submitted a comic opera. Publicly, the committee accepted, acknowledging his musical talent."
  396. Martin Cooper (1938). Georges Bizet. Oxford University Press. s. 48. ISBN 0781294908. "As the second part of his letter shows, he was too much of an artist—too firm a believer in the mysteriousness of the greatest things in the world—to be an atheist: and like the Voltaire of whom he wrote from Rome so admiringly, it is the church that he attacks rather than religion, although like Voltaire he does not always manage to keep the distinction clear in his writing."
  397. Georges Braque: A Life, Alex Danchev. Arcade, 2005, p.98.
  398. The Religious Affiliation of Celebrated French Painter Georges Braque
  399. "Georges Charpak". NNDB.com. 23 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160423233851/http://www.nndb.com/people/811/000099514/. Erişim tarihi: 17 July 2012.
  400. Ivan Lins, História do positivismo no Brasil, 2a. edição, São Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1967, pgs. 208-212.
  401. Jornal O Globo, 25 de fevereiro de 1996, seção "O País", página 3, na reportagem "Os segredos de Alzira Vargas": "Embora se declarasse agnóstico, alguns santinhos que deixou numa carteira gasta de dinheiro, antes de cometer suicídio e que foram recolhidos para o acervo de Alzira revelam que Getúlio tinha fé."
  402. Luz, escuridão e penumbra: o Governo Vargas e a Igreja Católica, p. 291. "Era um agnóstico. Um homem da tradição positivista (...)"
  403. Brazilian pop star Gil tours U.S.
  404. Entrevista no Roda-Viva
  405. gil ressignificado
  406. Política, raça e religião no Brasil, segundo Caetano e Gil
  407. "Deleuze's atheist philosophy of immanence is an artistic (or criative) power at work on theology" Deleuze and Religion. Mary Bryden (2002). Routledge, p. 157.
  408. "Deleuze's atheist critique is powerful (...)" Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism. F. LeRon Shults (2014). Edinburgh University Press, p. 103.
  409. Everything You Know About God Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Religion, Russ Kick, Red Wheel Weiser, 2007.
  410. "Some say God is living there [in space]. I was looking around very attentively, but I did not see anyone there. I did not detect either angels or gods. ... I don't believe in God. I believe in man-his strength, his possibilities, his reason." Gherman Titov, comments made at World Fair, Seattle, Washington, May 6, 1962, reported in The Seattle Daily Times, May 7, 1962, p. 2.
  411. "Hardy... was a stringent atheist..." Hit Play on Ramanujan, by Lisa Drostova, East Bay Express, April 30, 2003. Retrieved October 7, 2007.
  412. "The first Bombe to be delivered was named Agnus by Turing: a joke that atheist Hardy might have made..." Alan Turing — a Cambridge Scientific Mind, by Andrew Hodges, Cambridge Scientific Minds (Cambridge University Press, 2002) Retrieved July 2, 2007.
  413. Celebrity Atheist: Gore Vidal
  414. Vídeo "Gore Vidal - That's why I'm an atheist not an agnostic", disponível no YouTube.
  415. Coleção Folha - Grandes Escritores Brasileiros - Biografia de Graciliano Ramos
  416. Autorretrato, de Graciliano Ramos
  417. "Apesar de Greene depois opôs-se a ser chamado de "escritor católico", ele se tornou célebre por empregar temas religiosos em suas obras, elogiado pelos críticos católicos durante a sua vida pela forma poderosa em que seus romances exploração dos temas do pecado, a condenação, o mal, e o perdão divino. Mas o relacionamento de Greene com a igreja nunca foi fácil, e ele foi muitas vezes crítico da religião. Em seus últimos anos ele começou a se referir a si mesmo como um 'católico ateu' (Shelden, 6)." Michael Shelden: 'Greene, (Henry) Graham (1904–1991)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, September 2004; online edition, January 2006 (accessed May 1, 2008).
  418. "Eu não gosto de piedade religiosa convencional. Estou mais à vontade com o catolicismo de países católicos. Eu sempre achei difícil acreditar em Deus. Eu suponho que eu agora chamo a mim mesmo um ateu Católico." Graham Greene, interviewed by VS Pritchett, Saturday Review: Graham Greene into the light', The Times, March 18, 1978; pg. 6; Issue 60260; col A.
  419. 1 2 Barnes Music Festival: About Holst
  420. Gustav Holst
  421. Studies in Contemporary Jewry : Volume VII: Jews and Messianism in the Modern Era: Metaphor and Meaning: Volume VII: Jews and Messianism in the Modern Era: Metaphor and Meaning. Oxford University Press. 1991. s. 353. ISBN 9780195361988.
  422. Warren Allen Smith (2002). Celebrities in Hell. chelCpress. pp. 76–77. ISBN 9781569802144. He was born a Jew but has been described as a life-long agnostic. At one point he converted to Catholicism, purely for the purpose of obtaining a job that he coveted – director of the Court Opera of Vienna. It was unthinkable for a Jew to hold such a prestigious position, hence the utilitarian conversion to the state religion.
  423. "It is particularly poor salesmanship for Ms. Raabe to cite Mahler's supposed conversion from Judaism to Catholicism. In both law and common understanding, a choice made under duress is discounted as lacking in free will. Mahler converted as a mere formality under compulsion of a bigoted law that barred Jews from directorship of the Vienna Hofoper. Mahler himself joked about the conversion with his Jewish friends, and, no doubt, would view with bitter amusement the obtuseness of Ms. Raabe's understanding of the cruel choice forced on him: either convert to Christianity or forfeit the professional post for which you are supremely destined. When Mahler was asked why he never composed a Mass, he answered bluntly that he could never, with any degree of artistic or spiritual integrity, voice the Credo. He was a confirmed agnostic, a doubter and seeker, never a soul at rest or at peace." Joel Martel, MAHLER AND RELIGION; Forced to Be Christian, New York Times.
  424. Stuart Feder (2004). "Mahler at Midnight". Gustav Mahler: A Life in Crisis. Yale University Press. pp. 63–64. ISBN 9780300103403. Mahler had followed the common path of assimilationist Jews, particularly those who were German-speaking and university-educated: toward a dignified job, a position in the community, and a respectable income. Besides the fact that anti-Semitism was rife in Vienna, the post Mahler sought was a government position and normally open only to those who declared themselves to belong to the state religion, Catholicism. Mahler's superior, the intendant of the opera, reported directly to the emperor. Like the many Jews who were candidates for lesser government jobs, Mahler was officially baptized on 23 February 1897. His appointment arrived soon after.
  425. Norman Lebrecht (2010). Why Mahler?: How One Man and Ten Symphonies Changed Our World. Random House Digital, Inc. p. 84. ISBN 9780375423819. In January 1897 Mahler is told that "under present circumstances it is impossible to engage a Jew for Vienna." "Everywhere", he bemoans, "the fact that I am a Jew has at the last moment proved an insurmountable obstacle." But he does not despair, having made arrangements to remedy his deficiency. On February 23, 1897, at Hamburgs Little Michael Church, Gustav Mahler is baptized into the Roman Catholic faith. He is the most reluctant, the most resentful, of converts. "I had to go through it,” he tells Walter. "This action,” he informs Karpath, "which I took out of self-preservation, and which I was fully prepared to take, cost me a great deal." He tells a Hamburg writer: “I've changed my coat.” There is no false piety here, no pretense. Mahler is letting it be known for the record that he is a forced convert, one whose Jewish pride is undiminished, his essence unchanged. “An artist who is a Jew,” he tells a critic, "has to achieve twice as much as one who is not, just as a swimmer with short arms has to make double efforts." After the act of conversion he never attends Mass, never goes to confession, never crosses himself. The only time he ever enters a church for a religious purpose is to get married.
  426. John Bowden (2005). John Bowden, John Stephen Bowden, ed. Christianity: the complete guide. Continuum. p. 813. ISBN 9780826459374. "Gustav Mahler (1860–1911) was more of an agnostic than a believer, but the symphonies which he wrote are deeply spiritual works."
  427. Barrie Kosky (2008). On Ecstasy. Melbourne Univ. Publishing. p. 39. ISBN 9780522855340. Mahler's ambivalent Jewish-Christian Nietzschean agnostic personality found a living, breathing, sweating counterpart in Bernstein's muscles, bones and flesh. Otto Klemperer (1986). Martin J. Anderson, ed. Klemperer on Music: Shavings from a Musician's Workbench. London: Toccata Press. pp. 133–147. Mahler was a thoroughgoing child of the nineteenth century, an adherent of Nietzsche, and typically irreligious. For all that, he was – as all his compositions testify – devout in the highest sense, though his piety was not to be found in any church prayer-book.
  428. Kenneth Lafave (2002). "Mahler, Gustav". Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. Encyclopedia.com. Retrieved June 29, 2013. From the beginning, Mahler declared that his music was not for his own time but for the future. An agnostic, he apparently saw long-term success as a real-world equivalent of immortality. "Mahler was a thoroughgoing child of the nineteenth century, an adherent of Nietzsche, and typically irreligious," the conductor Otto Klemperer recalled in his memoirs, adding that, in his music, Mahler evinced a "piety . . . not to be found in any church prayer-book." This appraisal is confirmed by the story of Mahler's conversion to Catholicism in 1897. Although his family was Jewish, Mahler was not observant, and when conversion was required in order to qualify as music director of the Vienna Court Opera—the most prestigious post in Europe—he swiftly acquiesced to baptism and confirmation, though he never again attended mass. Once on the podium, however, Mahler brought a renewed spirituality to many works, including Beethoven's Fidelio, which he almost single-handedly rescued from a reputation for tawdriness.
  429. Henry-Louis de La Grange (1995). "May–August 1906". Gustav Mahler: Volume 3. Vienna: Triumph and Disillusion (1904–1907). Oxford University Press. p. 455. ISBN 9780193151604. His pantheistic beliefs made him see the manifestations of God's will everywhere, and sensed its 'miracles and secrets ... and contemplated them with the deep respect and touching astonishment of a child'.
  430. "The study of medicine also contributed to a loss of religious faith and to becoming atheist." Michael Heidelberger, Nature from within: Gustav Theodor Fechner and his psychophysical worldview, page 21.
  431. H. P. Lovecraft Letter to Robert E. Howard (August 16, 1932), in Selected Letters 1932–1934 (Sauk City, Wisconsin: Arkham House, 1976), p.57. " All I say is that I think it is damned unlikely that anything like a central cosmic will, a spirit world, or an eternal survival of personality exist. They are the most preposterous and unjustified of all the guesses which can be made about the universe, and I am not enough of a hairsplitter to pretend that I don't regard them as arrant and negligible moonshine. In theory I am an agnostic, but pending the appearance of radical evidence I must be classed, practically and provisionally, as an atheist."
  432. Denis Brian (2001). The Voice Of Genius: Conversations With Nobel Scientists And Other Luminaries. Basic Books. s. 117. ISBN 9780738204475. "Bethe: "I am an atheist.""
  433. Michael Martin (2007). The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press. s. 310. ISBN 9780521842709. "Among celebrity atheists with much biographical data, we find leading psychologists and psychoanalysts. We could provide a long list, including...Hans Jürgen Eysenck..."
  434. R. L. Wysong (1976). "5: Origin of Proteins". The Creation-evolution Controversy (implications, Methodology and Survey of Evidence): Toward a Rational Solution. Wysong Institute. s. 75. ISBN 9780918112026. "Recently, at a seminar, Harold Urey, the noted scientist who won a Nobel prize for his experiments on the origin of life.... ...Dr. Urey, a somewhat outspoken confirmed atheist and evolutionist, answered:..."
  435. "Harold C. Urey". NNDB.com. 3 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160303214819/http://www.nndb.com/people/873/000092597/. Erişim tarihi: 18 July 2012.
  436. Harold Kroto claims to have four "religions": humanism, atheism, amnesty-internationalism and humourism.
  437. O Big Bang místico
  438. A máquina do mundo repensada, Haroldo de Campos.
  439. Funções e disfunções da máquina do mundo
  440. The Woman Who Thought Like a Man
  441. Harriet Martineau (1802 - 1876)
  442. Harriet Martineau (1802–1876), from Unitarianism to Agnosticism
  443. Celebrity Atheist
  444. NNDB: Hector Berlioz
  445. Hector Berlioz - Freedom from Religion Foundation
  446. Henri Matisse: Modernist Against the Grain, Catherine Bock-Weiss, página 147. "Natural enough, since he was surrounded by priests and nuns during his later illnesses and while working on the Venice Chapel, even though he remained a convinced atheist."
  447. Celebrity Atheist: Henri Poincaré
  448. Kenneth McLeish, Stephen Mulrine (2005). Ibsen: Three Plays. Nick Hern Books. p. xxvi. ISBN 9781854598462. "Sternly atheist, unswervingly rationalist, he allows religion no part in the events of Hedda Gabler. When characters do invoke God (Tesman; Mrs Elvsted; Miss Tesman) it is a superficial, conventional way of talking, to add emphasis to otherwise bland remarks - and Ibsen the ironist takes it one step further when he makes Brack invoke, for the same purpose, not the deity but the devil."
  449. Celebrity Atheists: Henry Fonda
  450. Celebrity Atheists: Helen Mirren
  451. Şablon:Citar web
  452. Celebrity Atheist: Heraclitus
  453. Vijay Tankha (2006). "Heraclitus of Ephesus". Ancient Greek Philosophy: Thales to Gorgias. Pearson Education India. p. 71. ISBN 9788177589399. "By equating god with nature, Heraclitus could be regarded as a pantheist — everything is god."
  454. "Outside the field of scientific research, he was known for his outspoken atheism: belief in God, he once declared, is not only incompatible with good science, but is "damaging to the wellbeing of the human race." " The Telegraph.
  455. Herbert José de Sousa (Betinho), ateu famoso
  456. "Two years ago, Betinho developed Aids. He died, weighing just over six stone, of complications of hepatitis C, which he had also caught from contaminated blood. Although he was an atheist, the theologian Leonardo Boff has suggested that the Pope should canonise Betinho during his visit to Brazil in October. He said that "it would be a prophetic act if he were declared the saint of the poor, the patron saint of citizenship"." Sue Branford and Jan Rocha, 'Obituary: Herbert De Souza: Saintly Champion of the Poor', The Guardian, August 19, 1997, Pg. 15.
  457. Kroemer, Herbert. "Herbert Kroemer - Science Video Interview". 3 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160303201757/http://vega.org.uk/video/programme/32. "Interviewer: "You have no belief in a afterlife?" Kroemer: "That's correct." Interviewer: "...You don't see the evidence of a designer?" Kroemer: "No, I don't." Interviewer: "Could you say more about it?" Kroemer: "I think it's just wishful thinking.""
  458. Hunter Crowther-Heyck (2005). Herbert A. Simon: The Bounds of Reason in Modern America. JHU Press. s. 22. ISBN 9780801880254. "His secular, scientific values came well before he was old enough to make such calculating career decisions. For example, while still in middle school, Simon wrote a letter to the editor of the Milwaukee Journal defending the civil liberties of atheists, and by high school he was "certain" that he was "religiously an atheist," a conviction that never wavered."
  459. Julie A. Reuben (1996). The Making of the Modern University: Intellectual Transformation and the Marginalization of Morality. University of Chicago Press. p. 54. ISBN 9780226710204. "Herbert Spencer, the agnostic whose ideas were best known in the United States, did not deny the existence of God."
  460. "Since his childhood in Vienna Bondi had been an atheist, developing from an early age a view on religion that associated it with repression and intolerance. This view, which he shared with Hoyle, never left him. On several occasions he spoke out on behalf of freethinking, so-called, and became early on active in British atheist or "humanist" circles. From 1982 to 1999, he was president of the British Humanist Association, and he also served as president of the Rationalist Press Association of United Kingdom." Helge Kragh: "Bondi, Hermann", Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol. 19 p. 343. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008. Accessed via Gale Virtual Reference Library April 29, 2008.
  461. In a letter to the Guardian, Jane Wynne Willson, Vice-President of the British Humanist Association, added to his obituary: "Also president of the Rationalist Press Association from 1982 until his death, and with a particular interest in Indian rationalism, Hermann was a strong supporter of the Atheist Centre in Andhra Pradesh. He and his wife Christine visited the centre a number of times, and the hall in the science museum there bears his name. When presented with a prestigious international award, he divided a large sum of money between the Atheist Centre and women's health projects in Mumbai." Obituary letter: Hermann Bondi, Guardian, September 23, 2005 (accessed April 29, 2008).
  462. "Muller, who through Unitarianism had become an enthusiastic pantheist, was converted both to atheism and to socialism." Hermann Joseph Muller. 1890–1967, G. Pontecorvo, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, Vol. 14, Nov., 1968 (Nov., 1968), pp. 348-389 (Quote from p. 353) Retrieved July 14, 2007.
  463. Joseph McCabe (1945). A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Freethinkers. Haldeman-Julius Publications. Retrieved 30 June 2012. He was equally distinguished in physics and physiology and was the discoverer of the law of the conservatism of energy. Although he was the most eminent and most honored of German scientists, he was all his life an outspoken agnostic.
  464. Paul Hertz, Moritz Schlick, Malcolm F. Lowe, Robert Sonné Cohen, Yehúda Elkana, ed. (1977). Epistemological Writings: The Paul Hertz/Moritz Schlick Centenary Edition of 1921 with Notes and Commentary by the Editors. Springer. p. xxv. ISBN 9789027705822. Lenin found Helmholtz to be inconsistent, at one place a materialist about human knowledge, at another place agnostic and sceptic, and at yet other place a Kantian idealist, in sum a 'shame-faced materialist'.
  465. Herson Capri:“Continuo ateu, exatamente como era antes”
  466. Joseph McCabe (1950). A rationalist encyclopaedia: a book of reference on religion, philosophy, ethics, and science (2 bas.). Watts. s. 384. "He was a member of the firm of Vickers' Sons and Maxim. Maxim was an aggressive Atheist (personal knowledge) and the compiler (with the present writer) of the collection of strong criticisms of religion..."
  467. The Freethinker, Volume 92. G.W. Foote. 1972. s. 45. "Now Maxim really way a militant atheist!"
  468. Celebrity Atheis
  469. "Everett was a life-long atheist, but he did not let that stand in his way as St. John's was well-regarded academically and socially." Peter Byrne, The Many Worlds of Hugh Everett III: Multiple Universes, Mutual Assured Destruction, and the Meltdown of a Nuclear Family (2010), page 29.
  470. Celebrity Atheists: Hugh Laurie
  471. Steven G. Krantz (2002). Mathematical Apocrypha: Stories and Anecdotes of Mathematicians and the Mathematical. Mathematical Association of America. s. 202. ISBN 9780883855393. "...Steinhaus answered that, "God is always present." It should be noted that Steinhaus was an outspoken atheist."
  472. "I'm an evangelical atheist so I'm not into supernatural effects - I hated The Exorcist - but John Carpenter's remake of The Thing is different." 'I was a brain-eating zombie... As the scary season descends [...] famous horror experts choose their most terrifying screen experiences', Daily Telegraph, October 30, 2004, Arts Pg. 04.
  473. Celebrity Atheists: Ian McKellen
  474. Gregory E. Pence (1998). Who's Afraid of Human Cloning?. Rowman & Littlefield. s. 9. ISBN 978-0-8476-8782-4. "Ian Wilmut is a regular guy. ...Although not a believer in God himself, he believes in ethics."
  475. Zbigniew Skowron, ed. (2001). Lutoslawski Studies. Oxford University Press. pp. 122-123. ISBN 9780198166603. "In accordance with his atheist views, Xenakis emphasizes the finality of death as the ultimate event of human life, and this is probably why wild shrieks and moans punctuate his score."
  476. Iliescu, Mihu. Beyond the modern-postmodern cleavage: Xenakis’ mythical thinking, p. 4. "On the other hand, Xenakis is a non religious modern man who regards himself as an atheist. He does not conceive of repeating in any way the work of anyone else, be it a god."
  477. "Man is one, indivisible, and total. He thinks with his belly and feels with his mind. I would like to propose what, to my mind, covers the term "music":...7. It is a mystical (but atheistic) asceticism..." Iannis Xenakis, Formalized music: thought and mathematics in composition (1992), page 181.
  478. "While this sounds skeptical, Kant is only agnostic about our knowledge of metaphysical objects such as God. And, as noted above, Kant's agnosticism leads to the conclusion that we can neither affirm nor deny claims made by traditional metaphysics." Andrew Fiala, J. M. D. Meiklejohn, Critique of Pure Reason – Introduction, page xi.
  479. Edward J. Verstraete (2008). Ed Hindson; Ergun Caner, eds. The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics: Surveying the Evidence for the Truth of Christianity. Harvest House Publishers. p. 82. ISBN 9780736920841. "It is in this sense that modern atheism rests heavily upon the skepticism of David Hume and the agnosticism of Immanuel Kant."
  480. Norman L. Geisler; Frank Turek (2004). "Kant's Agnosticism: Should We Be Agnostic About It?". I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist. Crossway. pp. 59–60. ISBN 9781581345612.
  481. Norman L. Geisler, Paul K. Hoffman, ed. (2006). "The Agnosticism of Immanuel Kant". Why I Am a Christian: Leading Thinkers Explain Why They Believe. Baker Books. p. 45. ISBN 9780801067129.
  482. Gary D. Badcock (1997). Light of Truth and Fire of Love: A Theology of the Holy Spirit. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. p. 113. ISBN 9780802842886. "Kant has no interest in prayer or worship, and is in fact agnostic when it comes to such classical theological questions as the doctrine of God or of the Holy Spirit."
  483. Frank K. Flinn (2007). Encyclopedia of Catholicism. Infobase Publishing. p. 10. ISBN 9780816075652. "Following Locke, the classic agnostic claims not to accept more propositions than are warranted by empirical evidence. In this sense an agnostic appeals to Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), who claims in his Critique of Pure Reason that since God, freedom, immortality, and the soul can be both proved and disproved by theoretical reason, we ought to suspend judgement about them."
  484. "It was to her grandfather, a convinced freethinker, that Irène owed her atheism, later politically expressed as anticlericalism." Joliot-Curie, Irène. Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. 2008. Encyclopedia.com. 17 Mar. 2012.
  485. Denis Brian. The Curies: A Biography of the Most Controversial Family in Science. Wiley. s. 389. ISBN 9780471273912. "There were no prayers: Irene was deeply atheist."
  486. Celebrity Atheist: Isaac Asimov
  487. "Political Autobiography of a Young Man" e "Objective Biographical Notice", ensaios autobiográficos disponíveis em Hermit in Paris, p. 133 e 162.
  488. Ivan Lessa, ateu famoso
  489. Ivan Lessa: Eles voltaram, graças a Zeus!
  490. Vitaliĭ Lazarevich Ginzburg (2005). About Science, Myself and Others. CRC Press. s. 253. ISBN 9780750309929. "Nowadays, when we are facing manifestations of religious and. more often, pseudoreligious feelings, it is appropriate to mention that Igor Evgenevich was a convinced and unreserved atheist."
  491. Евгений Львович Фейнберг (1987). Reminiscences about I.E. Tamm. Nauka. s. 82. "Tamm's circumspect humorous reply: "Generally speaking, I am an atheist but may I give the answer next time?""
  492. Evgeniĭ Lʹvovich Feĭnberg, A. V. Leonidov (2011). Physicists: Epoch and Personalities (2 bas.). World Scientific. s. 86. ISBN 9789812834164.
  493. "There is no clear record that he was professionally restricted in Russia because of his lineage, but he sympathized with the problem his Jewish colleagues suffered owing to Russian anti-Semitism; his personal religious commitment was to atheism, although he received strict Christian religious training at home." Alfred I. Tauber, Leon Chernyak, Metchnikoff and the origins of immunology: from metaphor to theory, page 5.
  494. "When asked if he was religious, Pavlov smiled and replied: 'Listen, good fellow, in regard to [claims of] my religiosity, my belief in God, my church attendance, there is no truth in it; it is sheer fantasy. I was a seminarian, and like the majority of seminarians, I became an unbeliever, an atheist in my school years.'" George Windholz, "Pavlov's Religious Orientation", Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. 25, no. 3 (Sept. 1986), pp. 320–27.
  495. Leonard Schapiro, Turgenev, His Life and Times (New York: Random, 1978), p. 214. "Turgenev was not a determined atheist; there is ample evidence which shows that he was an agnostic who would have been happy to embrace the consolations of religion, but was, except perhaps on some rare occasions, unable to do so."
  496. Edgar Lehrman, Turgenev's Letters (New York: Knopf, 1961), p. xi."Sometimes Turgenev's attitude toward literature makes us wonder whether, for him, literature was not a surrogate religion - something in which he could believe unhesitatingly, unreservedly, and enthusiastically, something that somehow would make man in general and Turgenev in particular a little happier."" Harold Bloom, Ivan Turgenev, pages 95-96.
  497. JBS Haldane - Dublin City University
  498. Haldane, J. B. S., Fact and Faith. London: London, Watts & Co., 1934.
  499. Welch, Frances. "All Praise and Glory to the Mind of Man". 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160304043920/http://www.jgballard.ca/pringle_news_from_the_sun/news_from_sun24.html. "Ballard confesses to being an atheist, but adds: "that said, I'm extremely interested in religion... I see religion as a key to all sorts of mysteries that surround the human consciousness.""
  500. Jack Black Will Do Anything To Get Into Hebrew School
  501. Jack Black: On Music, Mayhem And Murder
  502. Stewart Gabel (2012). Jack London: a Man in Search of Meaning: A Jungian Perspective. AuthorHouse. p. 14. ISBN 9781477283332. When he was tramping, arrested and jailed for one month for vagrancy at about 19 years of age, he listed “atheist” as his religion on the necessary forms (Kershaw, 1997).
  503. NNDB: Jack Nicholson
  504. Celebrity Atheists: Jack Nicholson
  505. Istva ́n Hargittai, Magdolna Hargittai (2006). Candid Science VI: More Conversations with Famous Scientists. Imperial College Press. s. 749. ISBN 9781860948855. "Jack Steinberger: "I'm now a bit anti-Jewish since my last visit to the synagogue, but my atheism does not necessarily reject religion.""
  506. {{title=Jacob Appelbaum (Part 1/2) Digital Anti-Repression Workshop - April 26, 2012,;-" for me, as an atheist, bisexual, Jew, I'm gonna go on, uh - oh and Emma Goldman is one of my great heroes and I really think that anarchism is a fantastic principle by which to fashion a utopian society even if we can't get there."}}
  507. Chris Tinker (2005). Georges Brassens And Jacques Brel: Personal And Social Narratives In Post-war Chanson. Liverpool University Press. p. 36. ISBN 9780853237686. "Brel himself asserts that he is an atheist: 'Je ne crois pas en Dieu et je n'y croirai jamais', and he describes such a belief as a 'fetish', 'plus un besoin qu'une realite'." For him, all ideologies are a 'maniere elegante de tricher'."
  508. "(...) the writings of such atheistic post-modernists as (...) Jacques Derrida (...)" Michael D. Waggoner (2011). Sacred and Secular Tensions in Higher Education: Connecting Parallel Universities. Taylor & Francis, pg. 88
  509. Martin Hägglund (2008). Radical Atheism: Derrida and the Time of Life. Stanford University Press
  510. "So when I say “I rightly pass as an atheist” I know that because of everything that I’ve done so far, say in terms of deconstruction and so on and so forth, I’ve given a number of signs of my being a non-believer in God in a certain way, an atheist. And nevertheless, although I confirm that it is right to say “I’m an atheist”, I can’t say myself “I am an atheist” as a position, see “I am” or “I know what I am”: “I am this, and nothing else and I’m identifying myself as an atheist.” I would never say… this would sound obscene: “I am.” I wouldn’t say “I am an atheist” or I wouldn’t say “I am a believer” either." Jacques Derrida On ‘Atheism’ and ‘Belief’ (excerto de uma entrevista do filósofo em Toronto em 2002)
  511. Shaposhnikova, T. O. (1999). Jacques Hadamard: A Universal Mathematician. American Mathematical Soc.. s. 33–34. ISBN 978-0-8218-1923-4. "In 1924, Hadamard recounted his meetings with Hermite: "...When Hermite loved to direct to me remarks such as: "He who strays from the paths traced by Providence crashes." These were the words of a profoundly religious man, but an atheist like me understood them very well, especially when he added at other times: "In mathematics, our role is more that of servant than master."""
  512. Michael Martin (2007). The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press. s. 310. ISBN 9780521842709. "Among celebrity atheists with much biographical data, we find leading psychologists and psychoanalysts. We could provide a long list, including...Jacques Lacan..."
  513. "(...) the writings of such atheistic post-modernists as (...) Jacques Lacan (...)" Michael D. Waggoner (2011). Sacred and Secular Tensions in Higher Education: Connecting Parallel Universities. Taylor & Francis, pg. 88
  514. "In his final chapter de Duve turns to the meaning of life, and considers the ideas of two contrasting Frenchmen: a priest, Teilhard de Chardin, and an existentialist and atheist, Jacques Monod." Peaks, Dust, & Dappled Spots, by Richard Lubbock, Books in Canada: The Canadian Review of Books. Retrieved July 2, 2007.
  515. Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich (2004). R.A. Sunyaev. ed. Zeldovich: Reminiscences. CRC Press. s. 69. ISBN 9780415287906. "I think that you know me well enough: I am an absolute atheist, and all days of the week are completely the same to me."
  516. Andrei Sakharov: Facets of a Life. Atlantica Séguier Frontières. 1991. s. 599. ISBN 9782863320969. "Speaking about religion, Yakov Borisovich could say unambiguously, "I'm an absolute atheist"."
  517. "Rather than tackle Baldwin's atheist stance, Malcolm found a point of departure on the question of identity, stating that he was "proud to be a black man."" Herb Boyd, Baldwin's Harlem: a biography of James Baldwin (2008), page 75.
  518. Celebrity Atheist: James Cameron
  519. Andrew Brown (1997). The neutron and the bomb: a biography of Sir James Chadwick. Oxford University Press. s. 362. ISBN 9780198539926. "He was a lifelong atheist and felt no need to develop religious faith as he approached the end of his life."
  520. "James Franck was born in Hamburg, the son of a Jewish banker. ...As he said, science was his God and nature his religion. He did not insist that his daughters attend religious instruction classes (Religionsunterricht) in school. But he was very proud of his Jewish heritage..." David Nachmansohn, German-Jewish pioneers in science, 1900-1933: highlights in atomic physics, chemistry, and biochemistry, page 62.
  521. Freedom from Religion Foundation - Historian Sir James George Frazer (1854)
  522. "Neither Joyce's agnosticism nor his sexual libertinism were known to his mentors at Belvedere and he remained to the end a Prefect of the Sodality of Mary." Bruce Stewart, James Joyce (2007), page 14.
  523. NNDB: James Mill
  524. "Finding, therefore, no halting place in Deism, he remained in a state of perplexity, until, doubtless after many struggles, he yielded to the conviction, that, concerning the origin of things nothing whatever can be known. This is the only correct statement of his opinion; for dogmatic atheism he looked upon as absurd; as most of those, whom the world has considered Atheists, have always done. These particulars are important, because they show that my father's rejection of all that is called religious belief, was not, as many might suppose, primarily a matter of logic and evidence: the grounds of it were moral, still more than intellectual. He found it impossible to believe that a world so full of evil was the work of an Author combining infinite power with perfect goodness and righteousness." Autobiografia de John Stuart Mill, filho de James Mill, 1873.
  525. The Correspondence of John Stuart Mill and Auguste Comte, Transaction Publishers, p. xiii.
  526. James Purefoy is a sadistic serial killer in 'The Following'
  527. Randi wrote: "...I am a concerned, forthright, declared, atheist." Our Stance on Atheism, Swift: Online Newsletter of the JREF, August 5, 2005. (Accessed June 1, 2007)
  528. Watson is identified as an atheist by his acquaintance, Rabbi Marc Gellman. Trying to Understand Angry Atheists: Why do nonbelievers seem to be threatened by the idea of God?, by Rabbi Marc Gellman, Newsweek, April 28, 2006. Retrieved November 11, 2006.
  529. When asked by a student if he believed in God, Watson replied "Oh, no. Absolutely not... The biggest advantage to believing in God is you don't have to understand anything, no physics, no biology. I wanted to understand." JoAnne Viviano (October 19, 2007). "Nobel Prize-winning scientist wows some, worries others". The Vindicator. http://www.vindy.com/local_news/279051929445300.php. Erişim tarihi: 2007-10-19.
  530. Celebrity Atheist
  531. Jaques Wagner, teorizando sobre a seca sazonal que, há séculos, assola o Nordeste
  532. Sims, Chris (December 3, 2012). "War Rocket Ajax #138: Jason Aaron Talks 'Thor: God Of Thunder'". Comics Alliance.
  533. Celebrity Atheists: Javier Bardem
  534. George William Foote, ed. (1887). Progress: a monthly magazine of advanced thought, Volume 7. Progressive Publishing Co.. s. 127. "DELAMBRE (Jean Baptiste Joseph), French astronomer, born at Amiens, 19 Sept. 1749, studied under Lalande and became, like his master, an Atheist."
  535. Bernard Valeur, Jean-Claude Brochon (2001). New Trends in Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Applications to Chemical and Life Sciences. Springer. s. 17. ISBN 978-3-540-67779-6. "Jean and Francis Perrin held similar political and philosophical ideas. Both were socialists and atheists."
  536. "(...) the writings of such atheistic post-modernists as Jean Baudrillard (...)" Michael D. Waggoner (2011). Sacred and Secular Tensions in Higher Education: Connecting Parallel Universities. Taylor & Francis, pg. 88
  537. "As an atheist, Baudrillard took no interest in Kierkegaard's theological work (...)" Jon Bartley Stewart (2011). Kierkegaard's Influence on the Social Sciences. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., pg. 9
  538. "(...) the writings of such atheistic post-modernists as (...) Jean-François Lyotard." Michael D. Waggoner (2011). Sacred and Secular Tensions in Higher Education: Connecting Parallel Universities. Taylor & Francis, pg. 88
  539. Nick Land (2002). The Thirst for Annihilation: Georges Bataille and Virulent Nihilism. Routledge, pg. 12
  540. Jonathan Israel (2011). Democratic Enlightenment: Philosophy, Revolution, and Human Rights 1750-1790. Oxford University Press. s. 115. ISBN 978-0-19-954820-0. "D'Alembert, though privately an atheist and materialist, presented the respectable public face of 'la philosophie' in the French capital while remaining henceforth uninterruptedly aligned with Voltaire."
  541. James E. Force, Richard Henry Popkin (1990). James E. Force, Richard Henry Popkin. ed. Essays on the Context, Nature, and Influence of Isaac Newton's Theology. Springer. s. 167. ISBN 9780792305835. "Unlike the French and English deists, and unlike the scientific atheists such as Diderot, d'Alembert, and d'Holbach,..."
  542. Celebrity Atheist: Jean d'Alembert
  543. "It is a scene I won’t forget in a hurry: Jean-Marie Lehn, French winner of the Nobel prize in chemistry, defending his atheism at a packed public conference at the new Alexandria Library in Egypt." Ehsan Masood, ProspectMagazine.co.uk, Islam’s reformers, 22nd July 2006.
  544. Buckingham, Will; at alli (diversos colaboradores) - O Livro da Filosofia - Editora Globo - São Paulo, SP - 2011 - ISBN 978-85-250-4986-5 : Jean-Paul Sartre
  545. "The atheist existentialists, such as (...) Sartre (...)" David Layton (2012). The Humanism of Doctor Who: A Critical Study in Science Fiction and Philosophy. McFarland, pg. 333
  546. James E. Crimmins (1986). Bentham on Religion: Atheism and the Secular Society. University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 95. Retrieved 4 May 2013. Bentham was an atheist and in no sense of the word could he be described as a theologian.
  547. Ana Marta González, ed. (2012). Contemporary Perspectives on Natural Law: Natural Law As a Limiting Concept. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. p. 81. ISBN 9781409485667. "In sum, with Hume's agnosticism and Bentham's atheism, the fundamental voluntarist thesis about the gulf between the divine and the human mind reaches new depths, and this serves to reinforce and radicalize the rejection, begun by Pufendorf, of Grotian rights-theory as the appropriate means of formulating the conventionalist theory of the moral life."
  548. James E. Crimmins (1990). Secular Utilitarianism: Social Science and the Critique of Religion in the Thought of Jeremy Bentham. Clarendon Press. p. 283. ISBN 9780198277415. "Making allowance for Adams's cautious phrasing, this is a concise statement of Bentham's secular positivism, but it is also important to note the conviction with which Bentham held his atheism."
  549. Celebrity Atheist
  550. "He studied at the Jesuit College in Lyon and at this stage he nearly decided to join the Jesuit Order. In fact it was his parents who encouraged him to continue his education by going to Paris to study law, which he did. It is somewhat ironical that Lalande, who would later become renowned as an atheist, should have come so close to becoming a Jesuit." J J O'Connor and E F Robertson, Joseph-Jérôme Lefrançais de Lalande.
  551. Şablon:Citar web
  552. O Melhores da Ciência e Tecnologia
  553. Celebrity Atheist
  554. Como a doença influenciou a obra final do poeta João Cabral
  555. Poeta João Cabral de Melo Neto é enterrado no Rio
  556. Jornal de Poesia - João Cabral de Melo Neto
  557. "Though an atheist, Cabral had a deep, atavistic fear of the devil. When his wife died in 1986, he placed an emblem of Our Lady of Carmen around her neck, saying, in his mocking way, that this would make sure that she went directly to heaven, without being stopped at customs." 'Joao Cabral: His poetry voiced the sufferings of Brazil's poor', The Guardian, October 18, 1999, Leader Pages; p. 18.
  558. Celebrity Atheists: Joaquin Phoenix
  559. Celebrity Atheists: Jodie Foster
  560. Gregory A. Kimble, Michael Wertheimer, Charlotte White. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology. Psychology Press, 2013, p. 175. "Watson's outspoken atheism repelled many in Greensville."
  561. Michael Martin. The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press, 2006, p. 310. "Among celebrity atheists with much biographical data, we find leading psychologists and psychoanalysts. We could provide a long list, including (...) John B. Watson (...)"
  562. Dan Barker (2011). The Good Atheist: Living a Purpose-Filled Life Without God. Ulysses Press. s. 170. ISBN 9781569758465. "An essayist who popularized the American romantic view of nature, Burroughs wrote, “When I look up at the starry heavens at night and reflect upon what is it that I really see there, I am constrained to say, 'There is no God.'" In his 1910 journal, he wrote: "Joy in the universe, and keen curiosity about it all-that has been my religion.""
  563. ""Having a reasonable grounding in statistics and probability and no belief in luck, fate, karma, or god(s), the only casino game that interests me is blackjack," he wrote in a .plan file." - John D. Carmack, David Kushner, Masters of Doom: How two guys created an Empire and transformed Pop Culture (2003).
  564. Celebrity Atheist: John Carpenter
  565. "Conway propped up the pillow behind his head and grinned. "I like showing off. When I make a new discovery, and I really like telling people about it. I guess I'm not so much a mathematician as a teacher. In America, kids aren't supposed to like mathematics. It's so sad.' Conway sat up suddenly. 'Most people think that mathematics is cold. But it's not at all! For me, the whole damn thing is sensual and exciting. I like what it looks like, and I get a hell of a lot more pleasure out of math than most people do out of art!' He relaxed slightly, and he lowered his voice. 'I feel like an artist. I like beautiful things - they're there already; man doesn't have to create it. I don't believe in God, but I believe that nature is unbelievably subtle and clever. In physics, for instance, the real answer to a problem is usually so subtle and surprising that it wasn't even considered in the first place. That the speed of light is a constant - impossible! Nobody even thought about it. And quantum mechanics is even worse, but it's so beautiful, and it works!"", John Horton Conway in an interview with Charles Seife, The Sciences (1994).
  566. "The Bernals were originally Sephardic Jews who came to Ireland in 1840 from Spain via Amsterdam and London. They converted to Catholicism and John was Jesuit-educated. John enthusiastically supported the Easter Rising and, as a boy, he organised a Society for Perpetual Adoration. He moved away from religion as an adult, becoming an atheist." William Reville, John Desmond Bernal – The Sage.
  567. A. G. Rud, Jim Garrison, Lynda Stone, ed. (2009). Dewey at One Hundred Fifty. Purdue University Press. p. 22. ISBN 9781557535504. With respect to his personal beliefs, Dewey wrote to Max Otto that “I feel the gods are pretty dead, tho I suppose I ought to know that however, to be somewhat more philosophical in the matter, if atheism means simply not being a theist, then of course I'm an atheist. But the popular if not the etymological significance of the word is much wider. ...Although he described himself as an atheist in one sense of the term, it is also clear that Dewey was opposed to militant atheism for the same reason that he was opposed to supernaturalism: he thought both positions dogmatic.
  568. John Dewey's Dunces
  569. John Dewey redefines God for humanists and atheists
  570. Sylvia Nasar (2011). "Chapter 17: Bad Boys". A Beautiful Mind. Simon and Schuster. s. 143. ISBN 9781439126493. "In this circle, Nash learned to make a virtue of necessity, styling himself self-consciously as a "free thinker." He announced that he was an atheist."
  571. Sylvia Nasar (1999). A Beautiful Mind: A Biography of John Forbes Nash, Jr., Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, 1994. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 9780684853703. "Nash, by then an atheist, balked at a Catholic ceremony. He would have been happy to get married in city hall."
  572. "Keats shared Hunt's dislike of institutionalized Christianity, parsons, and the Christian belief in man's innate corruption, but, as an unassertive agnostic, held well short of Shelley's avowed atheism." John Barnard, John Keats, pages 38-39.
  573. Keats, Hermeticism, and the Secret Societies, Jennifer N. Wunder, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. 2003, p. 11.
  574. "I'm an atheist and I certainly don't believe or care about Satan or Jesus". Stated in a radio interview on BBC 5, 29 Oct 2010.
  575. The Film Programme, BBC Radio 4, November 4th, 2011: "When people say that they're not afraid of this or not afraid of that, to me that's very much like people saying I don't like opera, I don't like ballet, or I don't like the theatre. What I've learnt is that means they've never seen a good one, that's all it means. You know, I'm an atheist, but when I saw the Exorcist I was really frightened because of the skill of William Friedkin and what's called the suspension of disbelief".
  576. "In these years Leslie was an unsuccessful candidate for the chairs of natural philosophy at the universities of St Andrews and Glasgow respectively. He failed at the former because he was then an extreme whig and an atheist who deplored the Erastianism of many of the Scottish clergy." Jack Morrell, 'Leslie, Sir John (1766–1832)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 (accessed May 2, 2008).
  577. John Logie Baird, Television Pioneer, R. W. Burns, 2000. IET, p. 10.
  578. Lubenow, William C (1998). The Cambridge Apostles, 1820–1914. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-57213-4.
  579. Skidelsky, Robert (1 January 1994). John Maynard Keynes: Volume 1: Hopes Betrayed 1883–1920. Penguin Books. p. 86. ISBN 014023554X. "He was never able to take religion seriously, regarding it as a strange aberration of the human mind."
  580. Celebrity Atheists: John Malkovich
  581. From a Humanist News interview in Autumn 2001: Interviewer: What is your attitude to religion now? JMS: Ever since reading (J. B. S. Haldane's book) Possible Worlds I have been an atheist, and a semi-conscious atheist before that. I think there are two views you can have about religion. You can be tolerant of it and say, I don't believe in this but I don't mind if other people do, or you can say, I not only don't believe in it but I think it is dangerous and damaging for other people to believe in it and they should be persuaded that they are mistaken. I fluctuate between the two. I am tolerant because religious institutions facilitate some very important work that would not get done otherwise, but then I look around and see what an incredible amount of damage religion is doing.
  582. "Responding to Richard Dawkins's pestering his fellow atheists to "come out", I mention that I am indeed an atheist. To count oneself as an atheist one need not claim to have a proof that no gods exist. One need merely think that the evidence on the god question is in about the same state as the evidence on the werewolf question."
  583. Jackson J. Benson (1984). The true adventures of John Steinbeck, writer: a biography. Viking Press. p. 248. ISBN 9780670166855. "Ricketts did not convert his friend to a religious point of view — Steinbeck remained an agnostic and, essentially, a materialist — but Ricketts's religious acceptance did tend to work on his friend, ..."
  584. Biographile: 9 John Steinbeck Quotes for the Pure at Heart
  585. enotes: John Steinbeck Biography
  586. John Ellis, D. Amati (2000). "Biographical notes on John Bell". Quantum Reflections. Cambridge University Press. s. xi. ISBN 9780521630085. "By now, he was also a 'Protestant Atheist', which he remained all his life."
  587. "(...) the only thing we have in common with those so designated is that we do not believe in God." John Stuart Mill, Auguste Comte. 'The Correspondence of John Stuart Mill and Auguste Comte', Transaction Publishers, p. 320.
  588. Henry R. West (2004). An Introduction to Mill's Utilitarian Ethics. Cambridge University Press. p. 22. ISBN 9780521535410. Mill had no religious instruction as a child, growing up an atheist.
  589. Linda C. Raeder (2002). "Spirit of the Age". John Stuart Mill and the Religion of Humanity. University of Missouri Press. p. 65. ISBN 9780826263278. Comte welcomed the prospect of being attacked publicly for his irreligion, he said, as this would permit him to clarify the nonatheistic nature of his and Mill's “atheism”.
  590. Autobiografia de John Stuart Mill, 1873
  591. {{|last=Sulston|first=John|title=Another 50 Renowned Academics Speaking About God|accessdate=8 April 2012|quote=I believe atheism makes coherent sense.}}
  592. Robert Dransfield, Don Dransfield (2003). Key Ideas in Economics. Nelson Thornes. p. 124. ISBN 9780748770816. He was brought up in a Hungary in which anti-Semitism was commonplace, but the family were not overly religious, and for most of his adult years von Neumann held agnostic beliefs.
  593. William Poundstone (1993). Prisoner's Dilemma. Random House Digital, Inc. ISBN 9780385415804. Of this deathbed conversion, Morgenstern told Heims, "He was of course completely agnostic all his life, and then he suddenly turned Catholic—it doesn't agree with anything whatsoever in his attitude, outlook and thinking when he was healthy." The conversion did not give von Neumann much peace. Until the end he remained terrified of death, Strittmatter recalled.
  594. Abraham Pais (2006). J. Robert Oppenheimer: A Life. Oxford University Press. p. 109. ISBN 9780195166736. He had been completely agnostic for as long as I had known him. As far as I could see this act did not agree with the attitudes and thoughts he had harbored for nearly all his life. On February 8, 1957, Johnny died in the Hospital, at age 53.
  595. Paul Malmont (2011). The Astounding, the Amazing, and the Unknown: A Novel. Simon and Schuster. s. 34. ISBN 978-1-4391-6893-6. "For, even though John W. Campbell was an avowed atheist, when the most powerful ed at Street & Smith lost his temper, he put the fear of God into others."
  597. "He continued, in high theological mode. Brahms was not about to put up with that sort of thing. He was a humanist and an agnostic, and his Requiem was going to express that, Reinthaler or no." Swafford, Jan, 2012, Johannes Brahms: A biography, Random House Digital, 2012, ISBN 9780307809896, p. 327.
  598. Sams, Eric (2000). The Songs of Johannes Brahms. Yale University Press. p. 326. ISBN 9780300079623. But the thought of bright nearness brings back the face-to-face music of 'Von Angesicht zu Angesichte', which is as close as the agnostic Brahms ever came to a communion with deity. As the pious aria ends, the humanist moral returns.
  599. Larry King Special: Johnny Depp - Larry King Live - Transmitido em 16 de outube de 2011 às 20:00 ET; CNN. Transcrição disponível no endereço eletrônico: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1110/16/lkl.01.html . Entrevista disponível na mais famosa videoteca da rede sob título: "Johnny Depp interview with Larry King". Excerto: "KING: Do you have faith? DEPP: I have faith in my kids. ... Faith in terms of religion, I don't -- religion is not my specialty, you know."
  600. "On the liner notes of a 1992 single, "Cruel," he included, "Where is God? I see no evidence of God. God is probably Barry Manilow."" Warren Allen Smith, Celebrities in Hell, p. 74.
  601. "Religions are technologies that are evolved over millennia to do this and many religions are very effective in doing this. I'm an atheist, I don't believe that gods actually exist, but I part company with the New Atheists because I believe that religion is an adaptation that generally works quite well to suppress selfishness, to create moral communities, to help people work together, trust each other and collaborate towards common ends." Jonathan Haidt, Interview with Jonathan Haidt, Vox Popoli November 19, 2007 (accessed April 14, 2008).
  602. "Prominent Russians: Zhores Alferov". RT.com. 3 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160303171749/http://russiapedia.rt.com/prominent-russians/science-and-technology/zhores-alferov/. Erişim tarihi: 21 April 2012. "In public life the scientist is a strong supporter of communism, an atheist strongly objecting to advancement of religious education in Russia, and proponent of science and knowledge as the means to see a better future."
  603. "Zhores I. Alferov". NNDB.com. 24 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160424051226/http://www.nndb.com/people/039/000027955/. Erişim tarihi: 21 April 2012.
  604. Amado is described as an "ateu convicto", or "convinced atheist". Cynara Menezes (August 8, 2001). "Velório de Jorge Amado foi discreto" (Portuguese). Folha de S. Paulo. http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/ilustrada/ult90u16398.shtml. Erişim tarihi: 2007-11-24.
  605. 1 2 Carta Capital: Não existem ateus na Bahia
  606. Borges, a Blind Writer With Insight
  607. #BBCtrending: Wishing for someone else's president
  608. Papa recebe José Mujica e diz que uruguaio é um 'homem sábio'
  609. Ateu, presidente do Uruguai organiza missa pela saúde de Chávez
  610. Deus não existe fora da cabeça das pessoas
  611. Vídeo "Saramago é questionado se a doença havia mudado a sua percepção de Deus; veja sabatina da Folha", disponível no YouTube.
  612. Vídeo "Onde está Deus? - José Saramago", disponível no YouTube.
  613. Ator José Wilker (1947-2014) foi um ateu assumido.
  614. Fui educado por padres pedófilos.
  615. Joseph Campbell
  616. Remembering a Master Mythologist
  617. Did Joseph Campbell consider himself an atheist or an agnostic?
  618. Joseph Mazzini Wheeler (1889). A biographical dictionary of freethinkers of all ages and nations. Progressive publishing company. s. 232. "Montgolfier (Michel Joseph), aeronaut. b. Aug. 1740. He was the first to ascend in an air balloon, 5 June 1783. A friend of Delambre and La Lalande, he was on the testimony of this last an atheist. Died 26 June 1810."
  619. Warren Allen Smith (2000). Who's who in hell: a handbook and international directory for humanists, freethinkers, naturalists, rationalists, and non-theists. Barricade Books. s. 762. ISBN 9781569801581. "Also that year, a Montgolfier balloon sailed over Paris in the first manned free balloon flight. Montgolfier served the Revolution with zeal and was much honored. Lalande, who knew him well, wrote that Montgolfier was an atheist."
  620. "In religious matters Lagrange was, if anything at all, agnostic." Eric Temple Bell, Men of Mathematics (1986).
  621. 1 2 "Lagrange and Laplace, though of Catholic parentage, were agnostics." Morris Kline, Mathematics and the Search for Knowledge (1986), página 214.
  622. “Deixem Jesus em paz”, pede Juca Kfouri
  623. Mathew Philips. "Tragedy and Opportunity: The parents of slain journalist Danny Pearl have devoted their lives to improving Muslim-Jewish relations.". 1 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160401163921/http://www.greatertalent.com/speaker-news/judea-pearl-history-has-given-us-both-a-tragedy-and-an-opportunity/. Erişim tarihi: 12 July 2013. "I turned secular at the age of 11, by divine revelation. [Laughs.] I was standing on the roof of the house my father built, looking down on the street and suddenly it became very clear to me that there is no God."
  624. 'I don't believe in God,' says Australia's first female PM
  625. "(...) the writings of such atheistic post-modernists as (...) Julia Kristeva (...)" Michael D. Waggoner (2011). Sacred and Secular Tensions in Higher Education: Connecting Parallel Universities. Taylor & Francis, pg. 88
  626. Philosopher and Atheist Julia Kristeva Addresses Assisi
  627. Religion, atheism, and the crisis of meaning in Julia Kristeva's critique of modernity
  628. 'Mystic Atheism': Julia Kristeva's Negative Theology
  629. Celebrity Atheist
  630. "Despite his atheism Huxley could appreciate Teilhard de Chardin's vision of evolution, and like his grandfather T. H. Huxley he believed progress could be described in biological terms." Robert Olby, 'Huxley, Sir Julian Sorell (1887–1975)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004; online edition, May 2007 (accessed May 2, 2008).
  631. Celebrity Atheists: Julianne Moore
  632. "Although he became an atheist early in life and resented the strict upbringing of his parents’ religion, he identified with Jewish culture and joined several international fights against anti-Semitism." Craver, Carl F: "Axelrod, Julius", Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Vol. 19 p. 122. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008.
  633. In Europe, God Is (Not) Dead
  634. The Church Is Under Siege. But Habermas, the Atheist, Is Coming to its Defense
  635. "Jürgen Habermas, who as a prominent intellectual and theorist advocates a strict methodological atheism." Perez, Celestino Jr. (2008). Juergen Habermas and Pope John Paul II on Faith, Reason, and Politics in the Modern World. ProQuest, p. viii
  636. 'Tis the season tho reveal what atheists really want
  637. Kari Byron interview
  638. Postagem em seu Twitter oficial
  639. The Humanism of Doctor Who: A Critical Study in Science Fiction and Philosophy, David Layton. McFarland, 2012, p. 333.
  640. Anthropology, Volume 5, Darshan Singh Maini. Mittal Publications, 2000, p. 256.
  641. Karl Jaspers: Politics and Metaphysics, Chris Thornhill. Routledge, 2013, p. 120.
  642. Crítica da Filosofia do Direito de Hegel, 1843.
  643. "Referring to himself as an agnostic and an advocate of critical realism, Popper gained an early reputation as the chief exponent of the principle of falsification rather than verification." Karl Popper: philosopher of critical realism, by Joe Barnhart, The Humanist magazine, July–August 1996.
  644. Karl Popper - The Formative Years, 1902-1945: Politics and Philosophy in Interwar Vienna. Malachi Haim Hacohen, Cambridge University Press, 2002, p. 421.
  645. Returning to Karl Popper: A reassessment of his politics and philosophy. Alexander Naraniecki, Rodopi, 2014, p. 17.
  646. Celebrity Atheists: Katharine Hepburn
  647. Celebrity Atheist: Keanu Reeves
  648. Celebrity Atheists: Keira Knightley
  649. Celebrity Atheists: Kevin Bacon
  650. Freedom from Religion Foundation - Kevin Bacon
  651. Celebrity Atheists: Kevin Kline
  652. "His son Martin, who led the ceremony, said: "His relationship with the Christian God was not entirely frictionless. In 1962 (the Russian poet) Yevtushenko asked him 'Are you an atheist?'. He replied: 'Well, yes - but it's more that I hate Him'." " John Ezard, 'Secular send-off for an 'old devil' who did not wans too much fuss over his funeral', The Guardian (London), October 23, 1996, p. 8.
  653. Rory Carroll (21 June 2013). "Kip Thorne: physicist studying time travel tapped for Hollywood film". Guardian News and Media Limited. 12 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160412081930/https://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/jun/21/kip-thorne-time-travel-scientist-film. Erişim tarihi: 30 October 2014. "Thorne grew up in an academic, Mormon family in Utah but is now an atheist. "There are large numbers of my finest colleagues who are quite devout and believe in God, ranging from an abstract humanist God to a very concrete Catholic or Mormon God. There is no fundamental incompatibility between science and religion. I happen to not believe in God.""
  654. Jane Smiley (2010). The Man Who Invented the Computer: The Biography of John Atanasoff, Digital Pioneer. Random House Digital, Inc.. ISBN 9780385527132. "Like Alan Turing, Zuse was educated in a system that focused on a child's emotional and philosophical life as well as his intellectual life, and at the end of school, like Turing, Zuse found himself to be something of an outsider—to the disappointment of his very conventional parents, he no longer believed in God or religion."
  655. Konrad Zuse (1993). The Computer, My Life. Springer. s. 12–13. ISBN 978-3-540-56453-9. "The only problem was that the progressive spirit at our school did not always correspond to my parents' ideas. This was particularly true for religious instruction, which now and again seemed even to us pupils to be rather too enlightened. After the 'Abitur' my parents wanted to go to communion with me; is was a terrible disappointment to them when I wouldn't go. They had lived under the illusion that I was a good student when it came to religion, too, which wasn't the case. ...I remember a poem presented by a student, which made a great impression on me. The essence of the poem read, "Basically, you are always alone." I have forgotten the name of the poet, but have often experienced the truth of these words in later life.""
  656. Celebrity Atheists: Lance Armstrong
  657. "A reader who has suffered me so far will have realised how much of my mental energy had been hitherto absorbed in a fruitless search for an intellectually compelling rationale to rescue some fragments from the wreckage of my family faith. The mood of liberation I experienced when I finally discarded the last remnant of theism was no less exhilarating than that of Bunyan's Pilgrim when the burden of sin fell from his back. [...] In retrospect, the final steps seem as sudden as they were painless. [...] As I looked upward [at the night sky], I realised that the sole prospect was limitless expanse of unthreatening and impersonal emptiness — but for unapproachable galaxies — of a universe without purpose of punishment or reward for a lately arrived animal species, free to make or mar its own destiny without help or hindrance from above." Lancelot Hogben, Lancelot Hogben: Scientific Humanist: An Unauthorised Autobiography, edited by Adrian and Ann Hogben. Merlin Press, 1998.
  658. "It is ridiculous to describe that Laozi had started the Dao religion. In fact Laozi is much more sympathetic to atheism than even Greek philosophers in general. To the most, like Buddha and philosophers of Enlightenment, Laoism is agnostic about God." Chen Lee Sun, Laozi's Daodejing-From the Chinese Hermeneutical and the Western Philosophical Perspectives: The English and Chinese Translations Based on Laozi's Original Daoism (2011), page 119.
  659. Celebrity Atheist: Laozi
  660. Encyclopedia of Chinese Philosophy, Antonio S. Cua, Routledge, 2013, p. 300.
  661. Religion and Ecological Sustainability in China, James Miller, Dan Smyer Yu, Peter van der Veer. Routledge, 2014.
  662. Ingrams, Richard (12 August 2001). "Larry Adler: brilliant musician, formidable campaigner". The Observer. http://observer.theguardian.com/comment/story/0,6903,535530,00.html. "I was among friends and family who packed a chapel at Golders Green crematorium on Friday to hear more than two hours of tributes to Larry Adler. In accordance with Larry's wishes - he was an inveterate atheist who refused to recognise the supernatural in any shape or form - there were no religious observances."
  663. Celebrity Atheist
  664. Laurent Schwartz (2001). A Mathematician Grappling With His Century. Springer. s. 193. ISBN 9783764360528. "My parents were atheists, I was an atheist, I never really felt Jewish."
  665. Fora da Record, autor Lauro César Muniz quer fazer filme sobre José Dirceu
  667. "...I had the opportunity to participate in several exciting panel discussions at the World Science Festival in New York City. But the most dramatic encounter took place at the panel strangely titled 'Science, Faith and Religion.'... I ended up being one of two panelists labeled 'atheists.'..." God and Science Don't Mix: A scientist can be a believer. But professionally, at least, he can't act like one., Lawrence M. Krauss, The Wall Street Journal, page A15, 26 June 2009 (retrieved 22 May 2010). On the 21 June 2012 Colbert Report, the author of A Universe from Nothing: Why There is Something Rather than Nothing told Colbert: "There is no evidence for any deity.... You don't need him.... There's no need for God." The evolutions of the universe occur "without any supernatural shenanigans."
  668. Konder foi um ateu que via a religião com benevolência
  669. "Another aspect of this is that a scientific cosmology can contain no residue of the idea that the world was constructed by some being who is not a part of it. As the creatures who makes things, it is our most natural impulse to ask: When we come upon something beautifully or intricately structured, who made it? We must learn to give up this impulse if we are to do scientific cosmology. As there can, by definition, be nothing outside the universe, a scientific cosmology must be based on a conception that the universe made itself." Lee Smolin, What is the Future of Cosmology?, pbs.org.
  670. William Lanouette, Bela A. Silard (1992). Genius in the shadows: a biography of Leo Szilard : the man behind the bomb. C. Scribner's Sons. p. 167. ISBN 9780684190112. "He is what he seems to be: an idealist devoted to the task. As his consciousness, however, is materialistic, leaning to experimenting, and agnostic, he fails to understand himself, same as the world..."
  671. "Festinger, a professed atheist, was an original thinker and a restless, highly motivated individual with (in his words) "little tolerance for boredom". " Franz Samelson: "Festinger, Leon", American National Biography Online, Feb. 2000 (accessed April 28, 2008) .
  672. Babu Gogineni (July 10, 2012). "It’s the Atheist Particle, actually". Postnoon News. http://postnoon.com/2012/07/10/its-the-atheist-particle-actually/58312. Erişim tarihi: 10 July 2012. "Leon Lederman is himself an atheist and he regrets the term, and Peter Higgs who is an atheist too, has expressed his displeasure, but the damage has been done!"
  673. In a review of Susskind's book The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design, Michael Duff writes that Susskind is "a card-carrying atheist." Life in a landscape of possibilities, December 2005. Retrieved May 30, 2007.
  674. S. P. Rosenbaum, 'Woolf, Leonard Sidney (1880–1969)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 (acesso em 13 de agosto de 2015).
  675. "Mša glagolskaja". Acesso em 19/04/12. "During his adult life Janáček was an atheist and distanced himself from the church. Nevertheless religion features frequently in his work, not always in a positive light; as an emotional crutch (in the despairing pleas of the characters in Jenůfa or Kát’a Kabanová) or in a more humorous light (the alcoholic, lustful Priest in The Cunning Little Vixen). The composer once described organised religion as 'concentrated death[']."
  676. Chisholm, Erik (2014). The operas of Leos Janacek: The Commonwealth and International Library: Music Division. Elsevier, p. 51. "Janáček (...) was a militant atheist to the day of his death."
  677. The Telegraph: Ivan Hewett’s Classic 50 No 49: Janáček – The Barn Owl Has Not Yet Flown. Acesso em 26/08/15.
  678. Bachtrack: Slavonic, dramatic, overwhelming - Janáček's Glagolitic Mass at the Royal Festival Hall. Acesso em 26/08/15.
  679. British Choirs on the net: Glagolitic Mass - Leos Janáček (1854 - 1928). Acesso em 26/08/15.
  680. Atheism in France, 1650-1729, Volume I: The Orthodox Sources of Disbelief, Alan Charles Kors, Princeton University Press, 2014.
  681. Henry F. Schaefer (2003). Science and Christianity: Conflict Or Coherence?. The Apollos Trust. s. 9. ISBN 9780974297507. "I present here two examples of notable atheists. The first is Lev Landau, the most brilliant Soviet physicist of the twentieth century."
  682. "Listed as an atheist in NNDB.com." Lev Landau, NNDB.com
  683. "Morrerei um revolucionário proletário, um marxista, um materialista dialético e, consequentemente, um ateu irreconciliável." - Trotsky em seu testamento, 27 de fevereiro de 1940.
  684. "I grew up in a Jewish family but I gave it all up at 16 when I prayed to God for something I really wanted and it didn't happen. I have been an atheist ever since. I believe in proof and I know of no evidence for the existence of God, but I am in no way hostile to religion provided it does not interfere in the lives of others or come into conflict with science." Easter special: I believe..., Independent on Sunday, April 16, 2006 (accessed April 18, 2008).
  685. "Passionate and enthusiastic, Lily was converted to atheism, pacifism, and feminism by Georg von Gizycki, whom she married in 1893." 'Braun, Lily', Encyclopædia Britannica Online (accessed August 1, 2008).
  686. Şablon:Citar web
  687. 1 2 "... I [Pauling] am not, however, militant in my atheism. The great English theoretical physicist Paul Dirac is a militant atheist. I suppose he is interested in arguing about the existence of God. I am not. It was once quipped that there is no God and Dirac is his prophet." Linus Pauling & Daisaku Ikeda (1992). A Lifeling Quest for Peace: A Dialogue. Jones & Bartlett. s. page 22. ISBN 0-86720-277-7.
  688. Şablon:Citar web
  689. Ramesh Chopra (2005). Academic Dictionary Of Philosophy. Gyan Books. s. 143. ISBN 9788182052246. "Renowned French chemist. He was one of the greatest chemists in Europe at the time. He made innumerable discoveries in the science, and even the restored royalty made him a Peer of France, although he worked politically with the anti-clericals. He was closely associated with Arago and shared his atheism."
  690. Lubos Motl, http://motls.blogspot.com/2006/09/oriana-fallaci-force-of-reason.html
  691. The Mind of the Master Class: History and Faith in the Southern Slaveholders' Worldview, Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Eugene D. Genovese, Cambridge University Press, 2005, p. 774.
  692. Norman Malcolm, G. H. Von Wright (2001). Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir. Oxford University Press. pp. 59–60. ISBN 9780199247592. "I believe that Wittgenstein was prepared by his own character and experience to comprehend the idea of a judging and redeeming God. But any cosmological conception of a Deity, derived from the notions of cause or of infinity, would be repugnant to him. He was impatient with 'proofs' of the existence of God, and with attempts to give religion a rational foundation. ...I do not wish to give the impression that Wittgenstein accepted any religious faith — he certainly did not — or that he was a religious person. But I think that there was in him, in some sense, the possibility of religion. I believe that he looked on religion as a 'form of life' (to use an expression from the Investigations) in which he did not participate, but with which he was sympathetic and which greatly interested him. Those who did participate he respected — although here as elsewhere he had contempt for insincerity. I suspect that he regarded religious belief as based on qualities of character and will that he himself did not possess. Of Smythies and Anscombe, both of whom had become Roman Catholics, he once said to me: 'I could not possibly bring myself to believe all the things that they believe.' I think that in this remark he was not disparaging their belief. It was rather an observation about his own capacity."
  693. William Child (2011). Wittgenstein. Taylor & Francis. p. 218. ISBN 9781136731372. "Was Wittgenstein religious? If we call him an agnostic, this must not be understood in the sense of the familiar polemical agnosticism that concentrates, and prides itself, on the argument that man could never know about these matters. The idea of a God in the sense of the Bible, the image of God as the creator of the world, hardly ever engaged Wittgenstein's attention. . ., but the notion of a last judgement was of profound concern to him."
  694. Celebrity Atheist: Luis Buñuel
  695. Luis Fernando Verissimo, ateu famoso
  696. Zuenir Ventura, Verissimo e Ziraldo inspiram musical sobre a velhice
  697. Conrad F. Goeringer (June 2000). "The Murray O’Hair Family". American Atheists. 4 Şubat 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20120204072735/http://www.atheists.org/visitors.center/OHairFamily/. Erişim tarihi: 2006-12-13.
  698. Şablon:Citar web
  699. Şablon:Citar web
  700. Cabanne: "Do you believe in God?" Duchamp: "No, not at all." - Pierre Cabanne, Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp (1987), página 106.
  701. Celebrity Atheist: Marcel Proust
  702. Robert K. Wilcox (2010). The Truth About the Shroud of Turin: Solving the Mystery. Regnery Gateway. s. 23. ISBN 9781596986008. "In 1902, Marcellin P. Berthelot, often called the founder of modern organic chemistry, was one of France's most celebrated scientists—if not the world's. He was permanent secretary of the French Academy, having succeeded the giant Louis Pasteur, the renowned microbiologist. Unlike Delage, an agnostic, Berthelot was an atheist—and militantly so."
  703. Thomas de Wesselow (2012). The Sign: The Shroud of Turin and the Secret of the Resurrection. Penguin. ISBN 9781101588550. "Although Delage made it clear that he did not regard Jesus as the resurrected Son of God, his paper upset the atheist members of the Academy, including its secretary, Marcellin Berthelot, who prevented its full publication in the Academy's bulletin."
  704. Vídeo "O que é a vida para um ateu?", disponível no YouTube.
  705. "Eu não sei para que serve a Comissão da Verdade"
  706. "It was nice to be honoured but I like ‘Mark’ not ‘Sir Mark’. When one’s young, one’s brash and all-knowing; when one’s old, one realises how little one knows. You asked me earlier if I believed in God and the hereafter. I would tend to say no but when one dies one could well be surprised." Mark Oliphant from an interview in 1996., Sir Mark Oliphant - Reluctant Builder of the Atom Bomb.
  707. Haught, James A. (1996). 2,000 Years of Disbelief: Famous People with the Courage to Doubt. Prometheus Books. s. 261–262. ISBN 1-57392-067-3.
  708. Margaret Sanger (2000)
  709. Celebrity Atheist: Marie Curie
  710. "Unusually at such an early age, she became what T.H. Huxley had just invented a word for: agnostic." Robert William Reid (1974). Marie Curie. New American Library, pg. 6
  711. Sobre Mário Lago (O GLOBO). "Como Mário Lago era ateu, o crucifixo que ornava o saguão foi retirado."
  712. UFCG: Biografia de Mario Lago
  713. "William Dean Howells and Mark Twain had much in common. They were agnostic but compassionate of the plight of man in an indifferent world..." Darrel Abel (2002), Classic Authors of the Gilded Age, iUniverse, ISBN 0-595-23497-6
  714. "At the most, Mark Twain was a mild agnostic, usually he seems to have been an amused Deist. Yet, at this late date his own daughter has refused to allow his comments on religion to be published." Kenneth Rexroth, "Humor in a Tough Age;" The Nation, 7 March 1959.
  715. Just How Much Do We Want to Share On Social Networks?
  716. Alef, Daniel. Mark Zuckerberg: The Face Behind Facebook and Social Networking, Titans of Fortune Publishing (2010)
  717. Kirkpatrick, David (2010). The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World. New York City: Simon & Schuster. pp. 20–21. ISBN 978-1-4391-0211-4.
  718. Boggan, Steve (May 21, 2010). "The Billionaire Facebook Founder making a fortune from your secrets (though you probably don't know he's doing it)". Daily Mail (UK). Archived from the original on July 24, 2012.
  719. I was Rosenbluth's last student, and collaborated with him on numerous research projects during and after my graduation. Near the end of his life, we more frequently discussed personal and political issues. On more than one occasion, he freely admitted to me that he was an atheist. Statement by J. Candy, 22 January 2009.
  720. Rod Dreher (April 20, 2011). "Martin J. Rees Wins 2011 Templeton Prize". Templeton Report. 3 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160303194123/http://www.templeton.org/templeton_report/20110420/index.html. Erişim tarihi: 4 August 2013. "As it turns out, Lord Rees is an atheist, though one who said in a recent interview that he is “not allergic to religion,” and that he enjoys participating in aesthetic and cultural activities of the Anglican church, in which he was raised."
  721. Leon M. Lederman, Judith A. Scheppler (2001). "Marvin Minsky: Mind Maker". Portraits of Great American Scientists. Prometheus Books. s. 74. ISBN 9781573929325. "Another area where he "goes against the flow" is in his spiritual beliefs. As far as religion is concerned, he's a confirmed atheist. "I think it [religion] is a contagious mental disease. . . . The brain has a need to believe it knows a reason for things."
  722. "When we reflect on anything for long enough, we're likely to end up with what we sometimes call "basic" questions -- ones we can see no way at all to answer. For we have no perfect way to answer even this question: How can one tell when a question has been properly answered? What caused the universe, and why? What is the purpose of life? How can you tell which beliefs are true? How can you tell what is good? These questions seem different on the surface, but all of them share one quality that makes them impossible to answer: all of them are circular! You can never find a final cause, since you must always ask one question more: "What caused that cause?" You can never find any ultimate goal, since you're always obliged to ask, "Then what purpose does that serve?" Whenever you find out why something is good-or is true-you still have to ask what makes that reason good and true. No matter what you discover, at every step, these kinds of questions will always remain, because you have to challenge every answer with, "Why should I accept that answer?" Such circularities can only waste our time by forcing us to repeat, over and over and over again, "What good is Good?" and, "What god made God?" " Marvin Minsky. The Society of Mind.
  723. Helen M. Buss, D. L. Macdonald, Anne McWhir (2001). Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley: Writing Lives. Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press. p. 141. ISBN 9780889209435. Its implicit antagonist-reader and protagonist-editor are his Roman Catholic wife Mary Jane, and his troubled agnostic daughter, Mary Shelley:...
  724. http://maryamnamazie.blogspot.com/2011/07/faith-no-more.html
  725. Celebrity Atheist
  726. Lyz (February 22, 2010). "Matt Dillahunty". Secular Student Alliance. 18 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160318182959/https://secularstudents.org/mattdillahunty. Erişim tarihi: February 3, 2012.
  727. He is also the founder and contributor of the counter-apologetics encyclopedia Iron Chariots and its subsidiary sites.Iron Chariots - the counter-apologetics wiki.
  728. Celebrity Atheist: Matt Groening
  729. Faith in God Is a Virulent Infection, Columnist Claims
  730. Anglicans and atheists, unite against intolerance
  732. Trey Parker and Matt Stone Talk About Why The Book of Mormon Isn’t Actually Offensive, and the Future of South Park
  733. Programa Nightline, ABC News, 25 de março de 2011: "I am an atheist, I live my life like I'm an atheist."
  734. Maurice Ravel: Religion
  735. Plínio… presente!
  736. "...I'm an atheist..." Enough blasting Dennett and Dawkins, all right?, from Rationally Speaking, the blog of Massimo Pigliucci, October 30, 2006 (Accessed April 15, 2008)
  737. "Dr Perutz, said: "It is one thing for scientists to oppose creationism which is demonstrably false but quite another to make pronouncements which offend people's religious faith -- that is a form of tactlessness which merely brings science into disrepute. My view of religion and ethics is simple: even if we do not believe in God, we should try to live as though we did."" Kam Patel, Perutz rubbishes Popper and Kuhn, 25 November 1994.
  738. Revista Tpm, Abril de 2009, p. 121.
  739. Michael Palin on Christmas, religion and how to get rid of unwanted guests…
  740. Why I am an atheist. Visitado em 26/07/2015.
  741. Smith, Michael. Michael Smith: Autobiography. Nobel Prize.org. Retrieved February 3, 2007.
  742. "If I were not a total atheist, I would be a monk...a good monk." David Macey (2004). Michel Foucault. Reaktion Books, p. 130.
  743. "(...) the writings of such atheistic post-modernists as (...) Michel Foucault (...)" Michael D. Waggoner (2011). Sacred and Secular Tensions in Higher Education: Connecting Parallel Universities. Taylor & Francis, pg. 88
  744. "Foucault was an acknowledged atheist." Michel Foucault, Jeremy Carrette (2013). Religion and Culture. Routledge, pg. 15
  745. TASSONE, Aldo, I film di Michelangelo Antonioni, p. 43.
  746. Bergman, Antonioni and the Religiously Inclined
  747. Freedom from Religion Foundation
  748. 1 2 Is there a God?
  749. NNDB: Micky Dolenz
  750. Papo cabeça: A humanidade é dominada por três esquizofrênicos que ouviam vozes, olhavam para o céu e achavam que alguém estava falando com eles, afirma um dos maiores nomes da neurociência contemporânea.
  751. Miguel Nicolelis, ateu famoso
  752. Şablon:Citar web
  753. Gorbachev a closet Christian?
  754. Şablon:Citar web
  755. Celebrity Atheist: Milton Friedman
  756. Asman, David (November 16, 2006). "'Your World' Interview With Economist Milton Friedman". Fox News. Retrieved August 2, 2011.
  757. Milton Santos chega aos Céus
  758. Şablon:Citar web
  759. Şablon:Citar web
  760. Morgan Freeman on God, Satan, and How the Human Race Has ‘Become A Parasite’
  761. Nando Reis, ateu famoso
  762. ‘Sou reconhecido. E não precisei ser bicha, bonito nem ateu’
  763. Şablon:Citar web
  764. Celebrity Atheist: Neil deGrasse Tyson
  765. Vídeo "Neil deGrasse Tyson: Atheist or Agnostic?", disponível no YouTube.
  766. Celebrity Atheist
  767. Celebrity Atheist: Niels Bohr
  768. Şablon:Citar livro
  769. "Tesla insisted until his death that he was materialistic, rationalistic, and agnostic". Tuning in to nature: solar energy, infrared radiation, and the insect communication system. Philip S. Callahan, Devin-Adair Co., 1975, p. 32.
  770. "When he was a youth and his mind was in its most plastic and formative stage, he adopted, as we have seen, the then prevalent agnostic and materialistic view of life". Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla. John J. O'Neill, Cosimo, Inc., 2007, p. 314.
  771. "It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making." Nikola Tesla (September 11, 1932). Lawrence R. Spencer. ed. Alien Interview. New York Herald Tribune. p. 303. ISBN 9780615204604.
  772. Deirdre Barrett (2010). Supernormal Stimuli: How Primal Urges Overran Their Evolutionary Purpose. W. W. Norton & Company. s. 21–22. ISBN 978-0-393-06848-1. "Tinbergen had never been a religious man. Wartime atrocities, however, had highlighted the absence of a deity for him while both sides invoked one aligned with themselves, and this turned him into a militant atheist."
  773. Venjamin Fedorovič Kagan (1957). N. Lobachevsky and His Contribution to Science. Foreign Languages Publishing House. s. 29.
  774. Bardi, Jason (2008). The Fifth Postulate: How Unraveling a Two Thousand Year Old Mystery Unraveled the Universe. John Wiley & Sons. s. 186. ISBN 978-0-470-46736-7.
  775. Celebrity Atheist: Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
  776. Abraham, Gerald, "Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay Andreyevich". In The New Grove Russian Masters 2 (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1986). ISBN 0-393-30103-6. Página 27.
  777. Abraham, Gerald, Studies in Russian Music (London: William Reeves/The New Temple Press, 1936). Página 288.
  778. Morrison, Simon, Russian Opera and the Symbolist Movement (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2002). ISBN 0-520-22943-6. Páginas 116–117 e 168–169.
  779. Peter Pringle (2008). The Murder of Nikolai Vavilov: The Story of Stalin's Persecution of One of the Great Scientists of the Twentieth Century. Simon and Schuster. s. 137. ISBN 978-0-7432-6498-3. "Despite his strict upbringing in the Orthodox Church, Vavilov had been an atheist from an early age. If he worshipped anything, it was science."
  780. James F. Lea (1979). Kazantzakis: the politics of salvation. University of Alabama Press. p. 180. ISBN 9780817370022. H. Kazantzakis, Nikos Kazantzakis, p. 433, relates how their marriage ceremony was moving "even for atheists like ourselves."
  781. Wise Geek: Who is Nikos Kazantzakis?
  782. Vídeo "Nilton Santos fala sobre religião", disponível no YouTube.
  783. Remarks on Religion: Noam Chomsky interviewed by various interviewers
  784. Celebrity Atheist: Noam Chomsky
  785. "During sixty years from 1937 he also wrote over forty articles on the origins, distribution, and nature of life, taking the stance of a 'dogmatic atheist'." David F. Smith, 'Pirie, Norman Wingate [Bill] (1907–1997)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004; online edition, October 2005 (accessed May 2, 2008).
  786. Uma memória silenciada: Idéias, lutas e desilusões na vida do revolucionário Octavio Brandão
  787. "All of which makes the Wingate Prize a matter of bemusement. "Yes, tell me," he says, frowning. "What is it, and why are they giving it to an old Jewish atheist who has unkind things to say about Zionism?" " Oliver Burkeman interviewing Sacks, 'Inside Story: Sacks appeal', The Guardian, May 10, 2002, Features Pages, Pg. 4.
  788. Terrail, Patrick, A Taste of Hollywood: The Story of Ma Maison. New York: Lebhar-Friedman Books, 1999, p. 104-105. ISBN 9780867307672
  789. Whaley, Barton, Orson Welles: The Man Who Was Magic. Lybrary.com, 2005, p. 12. ASIN B005HEHQ7E
  790. Velório de Niemeyer teve hino comunista e menções ao ateísmo
  791. Ateu e com medo de avião, voou e teve missa
  792. Carol Parikh (2008). The Unreal Life of Oscar Zariski. Springer. s. 5. ISBN 9780387094298. "And yet it did, even though since moving into the boarding house he had become an atheist and most of his friends, including his best friend, were Russians."
  793. Celebrity Atheist: Pablo Neruda
  794. "...so the atheist Picasso no doubt delighted in reinventing its use for the secular Communist cause of 'Peace'." Neil Cox, The Picasso Book (2010), página 124.
  795. "Despite insisting that he was an atheist, Picasso would never be able to disown his faith" John Richardson, A Life of Picasso: The Triumphant Years, 1917-1932, Volume 3, página 395.
  796. "The grandson of a vicar on his father’s side, Blackett respected religious observances that were established social customs, but described himself as agnostic or atheist." Mary Jo Nye: "Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart." Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Vol. 19 p. 293. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008.
  797. "Dr. Paul Bert, the atheist Minister of Public Instruction, in M. Gambetta's Cabinet, made the next greatest sensation of the Congress." The Phrenological journal and science of health: incorporated with the Phrenological magazine, Volume 76, page 42.
  798. Paul Bettany: Playing Darwin with Creation
  799. "Paul Broca (1824-80)". sciencemuseum.org.uk. 4 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151004065725/http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/broughttolife/people/paulbroca.aspx. Erişim tarihi: 12 April 2012. "He was a left-wing atheist who argued against African enslavement."
  800. Boyer, Paul. "A Path to Atheism". Freedom From Religion Foundation. Retrieved February 3, 2007.
  801. Werner Heisenberg recollects a friendly conversation among young participants at the 1927 Solvay Conference about Einstein's and Planck's views on religion. Wolfgang Pauli, Heisenberg and Dirac took part in it. Among other things, Dirac said: "I cannot understand why we idle discussing religion. If we are honest — and as scientists honesty is our precise duty — we cannot help but admit that any religion is a pack of false statements, deprived of any real foundation. The very idea of God is a product of human imagination.[...] I do not recognize any religious myth, at least because they contradict one another.[...]" Pauli jokingly said: "Well, I'd say that also our friend Dirac has got a religion and the first commandment of this religion is: God does not exist and Paul Dirac is his prophet." Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations. New York: Harper & Row. ISBN 0-06-131622-9.
  802. Helge Kragh (1990). Dirac: A Scientific Biography. Cambridge University Press. s. 256–257. ISBN 9780521380898.
  803. Sara Lippincott (August 30, 2009). "The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom' by Graham Farmelo". Los Angeles Times. 24 Ocak 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160124024704/http://articles.latimes.com/2009/aug/30/entertainment/ca-graham-farmelo30. Erişim tarihi: 9 June 2012. "Dirac was contemptuous of philosophy and, as many scientists do, professed atheism. But it was a narrow sort, mainly dismissive of religious orthodoxy. In notes he wrote in 1933, he embraces another creed: "[T]his article of faith is that the human race will continue to live for ever and will develop and progress without limit . . . Living is worthwhile if one can contribute in some small way to this endless chain of progress.""
  804. Helen Brown (23 Jan 2009). "The Strangest Man: the Hidden Life of Paul Dirac by Graham Farmelo". The Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/bookreviews/4316309/The-Strangest-Man-the-Hidden-Life-of-Paul-Dirac-by-Graham-Farmelo-review.html. Erişim tarihi: 9 June 2012. "Dirac’s story ends with a whimper. As a young man he had joked that physicists were all washed up by 30 and as he aged his powers waned. The Cambridge physics department took away his parking space and an outraged Manci insisted he take up a fellowship at Florida State University. He died in 1984, aged 82. An atheist, he was buried under a gravestone chosen by Manci. It read “because God said it should be so”."
  805. H. B. G. Casimir (2010). Haphazard Reality: Half a Century of Science. Amsterdam University Press. s. 151. ISBN 9789089642004. "Kramers was certainly not a dogmatic atheist like, for instance, Dirac in his younger years, whose attitude was summed up by Pauli in one famous sentence: "Our friend Dirac has a religion; and the main tenet of that religion is: 'There is no God and Dirac was his prophet."
  806. Ronald Clark (2011). Einstein: The Life and Times. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781448202706. "That Einstein's attitude was the result more of muddle than agnostic scruple seems clear from a letter which he wrote less than two years later when Paul Ehrenfest ruled himself out from becoming Einstein's successor by roundly declaring himself an atheist."
  807. Thomas Levenson (2004). Einstein in Berlin. Random House of Canada. s. 172. ISBN 9780553378443. "The man he had hoped would succeed him in Prague, Paul Ehrenfest, refiased to compromise his true atheist's principles. Einstein scolded him. "Your refusal to acknowledge a religious affiliation" was just this side of "willful stupidity," he assured him, with the benefit of recent experience. Once he became a professor Ehrenfest could revert to unbelief."
  808. Colm Mulcahy (2013-03-26). "Centenary of Mathematician Paul Erdős -- Source of Bacon Number Concept". Huffington Post. 5 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160305101302/http://www.huffingtonpost.com/colm-mulcahy/paul-erdos_b_2945871.html. Erişim tarihi: 13 April 2013. "In his own words, "I'm not qualified to say whether or not God exists. I kind of doubt He does. Nevertheless, I'm always saying that the SF has this transfinite Book that contains the best proofs of all mathematical theorems, proofs that are elegant and perfect...You don't have to believe in God, but you should believe in the Book." (SF was his tongue- in-cheek reference to God as "the Supreme Fascist")."
  809. Jack Huberman (2008). Quotable Atheist: Ammunition for Nonbelievers, Political Junkies, Gadflies, and Those Generally Hell-Bound. Nation Books. s. 107. ISBN 9781568584195. "I kind of doubt He [exists]. Nevertheless, I'm always saying that the SF [Supreme Fascist]-Erdos's customary name for G-d has this transfinite Book ... that contains the best proofs of all theorems, proofs that are elegant and perfect.... You don't have to believe in God, but you should believe in the Book."
  810. Celebrity Atheists: Paul Giamatti
  811. Skepitc's Dictionary: Paul Henri Thiry, Baron d'Holbach
  812. Baron d’Holbach - British Humanist Association
  813. Paul-Henri Thiry (Baron) d'Holbach - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  814. "It's not that these atheists [Julia Sweeney, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Paul Boyer, Paul Kurtz] expect to rid America of religion." The New Atheists, Betty Rollin (reporting), Bob Abernethy (anchor), Religion and Ethics Newsweekly (pbs.org), January 5, 2007 Episode no. 1019, (Accessed April 14, 2008)
  815. "Paul MacCready, the inventor, defines it thus: "A secular humanist does not believe in God, and doesn't steal."" Paul Kurtz, Is Secular Humanism a Religion?.
  816. "I gradually slipped away from religion over several years and became an atheist or to be more philosophically correct, a sceptical agnostic." Nurse's autobiography at Nobelprize.org
  817. Şablon:Citar web
  818. Paulo César Pereio, ateu famoso
  819. Vídeo da série "2 CHOPES COM"
  820. Paulo Francis, ateu famoso
  821. Vídeo "Por que sou ateu?", disponível no YouTube.
  822. Vídeo "PEDRO BIAL SE DECLARA SER UM ATEU COVARDE", disponível no YouTube.
  823. Steigerwald, Bill (May 24, 2003). "Dear graduates: Work for freedom". Pittsburgh Tribune Review. 14 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160314052000/http://triblive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/opinion/columnists/qa/s_136178.html. Erişim tarihi: March 27, 2007.
  824. His cars' license plates read "atheist", "nogod", and "godless".Wang, K.S. (June 1, 2009). "Celebrity Drive: Penn Jillette, Magician, Comedian, Host, Author". Motor Trend. 29 Haziran 2011 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20110629095329/http://www.motortrend.com/features/consumer/112_0906_penn_jillette_celebrity_drive/index.html. Erişim tarihi: July 1, 2009.
  825. 1 2 Şablon:Citar web
  826. Celebrity Atheist: Percy Bysshe Shelley
  827. NNDB: Percy Bysshe Shelley
  828. "Percy Williams Bridgman". NNDB.com. 23 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160423231714/http://www.nndb.com/people/750/000099453/. Erişim tarihi: 24 April 2012. "He was raised in the Congregational Church, but faith in God clashed with his well-known analytical nature and he told his family as a young man that he could not in good conscience become a church member."
  829. Maila L. Walter (1990). Science and Cultural Crisis: An Intellectual Biography of Percy Williams Bridgman (1882-1961). Stanford University Press. s. 14–15. ISBN 978-0-8047-1796-0. "Raymond Bridgman was extremely disappointed with his son's rejection of his religious views. Near the end of his life, however, he offered a conciliatory interpretation that allowed him to accept Percy's commitment to honesty and integrity as a moral equivalent to religion."
  830. Ray Monk (2013). Robert Oppenheimer: A Life Inside the Center. Random House LLC. ISBN 9780385504133. "In many ways they were opposites; Kemble, the theorist, was a devout Christian, while Bridgman, the experimentalist, was a strident atheist."
  831. "... I believe that a reasonable case can be made for saying, not that we believe in God because He exists but rather that He exists because we believe in Him. [...] Considered as an element of the world, God has the same degree and kind of objective reality as do other products of mind. [...] I regret my disbelief in God and religious answers generally, for I believe it would give satisfaction and comfort to many in need of it if it possible to discover and propound good scientific and philosophic reasons to believe in God. [...] To abdicate from the rule of reason and substitute for it an authentication of belief by the intentness and degree of conviction with which we hold it can be perilous and destructive. [...] I am a rationalist—something of a period piece nowadays, I admit [...]" Peter Medawar, 'The Question of the Existence of God' in his book The Limits of Science (Harper and Row 1984).
  832. Celebrity Atheists: Peter Fonda
  833. "Officially, the particle is called the Higgs boson, but its elusive nature and fundamental role in the creation of the universe led a prominent scientist to rename it the God particle. The name has stuck, but makes Higgs wince and raises the hackles of other theorists. "I wish he hadn't done it," he says. "I have to explain to people it was a joke. I'm an atheist, but I have an uneasy feeling that playing around with names like that could be unnecessarily offensive to people who are religious." Ian Sample, 'The God of Small Things', The Guardian, November 17, 2007, Weekend pages, Pg. 44.
  834. Nobel Biography .
  835. Şablon:Citar web
  836. When asked by Rod Liddle in the documentary The Trouble with Atheism "Give me your views on the existence, or otherwise, of God", Peter Atkins replied "Well it's fairly straightforward: there isn't one. And there's no evidence for one, no reason to believe that there is one, and so I don't believe that there is one. And I think that it is rather foolish that people do think that there is one.""The Trouble with Atheism, UK Channel 4 TV". 2006-12-18.
  837. Philip W. Anderson (2011). "Imaginary Friend, Who Art in Heaven". More and Different: Notes from a Thoughtful Curmudgeon. World Scientific. s. 177. ISBN 9789814350129. "We atheists can, as he does, argue that, with the modern revolution in attitudes toward homosexuals, we have become the only group that may not reveal itself in normal social discourse."
  839. Celebrity Atheist
  840. Joan Peyser (1976). Boulez: Composer, Conductor, Enigma. Schirmer Books. s. 7. ISBN 9780028717005. "A priest showed me around. At the chapel door he asked me if what he had been told was true: that Boulez no longer believed in God. I said it was and he replied, 'Then I won't show you the chapel where he prayed twice a day between the ages of six and sixteen'."
  841. Celebrity Atheist: Pierre Curie
  842. René Bösch (2007). Labyrinth of Digressions: Tristram Shandy as Perceived and Influenced by Sterne's Early Imitators. Rodopi. s. 265. ISBN 9789042022911. "Maupertuis was an atheist friend of La Mettrie."
  843. Celebrity Atheist: Pierre-Simon Laplace
  844. Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred (1911), Barcelona Outrages - The Empress Elizabeth and Luccheni, The Anarchists: Their Faith and Their Record, Turnbull and Spears Printers, Edinburgh. Retrieved March 19, 2007.
  845. Adrian Kuzminski (2008). Pyrrhonism: How the Ancient Greeks Reinvented Buddhism. Lexington Books. pp. 41–42. ISBN 9780739125069. "In particular, Flintoff notes the similarity between Pyrrho's agnosticism and suspension of judgment and the Buddha's refusal to countenance beliefs about the nature of things, including his insistence that such beliefs were to be neither affirmed nor denied."
  846. Don E. Marietta (1998). Introduction to Ancient Philosophy. M.E. Sharpe. p. 162. ISBN 9780765602169. "Pyrrho advocated agnosticism and suspension of judgment about the nature of the world. His Skepticism also applied to matters of ethics; he held that nothing is just or honorable by its nature."
  847. "[T]he noblest man, the one really greatest of them all was Prince Peter Kropotkin, a self-professed atheist and a great man of science."—Ely, Robert Erskine (October 10, 1941), New York World-Telegram.
  848. Christopher Hitchens' (see in Section "Public Atheists") book The Portable Atheist, a collection of extracts of atheist texts, is dedicated to the memory of Levi "who had the moral fortitude to refuse false consolation even while enduring the 'selection' process in Auschwitz". The dedication then quotes Levi in The Drowned and the Saved, asserting, "I too entered the Lager as a nonbeliever, and as a nonbeliever I was liberated and have lived to this day."
  849. Protagoras (fl. 5th c. B.C.E.)
  850. Celebrity Atheist
  851. "Here we have a man who, while at Cambridge, was 'a most determined atheist'--those were the words of his fellow-undergraduate Bertrand Russell--and who was dismissed at the age of 25 from his post as organist in a church at South Lambeth because he refused to take Communion. Later, according to his widow, he 'drifted into a cheerful agnosticism'." The Unknown Vaughan Williams, Michael Kennedy, Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, Vol. 99. (1972–1973), pp. 31-41.
  852. The Life of Ralph Vaughan Williams
  853. Celebrity Atheist
  854. Raul Seixas: A verdade do Universo. Acesso em 17 de julho de 2015. "(...) eu sou cético, agnóstico..."
  855. Raul Seixas: Um Produtor de Mestiçagens Musicais e Midiáticas. Acesso em 17 de julho de 2015. "O repertório era complicado, minhas letras falavam de agnosticismo, essas coisas intelectuais."
  856. Ateismo presente em legado de Raul Seixas. Acesso em 17 de julho de 2015. "O que posso chegar mais perto enquanto classificação é o agnosticismo".
  857. LITERATURA E MEDICINA NA CONSTRUÇÃO DA SENSIBILIDADE BRASILEIRA OITOCENTISTA, Rodrigo Chagas Brasil, 2005, p. 23. "O ultra-republicano Raul Pompéia, ateu convicto e declarado inimigo da geração romântica (...)"
  858. Şablon:Citar web
  859. "In his mythic book The Singularity Is Near, Ray Kurzweil, serial inventor, technology enthusiast, and unabashed atheist, announces: "Evolution moves toward greater complexity, greater elegance, greater knowledge, greater intelligence, greater beauty, greater creativity, and greater levels of subtle attributes such as love. In every monotheistic tradition God is likewise described as all of these qualities, only without any limitation.... So evolution moves inexorably toward this conception of God, although never quite reaching this ideal."" - Kevin Kelly, What Technology Wants (2010).
  860. Jacques Meuris (1994). René Magritte, 1898-1967. Benedikt Taschen. p. 70. ISBN 9783822805466. We shall not at this juncture risk analyzing an agnostic Magritte haunted perhaps by thoughts of ultimate destiny. "We behave as if there were no God" (Marien 1947).
  861. NNDB: René Magritte
  862. Magritte's Later Years Gallery
  863. Ricardo Boechat, ateu famoso
  864. Celebrity Atheist: Richard Burton
  865. Biography of Richard Carrier
  866. Şablon:Citar web
  867. Denis Brian (2008). The Voice of Genius: Conversations with Nobel Scientists and Other Luminaries. Basic Books. s. 49. ISBN 9780465011391. "Interviewer: Do you call yourself an agnostic or an atheist? Feynman: An atheist. Agnostic for me would be trying to weasel out and sound a little nicer than I am about this."
  868. Feynman was of Jewish birth, but described himself as "an avowed atheist" by his early youth in Freethought of the Day, Freedom From Religion Foundation, May 11, 2006.
  869. "Having abandoned the tenets of Judaism at 13, he never wavered in his gentle atheism, nor in his determination to stay away from matters about which he had opinions but no expertise." John Morrish reviewing the collection of Feynman's letters Don't You Have Time to Think?, "Particle Physics: The Route to Pop Stardom", Independent on Sunday (London), July 24, 2005, p. 21.
  870. Wright (1906) "Some three months before Sir Richard's death," writes Mr. P. P. Cautley, the Vice-Consul at Trieste, to me, "I was seated at Sir Richard's tea table with our clergy man, and the talk turning on religion, Sir Richard declared, 'I am an atheist, but I was brought up in the Church of England, and that is officially my church.'"
  871. Leakey, Leakey (1983). One Life: An Autobiography, p. 38.
  872. Ryan Shaffer, "Evolution, Humanism, and Conservation: The Humanist Interview with Richard Leakey", The Humanist, 29 June 2012.
  873. "Stallman's former personal ad". Stallman.org. 1 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160401154337/http://stallman.org/extra/personal.html. Erişim tarihi: 2012-06-03.
  874. "The Nobel Laureate Dr Richard Roberts will give a public lecture entitled A Bright Journey from Science to Atheism..." A bright journey to atheism, or a road that ignores all the signs?, The Irish Times, April 20, 2006. Retrieved July 24, 2007.
  875. "...Rich Roberts... delivered a public lecture on his Bright journey from Science to Atheism in April 2006." Events listing on the website of Humani, The Humanist Association of Northern Ireland, Retrieved July 24, 2007.
  876. Roberts versus God: No Contest, review of Roberts' talk A Bright Journey from Science to Atheism, written by Les Reid, and published on the Belfast Humanist Group website. Retrieved July 24, 2007.
  877. Celebrity Atheist
  878. DiGaetani, John Louis (2013). Richard Wagner: New Light on a Musical Life. McFarland, p. 94 e 184. "The tomb contains only the bodies of Wagner and his wife Cosima and is not adorned with any religious symbols as all. Clearly, this is the grave of an atheist, a believer in secular democracy."; "He got this from Wagner because Wagner too was an atheist who sometimes used religious themes, but ultimately to attack religion."
  879. Glazer, Diana (2002). Richard Wagner - Wunderkind Or Monster?. "Nietzsche had known Wagner was a cynical atheist, and that what seemed like a conversion was due to Wagner's wife Cosima. Nietzsche also knew that among close friends Wagner was still cynical about his wife's beliefs."
  880. Freethought Almanac - Richard Wagner (1813). "Wagner subscribed to the Atheistic views of German philosopher Karl Feuerbach, but had sentimental regard for Christian mythology. (...) Wagner wrote his most powerful music in his Ring years, when he was an Atheist."
  881. Celebrity Atheist: Ricky Gervais
  882. Ridley Scott: ‘Most Novelists Are Desperate to Do What I Do’
  883. Costantino Ceoldo (2012-12-31). "Homage to Rita Levi Montalcini". 18 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20151018042004/http://english.pravda.ru/society/anomal/31-12-2012/123358-rita_montalcini-0/. Erişim tarihi: 20 July 2013. "Born and raised in a Sephardic Jewish family in which culture and love of learning were categorical imperatives, she abandoned religion and embraced atheism."
  884. Liberato Cardellini: "A final and more personal question: You defined yourself as “an atheist who is moved by religion”. Looking at the tenor of your life and the many goals you have achieved, one wonders where your inner force comes from." Roald Hoffmann: "The atheism and the respect for religion come form the same source. I observe that in every culture on Earth, absolutely every one, human beings have constructed religious systems. There is a need in us to try to understand,to see that there is something that unites us spiritually. So scientists who do not respect religion fail in their most basic task—observation. Human beings need the spiritual. The same observation reveals to me a multitude of religious constructions—gods of nature, spirits, the great monotheistic religions. It seems to me there can’t be a God or gods; there are just manifestations of a human-constructed spirituality." Liberato Cardellini, Looking for Connections: An Interview with Roald Hoffmann, page 1634.
  885. "As Richard Dawkins points out, I have no obligation to explain why I am an atheist, it's for those who believe in a god to supply evidence." - Robert Cailliau.
  886. Şablon:Citar web
  887. Celebrity Atheist: J. Robert Oppenheimer
  888. Şablon:Citar web
  889. Dan Barker: "When we invited Robert Sapolsky to speak at one of out national conventions to receive our 'Emperor Has No Clothes Award', Robert wrote to me, 'Sure! Get the local Holiday Inn to put up a sign that says Welcome, Hell-bound Atheists!' [...] So, welcome you hell-bound atheist to Freethought Radio, Robert." Sapolsky: "Well, delighted to be among my kindred souls." [...] Annie Laurie Gaylor: So how long have you been a kindred non-soul, what made you an atheist Robert?" Sapolsky: "Oh, I was about fourteen or so... I was brought up very very religiously, orthodox Jewish background and major-league rituals and that sort of thing [...] and something happened when I was fourteen, and no doubt what it was really about was my gonads or who knows what, but over the course of a couple of weeks there was some sort of introspective whatever, where I suddenly decided this was all gibberish. And, among other things, also deciding there's no free will, but not in a remotely religious context, and deciding all of this was nonsense, and within a two week period all of that belief stuff simply evaporated." Freethought Radio podcast (mp3), February 3, 2007 (accessed April 22, 2008).
  890. Celebrity Atheist
  891. Entrevista no Roda-Viva
  892. Kristi Coale (1997-07-25). "Seeding Intelligence". Wired Magazine. http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/1997/07/5433. Erişim tarihi: 17 July 2012. ""I've been an atheist - I had found it difficult to have religious beliefs and scientific ones," Brooks explained. "But I've accepted that I have a duality - there's a human way of interacting with people but also a mechanistic explanation of what people are and how they work.""
  893. Harris, Sam. "Letter to A Christian Nation". SamHarrisOrg. 29 Aralık 2010 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20101229071338/http://www.samharris.org/site/book_letter_to_christian_nation/. Erişim tarihi: 5 June 2010. Quoting Penrose's blurb for Harris's book Letter to a Christian Nation. and refers to himself as an atheist.
  894. "Big Bang follows Big Bang follows Big Bang". BBC News. 25 September 2010. http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid_9032000/9032626.stm. Erişim tarihi: 1 Dec 2010.
  895. Celebrity Atheist
  896. Vídeo "Roger Waters Weighs In On Politics, Religion, & Money | On The Table Ep. 5 Full | Reserve Channel" (aos 40 segundos), disponível no YouTube.
  897. Vídeo "Roger Waters on Martin Luther King, Human Rights and Religon + Rationalism", disponível no YouTube.
  898. "(...) the writings of such atheistic post-modernists as (...) Roland Barthes (...)" Michael D. Waggoner (2011). Sacred and Secular Tensions in Higher Education: Connecting Parallel Universities. Taylor & Francis, pg. 88
  899. "This flat declaration prompted Ellis Franklin to accuse his strong-willed daughter of making science her religion. He was right. Rosalind sent him a four-page declaration, eloquent for a young woman just over 20 let alone a scientist of any age. ..."It has just occurred to me that you may raise the question of a creator. A creator of what? […] I see no reason to believe that a creator of protoplasm or primeval matter, if such there be, has any reason to be interested in our insignificant race in a tiny corner of the universe, and still less in us, as still more insignificant individuals. Again, I see no reason why the belief that we are insignificant or fortuitous should lessen our faith - as I have defined it."" Brenda Maddox, Mother of DNA, NewHumanist.org.uk - Volume 117 Issue 3 Autumn 2002.
  900. NNDB: Rosalind Franklin
  901. "Escolas hoje são chatas", diz Rubem Alves
  902. Escritor Rubem Alves supera doenças e eleva tom de seu ateísmo
  903. Onde estava Deus quando isso aconteceu?
  904. Sobre Deus
  905. Ateu
  906. Seu ateísmo era tema freqüente em suas obras, como pode ser constatado em , e
  908. W. M. Goss, W. William Miller Goss, Richard X. McGee (2009). "Last Years". Under the Radar: The First Woman in Radio Astronomy: Ruby Payne-Scott. Springer. s. 253. ISBN 9783642031410.
  909. Etzioni, Amos; Ochs, Hans D. (2014). Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders: A Historic and Scientific Perspective. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Academic Press. pp. 3–4. ISBN 978-0-12-407179-7.
  910. "Russell A. Hulse". NNDB.com. 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160304110021/http://www.nndb.com/people/992/000099695/. Erişim tarihi: 17 July 2012. "I consider myself a very moral person but I do not need a religion for that."
  911. NNDB
  912. Robert Descharnes, Gilles Néret (1994). Salvador Dalí, 1904-1989. Benedikt Taschen. p. 166. ISBN 9783822802984. "Dalí, dualist as ever in his approach, was now claiming to be both an agnostic and a Roman Catholic."
  913. Celebrity Atheist: Sam Harris
  914. "They were both agnostics, though both set a high associative value on the language in which the traditional religions of their forebears had been expressed, and in conversation and writing were not averse to ironic reference to certain metaphysical concepts." Anthony Cronin, Samuel Beckett: the last modernist (1999), page 90.
  915. "Beckett is an agnostic. "Even if God were to exist", says Beckett, "he would make no difference: he would be as lonely and as enslaved, and as isolated as man is, in a cold, silent, indifferent universe"." - THE ABSURD......AND BECKETT..a brief encounter
  916. Gal Beckerman (January 26, 2011). "Creator of Neutron Bomb Leaves an Explosive Legacy". Forward Association, Inc.. 22 Mart 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20150322073456/http://forward.com/articles/134967/creator-of-neutron-bomb-leaves-an-explosive-legacy/. "As for his own Jewish identity, Cohen was an avowed atheist who was cremated after he died, against Jewish tradition. But still he was proud of being Jewish, his daughter said, and even had a kind of “arrogant attitude” about Jewish intelligence."
  917. "Sam Karlin, mathematician who improved DNA analysis, dies". Stanford Report. January 16, 2008. 12 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160312023316/http://news.stanford.edu/news/2008/january16/karlin-011608.html. Erişim tarihi: 21 April 2012. "Karlin was born in Yonova, Poland, in 1924. His family immigrated to Chicago when he was a small child and struggled financially through the Great Depression. He was raised in a strict Orthodox Jewish household but broke with religion in his early teens and remained an atheist for the rest of his life."
  918. On March 3, 2008, Edamaruku challenged a tantrik on TV to kill him using only magic. After two hours of failure, "[t]he tantrik, unwilling to admit defeat, tried the excuse that a very strong god whom Sanal might be worshipping obviously protected him. "No, I am an atheist", said Sanal Edamaruku." The Great Tantra Challenge, Rationalist International article (Accessed March 31, 2008)
  919. " An atheist, Faber speaks like an evangelist as she weaves quantum physics and astronomy to describe the dawn of time. "I think that the story of the creation of the universe is the most inspiring and exciting story science can tell. I mean, who would have thought I could be telling you about events 10 to the minus 35 seconds after the big bang?" she said, seated in her cluttered, sunny UC Santa Cruz office amid photos of her two daughters and her husband. "It's just totally inspiring." " Mike Swift interviewing Faber, 'Last outer space repair of Hubble telescope pairs genius of two South Bay women', Contra Costa Times (California), May 9, 2009.
  920. Fotos 'Gênesis' de Salgado se inspiraram na teoria de Darwin
  921. “Não fotografo apenas com a câmera, mas com a minha origem”, diz Sebastião Salgado
  922. Al LaValley (2001). Eisenstein at 100. Rutgers University Press. p. 70. ISBN 9780813529714. "As a committed Marxist, Eisenstein outwardly turned his back on his Orthodox upbringing, and took pains in his memoirs to stress his atheism."
  923. Sergei Eisenstein (1996). Richard Taylor. ed. Beyond the stars: the memoirs of Sergei Eisenstein, Volume 5. BFI Publishing. p. 414. ISBN 9780851704609. "My atheism is like that of Anatole France -- inseparable from adoration of the visible forms of a cult."
  924. Harlow Robinson (2002). Sergei Prokofiev: a biography. Northeastern University Press. p. 425. ISBN 978-1-55553-517-9. "Prokofiev had always been a stubborn atheist; his first marriage to Lina was not performed in a church."
  925. Izrailʹ Vladimirovič Nestʹev (1960). Prokofiev. Stanford University Press. p. 2. ISBN 9780804705851. "However, until the end of his life he remained a confirmed atheist, with a hatred for the gentry and the arrogance of the nobility, and a respect for the peasantry."
  926. Sergei Prokofiev - Freedom from Religion Foundation. Acesso em 26/08/15.
  927. Celebrity Atheists: Seth Green
  928. Celebrity Atheist: Seth MacFarlane
  929. "Some Things I Do Not Believe In: Angels, Astrology,... Devils, Elves, Faeries, Faith, Gods, "Intelligent Design", Leprechauns, ...Magic..."
  930. "'90210's' Shenae Grimes sometimes begs for spare change on the street - Zap2it". Blog.zap2it.com. 2011-04-02. 5 Mart 2014 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20140305052534/http://blog.zap2it.com:80/pop2it/2011/04/90210s-shenae-grimes-sometimes-begs-for-spare-change-on-the-street.html. Erişim tarihi: 2013-06-16.
  931. Thera, Nyanaponika. "Buddhism and the God-idea". The Vision of the Dhamma. Kandy, Sri Lanka: Buddhist Publication Society. "In Buddhist literature, the belief in a creator god (issara-nimmana-vada) is frequently mentioned and rejected, along with other causes wrongly adduced to explain the origin of the world; as, for instance, world-soul, time, nature, etc. God-belief, however, is placed in the same category as those morally destructive wrong views which deny the kammic results of action, assume a fortuitous origin of man and nature, or teach absolute determinism. These views are said to be altogether pernicious, having definite bad results due to their effect on ethical conduct."
  932. Approaching the Dhamma: Buddhist Texts and Practices in South and Southeast Asia by Anne M. Blackburn (editor), Jeffrey Samuels (editor). Pariyatti Publishing: 2003 ISBN 1-928706-19-3, p. 129
  933. Atheist Buddhism - BBC
  934. Was the Buddha an Atheist?
  935. Guide To Buddhism A To Z
  936. Celebrity Atheist: Sigmund Freud
  937. "[Freud and Jung] were close for several years, but Jung's ambition, and his growing commitment to religion and mysticism — most unwelcome to Freud, an aggressive atheist — finally drove them apart." Sigmund Freud, by Peter Gay, The TIME 100: The Most Important People of the Century.
  938. Quotable Atheist: Ammunition for Nonbelievers, Political Junkies, Gadflies, and Those Generally Hell-Bound, Jack Huberman, 2008. Nation Books.
  939. Simón Bolívar: A Life, John Lynch, 2006. Yale University Press, p. 37.
  940. Celebrity Atheist: Simon Pegg
  941. Celebrity Atheist: Simone de Beauvoir
  942. Introduction to Simone de Beauvoir’s ‘The Second Sex’
  944. Simone de Beauvoir - Freedom from Religion Foundation
  945. Atheism is a legacy worth fighting for
  946. "The whole idea of god is absurd. If anything, 2001 shows that what some people call "god" is simply an acceptable term for their ignorance. What they don't understand, they call "god"... Everything we know about the universe reveals that there is no god. I chose to do Dr. [Arthur C.] Clarke's story as a film because it highlights a critical factor necessary for human evolution; that is, beyond our present condition. This film is a rejection of the notion that there is a god; isn't that obvious?" Smith, Warren (2010). Celebrities in Hell. ChelCbooks, pg. 68
  947. Vídeo "Hollywood actor Stellan Skarsgård speaks out against religion.", disponível no YouTube.
  948. Stellan Skarsgård: Bibeln och Koranen får inte styra skolan
  949. "It must be extremely consoling, he admitted, to have faith in religion, yet even for an agnostic, like himself, life held many beautiful realities - the art of Raphael or Titian, the prose of Voltaire and the poetry of Byron in Don Juan." F. C. Green, Stendhal (2011), page 200.
  950. The Fiction of Albert Camus: A Complex Simplicity, Moya Longstaffe, Peter Lang, 2007, p. 20.
  951. The Language God Talks: On Science and Religion, Herman Wouk, Little, Brown, 2010, cap. 1.
  952. Stéphane Charbonnier obituary
  953. Mightier than the sword
  954. Celebrity Atheist: Stephen Fry
  955. Şablon:Citar web
  956. Şablon:Citar web
  957. Şablon:Citar web
  958. Boyett, Jason. "Stephen Hawking says there's no creator God; the twitterverse reacts", The Washington Post, September 3, 2010, Retrieved April 25, 2011.
  959. Celebrity Atheist: Stephen Jay Gould
  960. Steve Batterson (2007). Steven Smale: The Mathematician Who Broke the Dimension Barrier. American Mathematical Soc.. s. 11. ISBN 9780821826966. "Jack and Norm were religious individuals, whereas Steve was an atheist who had never been inside a church."
  961. Ryan Kohls: "I was wondering, is there a spiritual or religious side to Steve Albini?" Steve Albini: "No, not at all. I’m an atheist. You could say that I’m agnostic, but that’s just a certain kind of atheist (laughs). An atheist is someone who lacks a belief in a supernatural, and that’s me. I can’t say with absolute certainty that there is nothing beyond the material world, but there’s no reason for me to think there is. If I were a gambling man I would put all my money on there not being anything other than this universe." Ryan Kohls, Steve Albini, Jun 3, 2011.
  962. "Scientists in Britain, where the film will premiere at next month's London Film Festival, with general release in December, dismissed the intelligent design lobby's expropriation of the film. Steve Jones, professor of genetics at University College London and an atheist, said: 'I find it sad that people with intrinsically foolish viewpoints don't recognise this as a naturally beautiful film, but have to attach their absurd social agendas to it.' " David Smith, 'How the penguin's life story inspired the US religious right: Antarctic family values', The Observer, September 18, 2005, News Pages, Pg. 3.
  963. On the side of the atheists were Steve Jones, professor of genetics at University College London, [...] Jones, meanwhile, revealed that he would "love to believe in God", because it would offer some degree of comfort. But he said he stopped believing in God as a child as soon as he discovered that what he was learning in school biology classes conflicted with the kind of things he had been taught in Sunday school - like dinosaurs and humans walking the earth at the same time." If Darwin has really killed God, when was the funeral?', Guardian Unlimited, 13 May 2009 (accessed 26 May 2009).
  964. Wozniak, Steven. "Letters – General Questions Answered". woz.org. 25 Ocak 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160125014232/http://www.woz.org/letters/general/72.html. Erişim tarihi: 2007-09-26. "... I am also atheist or agnostic (I don't even know the difference). I've never been to church and prefer to think for myself. I do believe that religions stand for good things, and that if you make irrational sacrifices for a religion, then everyone can tell that your religion is important to you and can trust that your most important inner faiths are strong."
  965. "I never outgrew my conversion to atheism at 13, but at various times was a serious cultural Jew." The Guardian Profile (November 6, 1999). "Steven Pinker: the mind reader". London: Guardian News and Media Limited. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,3926387,00.html. Erişim tarihi: 2006-12-10.
  966. What a lucky Soderbergh
  967. Azpurua: "Would it be accurate to say that you are an atheist?" Weinberg: "Yes. I don't believe in God, but I don't make a religion out of not believing in God. I don't organize my life around that." In Search of the God Particle, by Ana Elena Azpurua, Newsweek Web Exclusive, March 24, 2008, p. 3 (Accessed March 25, 2008)
  968. In a review of Susskind's book The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design, string theorist Michael Duff identifies Steven Weinberg as an "arch-atheist".
  969. In the book The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins identifies Steven Weinberg as an atheist.richarddawkins.net.
  970. Celebrity Atheist: Steven Weinberg
  971. "TSN: Stuart Kauffman". Thesciencenetwork.org. 3 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. http://web.archive.org/web/20160303171942/http://thesciencenetwork.org/programs/beyond-belief-enlightenment-2-0/stuart-kauffman. Erişim tarihi: 2012-06-03.
  972. "In his later years, Chandra had openly admitted to being an atheist which also meant that he subscribed to no religion in the customary sense of the word." Vishveshwara, S. 2000. Leaves from an unwritten diary: S. Chandrasekhar, Reminiscences and Reflections, Current Science, 78(8):1025-1033.
  973. In a Point of Inquiry podcast interview, Blackmore described religion as a collection of "really pernicious memes", "I think religious memeplexes are really amongst the nastiest viruses we have on the planet". Blackmore also practices Zen Buddhist meditation; later, when she was asked: "And you find this practice of Zen, the meditative practice, completely compatible with your lack of theism, your atheism...?" she replied: "Oh yes, I mean, there is no god in Buddhism...". Susan Blackmore - In Search of the Light, Point of Inquiry, December 15, 2006 (accessed April 1, 2008).
  974. What I don't like about Richard [Dawkins] is not so much what he knows or doesn't know as the dogmatic way in which he says things. I think that is a poor advertisement for science, because the whole thing about being a scientist is that you shouldn't be prejudiced, you should have an open mind. So, I don't believe in God but that is a belief, not some thing I know. I believe I love my husband, but I couldn't prove it to you one way or the other. How could I? I just know I do. My particular belief is that there is no Deity out there, but I can't prove it and therefore I would not have the temerity to tell other people they're wrong. The coinage of proof is not appropriate for belief and Dawkins thinks it is. But if you keep an open mind, that doesn't mean you swallow anything whole. As someone has said, 'Believing in anything is as bad as believing in nothing.' 'Brain Teaser: Susan Greenfield talks to Peter McCarthy', Third Way, November 2000.
  975. Sou ateia e sinto-me discriminada. Pronto, falei.
  976. Memória: Tales Alvarenga fala sobre Veja, capitalismo e democracia
  977. Şablon:Citar web
  978. Correndo mais que o relógio: a trajetória de Tarso Genro
  979. "I was born in a Muslim family, but I became an atheist." For freedom of expression, Taslima Nasreen, November 12, 1999 - Taslima Nasreen took the floor during Commission V of UNESCO's General Conference, as a delegate of the NGO International Humanist and Ethical Union (Accessed December 23, 2006).
  980. Celebrity Atheist: Ted Nelson
  981. Roland W. Scholz (2011). Environmental Literacy in Science and Society: From Knowledge to Decisions. Cambridge University Press. p. 62. ISBN 9780521183338. "Contrary to his teacher Aristotle, Theophrast was an agnostic naturalist who “denied the existence of a dominant intelligence outside the universe” (Nordenskiöld, 1928, p.45)."
  982. The Guardian - Was Mother Teresa an atheist?
  983. TIME - Mother Teresa's Crisis of Faith
  984. CBS News - Letters Reveal Mother Teresa's Secret
  985. "This book is called "Allah knows best" because it is my dark suspicion we are on the verge of the new Middle Ages of Mecca; and because I feel, as a professional atheist, very unsafe in a climate that is dominated by ambitious mayors who are happily busy "keeping things together". Since September 11, the knives are sharpened and the fifth column of goatfuckers marches ahead unhindered." Theo van Gogh, 'What they have said about Islam', in 'Netherlands braced for Muslim anger as politician releases 'anti-Islam' film', The Independent (London), January 25, 2008, Pg. 32.
  986. Celebrity Atheist
  987. Thomas Hardy, reluctant agnostic: a study of the religious motif in his writings
  988. Thomas Hardy
  989. Thomas Hardy's Religious Beliefs
  990. George Pendle (2006). Strange Angel: The Otherworldly Life of Rocket Scientist John Whiteside Parsons. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. s. 69. ISBN 9780156031790. "The Nobel Prize-winning geneticist and stringent atheist Thomas Hunt Morgan was developing the chromosome theory of heredity by examining his swarm of mutated Drosophila (fruit flies) through a jeweler's loupe."
  991. "Morgan's passion for experimentation was symptomatic of his general scepticism and his distaste for speculation. He believed only what could be proven. He was said to be an atheist, and I have always believed that he was. Everything I knew about him—his scepticism, his honesty—was consistent with disbelief in the supernatural." Norman H. Horowitz, T. H. Morgan at Caltech: A Reminiscence, Genetics, Vol. 149, 1629-1632, August 1998, Copyright © 1998.
  992. "Every variety of philosophical and theological opinion was represented there, and expressed itself with entire openness; most of my colleagues were ists of one sort or another; and, however kind and friendly they might be, I, the man without a rag of a label to cover himself with, could not fail to have some of the uneasy feelings which must have beset the historical fox when, after leaving the trap in which his tail remained, he presented himself to his normally elongated companions. So I took thought, and invented what I conceived to be the appropriate title of agnostic.'" Part 2 - Agnosticism, by T.H. Huxley, from Christianity and Agnosticism: A Controversy, New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1889. Hosted at the Secular Web. (Retrieved 5 April 2008)
  993. De Frente Com Gabi recebe o cantor Tico Santa Cruz nesta quarta
  994. O evangelho segundo Tim Maia. Revista Trip, Outubro de 2001. Acesso em 21/08/2015.
  995. Talento musical salvou Tim Maia do fanatismo e dos “discos voadores” da Cultura “Racional”
  997. "Eu acho que qualquer experiência religiosa é prejudicial ao ser humano". Vídeo "Tim Maia e a Religião - Trecho Por Toda Minha Vida", disponível no YouTube.
  998. Once Forbidden, Now Championed; Toni Bentley, a former ballerina, is the author of The Surrender by CHARLES McGRATH October 15, 2004 New York Times
  999. Toni Bentley Biography webpage
  1000. Bellotto assumiu seu ateísmo por causa do fanatismo religioso
  1001. Deus prefere os ateus
  1002. Şablon:Citar web
  1003. "The Modern Spirit". Thucydides. Taylor & Francis. 1925. p. 16. Thucydides' own attitude towards the gods is that of a well-poised agnostic: If there be any, they do not concern themselves with human affairs.
  1004. Joseph Mali (2003). "1". Mythistory: The Making of a Modern Historiography. University of Chicago Press. p. 19. ISBN 9780226502625. "For Thucydides held to an agnostic conception of history: he did not believe in any supernatural or merely natural forces in it; rather, he conceived history— in overtly dramatic terms—to be a test of character, an ongoing attempt of men to assert themselves in, and over against, reality that they could not fully understand nor really change."
  1005. Mary Frances Williams (1998). Ethics in Thucydides: The Ancient Simplicity. University Press of America. p. 6. ISBN 9780761810568. "As scholars came to accept, around the turn of the century, arguments that proclaimed Thucydides' agnosticism or atheism, religion was considered to be either of no interest to the author or to be actively despised by him, and this likewise influenced the treatment of ethics in the 'History'."
  1006. "A Resounding Eco", Time, 13 June 2005, http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1069054-2,00.html, "His new book touches on politics, but also on faith. Raised Catholic, Eco has long since left the church. ‘Even though I'm still in love with that world, I stopped believing in God in my 20s after my doctoral studies on St. Thomas Aquinas. You could say he miraculously cured me of my faith,…’"
  1007. Liukkonen, Petri. "Umberto Eco". Finland: Kuusankoski Public Library. 10 February 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. https://web.archive.org/web/20150210175324/http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/ueco.htm.
  1008. Şablon:Citar web
  1009. "...Victor Weisskopf, who describes himself as an atheist Viennese Jew...." Quoting from page 14 of The Prism of Science, by Edna Ullmann-Margalit, Springer, 1986.
  1010. "The Rediff Interview: Bipan Chandra". Rediff India Abroad. 2003-03-03. http://www.rediff.com/news/2003/mar/03inter.htm. Erişim tarihi: 2006-12-13. "Savarkar was an atheist. When he was the Hindu Mahasabha president he used to give lectures on why there is no god."
  1011. Steven Naifeh, Gregory White Smith (2011). Vincent van Gogh: The Life. Random House Digital, Inc. p. 250. ISBN 9781588360472. "To revenge himself on his father. Vincent renounced religion as well as romantic love. “There is no God!' " he proclaimed. "For me. the God of the clergymen is as dead as a doornail." He boasted to Theo that his father and Uncle Stricker “consider me an atheist.” and blithely dismissed their accusations with Sarah Bernhardt's famous quip: "Que soit" (so what)."
  1012. Celebrity Atheist: Vincent van Gogh
  1013. O carioca mais baiano do mundo
  1014. Baden Powell: Evangélico, músico não diz mais "saravá"
  1015. Celebrity Atheist: Virginia Woolf
  1016. "I am an atheist, that is, I think nothing exists except and beyond nature."Ginzburg's autobiography at Nobelprize.org
  1017. Fischer, Louis (1964). The Life of Lenin. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, p. 40–41.
  1018. Volkogonov, Dmitri (1994). Lenin: Life and Legacy. Harold Shukman (translator). Hammersmith: HarperCollins, p. 373.
  1019. Service, Robert (2000). Lenin: A Biography. London: Macmillan, p. 149.
  1020. Discurso de Maiakóvski no 2º Congresso da Liga dos Ateus (Militantes), Moscou, 10-15 de Junho de 1929 (transcrito em inglês)
  1021. Dossiê Moscou: um repórter brasileiro acompanha, em Moscou, o desfecho da mais fascinante reviravolta política do século XX : o dia em que começou a busca por uma nova utopia. Geneton Moraes Neto. Geração Editorial, 2004. Página 45. "Maiakóvski era uma figura contraditória sob todos os aspectos. Rejeitava o amor burguês, mas amou uma mulher de origem burguesa. (...) Maiakóvski era ateu, mas se voltou para a idéia de Deus. Rejeitava Estado, mas serviu ao Estado."
  1022. The Futurist Syndrome. David Ohana. Sussex Academic Press, 2010. Página 111. "Mayakovsky's revolutionary atheism is expressed in religious terms (...)"
  1023. "Nabokov is a self-affirmed agnostic in matters religious, political, and philosophical." Donald E. Morton, Vladimir Nabokov (1974), page 8.
  1024. Lynn Margulis; Dorion Sagan (2000). What Is Life?. University of California Press. s. 170. ISBN 978-0-520-22021-8. "Both the French paleontologist-priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the Russian atheist Vladimir Vernadsky agreed that Earth is developing a global mind."
  1025. Jordan, S. C. (2008). Hollywood's original rat pack The bards of Bundy Drive. Lanham, Maryland [u.a.]: Scarecrow Press. p. 151. ISBN 0-8108-6032-5
  1026. Curtis, James. W.C. Fields: A Biography. New York: A. Knopf, 2003, p. 472.
  1027. Walmor Chagas, ateu famoso
  1028. Em paz com a passagem do tempo
  1029. A fugidia intenção
  1030. NNDB: Wallace Sargent
  1031. Block, Walter. "Open Letter to Ron Paul by Walter Block." LewRockwell.com. 28 December 2007.
  1032. Celebrity Atheist: Werner Herzog
  1033. Jürgen Kocka (2010). Jürgen Kocka. ed. Work in a Modern Society: The German Historical Experience in Comparative Perspective. Berghahn Books. s. 45. ISBN 978-1-84545-575-0. "Even Wilhelm Ostwald, who was the most radical atheist among these scholars, uses the instrument of the 'Monistic Sunday Sermons' to spread his ideas on rationality."
  1034. "When Wright was nine his father died of leukaemia and he moved with his mother and younger sister to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. There he enrolled in the Episcopal High School and duly became an atheist." Ajesh Partalay interviewing Wright, 'Master of the Universe', The Observer, 14 September 2008 (accessed 15 September 2008).
  1035. "William Bateson was a very militant atheist and a very bitter man, I fancy. Knowing that I was interested in biology, they invited me when I was still a school girl to go down and see the experimental garden. I remarked to him what I thought then, and still think, that doing research must be the most wonderful thing in the world and he snapped at me that it wasn’t wonderful at all, it was tedious, disheartening, annoying and anyhow you didn’t need an experimental garden to do research." Interview with Dr. Cecilia Gaposchkin by Owen Gingerich, March 5, 1968.
  1036. " "What song would you like played at your funeral?" "We'll Meet Again. I'd like the congregation to join in. As a devout atheist, I should make it clear there are no religious connotations." " Rosanna Greenstreet, 'Q&A: William Boyd', The Guardian, February 3, 2007, Weekend Pages, Pg. 8.
  1037. Hollowverse: The religion and political views of Will Ferrell
  1038. "A firm atheist, he was interested in, though unconvinced by, the paranormal, and also did research on hypnosis." Ray Cooper, 'Walter, (William) Grey (1910–1977)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edition, May 2007 (accessed May 2, 2008).
  1039. Linda Simon, ed. (1999). William James Remembered. U of Nebraska Press. p. 97. ISBN 9780803292628. "We must not suppose, however, that James meant these contrite and romantic suggestions dogmatically. The agnostic, as well as the physician and neurologist in him, was never quite eclipsed."
  1040. Creighton Peden (1989). Creighton Peden, Larry E. Axel. ed. God, Values, and Empiricism: Issues in Philosophical Theology. Mercer University Press. p. 239. ISBN 9780865543607. "The views of William James on agnostic attitudes and arguments regarding theistic belief were uncharacteristically harsh and wide of the mark."
  1041. John Lachs and Robert Talisse (2007). American Philosophy: An Encyclopedia. p. 310. ISBN 0415939267. "(...) took a more pantheist or pandeist approach by rejecting views of God as separate from the world."
  1042. Joel N. Shurkin (2008). Broken Genius: The Rise and Fall of William Shockley, Creator of the Electronic Age. Palgrave Macmillan. s. 133. ISBN 9780230551923. "He considered himself an atheist and never went to church."
  1043. "I already had certain agnostic tendencies—which would later develop into outright atheistic convictions— so it was not that I believed in any kind of divine protection." Wole Soyinka, Climate Of Fear: The Quest For Dignity In A Dehumanized World, page 119.
  1044. Charles Paul Enz (2002). No Time to Be Brief: A Scientific Biography of Wolfgang Pauli. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198564799. "At the same time Pauli writes on 11 October 1957 to the science historian Shmuel Sambursky whom he had met on his trip to Israel (see Ref. [7], p. 964): 'In opposition to the monotheist religions — but in unison with the mysticism of all peoples, including the Jewish mysticism - I believe that the ultimate reality is not personal.'"
  1045. Werner Heisenberg (2007). Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science. HarperCollins. pp. 214–215. ISBN 9780061209192. "Wolfgang shared my concern. ..."Einstein's conception is closer to mine. His God is somehow involved in the immutable laws of nature. Einstein has a feeling for the central order of things. He can detect it in the simplicity of natural laws. We may take it that he felt this simplicity very strongly and directly during his discovery of the theory of relativity. Admittedly, this is a far cry from the contents of religion. I don't believe Einstein is tied to any religious tradition, and I rather think the idea of a personal God is entirely foreign to him.""
  1046. NNDB: Wolfgang Pauli
  1047. Celebrity Atheists: Woody Allen
  1048. Yuval Ne'eman (2003). Studies in memory of Issai Schur. Springer. s. xxi. ISBN 9780817642082. "Unfortunately I am a 100% skeptic (an "Epicurus" in Yiddish), an atheist although not in an aggressive connotation."
  1049. Michael P. Prior (1997). The Bible and Colonialism: A Moral Critique. Continuum International Publishing Group. s. 164. ISBN 978-1-85075-815-0. "Although an atheist, Neeman believes that traditions are important for a revolutionary movement, and he strongly defends the spiritual heritage of the Jewish people, preaches a retum to biblical sources, and is in constant dialogue with the ultra-nationalist-religious groupings."
  1050. Joanna Paraszczuk (04/28/2011). "A revisionist's history". The Jerusalem Post. http://www.jpost.com/Metro/Features/Article.aspx?id=218245. Erişim tarihi: 25 February 2013. "Even religious Zionist settlers in the West Bank have adopted Jabotinsky as a symbol – although he was an atheist who believed that the Arab minority would share equal rights with Jews in a future Jewish state, famously declaring: “In every cabinet where the prime minister is a Jew, the vice-premiership shall be offered to an Arab, and vice versa.”"
  1051. Michael Stanislawski (2001). "Jabotinsky's Road to Zionism". Zionism and the Fin de Siècle: Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism from Nordau to Jabotinsky. University of California Press. s. 158. ISBN 9780520935754. "In sum, just as his turn to Symbolism and Decadence in the late 1890s was typical rather than idiosyncratic, Jabotinsky's abandonment of Symbolism and Decadence was also typical rather than idiosyncratic. A thoroughgoing atheist and rationalist, he could not, to the end of his days, comprehend any mystical or religious sensibility or even any metaphysical philosophical stance, idealist or not."
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