Avrupa film festivalleri listesi
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Film festivalleri |
Avrupa film festivalleri listesi, Avrupa'da düzenlenen film festivallerinin listesidir.
İsim | Kuruluş | Şehir | Tür | Detay | Website |
Tiran Uluslararası Film Festivali | 2003 | Tiran | Uluslararası | Yıllık | http://www.tiranafilmfest.com/ |
Durrës Uluslararası Film Festivali | 2008 | Durrës | Uluslararası | Yıllık | http://www.ifsdurres.com/ |
Arnavutluk Uluslararası İnsan Hakları Film Festivali | 2005 | Tiran | Uluslararası | Yıllık | http://www.ihrffa.net/ |
Tiran 48 Saat Film Festivali | 2010 | Tiran | Uluslararası | Yıllık | http://www.48hourfilm.com/ |
Çocuk ve Genç Uluslararası Film Festivali-AniFestROZAFA | 2010 | Shkodër | Uluslararası | Yıllık | http://www.anifestrozafa.al/ |
İsim | Kuruluş | Şehir | Tür | Detay | Website |
Erivan Uluslararası Film Festivali | 2004 | Erivan | Uluslararası | Yıllık | http://www.gaiff.am/ |
İsim | Kuruluş | Şehir | Tür | Detay | Website |
Crossing Europe | 2004 | Linz | Avrupa filmleri | Nisanın son haftası | http://www.crossingeurope.at/ |
Festival DER NEUE HEIMATFILM | Freistadt | Özel | Ağustosun son haftası | http://www.filmfestivalfreistadt.at/ | |
Diagonale | 1998 | Graz | Avusturya filmleri | Her yılın mart ayı | http://www.diagonale.at/ |
VIFF Vienna Independent Film Festival | 2015 | Viyana | Uluslararası | Her yılın temmuz ayı | http://www.vienna-film-festival.com/ |
fullframe | 2006 | Viyana | International Experimental- & Avantgardefilm | Her yılın nisan ayı | http://www.fullframefestival.net/ |
Innsbruck Nature Film Festival | 2013 | Innsbruck | International Competition for Filmmakers on the Subject of Nature and Environment | Her yılın ekim ayı | http://www.inff.eu/ |
Innsbruck Uluslararası Film Festivali | 1992 | Innsbruck | Afrika, Latin Amerika, Asya ve and Güney Batı Avrupa filmleri | Held beginning of June | http://www.iffi.at/ |
Uluslararası Gençlik Film Festivali | Kundl | Özel | http://www.jugendfilmfestival.com | ||
Uluslararası Berg ve Abenteuer Film Festivali | 1986 | Graz | Dağ filmleri | Kasımın ikinci haftası | http://www.mountainfilm.com/ |
Mittelamerikanisches Film Festivali | 2007 | Viyana | Uluslararası | Her yılın kasım ayı. 2011'den beri her yılın mart ayı | http://www.centroamerica.at/ |
Steirischer Herbst | Graz | http://www.steirischerherbst.at | |||
Tyrolean Uluslararası Film Festivali | 2011 | Innsbruck | Uluslararası | İki yılda bir ekimin ikinci haftası | http://www.tyrolean-independent-film-festival.com/ |
Viyana Uluslararası Film Festivali | 1960 | Viyana | Uluslararası | Her yıl ekim ayıHeld annually in October. | viennale.at |
Vienna Independent Shorts | 2004 | Vienna | Özel | Her yıl Mayıs ayında kısa film festivali | http://www.viennashorts.com |
İsim | Kuruluş | Şehir | Tür | Detay | Websitete |
Bakü Uluslararası Doğu-Batı Film Festivali | 1991 | Bakü | Uluslararası | ||
Bakü Uluslararası Turizm Film Festivali | 2013 | Baku | Uluslararası | bitff.az |
Listapad | 1994 | Minsk | Uluslararası | Baltık ülkeleri, Orta Asya, Orta ve Batı Avrupa filmleri | http://www.listapad.com |
İsim | Kuruluş | Şehir | Tür | Detay | Website |
Afrika Filmfestival Leuven | 1996 | Leuven | Ulusal-Uluslararası | Afrika ve diasporadaki Afrika kültürü hakkındaki filmler | http://www.afrikafilmfestival.be/ |
Brüksel Film Festivali | 2000 | Brüksel | Uluslararası-bölgesel-Avrupa | Succeeded the Brussels International Film Festival, which was held from 1974 to 2000. | http://www.brff.be/ |
Brüksel Uluslararası Çağdaş Sessiz Film Festivali | Brüksel | Özel | |||
Brüksel Uluslararası Fantastik Film Festivali | 1983 | Brüksel | Özel | Korku, gerilim ve bilim kurgu filmleri ile her yıl düzenlenir | http://www.bifff.net |
Brüksel Uluslararası Bağımsız Film Festivali | 1974 | Brüksel | Özel | http://www.centremultimedia.org | |
Brussels Short Film Festival | 1998 | Brüksel | Uluslararası-Ulusal | http://www.courtmetrage.be/ | |
DOCVILLE - Belgesel Film Festivali | 2005 | Leuven | Uluslararası-Ulusal | Uluslararası belgesel film festivali | http://www.docville.be |
European Youth Film Festival | 1989 | Antwerp Bruges | International children/youth | Annual festival devoted to quality children and youth cinema | http://www.jeugdfilmfestival.be |
Eye on Palestine Film Festival | 2010 | Ghent, Brussels, Antwerp | International | Annual festival devoted to Palestinian cinema and cinema about Palestine | http://eyeonpalestine.be |
Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur | 1984 | Namur | International | festival dedicated to French speaking films | http://www.fiff.be |
Flanders International Film Festival Ghent | 1974 | Ghent | International | http://www.filmfestival.be/ | |
Holebifilmfestival | 2001 | Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant | Özel | LGBT-oriented film festival. Held annually in November. Organizes international short film contest Holebikort since 2010. | http://www.holebifilmfestival.be/ |
International Fashion Film Festival Brussels | Brussels | International | Fashion in Film screenings combined with an industry trade show and career fair | http://www.ifffb.com | |
International Health Film Festival | 1994 | Liège | International | Annual festival for international health and science films. | http://www.imagesante.org |
International Short Film Festival Leuven | 1995 | Leuven | International-regional | International and national competition for short films. Animation and experimental and thematic side programmings. | http://www.kortfilmfestival.be |
Mons International Love Film Festival | 1984 | Mons | Special interest | http://www.fifa-mons.be | |
Offscreen Film Festival | 2008 | Brussels | Independent films | The festival is a showcase for unusual independent films, cult classics, extraordinary documentaries and offbeat genres from around the world. | offscreen.be |
Ostend Film Festival | 2007 | Ostend | International-National | filmfestivaloostende.be |
Bosna Hersek
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
VIVA Film Festivali | 2015 | Saraybosna, Kakanj, Vares | International Religious, Ecological And Touristic Documentary | Held annually in June, application during Januar and March | http://www.vivaba.com |
Mostar Film Festivali | 2014 | Mostar | Uluslararası | Held annually in May, application during January and March | http://www.mostarfilmfestival.com |
Tuzla Film Festivali | 2012 | Tuzla | Uluslararası/Special Interest | Held annually in September | http://www.tff.ba |
BLIFF - Banja Luka Uluslararası Film Festivali | 2008 | Banja Luka | Uluslararası | ||
DukaFest | 2008 | Banja Luka | Uluslararası | Student Film Festival. Held annually in November, application during September and October | http://www.dukafest.org |
NAFF - Neum Animated Film Festival | 2004 | Neum | Özel | http://www.rfaf.ba/ | |
Kratkofil | 2007 | Banja Luka | Uluslararası | Short film festival. | http://kratkofil.org |
Saraybosna Film Festivali | 1995 | Saraybosna | Uluslararası | Held annually in August. | http://www.sff.ba/ |
West Hercegovina Fest | 2002 | Široki Brijeg | Uluslararası/Özel | http://whfest.com/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
International Heritage Film Festivali | 2008 | Sofia | International | Also known as Heritage Days. Held annually in 12–18 May. Competitive festival for art, heritage, tradition films in all styles and genres. | http://www.bulgarianfilms.com/ |
Uluslararası Öğrenci Film Festivali NEW WAVE | 2014 | Sofya | Uluslararası | Also known as NEW WAVE Film Fest. Held annually in January. Competitive festival for short films in all styles and genres. | http://newwavefilmfest.com/ |
IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival | 2003 | Sofya | Uluslararası | Also known as Film Palace Fest. Held annually in December. Competitive festival for short films in all styles and genres. | http://www.inthepalace.com/ |
Uluslararası Animasyon Film Festivali "Golden Kuker" | 2010 | Sofya | Uluslararası | Held annually in the fall | http://www.animationfest-bg.eu |
Uluslararası Mountains Bansko Film Festivali | 1998 | Bansko | Uluslararası | The Festival is the first of its kind in the Balkan region. The event is a unique platform for filmmakers from around the globe, featuring new and exciting works on mountains, mountain peoples, mountain and extreme sports and adventures. It is a competitive Festival that brings together films and filmmakers from all over the world in an enjoyable gathering to appreciate each other’s works and discuss ideas and issues related to highland dwellers, cultures and the environment. | http://www.banskofilmfest.com |
Sofya Uluslararası Film Festivali | 1997 | Sofia | International | Also known as Sofia Film Fest. Held annually in March. Competitive specialized festival for first and second feature films. | http://siff.bg/ |
Uluslararası Festiva of Musical Films "Nicolai Ghiaurov"l | 2011 | Velingrad | Uluslararası | Also known as Panoram of musical culture. Held annually in August. Competitive festival for musical films in all styles and genres. | http://www.bgmusicalheritage.com/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Opuzen Film Festival | International - Europe | August, 18-25th | http://www.opuzenfilmfestival.com | ||
ITF'CRO International Tourfilm Festival | International Tourfilmfestival | Special International Tourfilm Festival, October, 10 - 13th | http://www.fiscalis.hr | ||
SUPERTOON International Animation Festival | International | 31 July – 4 August | http://www.supertoonfestival.com | ||
25 FPS | Special interest | Also known as the International Festival of Experimental Film and Video | http://www.25fps.hr | ||
Animafest | Special interest | http://www.animafest.hr/ | |||
Croatian Minute Movie Cup | International | http://www.crominute.hr | |||
Human Rights Film Festival | Special interest | http://www.humanrightsfestival.org | |||
Kastav Film Festival | International | http://www.kastavfilmfestival.com | |||
Libertas Film Festival | http://www.libertasfilmfestival.com | ||||
Motovun Film Festival | Special interest | Dedicated to independent film. | http://www.motovunfilmfestival.com | ||
One Take Film Festival | Special interest | International festival of films shot in one take. | http://onetake.kkz.hr | ||
Pula Film Festival | Croatian, International | National, international and regional feature length competition together with national short competition. | http://www.pulafilmfestival.hr/ | ||
Split Film Festival / International festival of New Film | International | 12th -19 September 2015. | http://www.splitfilmfestival.hr/ | ||
ZagrebDox | Special interest | International documentary film festival | http://www.zagrebdox.net | ||
Zagreb Film Festivali | International | http://www.zagrebfilmfestival.com | |||
Tabor film festival | International (Short films) | International short film festival | http://www.taborfilmfestival.com | ||
Trash Film Festival | International | International amateur film festival for action, martial-art, horror and action films | http://www.trash.hr | ||
Vukovar Film Festival | International | http://www.vukovarfilmfestival.com | |||
Zagreb Jewish Film Festival | International | http://www.jff-zagreb.hr/ | |||
Subversive Film Festival | International | Official site |
Çek Cumhuriyeti
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Mladá kamera Uničov | 1975 | Uničov | Özel | Amatör film festivali | http://www.mladakamera.cz/ |
Academia Film Olomouc | 1966 | Olomouc | Özel | International festival of science documentary films | http://www.afo.cz/ |
Anemic festival | 2010 | Prag | Özel | Independent Film & New Media Art Festival | http://www.anemicfestival.cz/ |
Animefest | 2004 | Brno | Özel | Japanese animation and culture program, AMV and Cosplay competitions, held annually in May | http://www.animefest.cz/ |
Bollywood Film Festival | 2004 | Prag | Özel | Presents Bollywood films to Czech audiences. | http://www.bollywood.cz/ |
Cinema Mundi International Film Festival | 2010 | Brno | Uluslararası | Held annually in February/March. | http://www.cinemamundi.info/ |
Febiofest | 1993 | Nationwide | International | Takes place in 12 cities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. | http://www.febiofest.cz/ |
Finále - Czech Films Festival | Plzeň | ||||
Fresh Film Festival | 2004 | Karlovy Vary | Özel | International Student Film Festival | http://www.freshfilmfest.net |
International Festival of Animated Films | Třeboň | http://www.anifest.cz | |||
International Documentary Film Festival Jihlava | Jihlava | http://www.dokument-festival.cz | |||
Karlovy Vary International Film Festival | 1948 | Karlovy Vary | Uluslararası | Held annually in July. | http://www.kviff.com/ |
Letni filmova skola | 1964 | Uherské Hradiště | Uluslararası | Held annually in July/August | http://www.lfs.cz/ |
Life Sciences Film Festival | 2010 | Praha | Uluslararası | Held annually in October | http://www.lsff.cz/ |
Mezipatra Gay and Lesbian Film Festival | 2000 | Brno / Prag | Special interest | Held annually in November. | http://www.mezipatra.cz/ |
Mezinárodni Horolezecký Filmový Festival | 1980 | Teplice nad Metují | Mountain film | last weekend in August | http://www.teplicenadmetuji.cz |
Expedition Camera | 2010 | Czech Republic, Slovakia | Expedition, outdoor, sport movies | February - April | http://www.expedicnikamera.cz |
Snow film fest | 2011 | Czech Republic, Slovakia | Mountain winter film | October - November | http://www.snowfilm.cz |
One World Film Festival | Prag | Özel | Screens documentaries on human rights. | http://www.oneworld.cz/ | |
Summer Film School | Uherské Hradiště | ||||
Tourfilm - International Festival of Tourism Films | 1967 | Karlovy Vary | Uluslararası | Has competition | http://www.tourfilm.cz/ |
Zlín International Film Festival for Children and Youth | 1961 | Zlín | Uluslararası | Has competition, held annually in June | http://www.zlinfest.cz/ |
European Student Film Festival | 2006 | Prag | Uluslararası | Has competition, November 2 to 6, 2011 | http://www.esff.org/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Cyprus International Film Festival | 2006 | Nicosia | International | http://www.cyprusfilmfestival.org | |
Cyprus International Short Film Festival | 2008 | Nicosia | International | http://www.cyprusshortsfest.com |
Deaf community
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
BDA (British Deaf Association) Sign Arts & Film Festival | London | Special interest | http://deaffest.co.uk/ | ||
Deaf in the Picture | Amsterdam | Special interest | |||
Dövfilmfestival | Stockholm | Special interest |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
International Kvindefilm Festival - International Women's Film festival | 1976 | Copenhagen | Special interest | ||
Copenhagen Gay and Lesbian Film Festival | 1986 | Copenhagen | LGBT | http://www.cglff.dk | |
Copenhagen International Documentary Festival | Copenhagen | Special interest | http://www.cphdox.dk | ||
Copenhagen International Film Festival | 2003 | Copenhagen | International | Held annually in September. | http://www.copenhagenfilmfestival.com/ |
Odense International Film Festival | 1975 | Odense | International | Short film festival held annually in August | http://www.filmfestival.dk |
Viborg Animation Festival | 2012 | Viborg | International | Animation film festival held annually in October | www.animationsfestival.dk/ |
NatFilm Festival | 1990 | Aalborg, Copenhagen, Odense | http://www.natfilm.dk/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival | 2002 | Tallinn, Tartu | International | Held annually in November and December; has touring screenings in cities throughout Estonia. | http://poff.ee |
tARTuFF | 2007 | Tartu | International | Devoted to love films; held annually in August. | http://www.tartuff.ee |
Kik in der Kok Film Festival | 2007 | Tallinn | International | First festival of artistic films about explicit sexuality in Estonia, took place in September 2007 | http://www.myspace.com/kikinderkok |
International Random Film Festival | 2009 | Anija | International | The festival is held annually in a randomly selected location. Selection process is random as well. | http://www.randomfilmfest.com/ |
Worldfilm Festival of Visual Culture | 2003 | Tartu | International | The festival is held annually in Tartu. Anthropological and documentary films. | http://www.worldfilm.ee/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Animatricks Animation Festival | 2000 | Helsinki | Special interest | Annual animation film festival. Programme consists of feature animations, short animation screenings and competition screenings. | http://www.animatricks.net |
Cinemaissí | 2005 | Helsinki | International | Latin American and Caribbean film festival held annually in October. | http://www.cinemaissi.org/ |
Lens Politica Film and Media Art Festival | 2005 | Helsinki | International | http://www.lenspolitica.net/ | |
Espoo Ciné International Film Festival | 1990 | Espoo | International | Held annually in August. Features and documentaries, focusing on European films. | http://www.espoocine.fi/ |
DocPoint – Helsinki Documentary Film Festival | 2001 | Helsinki | Documentaries | One of the biggest documentary film festivals in the Nordic Countries | http://www.docpoint.info/ |
Helsinki International Film Festival | 1988 | Helsinki | International | Held annually in September. Feature, documentary, animation, and short films. | http://www.hiff.fi/ |
Kettupäivät | 1982 | Helsinki | Special interest | Annual Finnish short and documentary film festival. | http://www.kettupaivat.fi/ |
Midnight Sun Film Festival | 1986 | Sodankylä | International | Held annually in June. | http://www.msfilmfestival.fi/ |
Night Visions | 1998 | Helsinki | Special interest | A bi-annual festival specializing in horror, fantasy, sci-fi, and cult cinema. | http://www.nightvisions.info |
Oulu International Children's and Youth Film Festival | 1982 | Oulu | International | Annual Children's films festival | http://www.oulunelokuvakeskus.fi/lef/etusivu |
Tampere Film Festival | 1969 | Tampere | Special interest | Short film festival held annually in March. | http://www.tamperefilmfestival.fi |
Vinokino | 1991 | Turku, Helsinki | Special interest | Lesbian and gay film festival, held annually in October–November. | http://www.tuseta.fi/vinokino/2007/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Amiens International Film Festival | 1982 | Amiens | Special interest | Annual festival focusing on the cinemas of Europe, Asia and Latin America. | http://www.filmfestamiens.org |
Festival du Film Subversif de Metz | 2016 | Metz | International | Annual festival. | http://www.festival-subversif.com |
Annecy Uluslararası Animasyon Film Festivali | 1960 | Annecy | Special interest | http://www.annecy.org | |
Brest European Short Film Festival | 1986 | Brest | Special interest | Short films from Western and Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean and Scandinavia in the European Competition. | http://www.filmcourt.fr/ |
Cabestany Short Film Festival | 1981 | Cabestany | International | Annual short film festival | http://www.courts-metrages.org |
Cannes Film Festivali | 1939 | Cannes | International | One of the world's oldest, most influential and prestigious festivals, it is held annually (usually in May) at the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès. | http://www.festival-cannes.com |
CineHorizontes - Festival de cinéma espagnol de Marseille | 2001 | Marsilya | Special interest | One of the best Spanish film festivals in France | http://www.cinehorizontes.com |
Cinéma du réel - International Documentary Film Festival | 1978 | Paris | Special interest | http://www.cinereel.org | |
Créteil International Women's Film Festival | 1978 | Créteil | Special interest | Showcase of films by female directors. | http://www.filmsdefemmes.com/ |
Deauville American Film Festival | 1975 | Deauville | Special interest | Annual festival devoted to American cinema. | http://www.festival-deauville.com/ |
Deauville Asian Film Festival | 1999 | Deauville | Special interest | Annual festival devoted to Asian cinema. | http://www.deauvilleasia.com/ |
ÉCU The European Independent Film festival | 2006 | Paris | Special Interest | Annual festival devoted to Independent Cinema. | http://www.ecufilmfestival.com/ |
European Student Film Festival | 2006 | Paris | International | Has competition, November 14 to 18, 2012 | http://www.esff.org/ |
Fantastique semaine du cinéma | 2010 | Nice | International | Annual festival devoted to horror and fantastic cinema (Festival du Film Fantastique) cinema | http://www.cinenasty.com/ |
Festival du Cinéma européen de Lille | 1984 | Lille | Special interest | European short movies competition | http://www.eurofilmfest-lille.com |
Festival du Film Européen Beauvais-Oise | 1990 | Beauvais | Europe | http://www.beauvaisfilmfest.com | |
Festival du Film Merveilleux | 2010 | Paris | International | Annual film festival celebrating the imaginary, the Wonder and magic from all over the world. | http://www.Festival-film-merveilleux.com/ |
Festival du Film Polonais Cat.Studios | 2007 | Perpignan | Special interest | Annual festival devoted to Polish cinema. | http://www.catstudios.net |
Festival du Film Web | Oloron-Sainte-Marie | Special interest | |||
Festival International du Film de Montagne | 1984 | Autrans | Mountain film | first week in December | http://www.festival-autrans.com |
Festival international du film des droits de l'homme de Paris | 2003 | Paris | International | Features and shorts documentaries on human rights issues. Once a year, in February or March. Also present in other cities in France. | http://www.festival-droitsdelhomme.org/paris/ |
Festival International du Film Ecologique de Bourges | 2005 | Bourges | Environmental | http://www.festival-film-bourges.fr/english/ecological-film-festival.php | |
Festival international du film fantastique de Gérardmer | 1994 | Gérardmer | Special interest | Annual festival devoted to horror and fantastic cinema (Festival du Film Fantastique) cinema | http://www.gerardmer-fantasticart.com/ |
Festival Pocket Film | Paris | Special interest | Mobile phone film festival. | http://www.festivalpocketfilms.fr | |
Hallucinations Collectives | 2008 | Lyon | Special interest | Annual festival devoted to Horror, fantastic, strange and culte cinema. | http://www.hallucinations-collectives.com |
International Festival of Audiovisual Programs | Biarritz | Special interest | http://www.fipa.tm.fr | ||
International student short-film festival of Cergy-Pontoise | 1991 | Cergy-Pontoise | International | Student Festival | http://lefestivalducourt.org/ |
NollywoodWeek Paris | 2013 | Paris | Special Interest | Annual festival in late May showcasing the top new films from Nigerian filmmakers and Nollywood | http://www.nollywoodweek.com/ |
Pontault-Combault Short Film Festival | Pontault-Combault | International | Showcase of short films. | ||
Premiers Plans | Angers | Special interest | Showcase of European directorial debut films. | http://www.premiersplans.org/ | |
Paris Short Film Festival | 2015 | Paris | International | Annual showcase of short films. | http://www.psff.eu |
Paris Independent Film Festival | 2015 | Paris | International | Annual festival. | http://www.filmfestival.paris |
Three Continents Festival | 1979 | Nantes | Special interest | Annual festival is devoted to the cinemas of Asia, Africa and Latin America. | http://www.3continents.com |
Tréguier International Film Festival | 2009 | Tréguier | International | Annual festival held in July. Open to all filmmakers. | http://www.treguierfilmfest.com |
Utopiales - Nantes International Science-Fiction Festival | 1998 | Nantes | Special interest | Annual sci-fi festival. | http://www.utopiales.org/ |
Tbilisi International Film Festival | 2000 | Tbilisi | International | Annual | http://www.tbilisifilmfestival.ge |
TOFUZI International Festival of Animated Films | 2009 | Tbilisi | International | Annual | http://www.adf.ge/ge/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website | |
Abgedreht International Short Film Festival | Sulzbach-Rosenberg | http://www.filmfest-abgedreht.de | ||||
Achtung Berlin | 2005 | Berlin | Special interest, regional | Spotlights new films made in Berlin or Brandenburg or taking place in the region. | http://www.achtungberlin.de/ | |
Berlin fashion Film Festival | 2012 | Berlin | Special interest, international | Showcases and Awards the best films in adverting and branded video content produced for fashion clients. | http://www.berlinfashionfilmfestival.net/ | |
Berlin Independent Film Festival | 2010 | Berlin | International | Annual festival, held at the same time as Berlin International Film Festival, but is a separate, unrelated event. | http://www.berlinfest.com/ | |
Asia Filmfest | 2004 | Munich | Asian cinema | The largest Asian festival in Germany is held annually in the end of October. | ||
Berlin Asia-Pacific Film Festival | 2003 | Berlin | International | Annual festival. Platform to promote independent film makers from different countries of Asia and the Asian-Pacific region (Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and the Asian-pacific islands) | http://www.bapff.de/ | |
Berlin International Directors Lounge | 2005 | Berlin | International | Held annually in February parallel to the Berlin Film Festival. Mainly unusual short films with some feature presentations and installations. Accompanying program of live art and music performances. | http://www.directorslounge.net/ | |
Berlin Uluslararası Film Festivali | 1951 | Berlin | International | Also called the "Berlinale", the festival is held annually in February. | http://www.berlinale.de/ | |
Biberach Independent Film Festival | 2004 | Biberach an der Riß | Special interest | Focusses on experimental and documentary short films. Mostly German. | http://www.biff-filmfestival.de | |
Black International Cinema Berlin | 1986 | Berlin | International | Annual film festival presenting cinema from the African Diaspora and intercultural diplomacy perspectives | http://www.blackinternationalcinema.de | |
Britspotting - Independent British and Irish Film Festival Berlin | Berlin | Special interest | http://www.britspotting.de | |||
cinefest - International Festival of German Film Heritage | 2004 | Hamburg | Special interest, international | Held annually in November in Hamburg, afterwards in Berlin, Prague, Udine, Vienna, Wiesbaden, Zurich. Archival films from Germany and Europe. Integrating the International Film History Conference, founded 1988. | http://www.cinefest.de/ | |
Cinepol | 2011 | Munich | Polish cinema | Held annually at the end of November. Until 2014 its name was "filmPOLSKA München". | http://www.cinepol.de/ | |
Crank Cookie Kurzfilmtage | 2006 | Passau | International | Annual short film festival. | http://www.crankcookiekurzfilmtage.de/ | |
Dok Leipzig | 1955 | Leipzig | Special interest | http://www.dokfestival-leipzig.de | ||
Exground Filmfest | 1990 | Wiesbaden | Special interest | Held annually in Autumn. | http://www.exground.com/ | |
Fetisch Film Festival | 2008 | Kiel | International shorts and feature | Held annually in February. | http://www.fetisch-film-festival.de/ | |
Feminale | Cologne | Special interest | Annual feminist film festival. | http://www.feminale.de/ | ||
Filmfest Dresden | 1989 | Dresden | International short films | held annually each spring | http://www.filmfest-dresden.de/ | |
Filmfest Hamburg | 1992 | Hamburg | International and German cinema | Held annually in September/October, focussed on feature films. | http://www.filmfesthamburg.de | |
Filmfest München | 1983 | München | International | Held annually in June/July as the second biggest film festival in Germany. Focussed on feature films. | http://www.filmfest-muenchen.de/ | |
Film Festival Münster | 1981 | Münster | German and international film | Held semi-annually (in the autumn of odd numbered years) | http://www.filmfestival-muenster.de/ | |
film sharing VideoFilmfestival | 2003 | Stuttgart, Heilbronn, Mainz | International | Annual short film festival. Low & No Budget productions are shown at different locations, mainly in Southern Germany | http://www.film-sharing.net | |
Filmfestival Türkei - Deutschland | Nürnberg | Special interest | http://fftd.net | |||
Fantasy Filmfest | 1987 | Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Nuremberg, Stuttgart | Special interest, international | Annual festival for science fiction, horror and thriller films. | http://www.fantasyfilmfest.com/ | |
Festival International of Cinema Libre | 2013 | Hamburg | International | Films under creative commons and copyleft licenses, self-produced films, independent films | http://www.festivalducinemalibre.com/ | |
Festival des deutschen Films | 2005 | Ludwigshafen | National | Held annually in June. | http://www.festival-des-deutschen-films.de/ | |
Film Festival ContraVision | 1992 | Berlin | Special interest | Annual independent film festival held at the Cinema "Blow Up". | http://www.contravision.de | |
filmkunstfest Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 1992 | Schwerin | German and international film | Held annually in the first week of May | http://www.filmkunstfest-mv.de | |
Five Lakes Filmfestival - Fuenf Seen Filmfestival | 2007 | South of Munich: Starnberg, Herrsching, Seefeld, Wessling, Woerthsee, Diessen | Special interest | Focusses on new films from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Alps Region, held annually end July/beginning of August | http://www.fsff.de | |
Hamburg International Short Film Festival | 1967 | Hamburg | International short films | Focus on international short films | http://festival.shortfilm.com/ | |
Hof International Film Festival | 1967 | Hof | International | Focus on German language films, complemented with a retrospective of one international film director. | http://www.hofer-filmtage.com/en/home/ | |
Independent Days Filmfest | 1998 | Karlsruhe | Special interest | Annual independent festival for low- and no-budget filmmakers, with short film competition. | http://www.independentdays.de/ | |
Internationalen Bergfilm-Festival Tegernsee | 2003 | Tegernsee | Mountain film | third weekend in October | http://www.bergfilm-festival-tegernsee.de | |
International Documentary Festival Munich (DOK.FEST) | Munich | Special interest | http://www.dokfest-muenchen.de | |||
International Cycling Film Festival | 2005 | Herne | Special interest | Annual festival for bicycle related films | http://www.cyclingfilms.de/ | |
Internationales Festival der Filmhochschulen München | 1981 | Munich | International | Held annually in November. One of the most important international festivals for emerging filmmakers. | http://www.filmschoolfest-munich.de/ | |
International Film Awards Berlin (ifab) | 2012 | Berlin | International | Held annually in September | http://www.filmawardsberlin.de/ | |
International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg | 1952 | Mannheim, Heidelberg | International | http://www.iffmh.de/en/ | ||
International Short Film Festival | 1985 | Hamburg | Special interest | http://festival.shortfilm.com/ | ||
International Short Film Festival Berlin | 1985 | Berlin | Special interest | http://www.interfilm.de | ||
Internationales Trickfilm-Festival Stuttgart – Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) | 1983 | Stuttgart | International | Biggest festival for animated film in Germany. Annually held in May | http://www.itfs.de/ | |
Munich Underground Film Festival | 2012 | Munich | International | Held annually in August/September | http://www.filmfestivallife.com/Munich-Underground-Film-Festival/ | |
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen | 1954 | Oberhausen | Special interest | http://www.kurzfilmtage.de/ | ||
International Videofestival Bochum | Bochum | Special interest | http://www.videofestival.org/ | |||
Japan Filmfest Hamburg | Hamburg | Japanese films | http://www.jffh.de | |||
KALIBER35 Munich International Short Film Festival | 2006 | Munich | International | The Festival is held annually in June in the Bavarian capital and screens non-German language short films from all over the world | http://www.kaliber35.de/ | |
Kurzfilmfestival Köln UNLIMITED | 2006 | Cologne | Special interest | Short film festival held annually in November, German competition for short films and spotlight on digital short film trends. | http://www.kurzfilmfestivalkoeln.de/ | |
La.Meko Filmfestival Landau | 2001 | Landau | Special interest | Annual festival for shortfilms of all genres. Different competitions. | http://www.filmfestival-landau.de/ | |
LUCAS International Children's Film Festival | 1974 | Frankfurt am Main | Children's and Youth Films | The oldest film festival in Germany dedicated to children's and youth film genre. | http://www.lucas-filmfestival.de/en/ | |
NaturVision Fimfestival | 2002 | Ludwigsburg | International Competition for Filmmakers on the Subject of Nature, Animal and Environment | Held annually in July | http://festival.natur-vision.de/ | |
Nordische Filmtage | 1956 | Lübeck | Special interest | Held annually in November, spotlighting the cinemas of Scandinavia and the Baltic states. | http://www.filmtage.luebeck.de/ | |
Oldenburg International Film Festival | 1994 | Oldenburg (Lower Saxony) | International | Annual festival of independent film, held in September | http://www.filmfest-oldenburg.de/en/news/ | |
My Europe | 2006 | Berlin | International | Short film festival about social and cultural European issues | http://www.citizens-of-europe.eu/projects/my-europe-2012#zoom=3&lat=53.6029&lon=11.51373&layers=TB000 | |
Perspektive - Filmfestival der Menschenrechte | Nürnberg | Special interest | Annual human rights festival. | http://www.humanrightsfilmfestival.org | ||
Regensburg Short Film Week | 1994 | Regensburg | Short films | http://www.kurzfilmwoche.de/ | ||
Road Junky Travel Film Festival | 2009 | Berlin | Short documentaries | Independent films focused on travel and world culture | http://www.roadjunkyfilms.com/ | |
SCHLINGEL International Film Festival | 1996 | Chemnitz | International | Held annually in Autumn, spotlighting movies for children and young audience | http://www.ff-schlingel.de/ | |
Shooting Europe! | 2005 | Karlsruhe | Special interest | European short film festival organized by the European Students' Forum. | http://www.shooting-europe.de/ | |
Videonale | 1984 | Bonn | Special interest | Annual video- and installation art festival. | http://www.videonale.org/ Wiesbaden goEast | |
Wiesbaden goEast | 2001 | Wiesbaden | International | Annual film festival every April. | http://www.filmfestival-goeast.de/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Athens International Digital Film Festival | 2011 | Athens | International | Held annually in September | http://www.shortfilmfestival.gr/ |
Bridges International Film Festival | 2008 | Athens | International | Held annually in October | http://www.piff.cineartfestival.eu/ |
Athens International Science Fiction & Fantasy Film Festival | 2006 | Athens | International | Held annually in March | http://sffrated.wordpress.com |
Olympia International Film Festival for Children and Young People | 1997 | Pyrgos | International | Held annually in December | http://www.olympiafestival.gr/ |
Be There Corfu International Animation Film Festival | 2011 | Corfu | Animation Film | http://www.betherefest.gr/ | |
Drama International Short Film Festival | 1978 | Drama | International | http://www.dramafilmfestival.gr/en/index.html/ | |
International Thessaloniki Film Festival | 1959 | Thessaloniki | International | Held annually in November. | http://www.filmfestival.gr/default.aspx?lang=en-US |
Athens International Film Festival | 1995 | Athens | International | Held annually in September. | http://en.aiff.gr/ |
Mykonos Biennale | 2013 | Mykonos | International | Held bi-annually in June. | http://www.mykonosbiennale.org/ |
Naoussa International Short Film and Video Festival | 2004 | Naousa | International, Short film | Held in September | http://www.niff.gr/ |
Διεθνές Κινηματοφραφικό φεστιβάλ Λάρισας - Artfools | 2009 | Larissa | International, Short film | Held in February | http://www.artfoolsvideofestival.gr/ |
Thessaloniki Documentary Festival | 1999 | Thessaloniki | Special interest | http://www.filmfestival.gr/default.aspx?lang=en-US | |
Thessaloniki Video Dance Festival | 2000 | Thessaloniki | Special interest | Dance festival with a showcase of dance films. | http://www.filmfestival.gr/videodance/uk/ |
International Science Film Festival of Athens | 2006 | Athens | Special interest | http://www.caid.gr/festival/ | |
Shoot it Mobile Film Festival | 2008 | Athens | Special Interest | Very short films (documentaries, storytelling, video art) made on & for mobile devices | http://www.shootit.gr/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
AniFest | Special interest | http://anifest.hu/ | |||
Budapest Pride LGBTQ Film Festival | 1993 | Budapest;Pécs;Szeged;Miskolc | Special interest | LGBTQ | http://2013.budapestpride.com/ff |
Budapest Short Film Festival | Budapest | Special interest | http://gombolyag.uw.hu/ | ||
International Festival of Young Filmmakers | Special interest | http://www.filmfestival-miskolc.hu | |||
Kecskemet Animation Film Festival | 1985 | Kecskemét | Special interest | biennial; June festival; associated with the Festival of European Animated Feature Films and TV Specials | http://kaff.hu |
Kiskakas Film Festival | http://www.kiskakas.hu | ||||
Verzió Human Rights Documentary Film Festival | Special interest | http://www.verzio.ceu.hu |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Reykjavík International Film Festival | 2004 | Reykjavík | International | http://www.filmfest.is/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Cork Film Festival | 1956 | Cork | International | http://www.corkfilmfest.org/ | |
Darklight Film Festival | 1999 | Dublin | Special interest | Celebrating Digital Art, Film & Technology | http://www.darklight.ie |
Fingal Film Festival | 2012 | Dublin | International | Promoting the works of local film community and National, International emerging filmmakers | http://www.fingalfilmfest.com |
Fresh Film Festival | 1996 | Limerick | Special Interest | Films by young people, aged 7 to 18 years. | http://www.freshfilmfestival.net/ |
Freshly Squeezed International Student Short Film Festival | 2012 | Dublin | Special Interest | Best shorts by film school students and graduates from around the world. | http://www.freshlysqueezedfest.com/ |
Galway Film Fleadh | 1989 | Galway | International | The Galway Film Fleadh – Ireland’s leading film festival, is a six-day international film event held every July. The Fleadh is a festival for the public, film buffs, film students, industry professionals and invited guests. | http://www.galwayfilmfleadh.com/ |
Guth Gafa International Documentary Film Festival | 2006 | Gortahork | Documentaries | Films mainly on human rights and Social issues. | http://www.guthgafa.com/ |
Horrorthon | 1997 | Dublin | Special interest | Annual horror festival. | http://www.horrorthon.com/ |
Irish Gay and Lesbian Film Festival or "Gaze" | Special interest | http://www.gaze.ie/ | |||
Irish Film Institute - French Film Festival | Special interest | ||||
Irish Film Institute - European Film Festival | Special interest | ||||
Jameson Dublin International Film Festival | 2002 | Dublin | International | http://www.dubliniff.com/ | |
Underground Cinema Film Festival | 2009 | Dublin | International | Irelands Premier Independent Film Festival held every September. | http://www.undergroundcinema-filmfestival.com/ |
Waterford Film Festival | 2007 | Waterford | http://www.waterfordfilmfestival.com | ||
Mid Ulster Film Festival | 2004 | Omagh | Films by first time film makers. | http://www.midulsterfilmfestival.com/ | |
Galway African Film Festival | 2008 | Galway | African Film | http://galwayafricanfilmfestival.wordpress.com/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
4 Film Festival | http://www.4ff.it | ||||
A Film for Peace/Un Film per la Pace Festival | 2006 | Organized by the Province of Gorizia, the City of Medea and Windcloak Film Production.The film, documentary or fiction, must focus on the theme of peace, wartime conflict, civil war or human rights.The deadline for submissions is 15 April 2011 | http://www.unfilmperlapace.it/ | ||
Borderlands International Film Festival | http://www.borderlands.it | ||||
CinemadaMare Film Festival | 2003 | Annual festival for amateur youth filmmakers | http://www.cinemadamare.com/ | ||
Circuito Off Venice International Short Film Festival | Venice | Special interest | http://www.circuitooff.com | ||
Courmayeur Noir Film Festival | 1991 | Courmayeur | Film noir | ||
Ecologico International Film Festival | 2008 | Nardò | International | The Ecologico International Film Festival (EIFF), which takes place annually in August, aims to help discover and develop independent films - social, national and international - committed to issues of contemporary society. | http://ecologicofilmfestival.it/ |
Fantafestival | 1981 | Rome | Special interest | Annual festival of science fiction, horror and thriller films. | http://www.fanta-festival.it/ |
Far East Film Festival | 1999 | Udine | International | The largest showcase of Asian Cinema in the West, held annually at the end of April. | http://www.fareastfilm.com |
Festival Alto Vicentino | 2007 | Santorso (VI) | International | International short film for short movie with a duration below of 15 minutes | http://www.festivalaltovicentino.org |
Festival del Cinema all'Aperto "Accordi @ DISACCORDI" | 2000 | Naples | Special interest International | Annual three months outdoor Film Festival | http://www.accordiedisaccordi.com |
Festival dei Popoli | Florence | Special interest | Annual international documentary festival. | http://www.festivaldeipopoli.org | |
Festival Intercomunale di Cinema Amatoriale (F.I.C.A.) | 2000 | Brescia | international amateur film festival | the weekend after the Easter. The oldest film festival of Brescia, amateurs films only | http://www.zonacinema.org |
Festival Internazionale Cinema delle Donne | Turin | ||||
Festival internazionale film della montagna di Trento | 1952 | Trento | Mountain film | last week of April and the first week of May | http://www.mountainfilmfestival.trento.it/ |
Fiaticorti Film Festival - Festival internazionale del cortometraggio | 2000 | Istrana (TV) | Short Films | September/ October | http://www.fiaticorti.it/ |
Film Lab Festival - International Short Films Festival | 2004 | Brescia | Short Films | October/ November | http://www.filmlabfestival.it/ |
Flaiano Film Festival | 1974 | Pescara | International | Annual International festival with prizes for the films,the foreign film, interpreters male and female roles, male and female interpreters, not actors, directors, photographers, editing, soundtrack, set design, costumes. Also, we assigned the special jury prize, best film debut and also the career award. | http://www.premiflaiano.it/ |
Giffoni Film Festival | 1971 | Giffoni Valle Piana | International | One of the largest film festivals for kids, held annually in July, with short films and features from around the world. | giffoni.it/en |
Le Giornate del Cinema Muto - aka: Pordenone Silent Film Festival | 1982 | Pordenone | International | The world most important film festival dedicated to silent cinema, held annually during the first week of October. | http://www.giornatedelcinemamuto.it |
Io Isabella International Film Week | 2005 | Special interest | Spotlights the work by and about women, particularly documentaries. | http://www.ioisabella.org | |
Lucca Film Festival | 2005 | Lucca | International | http://luccafilmfestival.it | |
Magma - mostra di cinema breve | 2002 | Acireale, Sicily | International Short Film Festival | Fiction, documentaries, experimentals, animated films. One of Italy’s main film events exclusively focused on the short film. Held annually (November). | http://www.magmafestival.org |
Milan International Film Festival | 2000 | Milan | International | http://www.miff.it | |
Milano Film Festival | 1996 | Milan | International | http://www.milanofilmfestival.it | |
Mirabile Dictu - International Catholic Film Festival | 2010 | Rome | International Catholic Film Festival | The event started with the intention of giving space to producers and filmmakers, documentaries, docu-fiction, TV series, short films and programs that promote universal moral values and positive models. Held annually. | http://www.mirabiledictu-icff.com/ |
Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Pesaro | |||||
No Words International Short Film Festival | Special interest | http://www.nowords.it | |||
Opere Nuove Festival Nazionale del Film Corto | http://www.operenuove.it | ||||
Pentedattilo Film Festival | 2006 | Pentedattilo, R.C. | International | One of the largest International Short Film Festival in Southern Italy, held annually in September. | http://www.pentedattilofilmfestival.net |
Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival | 2003 | Ravenna | Special interest | Annual horror festival. | http://www.ravennanightmare.it/ |
Religion Today | 1997 | Trento | International | The first film festival about religion and dialogue, held annually in October. | http://www.religionfilm.com |
Rimusicazioni Festival | Special interest | Add a new soundtrack to an old silent movie. | http://www.rimusicazioni.it | ||
Roma Uluslararası Film Festivali | Roma | Special interest | http://www.riff.it/ | ||
Sport Movies & TV - Milano International FICTS Fest | Milano | International | Worldwide Championship of Television, Cinema, Sport, Culture and Communication articulated in 18 Festivals around the 5 Continents | www.sportmoviestv.com | |
CINEMA. Festa Internazionale di Roma | Rome | Held annually in October. | http://www.romacinemafest.org | ||
Taormina Film Festival | |||||
Trento Film Festival | 1952 | Trento | International | Film Festival devoted to mountains, exploration and adventure. Held annually at the end of April | http://www.trentofestival.it/ |
Trieste Film Festival | 1989 | Trieste | International | The leading Italian event on central and eastern European cinema, held annually on the thirst week of January. | http://www.triestefilmfestival.it |
Trieste International Science Fiction Film Festival (Science Plus Fiction) | 2000 | Trieste | Special interest | http://www.scienceplusfiction.org/ | |
Torino Film Festival | 1982 | Turin | International | Held annually in November | http://www.torinofilmfest.org/ |
Turin International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival | Turin | ||||
Venedik Film Festivali | 1932 | Venedik | International | The world's oldest film festival, it is held annually in late August or early September on the island of the Lido. | http://www.labiennale.org |
Video Festival Imperia | 2006 | Imperia | International | Held annually in April. Open to professionals and amateurs. Free registration. Placed under the high patronage of UNESCO. | http://www.videofestivalimperia.org |
VideoMaker Film Festival | 2012 | Casalnuovo di Napoli | International Short Film Festival | Held annually in April. Open to professionals and amateurs. Free registration. | http://www.videomakerfilmfestival.com |
CortoDino Premio Internazionale del cortometraggio Dino de Laurentiis | 2011 | Torre Annunziata NA | International | Held annually in November. Open to professionals and amateurs. Free registration. | http://www.cortodino.it/ |
Voghera Film Festival | 2013 | Voghera | International | Annual festival featuring independent films. | http://www.vogherafilmfestival.com |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Dokufest - International Documentary and Short Film Festival | 2002 | Prizren | International | Annual | http://dokufest.com/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Riga International Fantasy Film Festival | 2003 | Riga | Special interest | A biennial showcase of science fiction, thriller and horror films, held on odd years, alternating with the Riga International Film Festival. | |
Riga International Film Festival | 1986 | Riga | International | Also known as "Arsenals", the biennial festival is held on even years, alternating with the Riga International Fantasy Film Festival. | |
Riga International Film Festival 2ANNAS | 1996 | Riga | International | A Film festival held every year with international and Baltic competition programs for both short and feature films. | http://www.2Annas.lv |
Short Riga | 2015 | Riga | International | Short film competition within Riga International Film Festival. International and Baltic programmes. Held in October. | http://shortriga.rigaiff.lv |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
VIFF Kino Pavasaris | 1995 | Vilnius | International | Independent films from all over the world. | http://www.kinopavasaris.lt/ |
European Film Forum Scanorama | 2003 | Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai | International | Presenting arthouse films from all over Europe. | http://www.scanorama.lt/ |
International Animated Film Festival Tindirindis | 2004 | Vilnius | International | Animated Films | http://www.tindirindis.lt/english.html |
Vilnius Documentary Film Festival | 2005 | Vilnius | International | Documentary | http://www.vdff.lt/en |
Šeršėliafam | 2006 | Vilnius | International | Women Film Festival | http://serseliafam.com/ |
Žiemos Ekranai (Écrans d’hiver) | 2006 | Vilnius | International | French Film Festival | http://www.ziemosekranai.lt/ |
Vilnius Film Shorts | 2006 | Vilnius | International | Short Films | http://filmshorts.lt/en/ |
ADHOC: Inconvenient Films | 2007 | Vilnius | International | Documentary focusing on human rights | http://www.nepatoguskinas.lt/en/website |
Kaunas International Film Festival | 2007 | Kaunas | International | films with wide international recognition | http://www.kinofestivalis.lt/en |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Festival CinEast (Festival du Film d'Europe Centrale au Luxembourg) | 2008 | Luxembourg City | International | New film productions from Central and Eastern Europe. | http://www.cineast.lu/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Manaki Brothers Film Festival | 1979 | Bitola | International | Official competition for Cinematographers | http://www.manaki.com.mk |
WatchOut! | 2012 | Tetovo | International | International Festival | http://www.watchoutfilmfestival.com/ |
Skopje Film Festival | 1997 | Skopje | International | International Festival | http://www.skopjefilmfestival.com.mk/ |
Cinedays | 2002 | Skopje | International | International Festival of European Films | http://www.cinedays.com.mk/ |
MakeDOX | 2010 | Skopje | International | International Festival of Documentary Film | http://www.makedox.mk/ |
Asterfest | 2006 | Strumica | International | Festival of Film Authors | http://asterfest.mk |
Giffoni Macedonia | 2013 | Skopje | International | Young Audience Film Festival | http://giffoni.mk/ |
Animax Skopje Fest | 2011 | Skopje | International | Festival of Animation Film | http://animaxskopjefest.mk |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Valletta Film Festival | 2015 | Valletta | International | Held Annually in June | http://www.vallettafilmfestival.com/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Monaco Film Premiere | 2006 | Monte Carlo | Special interest | Charity screenings of new films. | http://www.tendance-lifestyle.com |
Monaco International Film Festival | 2003 | Monte Carlo | Special interest | The festival focuses on non-violent films. | http://www.monacofilmfest.com/ |
Monaco Music Film Festival | 2006 | Monte Carlo | Special interest | Celebrates film and the music of film. | http://www.monacofilm.org/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website | |
Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival | Amsterdam | Special interest | Fantasy, horror, anime, thriller, cult, science fiction | http://www.afff.nl/ | ||
Amsterdam Film Festival | 2006 | Amsterdam | Special interest | International, independent films and screenplays | https://www.amsterdamfilmfestival.com/ | |
Amsterdam Film eXperience | 2006 | Amsterdam | Special interest | New Media, cross-over, animation, interaction, experimental, installations | http://www.amsterdamfilmexperience.com/ | |
Africa In The Picture | Amsterdam | Special interest | African cinema | |||
Arab Film Festival | Rotterdam | Special interest | Arab cinema and Arab filmmakers | |||
Arab Women's Film Festival | The Hague | Special interest | http://www.arabwomensfilmfestival.nl | |||
Black Soil | The Hague | Special interest | Hip-hop films | |||
BuitenBeeld | Doesburg | Special interest | short films | http://www.buitenbeeld-doesburg.nl/buitenbeeld/welkom/ | ||
B-movie Underground and Trash Film Festival | Breda | Special interest | B-movie, Underground, Trash | http://www.butff.nl/ | ||
Cinekid | Amsterdam | Special interest | Film, television and new media for children | http://www.cinekid.nl | ||
CinemAsia Film Festival | Amsterdam | Special interest | Asian films | http://www.cinemasia.nl | ||
Deaf in the Picture | Amsterdam | Special interest | Films about/for deaf people | |||
Dejima Japanese Film Festival | Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht | Special interest | Japanese films | http://www.dejimafilmfestival.nl/en/ | ||
Dutch Mountain Film Festival | Heerlen, Maastricht, ] | Special interest | Mountain films | http://www.dmff.eu/ | ||
Festival Vrouwenfilms Assen | 1980 | Assen | National | Held annually in March | http://www.festivalvrouwenfilms.nl/ | |
Go Short International Short Film Festival | 2009 | Nijmegen | International | Held annually in March. | http://www.goshort.nl/ | |
Himalaya Film Festival | Amstelveen | Special interest | ||||
Indies Film Festival | Amsterdam | Special interest | Films about the Dutch East Indies | |||
INPUT Festival | 2005 | Hilversum | Documentaries | Films focused on current affairs & sports | http://inputfestival.nl | |
International Film Festival Breda | 2009 | Breda | International | Held annually end March. The focus of the festival is cinema and its influence on current visual culture, with links between films, internet, photography, performance and gaming | http://www.filmfestivalbreda.com/ | |
ShortCutz Amsterdam | 2013 | Amsterdam | Special interest | Annual short film festival, honoring the best Dutch talent in short-film achievements. | https://www.shortcutznetwork.com/ | |
International Film Festival Rotterdam | 1972 | Rotterdam | International | Held annually in January and February, featuring independent and experimental films. | http://www.filmfestivalrotterdam.com/ | |
International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam | 1988 | Amsterdam | Special interest | http://www.idfa.nl/ | ||
Jewish Film Festival | Amsterdam | Special interest | ||||
KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival | 2007 | Amsterdam | International | Held annually in November, featuring short animated films. | http://www.klikamsterdam.nl// | |
Latin American Film Festival | Utrecht | Special interest | http://www.laff.nl | |||
Leiden International Film Festival | Leiden | International | http://www.leidsfilmfestival.nl/ | |||
Leiden International Short Film Festival | Leiden | Special interest | Short Films | http://www.lisfe.nl/ | ||
Netherlands Film Festival | 1982 | Utrecht | Regional | Feature films, short subjects, documentaries, television drama | http://www.filmfestival.nl | |
Netherlands Online Film Festival | Special interest | Drama, documentary, experimental, animation, interactive | ||||
Noordelijk Film Festival | 1978 | Leeuwarden | International | http://www.noordelijkfilmfestival.nl | ||
Pluk de nacht | 2003 | Amsterdam | International | Open air film festival focusing on art house, short films and media art. Held annually in August. | http://www.plukdenacht.nl | |
SCENECS International Debut Film Festival | 2006 | Amersfoort | International | Held annually in November. | http://www.scenecs.com/ | |
Transcreen | Amsterdam | Special interest | Transgender Film Festival | |||
Pink Film Days | Amsterdam | Special interest | Gay films | |||
Film by the Sea | 1998 | Vlissingen | International | Held annually, usually in September. | http://www.filmbythesea.nl | |
SOMNIO Film Festival | 2011 | Alkmaar | International | Film festival of the non-distributed film: feature films, documentaries, experimental films, short subjects. Held annually in June or September. | http://www.somniofilmfestival.nl/index.html | |
Young Art Korte Film Award (YAKFA) | 2009 | Beverwijk | Special interest | Short film festival for young filmmakers. Held annually in July. | http://www.yakfa.nl |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Bergen International Film Festival | 2000 | Bergen | International | Held annually in October. | http://www.biff.no/ |
Films from the South Festival | 1991 | Oslo | International | Held annually in October. | http://www.filmfrasor.no/ |
Fredrikstad Animation Festival | 1994 | Fredrikstad | Nordic and Baltic | Held annually in November. | http://www.animationfestival.no/ |
The Norwegian Short Film Festival | 1978 | Grimstad | Special interest | Devoted to short- and documentary films. Held annually in June. | http://www.kortfilmfestivalen.no/ |
Norwegian International Film Festival | 1973 | Haugesund | International | Held annually in August. | http://www.filmweb.no |
Norway Tamil Film Festival Awards | 2010 | Oslo | International | Held annually in April. | http://www.ntff.no/ |
Kosmorama Trondheim International Film Festival | 2004 | Trondheim | International | Held annually. | http://www.kosmorama.no |
Oslo International Film Festival | 1991 | Oslo | International | Held annually in November. | http://www.oslofilmfestival.com/ |
Oslo Screen Festival | 2008 | Oslo | International | Held biannually in March. | http://www.screenfestival.no/ |
Ramaskrik Oppdal | 2011 | Oppdal | Horror and fantasy | Held annually in October. | http://www.ramaskrik.no/ |
Skeive Filmer | 1991 | Oslo | Special interest | Devoted to queer cinema. Held annually in September. | http://www.oglff.org/ |
Tromsø International Film Festival | 1991 | Tromsø | International | Held annually in January. | http://www.tiff.no/ |
WT Os International Film Festival | 1999 | Os | International | Devoted to independent film. | http://www.wt-festivalen.no wt-festivalen.no |
ØyaKino | Oslo | Special interest | Devoted to music-related films. | http://www.oyafestivalen.no/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
American Film Festival | 2010 | Wrocław | International | American cinema | www.americanfilmfestival.pl |
Afrykamera | 2006 | Warsaw | International | African cinema | www.afrykamera.pl |
ANIMATOR International Animation Festival | 2008 | Poznań | International | Animator-Poznań Festival, the first edition of which coincides with the Year of Polish Animation, is to become the major animation festival in Poland, competing with the most prestigious festivals in the world. A special emphasis on the connections between animation and music is a unique characteristic of ANIMATOR. | animator-festival.com |
The International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino! | 1969 | Poznań | International | The International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino! has been founded for young and very young people who treat the cinema as a journey into the unknown, a challenge and a thrilling adventure. It shows films which avoid cultural and commercial clichés. Each year, there are a number of films for children and young people which, thanks to their sincerity, artistry and original outlook on the world of the young generation, escape excessive didacticism or mindless entertainment. | alekino.com |
The Art of the Document | 1984 | Warsaw | International | Multimedia Festival. | http://www.artofdocument.pl |
Black Bear Filmfest | 2013 | Warsaw | International | Genre Festival. | http://www.bbff.pl |
The International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography CAMERIMAGE | 1993 | Toruń, since 2000 Łódź, since 2010 Bydgoszcz | International | http://www.pluscamerimage.pl/ | |
International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima | 1994 | Kraków, | International | http://www.etiudaandanima.com/ | |
Era New Horizons Film Festival (since 2001) T-mobile New Horizons Film Festival (since 2011) | 2001 | Sanok, Cieszyn, Wrocław | International | http://www.eranowehoryzonty.pl | |
Zubroffka Short Film Festival | 2005 | Białystok, | International | http://www.zubroffka.bok.bialystok.pl | |
Filmy Świata Ale Kino+ | 2005 | Warszawa | International | World cinema | www.filmyswiata.pl |
International Cycling Film Festival | 2012 | Częstochowa | Special interest | Annual festival in Poland and Germany for bicycle related films | http://www.cyclingfilms.de/ |
KAN Film Festival | 1999 | Wrocław | Special interest | Formal name is the Amateur and Independent Film Festival KAN; held annually around the end of April. | http://www.kan.art.pl/ |
Kraków Film Festival | 1960 | Kraków | Special interest | Annual festival dedicated to documentary, animation and other short film forms. | http://www.kff.com.pl/ |
Planete Doc Film Festival | 2004 | Warsaw | International | One of the biggest documentary film festivals in Europe. Held annually in May. | http://www.docreview.pl/ |
Spotkania z Filmem Górskim | 2007 | Zakopane | Mountain film | first half of September | |
Sputnik Russian Film Festival | 2007 | Warszawa | International | Russian cinema | www.sputnikfestiwal.pl |
Tofifest International Film Festival | 2005 | Toruń | International | World cinema | www.tofifest.pl |
Warsaw International Film Festival | 1984 | Warsaw | International | Held annually in October. | http://www.wff.pl |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Algarve International Film Festival - FICA | 1971 | Portimão | International | Held annually in Spring. | http://www.algarvefilmfest.com/ |
Arouca Film Festival | 2003 | Arouca | International | An international festival for independent films. | http://www.aroucafilmfestival.com/ |
ART&TUR | 2008 | Barcelos | International Tourism Film Festival | Held annually in September or October | http://www.tourfilm-festival.com |
Avanca International Film Festival | 1997 | Avanca | International | Held annually in July. | http://www.avanca.com/ |
Black&White | 2004 | Oporto | International | An international festival for black-and-white films. | http://festin-festival.com/ |
Caminhos do Cinema Português | 1988 | Coimbra | Special Interest | An international festival for Portuguese films. | http://www.caminhos.info/ |
Cinanima | 1976 | Espinho | Special Interest | An international festival for animated films. | http://cinanima.pt/ |
Cinema Bioscoop | 2012 | Lisboa | Special Interest | An international festival for Dutch speaking films. | http://cinemabioscoop.pt/ |
Curtas Vila do Conde - International Film Festival | 1993 | Vila do Conde | International | Held annually in the first week of July. | http://festival.curtas.pt |
Festival Córtex | 2009 | Sintra | National and International Shortfilm Competition] | Held annually in February | http://www.festivalcortex.com |
Doclisboa | 2004 | Lisbon | Special interest | An international film festival for documentaries. | http://www.doclisboa.org |
Douro Film Harvest | 2009 | Douro | International | Held annually in September | http://www.dourofilmharvest.com |
Évora International Short Film Festival (FIKE) | 2001 | Évora | Special interest | Held annually in November, the competition section is open to international short films, animation, fiction and documentaries up to 40 minutes. No entry fee. | http://www.fikeonline.net/ |
Estoril Film Festival | 2006 | Estoril | International | Held annually in November, the competition section is open to international films, animation, fiction and documentaries | http://www.estoril-filmfestival.com/ |
Faial Filmes Fest | 2005 | Faial Island | Special Interest | An international festival for Portuguese films. | http://www.azoresfilmfestival.org/ |
Fantasporto | 1982 | Porto | Internacional | Fantasy, horror, action and science-fiction festival. | http://www.fantasporto.com/ |
FEST-International Youth Film Festival | 2004 | Espinho | International | Yearly festival held in late June dedicated to young filmmakers | http://www.fest.pt/ |
Festa do Cinema Francês | 1999 | Lisbon, Almada, Oporto, Guimarães, Faro, Coimbra | Special interest | An international festival for French films. | http://www.festadocinemafrances.com/ |
FESTin - Festival de Cinema Itinerante da Língua Portuguesa | 2010 | Lisbon | International | An international festival for Portuguese speaking films. | http://festin-festival.com/ |
Festival Bragacine | 2003 | Minho | International | An international festival for independent films. | http://www.bragacineindependente.com/ |
Festival Temps d'Images | 2003 | Lisbon | International | An international festival for independent films. | http://www.tempsdimages-portugal.com/index.html |
Festróia - Tróia International Film Festival | 1985 | Setúbal | Special interest | Held annually during the first week in June, the competitive section is open to films from countries producing less than 30 features per year. | http://www.festroia.pt/ |
Funchal International Film Festival | Madeira | International | http://www.funchalfilmfest.pt | ||
IndieLisboa International Film Festival | 2004 | Lisbon | Special interest | An international film festival for independent movies. | http://www.indielisboa.com/ |
Lizbon Gay ve Lezbiyen Film Festivali | 1996 | Lizbon | Special interest | Dedicated exclusively to screening gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and transsexual themed films. | http://queerlisboa.pt |
Madeira Film Festival | 2012 | Madeira | Nature / Environment | Creating awareness of the Laurisilva forest through the persuasive strength of audio-visual communication. Held in late April (2013) or the first week in May at the Teatro Municipal, Funchal and the nearby Reid's Palace Hotel, MFF is a competitive festival with the Laurisilva Award presented to the best short, feature, documentary and nature orientated films. Also includes live music, expeditions to the forests and fashion show. | http://www.madeirafilmfestival.com/ |
MONSTRA | 2000 | Lisbon | Special interest | An international festival for animated films. | http://www.monstrafestival.com/ |
MOTELx | 2007 | Lisbon | Special interest | An international festival for horror films. | http://www.motelx.org/ |
Olhares do Mediterrâneo - Cinema no Feminino | 2014 | Lisbon | Special interest | An international film festival for films made by women of Mediterranean countries. | http://www.olharesdomediterraneo.org/ |
8 1/2 - Festa do Cinema Italiano | 2008 | Lisbon, Funchal, Coimbra, Guimarães, Oporto | Special interest | An international festival for Italian films. | http://www.festadocinemaitaliano.com/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
ALTER-NATIVE | 1993 | Târgu Mureş | Special interest | International short film festival. | http://www.madisz.ro |
Anim'est | Bucharest | Special interest | International animation film festival | http://www.animest.ro | |
Anonimul | 2004 | Sfântu Gheorghe, Tulcea | Special interest | International independent film festival. | http://www.festival-anonimul.ro |
Astra Film Festival | 1993 | Sibiu | International | Sibiu International Festival of Documentary Film | http://www.astrafilm.ro |
Comedy Cluj | 2009 | Cluj-Napoca | International | International Comedy Film Festival | http://www.comedycluj.ro/ |
DaKINO | Bucharest | Special interest | http://www.dakino-filmfestival.ro | ||
Filmul de Piatra | 2008 | Piatra Neamț | Special interest | Short film festival. | http://www.filmuldepiatra.ro/ |
Gay Film Nights | 2004 | Cluj-Napoca | Special interest | Lesbian and gay film festival | http://www.beanangel.ro/sfg |
Iaşi International Film Festival | 2009 | Iaşi | International | http://www.iasifilmfest.ro/ | |
IPIFF | Constanţa | Special interest | The Independent Producers International Film Festival | http://www.ipiff.ro | |
International Digital Film Festival Kinofest | 2007 | Bucharest | International | Kinofest is the first digital film festival in Romania. Kinofest has the explicit goal of promoting young film-makers, artists and their work - film, music and visual art-wise; and also, to cultivate the interest in and promote the arts and media culture among the general public through independent film, video and new media making. | http://kinofest.com/ |
NexT Film Festival | 2007 | Bucharest | Special interest | International short film festival | http://www.nextproject.ro |
Pelicam International Film Festival | 2012 | Tulcea | International | Environmental film festival | http://www.pelicam.ro |
Spune pe scurt | Bucharest | Special interest | International online short film festival | http://www.spunepescurt.ro | |
Timishort | 2009 | Timişoara | Special interest | International short film festival. | http://www.timishort.ro |
Transilvania International Film Festival | 2002 | Cluj-Napoca | International | http://www.tiff.ro | |
Where is the love? | Bucharest | Special interest | International short film festival | http://www.whereisthelove.ro |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Festival of Festivals, St. Petersburg | 1993 | St. Petersburg | International | Held annually June 23-29th. Features several traditional screening sections as well as special prizes. | http://www.filmfest.ru/ |
Golden Minbar International Muslim Film Festival | 2005 | Kazan | International | First held in 2005 since then has been held annually. | http://www.mfmk.ru/ (in Russian, English, and Arabic) |
Kinotavr Film Festival | 1991 | Soçi | International | http://www.kinotavr.ru/ | |
KROK International Animated Films Festival | 1989 | Cities along the Volga or Dnieper rivers | Special Interest | International animation festival which is held in Russia on even years and in Ukraine on odd years. It takes place on a cruise ship and visits various cities. | www.krokfestival.com |
Message to Man | 1988 | Sankt Peterburg | International | International competitive festival for documentary, animated and short films | m2m.iffc.ru |
Moscow International Film Festival | 1935 | Moskova | International | First held in 1935, from 1959 to 1995 it was held every second year in July, and since 1995 has been held annually. | http://www.moscowfilmfestival.ru |
Moscow International Festival of Mountaineering and Adventure Films "Vertical" | 1996 | Moskova | Mountain film | April | http://www.8848.ru/ |
Open Russian Festival of Animated Film | 1996 | Suzdal | Special Interest | The only festival devoted to professional appraisal of domestic Russian animation. Films from Belarus and Ukraine are also often admitted. | suzdalfest.ru |
Russia's Family Short Film Festival | Galich | Special interest | |||
International Kansk Video Festival | 2002 | Kansk, Russia | International, Special Interest | The most innovative festival in Russia. It focuses on experimental, alternative, independent video and film shorts | |
International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival «Side by Side» | 2008 | Sankt Peterburg, Russia | International | This is international film festival, which raises issues of homosexuality, bisexual and transgender (dec. LGBT) | |
Faces of Love International Film Festival | 1993 | Soçi | International | First held in 1993. Focuses on films about love. | |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Kratki metar | 1959 | Belgrade | International | Screening documentary, experimental, short fiction, and short animated films. The festival has 2014 its 61. edition. | Link |
Filmski susreti | 1966 | Niš | National | Festival celebrating acting achievements in Serbian film. | Link |
FEST | 1971 | Belgrade | International | Conceptualized as "the festival of festivals". Screening a selection of award-winning films from recent top international festivals as well as currently trending films. Belgrade's best-known film festival. | Link |
Sopot Film Festival | 1972 | Sopot | National | Slobodarske filmske svečanosti. | Link |
Film Screenplay Festival | 1977 | Vrnjačka Banja | National | Festival honouring screenwriting achievements in Serbian film. | Link |
Alternative Film/Video Festival | 1982 | Belgrade | Special interest | Screening alternative and/or experimental films and videos. | Link |
Palić Film Festival | 1992 | Palić | International | "Golden Tower" award. Held annually in July. | Link |
International Festival of Ethnological Film | 1992 | Belgrade | Special interest | Held in Belgrade's Ethnographic Museum. | Link |
Festival autorskog filma | 1995 | Belgrade | International | Non-competitive festival screening auteur films. | Link |
Student Film Festival | 1999 | Belgrade | International | Student film competition. | Link |
Magnificent 7 Festival | 2005 | Belgrade | International | Non-competitive festival screening European feature documentary films. Held annually in January. | Link |
Balkanima | 2005 | Belgrade | International | European animated film festival. | Link |
Free Zone Film Festival | 2005 | Belgrade | International | Contemporary socio-politically conscious film. | Link |
TV FESTIVAL PRESS VITEZ/PRESS KNIGHT | 2006 | NoviSad, Zrenjanin, Belgrade | International | Short TV pieces, documentary, news, and of all other genres... | Link |
Serbian SciFi Festival | 2006 | Belgrade | National | Serbian science fiction film festival. | Link |
Interakcija Student Film Camp | 2006 | Zlatibor | International | Student film camp. | Link |
Cinema City | 2007 | Novi Sad | International | "Ibis" award | Link |
Animanima | 2007 | Čačak | International | Animation film festival. Main award - Zlatni štift | Link |
Bdenje duše | 2007 | Sremski Karlovci | National | Documentary and short film festival screening films dealing with history, culture, and spirituality. | Link |
Mini Film Festival | 2007 | Novi Sad | Regional | "Festival mini filma". Short films, up to 3 minutes. Held annually @ Radio Cafe | Link |
Küstendorf | 2008 | Drvengrad | International | Held annually in January. Short films enter competition for the festival main award - the Golden Egg. The festival is organized and run by Emir Kusturica. | Link |
BelDocs | 2008 | Belgrade | International | Documentary film festival. | Link |
Leskovac International Film Festival (LIFFE) | 2008 | Leskovac | International | ||
FreeNetWorld International Film Fest | 2008 | Niš | International | The best FNW film award. The best documentary film. The best animated film. The best fiction. The best music video/experimental film. Audience award. | Link |
Silafest | 2009 | Veliko Gradište / Silver Lake | Special interest | Tourist and ecological film festival. | Link |
Kratka Forma – The International Festival of Short Films | 2011 | Gornji Milanovac | National | Short film festival. | Link |
Bašta Fest – Short Film Festival | 2014 | Bajina Bašta | International | Short film festival, held annually in June/July. | Link |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Art Film Fest | 1992 | Trenčianske Teplice, Trenčín | International | Held annually in June | http://www.artfilmfest.sk |
ekotopfilm–International Festival of Sustainable Development Films | 1974 | Bratislava | International | Held annually in October. | http://www.ekotopfilm.sk/ |
Golden Beggar | 1995 | Košice | International | Annual festival and awards for local television programs | http://www.festival.sk/ |
International Film Festival Bratislava | Bratislava | International | Held annually in November | http://www.iffbratislava.sk | |
International Film Festival Cinematik | 2006 | Piešťany | International | Specialized on best European films | http://www.cinematik.sk |
Medzinárodný Festival Horských Filmov Poprad | 1993 | Poprad | Mountain film | second week of October | http://www.mfhf.sk/index.php?lang=uk |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Filofest | 2006 | Ljubljana | Special interest | International Student Film and Video Festival | http://www.filofest.com/ |
Ljubljana International Film Festival | 1989 | Ljubljana | International | http://liffe.si/ | |
Ljubljana Gay and Lesbian Film Festival | 1984 | Ljubljana | International | Gay and Lesbian film festival | http://www.ljudmila.org/siqrd/fglf/ |
Kino Otok | 2004 | Izola | International | http://www.isolacinema.org/ | |
Festival of Slovenian Film | 1998 | Portorož | Slovenian | http://www.fsf.si/ | |
ENIMATION Little Elephant - International Children and Youth Film Festival | 2011 | Maribor | International | http://enimation.si | |
Film Festival Novo Mesto | 2004 | Novo Mesto | Regional | http://www.klapa.si/festival/index.html | |
Grossmann Film and Wine Festival | 2005 | Ljutomer | Regional | http://en.grossmann.si/ | |
International Mountain Film Festival Domžale | 2007 | Domžale | Mountain film | April | http://www.imffd.com |
Ljubljana International Documentary film Festival | 1998 | Ljubljana | International | http://www.fdf.si/index.php/en/home | |
Ljubljana International Short Film Festival | 2009 | Ljubljana | International | http://lisff.blogspot.com/ | |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Alcances Film Festival of the Atlantic | Cádiz | ||||
Animac - Catalunya International Animation Film Festival | Lleida | Special interest | http://www.animac.cat | ||
Barcelona Asian Film Festival | 1999 | Barcelona | International | http://www.baff-bcn.org/ | |
Cinema Jove International Film Festival | Valencia | http://www.cinemajove.com/ | |||
Cryptshow Festival de Badalona | Badalona | http://www.cryptshow.com/ | |||
FCAT - African Film Festival of Cordoba | 2000 | Cordoba, Spain | African and Arab countries | Film competition, film screenings and industry-related conferences | http://www.fcat.es/ |
Festival de Cine de Sitges | 1967 | Sitges | Special interest | Festival for the fantasy, horror, science fiction, cult film and martial arts genres. | http://www.cinemasitges.com/ |
Festival de Cinema de Muntanya i Aventura de Torelló | 1983 | Torelló | Mountain film | third week in November | http://www.torellomountainfilm.cat |
Festival de Cine Internacional de Ourense | 1996 | Ourense | international independent film festival | yearly in spring | ouff.org |
FILMETS Badalona Film Festival | 1969 | Badalona | International | October, early November | http://www.festivalfilmets.cat |
Gijón International Film Festival | 1963 | Gijón | International | http://www.gijonfilmfestival.com/ | |
Granada Film Festival Cines del Sur | 2007 | Granada | International | http://www.cinesdelsur.com | |
Granada Short Film Festival | Special interest | http://www.filmfest-granada.com/ | |||
International Week of Fantastic Film | 1980 | Málaga | Special interest | http://www.fantastico.uma.es/ | |
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria International Film Festival | 2000 | Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | International | http://www.festivalcinelaspalmas.com | |
Málaga Spanish Film Festival | 1998 | Málaga | Spanish | Held annually in April | http://www.festivaldemalaga.com |
Marbella Film Festival | 2006 | Marbella | Independent cinema | http://www.marbellafilmfestival.com/ | |
MUCES | Segovia | International | Held annually in November | http://www.muces.es/ | |
Renderyard Film Festival | 2004 | Spain & London | International | Held annually in Spain and London, Renderyard showcases independent films, Animations, Documentaries and Music Videos. Founder of the Renderyard Film Award. | http://www.renderyard.com/ |
San Sebastián International Film Festival | 1953 | San Sebastián | International | Supervised by the FIAPF, the annual festival is one of the most important in Europe. | http://www.sansebastianfestival.com/ |
San Sebastián Horror and Fantasy Film Festival | 1989 | San Sebastián | Special interest | http://www.sansebastianhorrorfestival.com/ | |
San Sebastian Human Rights Film Festival | 2003 | San Sebastián | Special interest | http://www.cineyderechoshumanos.com | |
Seminci | 1956 | Valladolid | International | http://www.seminci.es/ | |
Seville Festival of European Cinema | Seville | International | http://www.festivaldesevilla.com/ | ||
Sintetitza International Short Film Festival of the Piyrenees | 2008 | Barcelona | International | http://www.sintetitza.cat/ | |
Barcelona International Audiovisual Festival (Former Barcelona International Television Festival) | 1997 | Barcelona | International | Organized by OETI, European observatory for children's television, the Festival is aimed at providing ethical content in audiovisual communication media in children and youth targeted television. | http://www.oeti.org/ |
Valencia Festival of Mediterranean Cinema | 1990 | Valencia | International | http://www.israelfilmcenter.org/israeli-film-database/films/urban-feel/awards/valencia-festival-of-mediterranean-cinema |
- See also: Calendar of film festivals in Spain.
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Arctic Light Film Festival | "late '80s" | Kiruna | also showing in villages | http://www.arcticlight.org/ | |
BUFF International Film Festival | 1984 | Malmö | Special interest | The International Children and Young People's Film Festival in Malmö takes its acronym from its Swedish name, Barn- och ungdomsfilmfestivalen | http://www.buff.se/ |
CinemaQueer International Film Festival | 2011 | Stockholm | Special interest | Swedens largest gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender film festival. | http://www.cinemaqueer.se |
Dövfilmfestival | Stockholm | ||||
Filmörnen | 1978 | Värmland | Special interest | Festival for Swedish short films | http://www.varmlandsfilmforbund.se/ |
Göteborg Uluslararası Film Festivali | 1979 | Göteborg | International | http://www.filmfestival.org | |
HBT-GBG | 2007 | Gothenburg | Special interest | Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender cultural festival. | http://www.hbt-gbg.se/ |
Luleå Filmfestival | Luleå | http://www.luleafilmfestival.se | |||
Lund International Fantastic Film Festival | 1995 | Lund | Special interest | Annual festival of fantasy, horror and science fiction. | http://www.fff.se/ |
Malmö Arab Film Festival | 2011 | Malmö | Special interest | Europe's largest film festival on Arab Cinema and a platform for collaboration between the Nordic and Arab film industries | http://www.maffswe.com/ |
Norrköping Film Festival Flimmer | 1998 | Norrköping | International | Held annually in October. | http://www.flimmer.nu |
PANORAMICA - Stockholm Latin American Film Festival | 2015 | Stockholm | Special interest | Stockholms first Latin American film festival, held annually in September. | http://www.panoramica.se |
Stockholm International Film Festival | 1990 | Stockholm | International | Held annually in November. | http://www.filmfestivalen.se |
ONECLOUDFEST | 2011 | Stockholm | International | Held annually. | http://www.onecloudfest.com/ |
Uppsala International Short Film Festival | 1982 | Uppsala | Special interest | Held annually in late October. | http://www.shortfilmfestival.com/ |
Umeå International Short Film Festival | 2011 | Umeå | http://www.umeafilmfest.com/ | ||
International Random Film Festival | 2009 | Garpenberg | International | The festival is held annually in a randomly selected location. Selection process is random as well. | http://www.randomfilmfest.com/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Videoex | 1998 | Zurich | International | Experimental film and video festival. | http://www.videoex.ch/ |
Cinéma Tout Ecran | Geneva | International | Film and television festival. | http://www.cinema-tout-ecran.ch/ | |
Geneva International Jewish Film Festival | Geneva | International | Film and television festival. | http://www.gijff.org/ | |
Festival dei Festival | 1993 | Lugano | Mountain film | beginning of June | http://www.festival-dei-festival.ch/ |
Lausanne Underground Film and Music Festival | 2000 | Lausanne | Special interest | Film and music festival devoted to underground culture. | http://www.luff.ch |
Locarno International Film Festival | 1946 | Locarno | International | Held annually in August. | http://www.pardo.ch/ |
Locarno Short Film Festival | Locarno | International | Held annually in December. | http://www.lsff.ch/ | |
Lucerne International Film Festival | 2010 | Lucerne | International | Held annually in October. | http://www.lucernefilmfestival.com/en/ |
Mobile Motion Film Festival | 2014 | Zurich | International | First will be held in 2015. | http://momofilmfest.com/ |
Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival | 2000 | Neuchâtel | Special interest | Annual genre festival for fantasy, horror, sci-fi and cult films. | http://www.nifff.ch/ |
Pink Apple Film Festival | 1997 | Zurich / Frauenfeld | Special interest | The biggest gay, lesbian and transgender film festival in Switzerland. | http://www.pinkapple.ch/ |
Queersicht | 1997 | Bern | Special interest | The oldest LGBT film festival in Switzerland. | http://www.queersicht.ch/ |
shnit international shortfilmfestival | 2003 | Bern | Special interest | Held annually in October. | https://www.shnit.org/ |
Solothurn Film Festival | 1966 | Solothurn | Swiss Film | Held annually in January, the film festival is the most important festival for Swiss cinema. | http://www.solothurnerfilmtage.ch/ |
Visions du réel | Nyon | Special interest | Annual documentary festival. | http://www.visionsdureel.ch/ | |
European Student Film Festival | 2009 | Les Sciernes/Gruyère | Special interest | Annual high school students movie festival and workshops | http://www.esff.org/ |
Zurich Film Festival | 2005 | Zurich | International | International film festival. | http://zff.com/en/home/ |
Molodist | 1970 | Kyiv | International | The oldest and the most well-known Ukrainian film festival | http://www.molodist.com/ |
Kyiv Film Festival | 2009 | Kyiv | International | Another Ukrainian film festival held in Kyiv | |
Kyiv International Short Film Festival | 2012 | Kyiv | International | Short films festival | |
Kinolev | 2006 | Lviv | Special Interest | Short films festival | |
Odessa International Film Festival | 2010 | Odessa | International | The widest and most popular festival in Ukraine | http://www.oiff.com.ua/ |
KROK International Animated Films Festival | 1989 | Cities along the Volga or Dnieper rivers | Special Interest | International animation festival which is held in Russia on even years and in Ukraine on odd years. It takes place on a cruise ship and visits various cities. | http://www.krokfestival.com/?ver=eng |
Pokrov Film Festival | 2003 | Kyiv | International | International festival of Christian Orthodox cinema | |
Vidkryta Nich (Open Night) | 1997 | Kyiv | Special Interest | Festival of Ukrainian debut short films | |
Kharkiv Siren Film Festival | 2008 | Kharkiv | International | International festival of short feature films | |
VAU-Fest | 2010 | Ukrainka, Kyiv oblast | International | International Video Art and Short Film Festival | |
Kinofront | 2008 | Lviv | Special Interest | Festival of Ukrainian Z and indie movies | |
Docudays UA | 2003 | Kyiv | International | International human rights documentary film festival | |
Contact Film Festival | 2005-2007 | Kyiv | International | International documentary film festival | |
Berdiansk International Film Festival "Golden Brigantine" | 2011 | Berdiansk | International | Festival of cinema made in Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltic countries | |
Irpin Film Festival | 2003 | Irpin | International | International noncommercial festival of alternative cinema | |
Golden Pektorale | 2010 | Truskavets | International | ||
Crown of Carpathians | 2009 | Truskavets | International | ||
Mute Nights Festival | 2010 | Odessa | Special Interest | International silent film festival which is held in Odessa on the third week on June. | http.mutenightsfestival.com |
Kino-Yalta | 2003 | Yalta | Special interest | Festival organized together with the Russian government | |
Stozhary | 1995 | Kyiv | Special interest | An actors' film festival, in which actors' performances on film are the focus of jury assessment and awards. | http://stozhary.kiev.ua/ |
Wiz-Art | 2008 | Lviv | International | International short film festival | http://wiz-art.ua/festival |
Sebastopol International Film Festival | 2005-2009, 2011 | Sevastopol | International |
United Kingdom
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
3 Short Online Film Festival | Special interest | http://www.3shortfilmfestival.com | |||
Aesthetica Short Film Festival | 2011 | York | Independent Film | Annual festival screening films 25 minutes and under - all genres represented. Competition, special events, master classes. | http://www.asff.co.uk/ |
Amplitude Film Festival | 2012 | Bude, Devon | Special Interest | Extreme sports and alternative sports film festival. Categories for Ocean Culture, Mountain Culture, Urban Culture and Spirit of Adventure | http://www.amplitudefilmfestival.com/ |
Angel Film Festival | Islington | ||||
Bath Film Festival | 2012 | Bath, Somerset | Previews | Features Docs and Shorts film festival. Categories for Art & Design, Sci-Fi, Bath Debuts | http://www.bathfilmfestival.org.uk |
Behind the Curtain: Eastern European Film Festival | 2015 | Birmingham | International Films & Events | Eastern European and Features and Shorts film festival | http://behindthecurtain.eu/ |
Birds Eye View | London | Special interest | For emerging women directors. | http://www.birds-eye-view.co.uk | |
Bloomsbury Park Film Festival | 2006 | London | Independent film | Held annually at University of Westminster in Camden Town and on the green at Regents Park Bloomsbury London. | http://bloomsburyparkfilmfestival.mosaicglobe.com/ |
Borderlines Film Festival | 2003 | Herefordshire, Shropshire | International, UK and local films and events | Rural film festival held annually in late February or early March | http://www.borderlinesfilmfestival.co.uk/ |
Brazilian Film Festival of London | 2009 | London | Brazilian Cinema | Held annually in London. | |
British Student Film Festival | 2012 | London, Newcastle, Liverpool, Bristol | Student Independent Film | Held annually in various British cities | http://www.britishstudentfilm.co.uk |
British Horror Film Festival | 2010 | London, Bournemouth | Independent Film | Held annually in Leicester Square, London | |
British Urban Film Festival | 2005 | London | Independent film | Also called BUFF, the festival is held every year around September | http://www.buffenterprises.co.uk |
Cambridge Film Festival | 1977 | Cambridge | Annual festival, 3rd oldest in the UK after London and Edinburgh | Public festival. | http://www.cambridgefilmfestival.org.uk/ |
Cambridge International Super 8 Festival | 2007 | Cambridge | Annual festival dedicated to films shot using the Super 8 format | Competition and special programmes. | http://www.Cambridge-super8.org/ |
Colchester Film Festival | 2012 | Colchester, Essex | Independent film | International, UK, and local films alongside filmmaking workshops and masterclasses | http://colchesterfilmfestival.com/ |
Commonwealth Film Festival | 2001 | Manchester | International festival dedicated to films shot within the Commonwealth | Competition and special programmes | http://www.commonwealthfilm.com/ |
Cornwall Film Festival | 2002 | Cornwall | Annual festival celebrating Cornish and international filmmaking, showcasing short and feature-length films from around the world. | Competition and special programmes | http://www.cornwallfilmfestival.com/ |
Cornwall Horror Festival | 2014 | Cornwall | Annual festival of short horror films from around the world. | Competition. | http://www.cornwallhorrorfest.com/ |
Durham Student Film Festival | 2012 | Durham | Student Flm | Annual festival held each February to celebrate worldwide student filmmaking. | http://www.durhamstudentfilm.co.uk/durham-film-festival/ |
Encounters Short Film Festival | 1994 | Bristol | Annual festival dedicated to short films and animation | Competition and special programmes. | http://www.encounters-festival.org.uk/ |
East End Film Festival | 1991 | London | Independent film | International, UK, and local East London films alongside music and industry events | http://www.eastendfilmfestival.com |
End Of The Pier International Film Festival | 2004 | South Coast | Independent film | International, UK, and local South Coast films. Short Film Competition | http://www.eotpfilmfestival.com |
Falstaff International Film Festival | 2009 | Stratford-upon-Avon | International | Held annually in November. | http://www.fiff.org.uk |
The Filmic Film Festival | Manchester | Special interest | Abstract, Unconventional and Stylised Film | Coming Soon | |
Family Friendly Film Festival | 2005 | Manchester | Special interest | Held annually, the festival is aimed at children and young adults. | http://www.familyfriendly.org.uk |
FilmLab Festival | 2010 | London | Student films | Held annually, the festival promotes short films by students and recent graduates. | http://www.filmlabfestival.co.uk |
FilmKit Film Festival | 2014 | London | Special interest | An annual festival focused on new filming techniques and abstract film. | http://www.film-kit.com/ |
Film Africa | 2008 | London | African film | 10 days of more than 50 of the best African fiction and documentary films from across the continent. | http://www.filmafrica.org.uk |
Flatpack Film Festival | 2006 | Birmingham | International | Held annually in March. | http://www.flatpackfestival.org/ |
Flip Animation Festival | 2004 | Wolverhampton | International | Held annually in October. | http://www.flipfestival.co.uk/ |
FrightFest | 2002 | London | Special interest | Annual horror and fantasy festival. | http://www.frightfest.co.uk/ |
From Page to Screen Festival | 2011 | Bridport | Special interest | Celebrates and rewards excellence in film adaptation of books, affiliated with the Bridport Prize fiction competition. | http://www.frompagetoscreen.org.uk/ |
Heart of England International Film Festival | 2008 | Tamworth | The friendly international one | Annual event catering for all film genres with global film-making input. | http://www.heartofenglandinternationalfilmfestival.com/ |
Insight Film Festival | 2007 | Manchester | International | Biennial, interfaith festival for short films on the theme of 'faith' | http://www.insightfestival.co.uk |
I Will Tell international film festival | 2007 | London | International | focussed on issues of social, economic and environmental justice and equity. | http://www.jerichofilms.com/iwilltell |
Kendal Mountain Film Festival | 1980 | Kendal | Mountain film | third weekend in November | http://www.mountainfilm.co.uk/ |
Leeds International Film Festival | 1986 | Leeds | International | Largest film festival in England outside London. | http://www.leedsfilm.com/ |
Leeds Independent Film Festival - No Gloss | 2012 | Leeds | Independent | No Gloss Film Festival - Leeds' independent film festival. Celebrating independent, DIY, unconventional film-making & low / no budget films. | http://www.noglossfilmfestival.co.uk/ |
Let's All Be Free Film Festival | 2013 | London | International | A film festival dedicated to exploring what it means to be free. | http://www.labfff.com |
London Asian Film Festival | 1999 | London | International | Held annually in spring at the BFI or BAFTA. | http://www.tonguesonfire.com |
London Independent Film Festival | 2007 | London | International | Held annually to support independent fu=ilms and screenplays | http://www.liff.org/ |
London Film Festival | 1956 | London | International | Held annually by the British Film Institute and sponsored by The Times newspaper. | http://www.lff.org.uk/ |
London Fashion Film Festival | 2014 | London | International | Held annually by the London Fashion Film Festival. | http://www.lfff.co.uk/ |
London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival | 1986 | London | International | Held annually by the British Film Institute. | http://www.bfi.org.uk/llgff/ |
London Turkish Film Festival | 1993 | London | International | Selection of Turkish features, documentaries and short films, with many UK premieres and directorial debuts. | http://www.ltff.co.uk |
Manchester Film Festival | 2015 | Manchester | International | http://www.maniff.com/ | |
Meniscus Film Festival | 2001 | Grimsby | International | Held annually by film fans, filmmakers and volunteers. | http://www.meniscusfilms.com/ |
moves - International Festival of Movement on Screen | 2004 | Liverpool | International | Largest exhibition platform for experimental short film and screen based video works centred around movement on screen. Annual festival (April time) | http://www.movementonscreen.org.uk/ |
Norwich Film Festival | 2009 | Norwich | International | Predominantly short films, with awards for student films, animated films and documentaries. | http://www.norwichfilmfestival.co.uk/ |
onedotzero | London | Special interest | Worldwide digital short film festival. | http://www.onedotzero.com | |
One Voice Youth Film Festival | 2009 | Bournemouth | Youth films | Held annually for aspiring filmmakers in Dorset aged up to 25. | http://www.onevoicefestival.com |
Peckham Free Film Festival | 2010 | London | Community | Free indoor and outdoor film events in community locations across the SE15 district of London. | http://www.freefilmfestivals.org/ |
Pennine Film Festival | 2006 | Lancashire | Community | Exhibitor and all-round film education resource for the independent film. | http://www.penninefilm.com/ |
Rainbow Film Festival (Shropshire Lesbian & Gay Film Festival) | 2006 | Shrewsbury, Shropshire | Special interest | An annual festival featuring films from around the world with a lesbian and gay context. | http://www.rainbowfilmfestival.org.uk/ |
Raindance Film Festival | 1993 | London | Special interest | A festival for independent films, the festival is also the founder of the British Independent Film Awards. | http://raindance.co.uk/ |
Renderyard Film Festival | 2004 | London | International | Held annually in London and Spain, Renderyard showcases independent films, Animations, Documentaries and Music Videos. Founder of the Renderyard Film Award. | http://renderyard.com/ |
Rob Knox Film Festival | 2007 | London | International | Held annually in London Borough of Bexley, Rob Knox Film Festival showcases independent films, all genres and lengths. | http://bexley.gov.uk/ |
Sahar International short Film Festival | 2014 | Greater Manchester | Independent | Independent shorts, Up to 20 Minutes | http://saharfilmfestival.wix.com/sahar-film-festival/ |
Salford Film Festival | 2004 | Salford | Independent | Premieres, Features and shorts | http://www.salfordfilmfestival.org.uk/ |
Sefton Short Film Festival | 2004 | Liverpool | Special interest | Annual short film festival | http://www.s2f2.org.uk/ |
Sirius Film Festival | 2014 | Loughborough | Short | International independent films | http://www.sirius-film.com |
St Albans Film Festival | 2013 | St Albans | International | Short films under twenty minutes | http://www.stalbansfilmfestival.com/ |
Strawberry Shorts (film festival) | 2004 | Cambridge | International | Local, national and international independent films under 20 minutes | http://www.strawberry-fair.org.uk/film.php |
Super Shorts International Film Festival | 2003 | London | International | For films under twenty minutes | http://www.supershorts.org.uk/ |
Terracotta Far East Film Festival | 2008 | London | East Asian | Selection of new films from Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong and Thailand. | http://terracottafestival.com/ |
The End of the Pier International Film Festival | 2002 | West Sussex | Special interest | An independent film festival, it shows work by local filmmakers, as well as international shorts and features. | eotpfilmfestival.com |
The Monthly Film Festival | 2015 | Glasgow | International | An online international short film, trailer and screenplay festival that runs every month. | themonthlyfilmfestival.com |
UK Green Film Festival | 2011 | Nationwide | International | The UK Green Film Festival is an annual celebration of environmental films from around the world. | http://www.ukgreenfilmfestival.org |
Watersprite | 2010 | Cambridgeshire | International | Entirely student-run, this international student film festival is held in Spring at the University of Cambridge. Its competition is free to enter and the festival is free to attend and open to all. Regularly puts on huge line-up of speakers as well as showcasing some of the best emerging talent from around the world. | http://www.watersprite.org |
Witney Film Festival | 2009 | Oxfordshire | International | An independent film screening shorts and feature films from local, national and international filmmakers, 2012 saw the expansion to a five-day festival. | http://www.witneyfilm.com |
Wood Green International Short Film Festival | 2002 | London | International | Annual short film festival | http://www.woodgreenfilmfest.com |
Wirral International Film Festival | Liverpool | International | Annual film festival | http://www.wirralfilmfestival.com/ |
Northern Ireland
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Belfast Film Festival | Belfast | http://www.belfastfilmfestival.org/ | |||
CineMagic | 1988 | Belfast | Special interest | Children's film festival. | http://www.cinemagic.org.uk/ |
Mid Ulster Film Festival | 2004 | Omagh | International first time film makers | http://www.midulsterfilmfestival.com/ | |
UK Green Film Festival | 2011 | Nationwide | International | The UK Green Film Festival is an annual celebration of environmental films from around the world. | http://www.ukgreenfilmfestival.org |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Africa in Motion | 2006 | Edinburgh | African cinema | Held annually towards the end of October, the festival features films from all over the African continent. | http://www.africa-in-motion.org.uk/ |
Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival | 2010 | Hawick | International | Takes place annually in autumn in the Scottish Borders, specialising in feature films and moving image art relating to landscape and nature | http://www.alchemyfilmfestival.org.uk |
CineFringe Film Festival | 2010 | Edinburgh | Short film | Taking place in August during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, CineFringe is the primary film event at the festival | |
Dead by Dawn | 1993 | Edinburgh | Special interest | Held annually in April, the festival showcases independent, short and feature horror films. | http://www.deadbydawn.co.uk/ |
Deep Fried Film Fesitival | 2004 | Coatbridge | International | Held annually in August, the festival showcases films from around the globe. | http://www.deepfriedfilm.org.uk/ |
Dundee Mountain Film Festival | 1983 | Dundee | Mountain film | last weekend of November | |
Edinburgh International Film Festival | 1947 | Edinburgh | International | The longest continuously running film festival in the world, taking place annually in June. | http://www.edfilmfest.org.uk |
Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival | 2003 | Edinburgh | International | This lively festival takes place each October and screens adventure films from across the globe. | http://www.emff.co.uk |
Edinburgh Short Film Festival | 2005 | Edinburgh | International | Derived from the Leith Short Film Festival, the festival runs in June screening high quality Scottish, UK & International shorts alongside lively networking events | http://www.edinburghshortfilmfestival.com/ |
French Film Festival UK | 1992 | Edinburgh | French and French-language films | Held in November and December | http://frenchfilmfestival.org.uk/wp/ |
Glasgow Film Festival | Glasgow | http://www.glasgowfilm.org/festival | |||
UK Green Film Festival | 2011 | Nationwide | International | The UK Green Film Festival is an annual celebration of environmental films from around the world. | http://www.ukgreenfilmfestival.org |
Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival | 2007 | Scotland, International | Mental Health | Takes place annually in October aiming to support the arts and challenge preconceived ideas about mental health. | http://www.mhfestival.com/ |
Name | Est. | City | Type | Details | Website |
Abertoir | 2006 | Aberystwyth | Special interest | Held annually in October, showcasing both independent and Hollywood horror films, some unreleased. | http://www.abertoir.co.uk/ |
beyondTV | Swansea | ||||
Cardiff Film Festival | Cardiff | http://www.cardifffilmfestival.co.uk/ | |||
Flaneur Film Festival | Fishguard | A complete indie film festival in an iPhone app | http://www.flaneur.me.uk/film-festival/ | ||
Llanberis Mountain Film Festival | 2004 | Llanberis | Special interest | Biennial | llamff.co.uk |
UK Green Film Festival | 2011 | Nationwide | Nationwide | The UK Green Film Festival is an annual celebration of environmental films from around the world. | http://www.ukgreenfilmfestival.org |
Zoom International Young People's Film Festival | 2006 | Rhondda Cynon Taff-national | Ages 8–25, held annually in March. | http://www.zoomcymru.com |
Dış bağlantılar
- Movie festivals and events worldwide at the Internet Movie Database
- International Film Festival Database
- FilmFestivals.com
- Ominous Events: The Horror Fests and Cons Database
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